Ukraine Import Data of 100 Fo under HS Code 8515900000

Check Ukraine import data of 100 fo under HS code 8515900000. Get import data of Ukraine for HS code 8515900000

Date HS Code Product Description Origin Country Quantity Net Weight [KGS] Total Value [USD] Importer Name
27/Apr/2017 8515900000 "1.Chastyny ​​machines for welding contact tips mag.1.0 45 mm type" "R" "art.TET01068 -100sht. Contact Tips mag.1.2-1.3 45 mm type" "R" "Art. TET01297-300sht. Separate burner type (Tube) art. ATU01042-1sht.Torhovelna brand: PanasonicKrayina production: JPVyrobnyk: Panasonic Welding Systems CO., Ltd. " JAPAN ***** 6 1258.395804 View Importer
27/Apr/2017 8515900000 "1.Party for welding devices: -The plug for the cable for the welding machine 25mm2 - 10pcs; - The welding torch TW-14 type Bester 3m - 2pcs; - Clip 160A - 10pcs; - Torch tip for welding TW15 0,8 - 100pcs; - tip for welding TW15 d. 1,0 - 100pcs; - wire feeder for 2-roller for a welding machine - 1pc; - hose package for a welding torch 16mm / 3m - 2pcs .; - Hose package for a welding torch 25mm / 3m - 2pcs. Trademark: no dataProducer: TECWELD. " POLAND ***** 11 203.6972153 View Importer
24/Apr/2017 8515900000 "1. Electric filament lamps with other voltage not exceeding 100 V, intended for replacement in infrared analyzers MinInfra Smart-T Plus: halogen lamp WA-8208-001, 12V / 1.67A, art.C00188-1; Manufacturer: INFRACONT Muszeripari Kft .; Brand: Infracont; Country of production: MX. " CZECH REPUBLIC ***** 0.5 193.0562403 View Importer
19/Apr/2017 8515900000 "1.Components for welding equipment: cathode art.T-8605-40p; cutting cutter 15-25mm art.A-1235-30pcs; protection, fur 100A art.T-9832-20s; T100 / T100M repair kit of the plasma torch head art. T-10473-2; The cutting tip 20-35 mm Art.A-1164-5; The cutting tip 20-35 mm Art.A-1164-10; The screen 130Art.T-9839-10; The electrode, the oxygen art T-0083-50pcs Electrode 340A, O2art.T-2846-50pcs; Electrode BEVEL 340A, O2 art.T-3842-50pcs; Nozzle 260A O2, BEVEL, CCW art.T-2928-50pcs; Invertor 340A, O2, CCW art.T- 3539-30pcs; Nozzle 1.0 mmart.HG11.150-10pcs; Nozzle 1.5mm art.HG11.152-10pcs; Nozzle 1.8mmart.HG11.153-10pcs; Plasmatron head, machine art.T-8926 -1; pipe-cooling 20-2 00A art.T-11222-5s; Protection 45/65 / 85A, manual art.T-11406-10p; Nozzle 1,7 mm art.HG10.154-20p; Nozzle 1,7 mm art.HG10.154-30pcs Electrode 40A, 200A, Art.T-3926-100; Swirler 105A, Art.T-11930-10, Nozzle, 1.4mm, 160Art.T-11357-100; Electrode 340A, O2, Art.T-2846-20; Electrode 40A / 60A / 80Art.T-8401-800p; Nozzle 60A art.T-8405-200 pieces; Nozzle 40A art.T-3891-100; Deflector 40A / 60A / 80A / 100A art T-4188-5; Nozzle 1.2mm 130A art.T-11356-100p; Nozzle 100A art.T-8892-300pcs;Electrode 100A art.T-8872-200; Protective cover 105A art.T-11422-10pcs; Protection 200A O2 / air / N2 art.T-11376-10s; Protective packing 45 / 130A air, 50 / 130A O2 art.T-11285-3; Nozzle 40A FINECUTart.T-9998-50pcs; Protection 45/65 / 85A, fur. Art.T-11404-30; Electrode 45Art.T-11236-300pcs; Nozzle 130A Air Art T-11306-100; Protection 130Aair / H35 / N2 artT-11284-10s; Nozzle 65A art.T-11377-500s;Protection - hand cutter art.T-11393-30pcs;Swirling 105A art.T-11930-10s; Nozzle 85Aart.T-11405-200; Protective cap 50-200A O2 / air / N2 art.T-11349-5; Cathode, SILVER PRO G015Y art.T-11859-50pcs; Electrode 130A air / O2 art.T-11304-50p; Nozzle - shielded art.T-11395-300pcs; Swirling cap 35 / 60Arth.T-11369-50pcs; Screen - machine cutting art.T-11398-10pcs; Electrode 100A, LONGLIFE art.T-4455-100; Electrode 40A / 60A / 80A LONGLIFE art.T-4454-50pcs; Nozzle 105Aart.T-11840-300sht;Cathode, SILVEREX-G002Y art.T-11225-10pcs;Nozzle 1.0 mmart.HG10.151-100pcs; Nozzle 1,7 mm art.HG10.154-40pcs; Nozzle 1.2 mm 130Art.HG10.148-70pcs; Nozzle 1.0 mm art.HG11.130-60pcs; Nozzle 80A art.T-3890-300p; Nozzle 0.8mm 60A art.T-11354-50pcs;Nozzle 1,5 mm art.HG11.132-10s; Nozzle 1,5 mmart.HG10.380-10pcs; Nozzle dual 1.8 mm HCP art.HG11.303 / C-10pcs; Nozzle 80Art.T-10935-50pcs; Nozzle 1.0 mm HCP Art.HG11.130 / C-20pcs; Twisters 45Art.T-11212-10s; T100 / T100M Repair kit of the plasma torch head art.T-10473-5; Nozzle 0,8 mm art.HG10.150-70pcs; T100M-2 body plasmatronun art.T-11291-3; Protective cover art.T-8641-1; Cap of nozzle art.T-8644-1; The vortexer - VESPELart.T-8618-1; Protective screen 3.0 art.T-8642-10pcs; Nozzle 1.0 mm HCPart.HG10.151 / C-30pcs; Nozzle 1.0 mm HCP art.HG10.151 / C-30pcs; Nozzle 45A, FCart.T-11845-50pcs; The swindler holder is art. T-11862-5; Nozzle 2.7 mmart.HG10.149-50pcs;Nozzle 2.7 mm art.HG10.149-20sht; Country of production - CZ Trademark - THERMACUT Producer - Thermacut, sro " CZECH REPUBLIC ***** 93.64 11525.12463 View Importer
18/Apr/2017 8515900000 "1.Komplektuyuchi to welding equipment, welding Torch B15 3,00m KZ-2art.002.0692.0-80sht, trailer M5 E-Cu 0,8 art.140.0037-50sht, trailer M6 / 0,8 / D = 8,0 / 28.0 50 pieces in a package art.140.0051.50-3000sht; KintsevykM6 / 0,8 / D = 6,0 / 25,0 50 pieces in a package art.140.0059.50-7000sht; KintsevykM6 / 1,0 / D = 8.0 / 28.0 50 pieces in a package art.140.0242.50-3000sht; KintsevykM6 / 1,0 / D = 6,0 / 25,0 50 pieces in a package art.140.0253.50-5000sht; KintsevykM8 / 1 0 / D = 10,0 / 30,0 50 pieces in a package art.140.0313.50-1000sht; KintsevykM6 / 1,2 / D = 8,0 / 28,0 50 pieces in a package art.140.0379.50-7000sht ; KintsevykM8 / 1,2 / D = 10,0 / 30,0 50 pieces in a package art.140.0442.50-5000sht; KintsevykM6 / 1,6 / D = 8,0 / 28,0 50 pieces in a package art.140.0555 .50-500sht; KintsevykM8 / 1,6 / D = 10,0 / 30,0 50 shtu art.140.0587.50-3000sht for a package, the trailer E-CUM6 / 0,8 / 24 D = 8/50. art.140.D101.50-500sht in packaging; nozzle konich.Vnutr.Diam.12art.145.0075 -1000sht; nozzle konich.vnutr.diam.16 84.0 mm art.145.0078-300sht, Case art.701.0207-60sht 2,4mm collet, cap long art.701.0247-10sht; Korpustsanhy2,4 art.701.0277-10sht mm; Case collet 1.6 mm large, with hazovoyulinzoyu art.701.1116-10sht; Tsang HL 3,2 to 49 mm SRT-18SC art.712.6064-10sht, Tsang HL 3,2 to 49 mm SRT-18SC art.712.6064-30sht; Tsang HL 3,2 to 49 mm SRT-18SCart.712.6064-10sht; HL Tsang 4.0 mm to 49 SRT-18SC art.712.6065-30sht; Krayinavyrobnytstva - CNTorhovelna mark - ABICOR BINZELVyrobnyk - KURT HAUFE Schweibtechnik GmbH & Co.KG " CHINA ***** 503.62 10810.54352 View Importer
18/Apr/2017 8515900000 "1.Components for the welding equipment: Kintsevik M8 / 1,2 / D = 10,0 / 30,0 50 pieces of the package art.140.0445.50-500s; Kintsevik M10 / 1,2 / D = 12,0 / 35, 0 CUCRZRart.140.0481-300px; Galactic M8 CuCrZr 2.0 Art.140.0656-300p; Endpoint M10CuCrZr 2.0 Art.140.0665-200; Insert for Mozzarka M8 / M6 35mm Art.142.0001-10p; Insert for M8 / M8 43mm art.142.0021-10p; Welding torch ABITIG-264m BIS-52 BCS-00 BLS-000 BHC-01 Art.396.6223-5pcs; Diameter Nozzles 1,1 / 30-50 Aart.742.D018-200pcs; Cathode diam 10.6 (x = 12.0) art.743.0441-30pcs; nozzle D = 1.2 / 50-70A art.745.D010-200p; nozzle D = 1.0 / 30-50A art.745.D018 -100pcs; Insulatorart.745.D020-10pcs; Head of plasma torch ABIPLAS 110 art.745.D025-2st; Nozzle diam 1.2 / 70A art.757.D037-200pcs; achok short ABITIG 500W art.775.0053.1-3sht, Country of origin - CZTorhovelna mark - ABICOR BINZELVyrobnyk - KURT HAUFE Schweibtechnik GmbH & Co.KG. " CZECH REPUBLIC ***** 43.42 2023.282211 View Importer
12/Apr/2017 8515900000 1.Zapasni parts for soldering: soldering jets - 100sht.Krayina production - TR. . TURKEY ***** 93 249.2401125 View Importer
06/Apr/2017 8515900000 "1. Components of welders, burner nozzle - 250 pcs., Nozzle welding machine - 50 pcs., Diffuser for welding apparatus - 100 pcs., Box for welding machine - 20 pcs .;." CHINA ***** 9.19 18.88015367 View Importer
05/Apr/2017 8515900000 "1. Components of welders, welding machine spare parts: nozzle - 340 pcs .; parts for welding machine: insert - 170 pcs., Spare parts welding machine, nozzle CUT 40 - 100 pcs., Spare parts welding machine, electrode CUT 40 - 200 pcs., spare parts welding machine: Swirl CUT 40 - 200 pcs .; parts for welding machine, collet 1.6 - 200 pcs .; parts for welding machine, collet 2.0 - 200 pcs., spare parts for welding system: collet 2.4 - 200 pcs .; parts for welding machine, collet body 1.6 - With 200 pcs .; pchastyny ​​for welding apparatus, collet body 2.0 - 200 pcs .; parts for welding machine, collet body 2.4 - 200 pcs., spare parts welding machine, wire holder - 10 pcs., spare parts welding machine: Holder board - 11 pcs., spare parts welding machine, welding machine building - 2 pcs .;. " CHINA ***** 136.6 280.1199589 View Importer
03/Apr/2017 8515900000 "1.Chastyny ​​Soldering, nozzle DX 111 outer diameter 2.5 mm, inner diameter 0,7mm length 25mm, art.T0051314199-2sht; nozzle DX 117 2,9mm outer diameter, inside diameter 1.5 mm, length 25 mm, art. T0051314799-2sht, sting LT a 1.6 mm tip size, length 13,5mm, art.T0054444010-5upak. (upak.10sht.) intended for mounting in cable anchorages payalnykuWSF / WSF2, art.T0058732878-3sht, DS116 outer nozzle 2,7mm diameter, inside diameter 1,2mm, length 24,5mm, art.T0051351699-1sht; nozzle 2.5 mm outside diameter DS115, inside diameter 1,2mm, length 24,5mm, art.T0051351599-1sht; DS113HM outer nozzle diameter 1,9m , Inside diameter 0,7mm length 18mm art.T0051353099-1sht, DS114 nozzle 3,3mm outer diameter, inside diameter 1,8mm length 18mm art.T0051351499-1sht, DS110 nozzle 1,9mm outer diameter, inner diameter 0 , 7mm, length 18mm art.T0051351099-1sht, sting LT A 1.6 mm tip size, length 13,5mm, art.T0054440311-2upak. (upak.100sht.) Country of origin - BA Manufacturer - WellerTorhovelna mark - Weller " BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA ***** 0.45 900.9414455 View Importer
03/Apr/2017 8515900000 "1.Komplektuyuchi to welding equipment: Protective sleeve art.002.0050-50sht, Burner 3.00 MB EVO 15 m. KZ-2 art.002.0709.1-50sht, Gus bend 50 MB 25AK hradart.004.0012-2sht, Box M14 / M6 / 51 art.004.D624.5-150sht, Gus burner RF GRAD art.004.D801.1-10sht 2545, Gus welding AT 255 T 45G X160 Y85 M6art.004.D831.1-5sht, Box M12 / M6 / 35 art.006.D719.5-200sht, Gus zvaryuvalnyyAT 155 T 45G X125 Y70 ST0,8-1,0 diam.12 art.006.D820.1-1sht; Hazorozpodilyuvach white art.012.0183-200sht, Torch MB EVO PRO 24 5.00 m. art.012.0373.1-5sht; Hazorozpodilyuvach art.013.0030-60sht; Hazorozpodilyuvach white art.014.0261-1000sht, Burner 3.00 MB EVO 36 m. art.014.0526.1-7sht; burner 5.00 MB EVO 36 3pc, Torch MB EVO PRO 36 4.00 m. Art.014.0530.1-10sht; PalnykMB EVO PRO 36 5.00 m. Art.014.0531.1-10sht, Box M16 / M8 / 52art.014.D745.5- 100 pieces, Box M16 / M6 / 52 art.014.D870-200sht; burner zvaryuvalnyyRF 36 3.00 m GRIP art.014.H221.1-20sht, Gus welding torch AT 305 / 355KTM 45G X185 Y95 M8 art.014.H363 .1-6sht; Goose welding torch AT 305 / 355KTM 45G X185 Y95 M8 art.014.H363.1-2sht; Insert Tr18x4 / M8 / 55 threaded in livustoronu art.016.D114-10sht; Insert Tr18x4 / M10 / 50L threaded into the left storonuart.016.D125-50sht; The transition piece diam.14,2 / 16.5 art.016.D141-20sht; Vstavkadlya trailer Tr18x / M10 / 60 art.016.D156.5-10sht; Goose welding torch RF45 45hr. H200 Y109 M8 art.017.D047.1-4sht; Insert the trailer for M16 M8 L45 M12x1RH MS under the trailer type Bintselya art.018.D139-100sht; Insert the M16 / M6 / 45 dlyakintsevyka art.018.D145-50sht; Clamping piece 3.8 M10h1 art.139.D005-4sht, trailer M6 / 0,8 / D = 6,0 / 25,0 E-CU art.140.0061-300sht; Box for nakin. M8 / M828mm art.142.0020-100sht; Box for nakin. M8 / M10x1 25mm art.142.0022-150sht; connectors for nakin. M10 / M10 / 40 art.142.0032-150sht; Nozzle konich.Vnutr.Diam.12,563,5 art.145.0080-200sht mm; M14 nozzle diameter. 16 art.145.D011-200sht; M14tsylindr nozzle. Dыam. 18 art.145.D014-10sht; M16 art.145.D021-200sht nozzle; M16Kart.145.D022-10sht nozzle; M16 cylindrical nozzle art.145.D024-10sht; M16tsylindrychne art.145.D024-10sht nozzle; M16K nozzle without poryttya art.145.D036-100sht; SoploTR 18x4 / diam.13 art.145.D243-10sht; Nozzle TR 18x4 / diam.19 art.145.D245-100sht, Cable trailer art.175.0022-60sht; MB GRIP handle art.180.0127-5sht; Rychazhokruchky 2-burner floor. The burner MB GRIP art.185.0101-15sht; Palnykzvaryuvalnyy ABITIG-26 4m BIS-52 BCS-00 BLS-000 BHC-01 art.396.6167-30sht, Welding Torch ABITIG-9 4m BIS-52 BCS-22 BLS-000 BHC-01 art.396.6217-1sht, Welding Torch ABITIG -26 12m BIS-52 BCS-00 BLS-000 BHC-01art.396.6222-1sht; Welding Torch ABITIG 450W 4m BIS-52 BCS-01 BLS-000BHC-11 art.396.6226-2sht; Welding Torch ABITIG 450W 8m BIS-52 BCS-01BLS-000 BHC-11 art.396.6227-2sht; Welding Torch ABITIG 450W 12m BIS-52BCS-01 BLS-000 BHC-11 art.396.6228-1sht; The plug during opresovki d15,8 / D17,3 / D18,7L = 30 art.400.0102-50sht; Strohach art.516.D001-6sht 10 K; Strohach K 12art.516.D002-5sht; Strohach T K16 3m art.516.D150-1sht; Corps" GERMANY ***** 606.08 16852.14149 View Importer
03/Apr/2017 8515900000 "1.Komplektuyuchi to welding equipment, trailer M8 / 0,8 / D = 10,0 / 30,0 50 shtukv art.140.0114.50-600sht package, trailer M6 / 1,0 / D = 8,0 / 28 0 50 pieces in paketiart.140.0242.50-2000sht, trailer M8 / 1,0 / D = 10,0 / 30,0 50 pieces in paketiart.140.0313.50-2000sht, trailer M6 / 1,2 / D = 8 0/50 28.0 pieces per paketiart.140.0379.50-5000sht, trailer M8 / 1,2 / D = 10,0 / 30,0 50 pieces in paketiart.140.0442.50-4000sht, trailer M8 / 1,6 / D = 10,0 / 30,0 50 pieces in paketiart.140.0587.50-1000sht, trailer M8 ECu 2.0 art.140.0653-300sht; trailer E-CUM6 / 0,8 / 24 D = 8/50 pcs. in art.140.D101.50-200sht package, trailer M6 ECu 0,8 dlyaalyum. art.141.0001-50sht wire, trailer M6 ECu 1.0 for alu. drotuart.141.0006-100sht, trailer M6 ECu 1.0 for alu. wire art.141.0007-10sht; ECu 1,2 M6 trailer for alu. art.141.0010-100sht Wire; Soplokonich.Vnutr.Diam.12 art.145.0075-1000sht; konich nozzle. diam.9,5art.145.0123-20sht, Tsang 1 , 6h52,0mm art.701.0172-30sht, Case 3,2mmart.701.0197-100sht collet, collet 2,4h25,4 mm art.701.0252-30sht, Tsang 2,0h25,4mmart.701.025 5-30sht; Case tsanhy1,6mm art.701.0276-20sht; Case tsanhy2,0mmart.701.0280-20sht; Case tsanhy1,6mm art.701.0307-10sht; Tsang 1.6 x 14.0 mmart.701.0454-10sht; Tsang 2.0 x 14.0 mm art.701.0456-10sht; Tsang 1,6h50.0mmart.702.0008-150sht; 2.4 art.702.0009-300sht 50,0mm Tsang; Tsang 3,2h50,0mmart.702.0010-150sht; Tsang 2,0h50,0mm art.702.0012-100sht; Tsang 3,0h50,0 mmart.702.0241-200sht; The cap long art.712.1051-100sht; Dovhyyart.712.1051-100sht cap; Cap short art.712.1053-50sht; Head zvaryuvalnohopalnyka ABITIG-18 art.712.2020-1sht; The head of the welding torch ABITIG-18art.712.2020-2sht; The head of the welding torch ABITIG-26F art.712.4030-5sht, head of the welding torch ABITIG-9 art.712.5020-1sht; Head zvaryuvalnohopalnyka SRT-9F art.712.5030-1sht; Case collet to 0,5-3,2 welding palnykaSRT18SC art.712.6074-10sht; The cap long art.773.0051-20sht; Country vyrobnytstva- CNTorhovelna mark - ABICOR BINZELVyrobnyk - KURT HAUFE Schweibtechnik GmbH & Co.KG " CHINA ***** 227.24 6503.758732 View Importer
03/Apr/2017 8515900000 "1.Komplektuyuchi to welding equipment, trailer M6 / 1,0 / D = 8,0 / 28,0 50 pieces vpaketi art.140.0245.50-250sht, trailer M8 / 1,0 / D = 10,0 / 30 0 50 pieces in paketiart.140.0316.50-500sht, trailer M10 / 1,2 / D = 12,0 / 35,0 CUCRZR art.140.0481-300sht, trailer M10 CuCrZr 1,6 50 pieces in a package art.140.0616.50 -350sht; M10CuCrZr trailer 1,6 50 pieces in a package art.140.0616.50-1000sht, M10 CuCrZr 2,0art.140.0665-500sht trailer, the trailer for ECu 0,8 M8 alu. art.141.0002-20sht wire, connectors for nakin M8 / M6 35mm art.142.0001-20sht, welding Torch 18SC4m ABITIG-BIS-52 BCS-00 BLS-000 BHC-11 art.396.6215-5sht, welding Torch 264m ABITIG-BIS-52 BCS-00 BLS-000 BHC-01 art.396.6223-5sht; burner zvaryuvalnyyABITIG-17V 4m BCC-1 BHC-01 art.706.1057-3sht, Welding Torch ABITIG-17V-1 4mBCC BHC-01 art.706.1057-10sht, Welding Torch ABITIG-26V 4m BCC-2-BHC 01art.706.4037-5sht, Welding Torch ABITIG-26V 4m BCC-2 BHC -01art.706.4037-5sht, nozzle dia. 1.1 / 30-50 A art.742.D018-200sht, head of rizakaABIPLAS 70 g oz'yemom art.742.D022-1sht; Art.745.D008-1000sht cathode; Nozzle D = 1,2 / 50-70 art.745.D010-200sht; Nozzle D = 1,4 / 70-90 art.745.D017-300sht; Nozzle D = 1,0 / 30-50 art.745.D018-50sht; Protective nozzle art.745.D026-20sht; Nozzle D = 1,6 / 90-110 art.745.D065-500sht; The cathode ABICUT 25K / 45 art.748.0032.10-40sht; ZavyhruvachABICUT 25K / 45 art.748.0033.2-2sht; Nozzle 0,8 ABICUT 25K / 45 art.748.0035.10-10sht; art.757.D008-1000sht cathode; Nozzle 1.5 / art.757.D009-500sht 50-80; Soplo1,6 / 90-120 art.757.D010-500sht; 1.8 Nozzle / A art.757.D011-500sht 120-150; Soplodlya gouging art.757.D015-5sht; Zaschytnoe art.757.D042-30sht nozzle; Case soplaARS150 art.757.D091-20sht; Nozzle long ABITIG 500W art.775.0051.1-1sht, Country of origin - CZ trade mark - ABICOR BINZELVyrobnyk - KURT HAUFE Schweibtechnik GmbH & Co.KG " CZECH REPUBLIC ***** 212.83 10215.44686 View Importer

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