Russia Import Data of Rods under HS Code 9018908409

Check Russia import data of rods under HS code 9018908409. Get import data of Russia for HS code 9018908409

Date HS Code Product Description Trademark Origin Country Quantity Unit Net Weight [KGS] Total Value [USD] Importer Name
26/Sep/2017 9018908409 Tools and equipment used in veterinary medicine. Spins for pigs LITTLE, performing as a sliding steel rods and hinges AS LASSO at one end, used for catching and USMERENIYA animals not forged, not stamped, NOT WITH *** VIETNAM 137 PC 65.375 734,34 View Importer
06/Sep/2017 9018908409 Installation tool retainer SPINE "SPINE STRIKER" (STRYKER SPINE): 1) rods (VID 245,700) CODE 874 002 - 2 PCS, RCD 874 009 - 2 SHT.IZGOTOVLEN FROM MEDICAL SPECIAL STEEL CO TOOTHING and stops. Serves to expand the intervertebral 5) *** UNITED STATES 2,34 *** 2.34 4557,64 View Importer

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