cUkraine 25 Ho Imports under HS Code 602904900 from Netherlands
Lookup Ukraine 25 ho imports under HS code 602904900 from Netherlands. Search 25 ho import data under HS code 602904900 from Netherlands.
Date | HS Code | Product Description | Origin Country | Quantity | Net Weight [KGS] | Total Value [USD] | Importer Name |
28/Apr/2017 | 602904900 | 1.Zhyvi plants with roots, korineva system is in the earth, fine for open ground, not plodonosyaschi not vaccinated, no edible fruit, not forestry bahotorichni plants for open ground, under more than 2 years in n / o horschikah and without, with torfohruntom in assortment Latin name / number, pcs: Acer / 25 / Prunus / 12 / Lavandula / 36 / Jun / 25 / Laurus / 22 / Thuja / 36 / Rosmarin / 24 / Picea / 21 / Magnolia / 36 / Coniferen / 69 / Total: 306sht. Brand No data Manufacturer: Unknown Country of origin: NL. . | NETHERLANDS | ***** | 318.24 | 65.79263289 | View Importer |
17/Apr/2017 | 602904900 | 1.Dekoratyvni trees, shrubs and chaharnykyv hoschykah of torfohruntom or komomtorfohruntu for open ground, Tsersis / Cercis mix h 150-175 cm - 20sht.Kyparysovyk / Chamaecyparis Boulevard h140 cm - 21sht. Clematis / Clematis mix h25-35 cm - 1625sht. Deren / Cornus mix h 25 cm - 50sht. Spindle tree / Euonymus h 30 cm -45sht. Dahlia / Hydrangea Paniculata mix h25-35 cm - 395sht. Magnolia / Magnolia mixh 60-80 cm - 50sht.Fisokarpus / Physocarpus Opulifolius h 25 cm - 50sht. Prunus / Prunus Serrulata mix h70 cm - 5pcs. Elder / Sambucus h 25 cm - 50sht. Lilac / Syringa mix h 80 cm - 20sht.V'yaz / Ulmus holl. 'Wredei' h 25 cm - 50sht. Weigela / Weigela mix h 25 cm - weight 50sht.chysta 1350kh. trademark - no data. manufacturer - no danyh.Krayina production - NL. . | NETHERLANDS | ***** | 1350 | 272.7338817 | View Importer |
17/Apr/2017 | 602904900 | 1.Zhyvi plants with roots, the root system which is in the land, decorative, for open ground, and neplodonosyaschi unvaccinated without yistivnyhplodiv aged 3 years without forestry, open back and korinnyamz komom ground or in plastic pots 25 -450sm: maple Acer In Soorten -21sht.barbarys Berberis Ov -12sht. budleya Budd Davidii Ov -30sht. BuxusSempervirens-43sht box. boxwood Buxus Sempervirens -10sht. Campsis Campsis Radicans -50sht. katalpaCatalpa bignonioides 'Aurea' -17sht. Chamaecyparis Chamaecyparis Law. Ivonne-48sht. konifer Coniferen Gem -40sht. beech Fagus syl. 'Atropunicea' -50sht. forzytsiyaForsythia int. 'Lynwood' -18sht. Hibiscus Hibiscus Gemengd -25sht. hortenziyaHydrangea -141sht mix. juniper Juniperus Mix -124sht. juniper Juniperus mix -10sht.mahnoliya Magnolia mix -91sht. Olea Europaea -50sht oil. plants for vidkrytohohruntu mix Perkpl Gem In Pot -10sht. filadelfus Philadelphus' Snowbelle'-21sht. spruce Picea mix -157sht. Pine Pinus mix -51sht. Pine Pinus mix -26sht.buz approx Syringa other -10sht. Taxus baccata -84sht thousand. Thuja Thuja mix -162sht. tuyaThuja Occ. Smaragd Op Stam -18sht. tunberhiya Thunbergia Alata -35sht. dlyavidkrytoho plants soil mix Vaste Planten Mix Kar -40sht. viburnum Viburnum opulusRoseum -30sht. Vigel Weigela Florida Pink Puppet -30sht.Torhovelna Brand: No dannyhKrayina production: NLVyrobnyk: No data | NETHERLANDS | ***** | 2720 | 571.2001422 | View Importer |
14/Apr/2017 | 602904900 | "1. Live plants for open ground, vklyuchayuchyyih roots for decorative purposes, capacity 2L plastic pots with soil substrate: Chamaecyparis p. (Chamaecyparis nuciferous) the variety" "Sungold" "plant height 20-25sm- 50sht; Juniperus dav. (Juniper Daurian) grade "Expansa Variegata", plant height 20-25sm- 100 pieces; Juniperus hor. (Creeping Juniper) grade of "Blue Chip", plant height 20-25sm- 200sht; Juniperus hor. (Creeping Juniper) sort of "Prince of wales ", plant height 20-25sm- 100 pieces; Juniperus pf. (Juniper pftseriana) grade" Mint Julep ", plant height 20-25sm- 100 pieces; Juniperus squamata (Juniper scaly) the variety" Blue Star ", Russian height tench 15-20sm- 150sht; Thuja occ. (Thuja occidentalis) variety "" Danica "", plant height 15-20sm- 300sht. Trade mark: No danyh.Vyrobnyk: «Boomkwekerij Wil de Kroon», NL. " | NETHERLANDS | ***** | 1200 | 2482.201132 | View Importer |
09/Apr/2017 | 602904900 | 1.Zhyvi plants with roots, the root system which is in the land, decorative, for open ground, and neplodonosyaschi unvaccinated without yistivnyhplodiv aged 3 years without forestry, open back and korinnyamz komom ground or in plastic pots 25 -450sm: Fir ABIES KOREANA -17sht.abutilon ABUTILON OV ROOD -18sht. Maple ACER PA ATROPURPUREU -21sht. Maple ACER PALMGARNET -11sht. Andromeda ANDROM PO BLUE ICE -40sht. armeriya ARMERIA MARITIMA-40sht. chokeberry ARON MELANOCARPA -21sht. aukuba AUCUBA J VARIEGATA -21sht. barbarysBERB OV MIX -163sht. budleya BUDDLEJA OV PAARS -36sht. box BUXUS SEMP BOSJES-21sht. box BUXUS SEMP BOSJES -21sht. kalamahrostis CALAMA AC X OVERDAM -17sht.kyparysovyk CHAM MIX-191sht. CLEM OVERIG -40sht clematis. korilus CORYLUS RED MAJESTIC -17sht. kotinusCOTI CO ROYAL PURPLE -21sht. kotoneaster COTO HORIZONTALIS -24sht. kotoneasterCOTON DAMMERI -72sht. tsytisus CYTISUS OV BOS -61sht. eunimus EUON MIX-92sht. falopiya FALLOPIA BALDSCHUANI-40sht. Forsythia FORS IN LYNWOOD -10 pc. Hedera HEDERA H HIBERNICA -140sht.hibiskus HIBISCUS SYRIACUS -46sht. Hydrangea HYDRANGEA -401sht. ileks ILEX AQBACCIFLAVA -45sht. juniper JUNI OVERIG-183sht. lonitsera LONIC HE GOLDFLAME-40sht. magnolia MAGN MIX -88sht. mahoniya MAHONIA JAPONICA -18sht. OLEAEUROPAEA -18sht oil. Plants for open ground mix OV PL -216sht. dlyavidkrytoho plants soil mix OVERIG BOMEN-87sht. PAEONIA OV ROOD peony -10sht. peony PAEONIA SUFFRUTICOSA -55sht. partenotsisusPARTH T VEITCHII -60sht. MIX -42sht filadelfus PHILA. fizokarpus PHYSOC OP DARTSGOL -45sht. spruce PICEA MIX -38sht. spruce PICEA OR AUREOSPICAT -3sht. spruce PICEAPU ERICH FRAHM -10sht. pieris PIERIS FOREST FLAME -24sht. Pine PINUS M MUGO-17sht. Pine PINUS MIX -18sht. pirakanta PYRAC MIX -50sht. Willow SALIX KILMARNOCK-18sht. spirea SPIR MIX -48sht. lilac SYRI V AND AN LUDWIG -21sht. TAXUS MIX-thousand 145sht. Thuja THUJA OC YELLOW RIBB -21sht. Vigel WEIGELA OVERIG -87sht. visteriyaWISTERIA OVERIG -50sht.Torhovelna Brand: No dannyhKrayina production: NLVyrobnyk: No data | NETHERLANDS | ***** | 7205 | 1513.050064 | View Importer |
09/Apr/2017 | 602904900 | 1.Dekoratyvni trees, shrubs and chaharnykyv p / o. hoschykah of torfohruntom, dlyavidkrytoho soil: Maple / Acer Atropurpureum h 50 cm - 12sht.Araukariya / Araucaria Heterophylla h 50 sm 5pcs. Boxwood / Buxus Elegans h 25-30 cm -250sht. Boxwood / Buxus Latifolia h 20-30 sm 150sht. Boxwood / Buxus Semp Bolvormig h25 cm - 18sht. Chamaecyparis / ChamaecyparisEllwoodi h 38 cm - 18sht.Koniferen / Coniferen Gemengd h 25 cm -18sht. Koniferen / Coniferen Gemengd h 40 cm - 14sht. Juniper / Juniperus mix h 50 sm 30sht. Juniper / Juniperus Stricta h 28 cm - 36sht. Magnolia / Magnolia LiliifloraNigra h 100 cm - 3pc. Magnolia / Magnolia Susan h 65 cm - 15sht. Magnolia / Magnoliamix h 65 cm - 20pcs. Thuja / Thuja Smaragd h 120 cm - 24sht. net weight 500kh.torhovamarka - no danyh.vyrobnyk -nema danyh.Krayina production - NL. . | NETHERLANDS | ***** | 500 | 101.3375263 | View Importer |
08/Apr/2017 | 602904900 | "1.Dekoratyvni trees, bushes, shrubs f I open ground, roots exposed in sacking or planted in n / f pots and assortment: Buxus micr.'Faulkner '/ um Samsh small-leaved .'Faulkner' 30-35 ball - 35 pcs. ; Buxus micr.'Faulkner '/ Boxwood Dr ibnolystyy .'Faulkner' 40-45 -24sht ball.; Abies normandiana / 80-100 Yalytsyanormandiana com -20sht .; Chamaecyparis l.'Ivon ne '/ Chamaecyparis' Ivonne'80-100 pompon-20pcs .; Chamaecyparis n.'Pendula '/ bale rysovyk' Pendula '125-150 -10sht com.; Ch amaecyparis o.'Nana Grasilis' / Cypress browsing 'Nana Grasilis' 30-40 compa 25sht .; Pi cea pungens'Hopsi '/ Spruce kol.'Hopsi' 10 0-125 -30sht com .; Pinus mugo'pumilio '/ Pine mountain' pumilio 'S7,5, 30-40 -10 0sht .; Pinus mugo' Mops' / Pine mountain 'Mops' 4 0-50 -10sht com .; Pinus mugo 'Win ter Gold' / Pine hirska'Winter Gold '40-50 -10sht com .; Pinus strobus / Pine ve ymutova shtamb -5sht.; Pinus strobus / Pine Weymouth shtamb -15sht. ; Pinus strobus 'P endula' / Sosnaveymutova 'Pendula' 125- 150 -8sht com .; Pinus sylvestris / Pine zvychayna125-150 com -30sht .; Taxus bacca ta / 100-125 yew com -8sht .; Taxu sbaccata / yew bonsai -3sht .; Ta xus b.'David '/ yew' David '125-150 -20sht com .; Thuja occ. 'Smaragd' / QC zah.'Smaragd T 'shtamb -50sht .; Thujaocc. 'Smaragd' / Thuja zah.'Smaragd 'pot 9 -2 000sht .; Thuja or. 'Aurea Nana' / Thuja bottom shi 'Aurea Nana' 30-40 -230sht com .; Thuj a plicata '4ever Goldy' / Tuyaskladchata '4ever Goldy' 150+ -50sht com. " | NETHERLANDS | ***** | 19500 | 10126.56711 | View Importer |
08/Apr/2017 | 602904900 | 1.Zhyvi plants with roots, korineva system is in the earth, fine for open ground, not plodonosyaschi not vaccinated, no edible fruit, not forestry bahotorichni plants for open ground, under more than 2 years in n / o horschikah and without, with torfohruntom in assortment Latin name / number, pcs: Buxus / 24 / Erica / 546 / Lavandula / 56 / Acer / 12 / Jun / 32 / Laurus / 11 / Tuinkruiden / 42 / Myrtus / 16 / Pinus / 254 / Thuja / 66 / Rosmarin / 16 / Picea / 8 / Magnolia / 205 / Salix / 10 / Coniferen / 212 / Total: 1510sht. Brand No data Manufacturer: Unknown Country of origin: NL. . | NETHERLANDS | ***** | 1508.49 | 305.7014886 | View Importer |
07/Apr/2017 | 602904900 | "1.Dekoratyvni trees, bushes, shrubs f I open ground, roots exposed in sacking or planted in n / f pots and assortments: Abies koreana 'BlueEmperor' / Korean Fir 'Blue Emperor' 80/90, C80 -1sht .; Abies koreana'Tordis' / ytsya Korean yawl 'Tordis' 40 / +, C8 -5sh t .; Corylus avellana'Twister' / Hazel ychayna called 'Twister 40/60, C11 -10sht .; Larix kampf.' StefWeeping '/ Larch Tonk oluskata 'Stef Weeping' st150, C35-10sht .; Larix kampf. 'Stef Weeping' / DENR ina tonkoluskata 'Stef Weeping' st1 80, C45 -20sht .; Picea abies' Formanek '/ Spruce' Formanek st40, C18- 5pcs .; Picea breweriana / Spruce breveria to 125/150, C180 -1sht .; Piceaengel mannii 'Glauca' / Spruce Engelmann 'Glau ca' 100 / +, C35 -10sht .; Piceaengelm annii 'Glauca' / Spruce Engelmann 'Glauc a' 160/180, C80 -7sht.; Picea omorik a 'Nana' / Serbian Spruce 'Nana' 12 5/150, C230 -1sht .; Piceapungens 'Blue Mountain' / blue spruce 'Blue Mountain' 150 / 175, C110 -2sht.; Picea pungens 'Fat Albert' / blue spruce 'Fat Albert' 140/150, C130 -1sht.; Picea pungens 'Glauca Globosa' / blue spruce 'Glauca Globosa' 80/100, C110-2sht. ; Picea pungens 'Jozsa' / blue spruce 'Jozsa' 30/40, C8 -10sht.; Picea pungens 'Luc key Strike' / blue spruce 'Luckey Strik e' 100/125, C110 -2sht .; Pinus leuco dermis 'Little Drac / Pine heldreyha' Little Drac 60/80, C25 -6sht .; Pinus leucodermis 'Malinki' / Pine heldreyha 'Malinki' 60/80, C25 -5sht .; Pinus m ugo 'Carsten's Wintergo / Pine hirska'Carsten's Wintergo 35/40, C12 -15sh T .; Pinus mugo 'Hesse' / Pine Mountain 'Hesse' 70/80, C80 -1sht .; Pinus mugo 'Humpy' / Pine Mountain 'Humpy' 20/25, C6 -10sht .; Pinus mugo 'Jakobsen' / With a grounded mountain 'Jakobsen' 25/30, C6 - 10pcs .; Pinus mugo 'Klostergrun' / Pine Mountain 'Klostergrun' 35/40 C12.5-10sht .; Pinus mugo 'Klostergrun' / Pine Mountain 'Klostergrun' 35/40, C18-5 pcs .; Pinus mugo 'Krauskopf' / Pine mining and sal ka 'Krauskopf' 40/50, C12-10sht .; Pinus mugo 'Picobello' / Pine Mountain 'Picobello' 30/35, C11-10sht .; Pinu s mugo 'Pumuckel' / Pine Mountain 'Pumuc kel' 80/100, C110-3sht .; Pinus mugo 'Sherwood Compact' / Pine Mountain 'Sher wood Compact' 25 / +, C6 -10sht .; Pinu s mugo 'Wintergold' / Pine Mountain 'Win tergold' 50/60, C35 -6sht .; Pinus ni gra 'Brepo' / black pine 'Brepo' 40 / + C12-10sht .; Pinus nigra 'Hornibroo kiana' / black pine 'Hornibrookiana' 80 / +, C110 -3sht .; Pinus nigra 'Marie Bregeon' / black pine 'Marie Bregeon' 25/30, C8 -10sht .; Pinus nigra 'Marie Bregeon' / black pine 'Marie Bregeon' st 40 b25 / 30, C8 -10sht .; Pinus nigra 'Oregon Green' / black pine 'OregonGre en' 80/100, C20 -4sht .; Pinus peuce / Pine rumeliyskim 80/100, C45-10 pcs .; Pinus schwerinii 'Wiethorst' / Pine and Schwerin 'Wiethorst' 40/50, C12 -1 5pcs .; Pinus strobus 'Bergman's Mini' / With a grounded Weymouth 'Bergman's Mini' 35/40, C12.5 -10sht .; Pinus strobus 'Blue Sh ag' / Pinus strobus 'BlueShag' b ol40 / 50, C20 -5sht .; Pinus strobus' Radia ta '/ Pine veymutova'Radiata' 40/50, C12 -10sht .; Pinus strobus 'Radiata' / Pine veymutova'Ra " | NETHERLANDS | ***** | 10500 | 5378.863708 | View Importer |
04/Apr/2017 | 602904900 | "1. Live plants for open ground, roots vklyuchayuchyyih aged at least two years for dekoratyvnyhtsiley packed in sacking with soil substrate: Carpinus betulus (Hornbeam) the variety" "Fastigiata" ", trunk circumference 10-12sm- 25sht; Tilia platyphyllos (broad-leaved Lime) stvola10-12sm- 92sht girth; Abies koreana (Korean fir) plant height 250sm- 10sht.Torhovelna brand: no danyh.Vyrobnyk: «Boomkwekerij Isidoor van Hassel BV», NL. " | NETHERLANDS | ***** | 4000 | 3142.513023 | View Importer |
01/Apr/2017 | 602904900 | 1.Zhyvi plants with roots, korineva system is in the earth, fine for open ground, not plodonosyaschi not vaccinated, no edible fruit, not forestry bahotorichni plants for open ground, under more than 2 years in n / o horschikah and without, with a torfohruntom assortment Latin name / number, items, Camelia / 11 / Lavan / 10 / Coniferen / 56 / Hyacintus / 120 / Juniperus / 58 / Total: 255sht.Torhova mark there danyhVyrobnyk: nevidomyyKrayina production: NL. . | NETHERLANDS | ***** | 204 | 46.20133898 | View Importer |
01/Apr/2017 | 602904900 | 1.Zhyvi plants with roots, korineva system is in the earth, fine for open ground, not plodonosyaschi not vaccinated, no edible fruit, not forestry bahotorichni plants for open ground, under more than 2 years in n / o horschikah and without, with torfohruntom in assortment Latin name / number, pcs: Acer / 6 / Juniperus / 104 / Picea / 54 / Erica / 254 / Magnolia / 301 / Pieris / 28 / Thuja / 84 / Laurus / 22 / Asplenium / 12 / Lavan / 71 / Coniferen / 268 / Total: 1204sht.Torhova mark there danyhVyrobnyk: nevidomyyKrayina production: NL. . | NETHERLANDS | ***** | 1240.12 | 252.9880385 | View Importer |
01/Apr/2017 | 602904900 | 1.Zhyvi plants with roots, korineva system is in the earth, fine for open ground, not plodonosyaschi not vaccinated, no edible fruit, not forestry bahotorichni plants for open ground, under more than 2 years in n / o horschikah and without, with torfohruntom in assortment Latin name / number, pcs: Buxus / 18 / Erica / 245 / Lavandula / 102 / Acer / 12 / Jun / 101 / Laurus / 2 / Jasmin / 3 / Olea / 6 / Pieris / 12 / Pinus / 12 / Thuja / 24 / Rosmarin / 16 / Picea / 34 / Magnolia / 102 / Paeonia / 25 / Miltonia / 10 / Salix / 61 / Coniferen / 242 / Total: 1027sht. Brand No data Manufacturer: Unknown Country of origin: NL. . | NETHERLANDS | ***** | 1016.73 | 217.7786688 | View Importer |
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