cUkraine 100 Fo Imports under HS Code 8511 from Russia

Ukraine 100 Fo Imports under HS Code 8511 from Russia

Lookup Ukraine 100 fo imports under HS code 8511 from Russia. Search 100 fo import data under HS code 8511 from Russia.

Date HS Code Product Description Origin Country Quantity Net Weight [KGS] Total Value [USD] Importer Name
27/Apr/2017 8511100098 1.SVICHKA DVYHUNAVNUTRISHNOHO plugs for combustion ISKROVYMZAPALYUVANNYAM CAR F7LDCR0.9 art.0241235751-10sht. ZAPALYUVANNYADLYA internal combustion engine IGNITION ZISKROVYM AVTOMOBILYAF7LTCR1.0SUPER art.0241235752-10sht. art.0241235752-10sht. art.0241235752-100sht.SVIChKA plugs for internal combustion engines with spark ZAPALYUVANNYAMAVTOMOBILYA FLR8LDEU 1.0 art.0242229654-40sht.SVIChKA DVYHUNAVNUTRISHNOHO plugs for combustion spark ignition CAR FR 6 LES art.0242240659-10sht.SVIChKA plugs for internal combustion engines with ISKROVYMZAPALYUVANNYAM VEHICLE FR 8 + KC art.0242229798-10sht. art.0242229798-10sht.SVIChKAZAPALYuVANNYa for internal combustion engines with spark ignition AVTOMOBILYAFR 8 SC + art.0242229923-1sht. art.0242229923-1sht.SVIChKA DVYHUNAVNUTRISHNOHO plugs for combustion spark ignition CAR FR6DCX 1.1 art.0242240539-8sht. art.0242240539-12sht. art.0242240539-30sht.SVIChKA kindle YUVANNYA DLYADVYHUNA internal combustion spark ignition CAR FR6DE 0.8 art.0242240593-10sht. art.0242240593-10sht. art.0242240593-50sht.SVIChKA IGNITION DLYADVYHUNA internal combustion spark ignition CAR FR6KDC + art.0242240648-4sht. art.0242240648-6sht. art.0242240648-10sht.SVIChKA IGNITION DLYADVYHUNA internal combustion spark ignition CAR FR7DEX 1.1 art.0242235667-60sht. art.0242235667-90sht. art.0242235667-110sht.SVIChKA ZAPALYUVANNYADLYA internal combustion engines with spark ignition CAR FR7KCX + 1.1art.0242236541-10sht.SVIChKA plugs for internal combustion engines ZISKROVYM car ignition FR7LDE 1.0 art.0242235668-30sht. art.0242235668-30sht. art.0242235668-50sht. art.0242235668-110sht.SVIChKA ZAPALYUVANNYADLYA internal combustion engines with spark ignition CAR FR8DEX 1.1art.0242229660-30sht. art.0242229660-40sht.SVIChKA DVYHUNAVNUTRISHNOHO plugs for combustion spark ignition CAR FR8HC 0.8 art.0242229590-10sht.SVIChKA plugs for internal combustion engines with ISKROVYMZAPALYUVANNYAM CAR FR8LC0.7 art.0242229712-10sht. art.0242229712-10sht. art.0242229712-10sht.SVIChKA plugs for internal combustion engines with ISKROVYMZAPALYUVANNYAM FR8LCX art.0242229576-10sht.SVIChKA VEHICLE IGNITION DLYADVYHUNA internal combustion spark ignition CAR FR9 LCX 1.1SUPER art.0242225580-10sht. art.0242225580-10sht.SVIChKA DVYHUNAVNUTRISHNOHO plugs for combustion spark ignition CAR HR6DE 0.8 art.0242240591-10sht.SVIChKA plugs for internal combustion engines with ISKROVYMZAPALYUVANNYAM CAR HR8MCV art.0242229785-40sht. art.0242229785-40sht.SVIChKAZAPALYuVANNYa for internal combustion engines with spark ignition plugs for AVTOMOBILYAW7DTC0.8SUPER art.0241235756-10sht.SVIChKA internalcombustion MOTOR VEHICLE spark ignition WR6BC0.7 art.0242240561-20sht.SVIChKAZAPALYuVANNYa for internal combustion engines with spark ignition A RUSSIA ***** 98.262 1312.099842 View Importer
24/Apr/2017 8511100098 1.Fitynhy plastic (polibutilentereftalat) for pneumatic systems: art. KQ2LE10-00A-5pcs. Art. KQ2F06-G01A-10pc. Art. KQ2S04-M5N-50sht. Art. KQ2H07-09A-17sht. Art. KQ2H06-M5A-20pcs. Art. KQ2H07-09A-3pc. Art. KQ2UD06-02AS-10pc. Art. KQ2L06-00A-10pc. Art. KQ2R10-12A-10pc. Art. KQ2S04-M5A-100 pieces. Art. KQ2L04-M5N-40sht. Art. KQ2U04-00A-30sht. Art. KQ2T16-00A-30sht. Art. KQ2R10-16A-25sht. Art. KQ2U16-00A-5pcs. Art. KQ2R06-04A-10pc. Art. KQ2S04-M5N-30sht. Art. KQ2S06-01AS-20pcs. Art. KQ2S10-02AS-10pc. Manufacturer SMC PneumatikKrayina production SGTorhovelna brand SMC. RUSSIA ***** 25.008 323.4800122 View Importer
24/Apr/2017 8511900090 1.MASTYLO for brake systems A / M VTYUBYKAH IN 100g (composition: mineral MASLO87-97% 3-8% thickener, filler DOBAVKY0-5%) SURERFIT 100 ML art.5000000150-36sht.Vyrobnyk ROBERT BOSCH brand BOSCHKrayina production GMBHTorhovelna DE. RUSSIA ***** 0.9 95.27740849 View Importer
20/Apr/2017 8511900090 "1.Chastyny ​​appliances. For zapalyuvan tion or engine start vnutrishnohozhorya ting to the a / m general purpose industrial assembly not motornyhtranspor tnyh means: slider distribution ignition VAZ 1.9.1-150sht; bihunokrozpodilennya VAZ1.9.3-100sht plugs, ignition distribution slider GAS 1.9.5-300sht; bihunokrozpodilennya HAZ1.9.6-400sht plugs, ignition slider distribution эbr 334-250sht R VAZ, GAZ bihunokrozpodilennya ignition эbr 338-325sht R, R slider distribution zapalyuvannyaHAZ эbr 340-325sht, slider ignition distribution Эbr 094-150sht VAZ, GAZ ignition bihunokrozpodilennya 3 эbr 097-300sht, slider distribution zapalyuvannyaHAZ эbr 098-150sht, slider distribution ignition эbr 099-1800sht GAS, GAS bihunokrozpodilennya эbr 100-300sht plugs, ignition slider distribution VAZэbr 102-300sht, slider distribution ignition эbr 169-150sht GAZ, VAZ 1.8.1-840sht kryshkarozpodilennya plugs, ignition VAZ1.8.3-175sht cap distribution, cap w ignition zpodilennya GAS 1.8.5-555sht; kryshkarozpodilennya ignition HAZ1.8.6-380sht; cap shares ignition VAZ R эkr 329-315sht; kryshkarozpodilennya ignition GAS R эkr 331-396sht; cover distribution zapalyuvannyaHAZ R эkr 332-1494sht; cap shares ignition VAZ эkr 084-180sht; kryshkarozpodilennya ignition AZLK эkr 086-84sht; Ignition cover distribution HAZэkr 087-480sht; GAS shares ignition cover эkr 088-585sht; kryshkarozpodilennya ignition VAZ эkr 092-150sht; Producer: Ltd. "" Citron "" trademark-TSN, country of production-RU " RUSSIA ***** 924.711 7943.889148 View Importer
19/Apr/2017 8511100098 1.SVICHKA plugs for combustion DVYHUNAVNUTRISHNOHO ISKROVYMZAPALYUVANNYAM CAR FLR8LDEU 1.0art.0242229654-50sht.SVIChKA ZAPALYUVANNYADLYA internal combustion engine ZISKROVYM car ignition FR 6LES art.0242240659-10sht.SVIChKAZAPALYuVANNYa internalcombustion for engines with spark ZAPALYUVANNYAMAVTOMOBILYA FR + 8 KTC art.0242229799-10sht. DVYHUNAVNUTRISHNOHO spark plug for spark ignition combustion CAR FR + 8 SC art.0242229923-2sht.SVIChKA plugs for internal combustion engines with ISKROVYMZAPALYUVANNYAM CAR FR6DCX 1.1 art.0242240539-10sht.S ICHKA IGNITION DLYADVYHUNA internal combustion spark ignition CAR FR6DE 0.8 art.0242240593-100sht.SVIChKA plugs for internal combustion engines with ISKROVYMZAPALYUVANNYAM CAR FR7DCXE1.1 4pcs art.0242235913-20sht.SVIChKA ZAPALYUVANNYADLYA internal combustion engines with spark ignition CAR HR 7 DCX + Art .0242236560-10sht.SVIChKA plugs for internal combustion engines ZISKROVYM car ignition HR6DE 0.8 art.0242240591-10sht.SVIChKAZAPALYuVANNYa for internal combustion engines with spark ignition AVTOMOBILYAHR7DE 0.8 art.0242235661-10sh t.SVIChKA plugs for internalcombustion MOTOR VEHICLE spark ignition HR8DE 0.8 art.0242229655-20sht. art.0242229655-30sht.SVIChKA plugs for internal combustion engines with ISKROVYMZAPALYUVANNYAM HR8MCV + CAR IGNITION art.0242229902-3sht.SVIChKA DLYADVYHUNA internal combustion spark ignition CAR WR6DCE0.8 4ShTart.0242240849-10sht.SVIChKA plugs for internal combustion engines ZISKROVYM car ignition WR7BCE 0.8 art.0242229779-10sht.SVIChKAZAPALYuVANNYa for internal combustion engines with spark ignition AVTOMOBILYAWR7DCE0.8 4pcs art.0242235909-10sht. art.0242235909-20sht.SVIChKA IGNITION DLYADVYHUNA internal combustion spark ignition CAR WR7DCXE 4ShTart.0242235915-16sht. art.0242235915-20sht. art.0242235915-76sht.SVIChKA ZAPALYUVANNYADLYA internal combustion engines with spark ignition CAR WR8DE 0.8art.0242229656-20sht.SVIChKA plugs for internal combustion engines ZISKROVYM car ignition WR8DEX art.0242229687-10sht. ROBERT BOSCH art.0242229687-10sht.Vyrobnyk GMBHTorhovelna mark BOSCHKrayina production RU RUSSIA ***** 59.003 723.3700748 View Importer
18/Apr/2017 8511300098 "1.Elektroprylady. For ignition engine s internal combustion spark zapalennyamvi d, distributors, coils zapalyuvan tion, not for industrial skladannyamotorny's vehicles to the a / m purpose: sensor-distributor 24.3706A2 - 72sht sensor-distributor 038.3706-10 - 10pc sensor-distributor 040.3706 - 6 pieces, datchyk- distributor 1908.3706 - 168sht, ignition coil 2112-3705010-12 - 99sht, 405.3705-03 -56sht ignition coil, ignition coil 406.3705 - 288sht, ignition coil 408.3705 - 30sht, ignition coil B116 -02 - 1002sht, ignition coil B116-03 - 18sht, vyr.ZAT "" OATЭ "" country of production - RU, trademark - SOATЭ.. " RUSSIA ***** 1473.354 16305.25378 View Importer
14/Apr/2017 8511100098 1.SVICHKA DVYHUNAVNUTRISHNOHO plugs for combustion ISKROVYMZAPALYUVANNYAM CAR W9AC 0.7 art.0241225549-110sht. ZAPALYUVANNYADLYA internal combustion engine IGNITION ZISKROVYM AVTOMOBILYAF7LTCR1.0SUPER art.0241235752-20sht.SVIChKA DVYHUNAVNUTRISHNOHO plugs for combustion spark ignition CAR WR8DE 0.8 art.0242229656-30sht.SVIChKA plugs for engines of internal combustion ISKROVYMZAPALYUVANNYAM FR8DEX 1.1 art.0242229660-10sht.SVIChKA VEHICLE IGNITION DLYADVYHUNA internal combustion spark ignition CAR HR8MCV art.0242229785-370sht. art.0242229785-590sht.SVIChKA DVYHUNAVNUTRISHNOHO plugs for combustion spark ignition CAR WR7DE 0.8 art.0242235663-10sht.SVIChKA plugs for internal combustion engines with ISKROVYMZAPALYUVANNYAM FR7DEX 1.1 art.0242235667-10sht.SVIChKA VEHICLE IGNITION DLYADVYHUNA internal combustion spark ignition CAR FR7LDE 1.0 art.0242235668- 100sht.SVIChKA plugs for internal combustion engines with ISKROVYMZAPALYUVANNYAM WR7DEX art.0242235707-10sht.SVIChKA VEHICLE IGNITION DLYADVYHUNA internal combustion spark ignition CAR FR7DCXE1 .1 4ShTart.0242235913-10sht.SVIChKA plugs for internal combustion engines ZISKROVYM car ignition WR6DE 0.8 art.0242240592-10sht.SVIChKAZAPALYuVANNYa for internal combustion engines with spark ignition AVTOMOBILYAFR 6 LES art.0242240659-10sht.Torhovelna mark BOSCHVyrobnyk ROBERT BOSCH GMBHKrayina production RU RUSSIA ***** 107.32 1400.700091 View Importer
11/Apr/2017 8511100098 1.SVICHKA plugs for combustion DVYHUNAVNUTRISHNOHO ISKROVYMZAPALYUVANNYAM cars HR7MEV 1.19 art.0242236633-10sht.SVIChKA IGNITION DLYADVYHUNA internal combustion ISKROVYMZAPALYUVANNYAM CAR F7LDCR0.9 art.0241235751-10sht. art.0241235751-50sht. plugs for internal combustion engines ZISKROVYM car ignition F7LTCR1.0SUPER art.0241235752-10sht. art.0241235752-60sht. art.0241235752-100sht.SVIChKA DVYHUNAVNUTRISHNOHO plugs for combustion spark ignition CAR F8DC4 0.8 art.0241229713-10sht.SVIChKA plugs for internal combustion engines with ISKROVYMZAPALYUVANNYAM CAR FLR8LDEU 1.0 art.0242229654-80sht. plugs for internal combustion engines ZISKROVYM car ignition FR 6 LES art.0242240659-20sht. art.0242240659-20sht.SVIChKA plugs for internal combustion engines with auto ISKROVYMZAPALYUVANNYAM FR AT 7 HC + art.0242236565-240sht. art.0242236565-264sht.SVIChKA plugs for internal combustion engines with spark ZAPALYUVANNYAMAVTOMOBILYA FR + 7 KC art.0242236561-10sht. art.0242236561-10sht. art.0242236561-10sht. art.0242236561-10sht. art.0242236561-30sht.SVIChKA IGNITION DLYADVYHUNA internal combustion spark ignition CAR FR + 7 LCX art.0242236542-20sht. art.0242236542-50sht.SVIChKA plugs for internalcombustion MOTOR VEHICLE spark ignition FR + 8 KTC art.0242229799-10sht. art.0242229799-20sht.SVIChKA plugs for internal combustion engines with ISKROVYMZAPALYUVANNYAM FR5DC 0.8 art.0242245536-20sht.SVIChKA VEHICLE IGNITION DLYADVYHUNA internal combustion spark ignition CAR FR6DCX 1.1 art.0242240539-10sht. art.0242240539-10sht. art.0242240539-10sht. art.0242240539-10sht.SVIChKA plugs for internal combustion engines with spark ZAPALYUVANNYAMAVTOMOBILYA FR6DE 0.8 art.0242240593-50sht. art.0242240593-50sht. art.0242240593-50sht. art.0242240593-80sht. art.0242240593-90sht. art.0242240593-70sht.SVIChKA plugs for internal combustion engines with spark ZAPALYUVANNYAMAVTOMOBILYA FR6KDC + art.0242240648-20sht.SVIChKA DVYHUNAVNUTRISHNOHO plugs for combustion spark ignition CAR FR7DCXE1.1 4pcs art.0242235913-10sht. art.0242235913-10sht.SVIChKA plugs for internalcombustion MOTOR VEHICLE spark ignition FR7DE 0.8 art.0242235666-140sht. art.0242235666-200sht.SVIChKA plugs for internal combustion engines with ISKROVYMZAPALYUVANNYAM CAR FR7DEX 1.1 art.0242235667-10sht. art.0242235667-30sht. art.0242235667-320sht. art.0242235667-480sht.SVIChKA plugs for internal combustion engines with ISKROVYMZAPALYUVANNYAM FR7HC + CAR IGNITION art.0242235983-10sht.SVIChKA DLYADVYHUNA internal combustion spark ignition CAR FR7KCX + 1.1art.0242236541-10sht. art.0242236541-10sht. art.0242236541-10sht. art.0242236541-10sht.SVIChKA IGNITION FOR MOTOR RUSSIA ***** 375.514 5510.480154 View Importer
10/Apr/2017 8511900090 "1. Parts of generators and starters for internal combustion engines for trucks: - art. ST142 - 3708091 - crosspieces starter - 100 pieces - art. H6582 - 3701100 - stator generator - 10pc - art. 1312 - 3,771,080 - 10 - Schetkoderzhatel generator - 20pcs, Manufacturer: OAO "" bug "" profile "" ZYT ""; Country of origin: RU, trade mark, bug, there is no data. " RUSSIA ***** 28 353.4181718 View Importer
04/Apr/2017 8511900090 "1.Zapasni parts for a / m GAS (of equipment start-ICE): Tips candle 402.3707230-100shtTorhovelna HAZVyrobnyk brand profile" "AVTOZHHUT" "Country of RU." RUSSIA ***** 5 43.3400794 View Importer
03/Apr/2017 8511100098 1.SVICHKA plugs for combustion DVYHUNAVNUTRISHNOHO ISKROVYMZAPALYUVANNYAM F7LDCR0.9 art.0241235751-10sht.SVIChKA VEHICLE IGNITION DLYADVYHUNA internal combustion ISKROVYMZAPALYUVANNYAM CAR F7LTCR1.0SUPERart.0241235752-20sht.SVIChKA ZAPALYUVANNYADLYA internal combustion engine ZISKROVYM car ignition W7DTC0.8SUPER art.0241235756- 10sht.SVIChKA plugs for engines of internal spark ignition ZHORYANNYAZ CAR FLR8LDEU 1.0 art.0242229654-10sht.SVIChKAZAPALYuVANNYa for internal combustion engines with spark ignition AVTOMOBILYAFR8DEX 1.1 art.02422296 60-10sht.SVIChKA plugs for internalcombustion MOTOR VEHICLE spark ignition WR8DEX art.0242229687-10sht.SVIChKAZAPALYuVANNYa for internal combustion engines with spark ignition AVTOMOBILYAWR7BCE 0.8 art.0242229779-10sht.SVIChKA plugs for internalcombustion MOTOR VEHICLE spark ignition HR7DE 0.8 art.0242235661 -10sht.SVIChKAZAPALYuVANNYa for internal combustion engines With CPI ROVYM AVTOMOBILYAWR7DE 0.8 art.0242235663-100sht.SVIChKA IGNITION IGNITION internalcombustion for engines with spark ignition CAR FR7DE 0.8 art.0242235666 -100sht.SVIChKA plugs for internal combustion engines with spark ZAPALYUVANNYAMAVTOMOBILYA FR7DEX 1.1 art.0242235667-30sht.SVIChKA DVYHUNAVNUTRISHNOHO plugs for combustion spark ignition CAR FR7LDE 1.0 art.0242235668-40sht.SVIChKA plugs for internal combustion engines with ISKROVYMZAPALYUVANNYAM CAR WR7DEX art.0242235707 -10sht.SVIChKA IGNITION DLYADVYHUNA internal combustion spark ignition CAR FR7DCXE1.1 4ShTart.0242235913-10sht. art.0242235913-20sht.SVIChKA DVYHUNAVNUTRISHNOHO plugs for combustion spark ignition CAR WR7DCXE 4pcs art.0242235915-8sht.SVIChKA plugs for internal combustion engines with ISKROVYMZAPALYUVANNYAM CAR FR7HC + art.0242235983-1sht.SVIChKA DVYHUNAVNUTRISHNOHO plugs for combustion spark ignition CAR FR 7 KC + art.0242236561-10sht.SVIChKA plugs for internal combustion engines with ISKROVYMZAPALYUVANNYAM CAR FR 7 HC + art.0242236565-10sht.SVIChKA IGNITION DLYADVYHUNA internal combustion spark ignition CAR FR6DE 0.8 and t.0242240593-10sht.SVIChKA plugs for internal combustion engines with ISKROVYMZAPALYUVANNYAM CAR FR6KDC + art.0242240648-10sht.Torhovelna mark BOSCHVyrobnyk ROBERT BOSCH GMBHKrayina production RU RUSSIA ***** 29.608 393.9201558 View Importer
01/Apr/2017 8511900090 1.Zapchastyny ​​for a / m WHA new: 2108-3701301 back cover generator 2108 90 sht2108-3701100 generator stator 2108 20 sht2101 Rem-t pulling relay 2101 200 2110 kt2110-3701470 brushes generator / o 100 sht2101-3701200 generator rotor 2101 20 2108 sht2108-3701200 generator rotor 16 pcs. RUSSIA ***** 83.6 416.3280639 View Importer
01/Apr/2017 8511500098 1.Zapchastyny ​​for a / m WHA new: 2101-3701005 Generator 2101 b / 100 sht2105-3701005 Generator 2105 b / 20 sht2108-3701010-04 Generator 2108 b / 100 pcs. RUSSIA ***** 660 3418.799737 View Importer

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