cUkraine 100 Fo Imports under HS Code 9403 from China
Lookup Ukraine 100 fo imports under HS code 9403 from China. Search 100 fo import data under HS code 9403 from China.
Date | HS Code | Product Description | Origin Country | Quantity | Net Weight [KGS] | Total Value [USD] | Importer Name |
28/Apr/2017 | 9403601000 | 1. wood furniture for dining and living rooms, disassembled staniVishalka for clothing, composition, tree-ADSLEV Goldart.3811518 quality, size 178 * 44 * 44sm-4sht.Komod composition: Solid poplar / rattan, quality Basicart. OURE-3833309, the size of 94 * 76 *, size 64 * 76 * 37cm 2sht.Polytsi-room, warehouse, laminated chipboard / bamboo-BROBY Basicart.3606117 quality, size 70 * 78 *, size 150 * 70 *, size 150 * 35 * 37cm-room 4sht.Polytsi composition: Solid poplar Basicart.3600003-OURE quality, size 100 * 30 * 20cm-dining 2sht.Stil composition: laminated chipboard / metal quality Basicart.3680052-BALLERUP, he zmir 120 * 76 * 72cm-dining 2sht.Stil composition: laminated chipboard / metal-Goldart.3648109 OMME quality, size 160 * 90 * 76cm-dining 2sht.Stil composition: Solid pine, size 118 * 75 * 73cm, complete with 4 chairs, series Price Starart.3698908-TYLSTRUP, 75/42 * 118/42 * 73 /, 75/42 * 118/42 * 73 / 85cm-3kompl. table writing, composition: laminated chipboard, quality Basicart.3605301-PRICE STAR, size 60 * 77 * 42cm-8sht.Tumbochka-bedside table, structure: laminated chipboard / poplar wood, quality Basicart.3674074-OURE, size 36 * 30 * 37cm 4sht.Tumbochka-bedside-table, structure: laminated chipboard, quality Plusart.3100084-AULUM, size 50 * 45 * 48sm-7sht.Torho Elnya mark JyskKrayina production CN China | CHINA | ***** | 638.019 | 1319.915712 | View Importer |
28/Apr/2017 | 9403601000 | 1. wood furniture for dining and living rooms, disassembled staniKomod composition: Solid poplar / rattan, quality Basicart.3833206-OURE, size 36 * 76 *, size 36 * 76 * 37cm -5sht.Polytsi room wall composition: Solid wood Paulownia quality Basicart.3600035-ILBRO, size 39 * 33.8 * 15cm, 3 pcs / emb-room 4nab.Polytsi composition: laminated chipboard / bamboo quality Basicart.3606118 -BROBY, size 150 * 70 * 37cm-room 1sht.Polytsi composition: Solid poplar Basicart.3600003-OURE quality, size 100 * 30 * 20cm 3sht.Polytsya-mounted, for photographs, composition: laminated chipboard, quality Basicart. 3672200-PRICE STAR, size 115 * 6 * 7cm-12sht.Serva t Composition: laminated chipboard, quality-Goldart.3612365 STEGE, size 160 * 75 * 50cm-dining 1sht.Stil composition: laminated chipboard / metal-BALLERUP Basicart.3680052 quality, size 120 * 76 * 72cm-1sht.Stil dining, composition: laminated chipboard / metal-Goldart.3648109 OMME quality, size 160 * 90 * 76cm 1sht.Stil-written composition, laminated chipboard, quality Basicart.3605301-PRICE STAR, size 60 * 77 * 42cm, 2 pcs. coffee table, structure: laminated chipboard / bamboo series Price Star quality Basicart.3648084-TAPS, size 55 * 55 * 45cm-2sht.Stolyk coffee composition: laminated chipboard / metal quality Goldart.3612351-STEGE, size 60 * 120 * 40cm for extra-1sht.Stolyk composition: laminated chipboard, quality GOLD rt.3612357-STEGE, size 50 * 50 * 40cm 1sht.Tumba-TV, structure: laminated chipboard, quality Plusart.3649150-AAKIRKEBY, size 180 * 38 * 45cm-1sht.Tumbochka bedside composition: laminated chipboard, quality Basicart .3674090-BROBY, size 45 * 50 * 38cm-3sht.Tumbochka bedside composition: Solid pine / MDF-quality Plusart.3600033 DALL, size 50 * 69 * 37cm-bedside-table 3sht.Tumbochka composition: Solid pine, quality Goldart.3674081-STENLILLE, size 31 * 55 * 38cm 3sht.Torhovelna-grade production JyskKrayina CN China | CHINA | ***** | 393.146 | 892.2046564 | View Importer |
28/Apr/2017 | 9403208000 | "1.Mebli household metal, metal shelves for shoes, 100 pieces. Hangers for coats flooring, metal with elements plastyku- 1022sht., Table Serving trolley-metal - 100 pieces., Bookcase metal on wheels with plastic boxes - 100 pieces., Bookcase metal open-polytsyamy- 100sht.V nickname: "" Qingksun Deloin Furniture Co.Ltd "" trademark no-danyhKrayina production-CN. " | CHINA | ***** | 6207 | 13037.52002 | View Importer |
28/Apr/2017 | 9403609000 | 1. Furniture wooden garden disassembled staniStil street (for Bistro) Ingredients: Fly tables wood / metal base, a series Jutlandia Artwoodart.3709701-THY, size 60 * 60cm 2sht.Stil-street (for Bistro) Ingredients: Fly tables wood / metal-osnovaart.3769840 ORTEN, size 58 * 58 * 71cm-7sht.Stil leisure structure: Fly tables wood / metal base, a series Jutlandiaart.3774104-LANGET, size 136 * 85 * 66sm-1pc .Stil for a set of living room furniture, warehouse, wooden Fly tables / metal base, a series Jutlandiaart.3780702-EBBESKOV, size 100 * 64 * 40cm-3sht.Stil garden, warehouse, wooden Fly tables / metal osnovaar .3765626-SANDVIKA, size 140 * 82 *, size 140 * 80 * 74cm 6sht.Torhovelna-grade production JyskKrayina CN China. | CHINA | ***** | 423.36 | 1218.782264 | View Importer |
28/Apr/2017 | 9403208000 | 1. Household metal, disassembled staniVishalka for outerwear (for installation on the floor structure: metal / plastic quality Plusart.3811513-VAMMEN, size 35 * 179cm diameter, 1sht.Harderob clothes, structure: metal / textiles Series Price Star, Basicart.3698756-DAMHUS quality, size 100 * 174 * 46cm shoe-6sht.Polytsya composition: metal, quality Basicart.3658306-PRICE STAR, size 92 * 39 * PRICE size 82 * 78 * 35cm shoe-5sht.Shafa composition: metal / textiles series Price Star, Basicart.3698754-quality DAMHUS size 68 * 90 * 33cm 5sht.Shafa-book, composition: metal / laminated chipboard, quality Basicart.3610026-GELSTED, size 61 * 146 *, size 114 * 61 * 29sm 1sht.Torhovelna-grade production JyskKrayina CN China. | CHINA | ***** | 107.604 | 213.1849432 | View Importer |
27/Apr/2017 | 9403601000 | 1. wood furniture for dining and living rooms, Bunk staniLizhko disassembled without mattresses and mattress foundations, with table and cupboard, composition: laminated chipboard, quality Goldart.3142059-TAVLUND, size 204 * 194 * 115sm-room 1sht.Polytsi composition: laminated chipboard / bamboo-BROBY Basicart.3606118 quality, size 150 * 70 *, size 150 * 35 * 37cm-room 1sht.Polytsi composition: Solid poplar, quality Basicart. 3600003-OURE, size 100 * 30 * 20cm 1sht.Polytsya-mounted, for photographs, composition: laminated chipboard, quality Basicart.3672199-PRICE STAR, size 60 * 6 * 7cm-dining 12sht.Stil composition: laminated chipboard / metal quality basic rt.3680052-BALLERUP, size 120 * 76 * 72cm-dining 1sht.Stil composition: Solid pine, size 118 * 75 * 73cm, complete with 4 chairs, Series Price Starart.3698909-TYLSTRUP, size 75/42 * 118 /42*73/85sm-1kompl.Stolyk coffee composition: laminated chipboard / bamboo series Price Star, Basicart.3648084-quality TAPS, size 55 * 55 *, size 40 * 40 * 40cm-1sht.Stolyk coffee, with treasure: Solid pine / laminated chipboard, quality Basicart.3617250-BAKKEBJERG, size 40 * 43cm diameter, 1sht.Stolyk addl composition: laminated chipboard, quality-Goldart.3612357 STEGE, size 50 * 50 * 40cm-1sht.Tumbochka bedside composition: Solid pine / MDF-quality Plusart.3600033 DALL, size 50 * 69 * 37cm, 1pc .Torhovelna mark JyskKrayina production CN China | CHINA | ***** | 322.684 | 571.4589063 | View Importer |
27/Apr/2017 | 9403208000 | 1. Household furniture made of metal, in a disassembled garment for clothes, composition: metal / textiles, Price Star series, quality Basicart.3698756-DAMHUS, size 100 * 174 *, size 149 * 174 * 49cm 3шт.Паліца для ванної, склад: металрт.2726000-VIDSEL, розмір 25 * 20 * 39см-4шт.Шафа книжкова, склад: метал / ДСП ламінована, якість Основнийрт.3610026-GELSTED, розмір 61 * 146 * 29см-3шт Trademark JyskCrane of CN China. | CHINA | ***** | 87.318 | 170.9632254 | View Importer |
27/Apr/2017 | 9403901000 | 1. Parts of furniture, of base metal with elements of plastic: Leg furniture designed for attachment to the breakout room furniture and equipped with technological holes for mounting: Size - D-60mm, H-710 mm article - LS-TL1-60 * 710 CHROME - sht.Rozmir 7600 - D-60mm, H-710 mm article - LS-TL1-60 * 710 MATT CHROME - 600 sht.Rozmir - D-60mm, H-820 mm article - LS-TL-60x820 -Chrome - 400 sht.Rozmir - D-60mm, H-820 mm article - LS-TL1-60 * 820 MATT NICKEL - 200 sht.Rozmir - D-60mm, H-820 mm article - LS-TL1 -60 * 820 MATT CHROME - 180 sht.Rozmir - D-60mm, H-1100 mm, article - LS-TL1-60 * 1100 MATT NICKEL - 180 sht.Rozmir - D-60mm, H-1100 mm, article - LS-TL1-60 * 1100 MATT CHROME - 140 sht.Rozmir - D-60 mm, H-710 mm article - LS-TL1-60 * 710 BLACK - 400 sht.Rozmir - D-60mm, H-820 mm article - LS-TL1-60 * 820 BLACK - 180 sht.Rozmir - D -60 mm, H-1100 mm, article - LS-TL1-60 * 1100 BLACK - 100 sht.Rozmir - D-30mm, H-80mm, article - LS-SL-D30H80-Chrome - sht.Rozmir 2000 - D-30mm, H-100mm, article - LS -SL-D30H100-Chrome - 10000 sht.Rozmir - D-30mm, H-150 mm article - LS-SL-D30H150-Chrome - sht.Rozmir 3000 - D-50mm, H-60mm, article - LS-SL-D50H60-Chrome - sht.Rozmir 2000 - D-50mm, H-80mm, article - LS-SL-D50H80-Chrome - sht.Rozmir 2000 - mm D-50, H-10 | CHINA | ***** | 12145.5 | 15724.8001 | View Importer |
26/Apr/2017 | 9403601000 | 1. wood furniture for dining and living rooms, disassembled staniKomod composition: Solid poplar / rattan, quality Basicart.3833206-OURE, size 36 * 76 *, size 94 * 76 * 37cm -1sht.Polytsi room, warehouse, laminated chipboard / bamboo-BROBY Basicart.3606117 quality, size 70 * 78 *, size 150 * 70 *, size 150 * 35 * 37cm-2sht.Servant composition: laminated chipboard, quality-Goldart.3612365 STEGE, size 160 * 75 * 50cm kitchen-1sht.Stil composition: laminated chipboard, size 100 * 55 * 80cm, complete with 2 stiltsyamyart.3699600-PRICE STAR, size 100 * 55 * 80cm-dining 3kompl.Stil composition: laminated chipboard / metal I Basicart.3680052 bone-BALLERUP, size 120 * 76 * 72cm-dining 2sht.Stil composition: laminated chipboard / metal-Goldart.3648109 OMME quality, size 160 * 90 * 76cm 1sht.Stil-written composition, laminated chipboard, Basicart.3605301 quality-PRICE STAR, size 60 * 77 * 42cm-2sht.Stolyk coffee composition: laminated chipboard / bamboo series Price Star, Basicart.3648086-quality TAPS, face-p p 40 * 40 * 40cm coffee-1sht.Stolyk composition: Solid pine / laminated chipboard, quality Basicart.3617250-BAKKEBJERG, size 40 * 43cm diameter, 1sht.Tumbochka bedside composition: laminated chipboard, quality Basicart.3674090-BROBY, size 45 * 50 * 38cm, bedside 3sht.Tumbochka composition: Solid pine / MDF quality Plusart.3600033 -DALL, size 50 * 69 * 37cm 1sht.Torhovelna-grade production JyskKrayina CN China | CHINA | ***** | 381.847 | 645.8631911 | View Importer |
25/Apr/2017 | 9403890000 | "1.Elektrychna apparatus for switching electrical circuits, for a voltage up to 1000V, yakivykrystovuyutsya in cars: FE29878 Ignition switch VW Golf / VW Polo / VW Passat-5pcs; FE36745 switch stop signal MERCEDES A / ML / Vito / Sprinter" "95- 06-5sht.Vyrobnyk: "" Ferdinand Bilstein GmbH + Co. KG "" Trade mark: Febi.Krayina production: CN. " | CHINA | ***** | 119.952 | 230.3036583 | View Importer |
23/Apr/2017 | 9403700000 | "1. Monolithic Digital circuits, MOS-structure: ARM 32bit microcontroller the bit, programmable memory capacity 512Kbayt (type FLASH), RAM capacity 128Kbayt: art. AT91SAM7X512B-AU - 188sht (vyhotvlennya year 2015), monolithic Microchips, Digital MOS structure : ARM microcontroller the bit 32bit, programmable memory capacity 512Kbayt (type FLASH), RAM capacity 128Kbayt: art. AT91SAM7X512B-AU - 450sht (year vyhotvlennya 2015), circuits, monolithic digital MOS structure: Single-chip microcontroller the bit 8bit, programmed memory capacity 128Kbayt type FLASH, RAM capacity 8Kbayt, EEPROM capacity 4Kbayta: a t. ATMEGA1281-16AU - 100 pieces (vyhotvlennya year 2015) bag does not contain some kind of transmitter or transmitters and receivers. For civil industrial electronics. Manufacturer - Atmel Semiconductor, trademark - Atmel.. " | CHINA | ***** | 157.5 | 1471.527878 | View Importer |
21/Apr/2017 | 9403810000 | 1. Furniture of rattan and bambooSupport for laptop, composition: 100% bamboo, quality Basicart.3635107-THEM, size 57 * 18 * 36cm-16pcs. Trademark JyskCare produced by CN China. | CHINA | ***** | 45.472 | 129.3958373 | View Importer |
21/Apr/2017 | 9403208000 | 1. Household metal, disassembled staniVishalka for outerwear (for installation on the floor structure: metal / plastic quality Plusart.3811513-VAMMEN, size 35 * 179cm diameter, 1sht.Harderob clothes, structure: metal / textiles Series Price Star, quality Basicart.3698755-DAMHUS, size 150 * 60 *, size 100 * 174 *, size 149 * 174 * 49cm-12sht.Stil garden, composition: metalart.3776901-LEKNES, size 42 * 47cm diameter 2sht.Shafa-shoe composition: metal / textiles series Price Star, Basicart.3698754-quality DAMHUS, size 68 * 90 * 33cm-mark 10sht.Torhovelna CN China JyskKrayina production. | CHINA | ***** | 164.885 | 404.1251821 | View Importer |
21/Apr/2017 | 9403601000 | 1. wood furniture for dining and living rooms, disassembled staniKomod composition: Solid poplar / Paulownia wood quality Basicart.3630028-BJERRINGBRO, size 83 * 80 * 38cm-1sht.Lizhko Bunk without mattresses and mattress foundations, with table and cabinet composition, laminated chipboard, quality Plusart.3659422-UDBY, size 206 * 105 * 189sm 1sht.Polytsi-room wall composition: Solid wood Paulownia quality Basicart.3600035-ILBRO, size 39 * 33.8 * 15cm, 3 pcs / emb-room 4nab.Polytsi composition: laminated chipboard / bamboo-BROBY Basicart.3606119 quality, size 150 * 35 * 37cm 1sht.Polytsya-mounted, composition: laminated chipboard, quality Basicart.3617230-ABILD Size 80 * 4 * 24cm kitchen-1sht.Stil composition: laminated chipboard, size 100 * 55 * 80cm, complete with 2-stiltsyamyart.3699600 PRICE STAR, size 100 * 55 * 80cm-dining 4kompl.Stil composition: laminated chipboard / metal-THYHOLM Basicart.3616940 quality, size 90 * 76cm diameter 1sht.Stil-written composition, laminated chipboard, quality Basicart.3605301-PRICE STAR, size 60 * 77 * 42cm-10sht.Stolyk coffee, Comme hell : Solid oak / laminated chipboard, quality Plusart.3648106-LEJRE, size 48 * 85 * 40cm Wall--1sht.Stolyk composition: Solid poplar Basicart.3609953-OURE quality, size 100 * 76 * 39cm-2sht.Tumbochka bedside, composition: laminated chipboard, quality Basicart.3674090-BROBY, size 45 * 50 * 38cm 4sht.Torhovelna-grade production JyskKrayina CN China | CHINA | ***** | 401.947 | 683.3240559 | View Importer |
21/Apr/2017 | 9403601000 | 1. wood furniture for dining and living rooms, disassembled staniKomod composition: Solid poplar / rattan, quality Basicart.3833206-OURE, size 36 * 76 * 37cm 3sht.Polytsi-room wall composition: Solid wood Paulownia quality Basicart .3600035-ILBRO, size 39 * 33.8 * 15cm, 3 pcs / emb-room 4nab.Polytsi composition: laminated chipboard / bamboo-BROBY Basicart.3606118 quality, size 150 * 70 * -BROBY, size 150 * 35 * 37cm kitchen-2sht.Stil composition: laminated chipboard, size 100 * 55 * 80cm, complete with 2-stiltsyamyart.3699600 PRICE STAR, size 100 * 55 * 80cm-2kompl.Stil dining, composition: laminated chipboard / metal quality Goldart.3648109-OMME, ozmir 160 * 90 * 76cm 2sht.Stil-written composition, laminated chipboard, quality Basicart.3605301-PRICE STAR, size 60 * 77 * 42cm-9sht.Tumbochka bedside composition: laminated chipboard, quality Basicart.3674090-BROBY, size 45 * 50 * 38cm-3sht.Tumbochka bedside composition: Solid pine / MDF-quality Plusart.3600033 DALL, size 50 * 69 * 37cm 2sht.Torhovelna-grade production JyskKrayina CN China. | CHINA | ***** | 290.423 | 574.9457314 | View Importer |
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