Check Ukraine import data of 100 fo under HS code 9019200000. Get import data of Ukraine for HS code 9019200000
Date | HS Code | Product Description | Origin Country | Quantity | Net Weight [KGS] | Total Value [USD] | Importer Name |
27/Apr/2017 | 9019200000 | 1.Vyroby medical devices: Devices for oxygen, respiratory and aerosol therapy, artificial respiration reanimatsiyi.-art.1161000 (ADULT NASAL CANNULA STRAIGHT PRONG OVER EAR 1.8M TUBE) Adult nasal cannula ears, straight teeth, length 1.8m - 1000sht.-art.1174000 (OXYGEN tUBE, 1.8m) Oxygen tube, 1.8 m - 125sht.-art.8040065 (INTUBE tRACHEAL tUBE, cUFFED 6.5MM) cuffed endotracheal tube size 6.5 - 500sht.-art.8040070 (INTUBE tRACHEAL tUBE, CUFFE D 7.0MM) zmanzhetoyu endotracheal tube size 7.0 - 200sht.-art.8040075 (INTUBE tRACHEAL tUBE, CUFFE D 7.5MM) zmanzhetoyu endotracheal tube size 7.5 - 770sht.-art.8040080 (INTUBE tRACHEAL tUBE, CUFFE D 8.0 MM) endotracheal tube zmanzhetoyu size 8.0 - 5250sht.-art.8040085 (INTUBE TRACHEAL TUBE, CUFF ED 8.5MM) zmanzhet th endotracheal tube size 8.5 - 500sht.-art.8050035 (INTUBE TRACHEAL TUBE, UN-CU FFED 3.5MM) Endotrohealna tube size bezman Zhety 3.5 - 150sht.-art.8050040 (intube tracheal tube, cuff ed 4.0MM.) endotracheal tube ZMA nzhet th size 4.0 - 110sht.-art.8060050 (iNTUBE tRACHEAL tUBE, WIRE- REINFORCED CUFFED 5.0MM) Armovanaendotra healna tube size 5.0 - 10sht.-art.8080006 (INTERFORM iNTUBATING sTYLET 6FR) stylet tracheal INTERFORM 6Fr- 10sht.-art.8080010 (INTERFORM iNTUBATING sTYLET 10Fr) stylet tracheal INTERFORM 10Fr- 70sht.-art.8080014 (INTERFORM iNTUBATING sTYLET 14FR) stylet tracheal INTERFORM 14Fr- 40sht. R / P 12821/2013 from 02.07.2013r. Manufactured at the plant Suzhou Weikang Medical Apparatus Co.Ltd China.Vyrobnyk: Intersurgical Limited. Trade mrka: Intersurgical.Krayina production: CN. | CHINA | ***** | 701.58 | 9922.338199 | View Importer |
27/Apr/2017 | 9019200000 | "1.Vyroby medical devices: Devices for oxygen, respiratory and aerosol therapy, artificial respiration tareanimatsiyi: art.1111065 (GUEDEL AIRWAY, SIZE 1, ISO 6.5) Hvedela ducts, size 1, ISO 6.5- 20sht.-art.1114100 ( GUEDEL aIRWAY, sIZE 4, ISO10) Hvedela duct size 4, ISO-10 -80sht. art.1115120 (GUEDEL aIRWAY, sIZE 5, ISO12) Hvedela ducts, size 5, ISO-12- 70sht. art.1135015 (ADULT ECO oXYGEN mASK WITH2.1M tUBE) ECO adult oxygen mask with tube length for ysnevoyu 2,1m.- 2000sht.-art.1181015 (aDULT ECO hIGH CONCENTRATI oN mASK AND tUBE) Eco oxygen mask dlyad oroslyh for Providing high concentra tion of oxygen with oxygen tube -216sht.-art.11960 15 (PAEDIATRIC ECO OXYGEN MASK WITH 1.8M TUBE) Children ECO Oxygen mask, oxygen tube 1.8 m - 40sht.-art.1441000 (CLEAR-THERM MICRO HMEF) Fil May teplovolohoobminnyy breathing, Clear- therm micro - 1000sht. art. 1453015 (CIRRUS2 aDULT ECO mASK kIT aND oXYGEN tUBE) nebulizer kit Cirrus2, ECO adult oxygen mask and tube-390sht. art. 1454015 (CIRRUS2 PAEDIATRIC ECO MAS K KIT AND TUBE) Set nebulayzerCirrus2, children's ECO oxygen mask and tube-216sht. art.1464000 (CIRRUS 2 UNIVERSAL MOUTHPIEC E T-KIT) Nebulayzernyy nabirCirrus 2 of the T-shaped mouthpiece, universal-160sht.-art.1507000 (INTERSURGICAL AQUAFLOW BUBB LE HUMIDIFIER WITH BOTTLE) Bulbashkovyyz volozhuvach Intersurgical Aquaflow, with yemk istyu - 240sht. -art.1663000 (STRAIGHT CONNECTOR 10F-10M- 7.6mm pORT fOR 10mm F / TUBE oNLY) "" Pryamyyz`yednuvach 10F-10M, the port 7,6mm only and for use with 10mm contours "" - 25sht. art .1873000 (HYDRO-TRACH II HME) filter e yhalnyy heat volohoobminnyyHydro-Trac h II, in patients with traheostomoyu-1000sht.-art.2223000 (HARNESS (sMALL) fOR CPAP FA CE MASK) fixation system for small SRARmasky - 12p. -art.2224000 (HARNESS (LARGE / MEDIUM) fOR CPAP FACE MASK) system for fixation of I / great CPAP masks - 156sht.-art.2316000 (MANAGEMENT CLIP SYSTEM FOR ANAESTHESIA) management system zazhymamydlya anesthesia - 12sht.-art.2330000 (LOW VOLUME MANUAL FILL HUMI DIFICATION CHAMBER) Camera zvolozhuvacharu chnoho fill the volume of a small - 750sht. -art.4700000 (nFLOW INFANT nASAL CPAP SYS TEM hEATED WIRE) nFLOW zprovodom heating system for nasal CPAP newbo enyh length 1,6m - 408sht.-art.5007000 (SMOOTHBORE B / sYSTEM 1.6m, 1 WATER TRAP, PORTS) Hladkostovburnadyhal system to 1,6m 1 volohozbirnyk, porty- 10sht.-art.5015000 (sMOOTHBORE BREATHING sYSTEM LIMB 1.5M) smooth hose 1,5m- 60sht.-art.5120000 (sMOOTHBORE CATHETER MOUNT 1 20mm) connectors smooth smoothbore 120mm. - 50sht.-art.5508850 (10mm SMOOTHBORE B / SYSTEM 1. 6M WITH HEATED WIRE, TYPE MR850) 10mmhla dkostovburna respiratory ceiling, 1,6m, with about ihrivom such as MR850 - 150sht.-art.5510810 (SINGLE H / WIRE SYSTEM, CHAMB ER fOR MR850 / 730, 1.6M, 0.4M LIMB) 10mmh ladkostovburna respiratory ceiling, 1,6m, with one wire heating vidrizok0,4m, chamber for MR850 / 730 - 49sht.-art.5510850 (SMOOTHBORE B / SYSTEM 1.6M wITH HEATED WIRE, TYPE MR850) neonatal respiratory smooth contour with " | LITHUANIA | ***** | 715.94 | 90765.815 | View Importer |
27/Apr/2017 | 9019200000 | 1.Vyroby medical devices: Devices for oxygen, respiratory and aerosol therapy, artificial respiration, resuscitation: -art.1541000 (CLEAR-THERM 3 FILTER / HME) filter respiratory heat volohoobminnyy taVB Clear-therm 3 port Luer lock- 4200sht. -art.1544000 (CLEAR-GUARD 3 FILTER) Filtrdyhalnyy bacterial viruses Clear-guard 3 Luer lock port -39300sht.-art.1644000 (CLEAR-GUARD MIDI BREATHING FILTER, LUER LOCK PORT) dyhalnyyviruso-bacterial filter Clear-Guard midi port Luer lock - 10000sht.-art.3501000 (FLEXIBLE CATHETER MOUNT 22F- ELBOW 22M / 15F) Flexible corner z`yednuva part 22F-22M / 15F - 800sht.-art.3511000 (FLEXIBLE CATHETER MOUNT 22F- 22M / 15F) Flexible connectors straight 2-22F 2M / 15F - 50sht.-art.3521000 (S / SET CATHETER MNT 22F, PAT IENT CONNECTION 15F SWIVELELB) configuration tion articulated corner connectors Supers et 22F-22M / 15F, kovpachokFlip top of the Port th 7,6mm - 675sht.-art.3535000 (15F MICRO-MOUNT WITH SUPERS ET TUBE) From connectors neonatal 15M - 15F configured with a tube Superset- 45sht. g / n №13928 / 20 14 from 29.05.2014r. Manufactured at the plant Intersurgical Limited UK.Vyrobnyk: Intersurgical Limited. Trade mrka: Intersurgical.Krayina production: GB. | UNITED KINGDOM | ***** | 1800.21 | 101090.8099 | View Importer |
07/Apr/2017 | 9019200000 | 1. Medical products. Equipment for aerosol therapy: - Compressor inhalers NEB 100B Microlife, Model NEB 100B- 1002sht intended for inhalation aerosol treatment of acute and chronic zahvoryuvanverhnih and lower respiratory tract of the patient. Allows maksymalnukilkist deliver drugs into the lower respiratory tract of the patient, with minimal loss likiv.Klapanna system increases the flow of drugs during inspiration, and reduces the consumption of drugs pryvydyhu that allows you to get the best results in treatment. One pryladmozhe used for the treatment of respiratory tract infections. Dozvolyayeefektyvno treat diseases such as rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, adenoids, etc. 167sht packaged in cardboard boxes with p / e upakovkoyupo 6 pieces in each box. . | ITALY | ***** | 1441.7 | 29162.99789 | View Importer |
06/Apr/2017 | 9019200000 | "1.Apparaty for artificial respiration, apparatus for artificial respiration bellavista, art.301.100.000, complete, total number of 2 pcs., In the following trim levels: -Komplektatsiya number 1: 1 ventilator, comprising: -art.301.100 000-bellavista ventilator 1000 // bellavista 1000-1sht.-art.301.168.000-Virusobakterialnyy filter // Bacteria filter-1sht.-art.301.328.010-proximal flow sensor (Adult / pediatric, disposable, package 10B) // Proximal Flow Sensor (Adult / Pediatric, Single-Patient, Pack / 10) -1sht.-art.301.167.000 breathing circuit of C-800 (22mm Adult, disposable) // breathing circuit C-800 (22mm Adult, Single-Patient) -1sht. art.300.756.000-Test-lung "" L ehki Lungs "" // EasyLung-1sht.-art.301.549.010- proximal flow sensor (Adult / Pediatric repeatedly) // Proximal Flow Sensor (Adult / Pediatric, Reusable, Pack / 10) -1sht.-art.301.113 000 diagnostic package oximeters // Diagnostics package Pulse Oximetry-1sht.-art.301.114.000 diagnostic package kapnohrafa (VC lyuchaye 1x 300.160.025) // Diagnostics package Capnography (incl. 1x 300.160.025) -1sht.-art.301.522.000-dual adapter // Dual Limb Adapter-1sht.-art.301.518.000-valve trachea (multiple) // Expiration Valve (autoclavable) -1sht. art. 301.258.300-oxygen hose (DIN - NIST, 3m) // Gas supply Hose (oxygen, DIN - NIST, 3m) -1sht.-art.301.258.000-O2 connector (NIST) // O2 Connector Adapter (NIST) Acquisition--1sht. №2: 1 ventilator, comprising: -art.301.100.000-bellavista ventilator 1000 // bellavista 1000-1sht.-art.301.168.000-Virusobakterialnyy filter // Bacteria filter- 1sht.-art.301.328.010-proximal flow sensor (Adult / pediatric, disposable, package 10B) // Proximal flow sensor (Adult / pediatric, Single-Patient, Pack / 10) -1sht.-art.301.167.000- respiratory contour C-800 (2 Adults 2mm, disposable) // Breathing Circuit C-800 (Adult 22mm, Single-Patient) -1sht. art.300.756.000-Test-lung "" Lungs Lungs "" // EasyLung-1sht.-art.301.470.010- Proximal flow sensor (for babies and infants, disposable, package 10B) // Proximal flow sensor (neonatal / infant, Single-Patient, Pack / 10) -1sht.-art.301.476.050-adapters ducts for babies to the neonatal flow sensor (50 per pack) // Adapter Piece Infant Airway Adapter to Neonatal Flow Sensor (pack / 50) -1sht.-art.301.114.000 kapnohrafa diagnostic package (includes 1x 300.160.025) // Diagnostics package Capnography (incl. 1x 300.160.025) -1sht.-art.301.475.010-adapters to ducts (for babies, single, 10 per pack) // Airway Adapter (Infant, Single-Patient, Pack / 10) -1sht.-art.301.522 000-dual adapter // Dual Limb adapter-1sht.-art.301.168.000-Virusobakterialnyy filter // Bacteria filter-1sht.-art.301.258.300-oxygen hose (DIN - NIST, 3m) // Gas supply Hose (Oxygen, DIN - NIST, 3m) -1sht.-art.500.040.000- test lung, Children // Test Lung Infant-1sht.-art.301.258.000-O2 connector (NIST) // O2 Connector Adapter (NIST) -1sht.Krayina production CHTorhovelna mark bellavistaVyrobnyk imtmedical " | SWITZERLAND | ***** | 44.02 | 54499.99998 | View Importer |
03/Apr/2017 | 9019200000 | "1.Vyroby medical devices. DEVICES FOR RESPIRATORY THERAPY: art. 1200.10, Vit ratomir 0-15 l / ml, single -50sht, prize videogram producers to control rehulyuvannyapoto Ku and medical gases systems zhyttyezabezp echennya medical facilities, housing zhromov anoyi brass screw to adjust the flow in, outer and inner tubes zpolikar carbonate, needle valve, stainless century provides tochnivymiryuvannya Ali, inside the tube shnya accurate labeling, measuring range: 0-15l / min., accuracy +/- 0. 25 l / min from 0.5 to 5 l / min .; art. 1001.51 Rozetkamedychnoho gas main part of the DIN - 3 54sht, art. 1002.51 Socket medical ohohazu main part of the DIN - 19sht, ar t. 1004.51 medical gas outlet, the chairman nachastyna DIN - 4 pieces, art. 1001.59 Principles and sockets for supply of medical hhaziv (BS / DIN) -350sht, art . 1002.59 Oc for new outlets for medical gases supply systems (BS / DIN) -15sht, art. 1001.58 basis for outlets for medical gases supply systems (BS / DIN) -4sht, art. 1002.58 basis for outlets for medical gases supply systems ( BS / DIN) -4sht, art. 1004.58 basis for outlets for medical gases supply systems (BS / DIN) -4sht (gas roses' succinct compounds used in life support systems or medical app pavement as valve system designedto taking of medical gases system with centralized medical gas supply, Rose Capacity INE are interrelated and designed ky bodies for certain gases, compounds heometriyaroznimn s corresponds to the standard DIN, extra Ustym operating pressure gas 4-10bar.) art. 1402.10 Vakumnyy regulator -15sht.Torhovelna Brand: UzumcuVyrobnyk: UZUMCU Tibbi Cihaz ve Medikal Gaz Sistemleri San. ve Tic. ASKrayina production: TR " | TURKEY | ***** | 673.19 | 10719.19041 | View Importer |
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