Ukraine Import Data of 25 Ho under HS Code 7604

Check Ukraine import data of 25 ho under HS code 7604. Get import data of Ukraine for HS code 7604

Date HS Code Product Description Origin Country Quantity Net Weight [KGS] Total Value [USD] Importer Name
27/Apr/2017 7604109000 "1.Hotovi unalloyed aluminum profiles (guide rails) for use in structures cover pools, size, type" "AIR A" ", 0,00h0,01h0,21 -90 cm in size, such as" "AIR A 250 cm" "2,30h0,01h0,21 -5 sized pieces, such as" "B AIR 2017 250 cm" "2,30h0,01h0,21 -8 sized pieces, such as" "AIR C 250 cm", "size 0, 00h0,01h0,35 -70 sm.Torhivelnoyi brand ALBIXON, the company manufacturers "" ALBIXON "" asKrayina production Czech Republic (CZ) .Krayina origin Czech Republic (CZ).. " CZECH REPUBLIC ***** 160 1869.896644 View Importer
27/Apr/2017 7604210000 "1.Profili hollow of alyuminiyevohosplavu 6063 marks used ubudivnytstvi: art.XGJB-148P-5113sht., Art.XGJB-148P-1498sht., Art.XBY-174L-1347sht., Art.XGJB-150P-1358sht., Art .ZJB-737-1462sht., art.XBY-173L-948sht., art.XGC-241L-756sht., art.XGJB-148P-1267sht., art.XBY-174L-258sht., art.XBY-173L- 245sht., art.ZJB-737-160sht., art.XGJB-150P-257sht., art.XGC-241L-255sht., art.XGJB-150P-528sht., art.ZJB-737-60sht., art. XGJB-148P-96sht., packed in p / e film and cardboard insert. Manufacturer: "" L & Y Asia Pacific Limited "", China, CN. Country of China, CN. The trade mark no data. ". CHINA ***** 22086.73 44173.64013 View Importer
27/Apr/2017 7604299000 "1.Profili from aluminum alloys (no holes and grooves for mounting) intended for further processing and use in systems sliding wardrobes, does not constitute panels and elements of walling brand alloy - 6060-F22 color -CHM11; length - 5,1m ;, art.B-2245 - 60sht, grade alloy - 6463-F22 color -CA (L) B05-5; length -5,1m ;, art.B-0304 - 40sht, grade alloy - 6463-F22 color -CA (L) B05-5; length -5,1m ;, art.B-0306 - 18sht, grade alloy - 6463-F22 color -CA (L) B05-5; length -5,1m ;, art. B-0306 - 20pcs, grade alloy - 6463-F22 color -CA (L) B05-5; length -5,1m ;, art.B-0309 - 12p; grade alloy - 6063-F22 -CAM07A color, length -5 1m ;, art.B-0 296 - 168sht, grade alloy - 6063-F22 -CAM07A color, length -5,1m ;, art.B-0304 - 160sht, grade alloy - 6063-F22 -CAM07A color, length -5,1m ;, art.B- 0306 - 10 pieces, brand alloy - 6063-F22 -CAM07A color, length -5,1m ;, art.B-0306 - 140sht, grade alloy - 6063-F22 -CAM07A color, length -5,1m ;, art.B- 0309 - 9sht, grade alloy - 6063-F22 -CAM07A color, length -5,1m ;, art.B-0309 - 156sht, grade alloy - 6063-F22 -CAM07A color, length -5,1m ;, art.B- 2245 - 40sht, grade alloy - 6063-F22 -CAM07A color, length -5,1m ;, art.B-2245 - 120sht, grade alloy - 6063-F22 -CAM07A color, length -5,1m ;, art.B- 2537 ' CHINA ***** 5315.35 16526.70011 View Importer
20/Apr/2017 7604210000 "1.Profili hollow aluminum were owed driving (brand AlMgO, 7Si 6063, aluminum alloy for the production of sectional doors and shutters, tovsch.do2mm): Profiles extruded aluminum, extruded aluminum art.AYPC.W72.0302-6,5 mProfil art.AYPC .W72.0202-6,5 mProfil extruded aluminum, extruded aluminum art.AYPC.W72.0103-6,5 mProfil art.AYPC.W72.0103-13 mProfil extruded aluminum, extruded aluminum art.AYPC.W72.0205-26 mProfil art .AYPC.W72.0807-6,5 mProfil aluminum extruded aluminum art.AYPC.W72.0102-2320,5 mProfil extruded aluminum art.AYPC.W72.0104-32,5 mProfil tion extruded aluminum extruded art.AYPC.W72.0201-45,5 mProfil art.AYPC.W72.0202-13 mProfil extruded aluminum, extruded aluminum art.AYPC.W72.0204-39 mProfil art.AYPC.W72.0204-26 mProfil extruded aluminum, extruded aluminum art.AYPC.W72.0204-19,5 mProfil art.AYPC.W72.0301-45,5 mProfil extruded aluminum art.AYPC.W72.0302-689 mProfil al yuminiyevyy extruded art.AYPC.W72.0801 -6.5 mProfil extruded aluminum, extruded aluminum art.AYPC.W72.0106-6,5 mProfil art.AYPC.W72.0106-6,5 mProfil extruded aluminum and art.AYPC.W72.0205-6,5 mProfil yuminiyevyy extruded aluminum extruded art.AYPC.W72.0205-32,5 mProfil art.AYPC.W72.0205-19,5 mProfil extruded aluminum, extruded aluminum art.AYPC.W72.0305-260 mProfil art.AYPC.W72.0802- 6.5 mprofil impost art.AYPC.W62.0301-78 mprofil frame art.AYPC.110.0104-74,4 mprofil pins art.AYPC.F50.0204-258,4 mprofil pins art.AYPC.F50.0207-61, 2 mProfil Rolling extruded art.AER55 / S-600 mprofil art.AYPC.C48.0202-26 mprofil sash casement sash art.AYPC.W62.0204-58,5 mprofil art.AYPC.W62.0205-26 mprofil leaf art. AYPC.W62.0205-26 mprofil leaf art.AYPC.W62.0201-104 mprofil rack with art.AYPC.110.0301-483,6 mprofil tiyky art.AYPC.F50.0103-448,8 mprofil art.AYPC.F50.0103-81,6 mprofil rack rack rack art.AYPC.F50.0106-217,6 mprofil art.AYPC.F50.0102-122, 4 mprofil art.AYPC.F50.0105-27,2 mprofil rack rack rack art.AYPC.F50.0106-40,8 mProfil L = 4 m art.AYPC.F50.0105-216 mprofil reinforcing art.AYPC.F50. 0303-27,2 mprofil reinforcing art.AEG30 / S-161 amplifier mprofil art.AYPC.C43.0803-6,5 mreyka shlahbaumna art.RBN6-K-12.5 mshyna guide art.GR90x34BE-6 mshyna guide art.GR65x24IE -144 mshyna guide art.GR65x24I / eco-guide 72 mshyna art.GR65x24I / eco-guide 72 mshyna art.GR65x24I / eco-mshyna facade art.SB 36-I / FR / m-18 mTorhovelna mark AluminTechno Producer SOOO "" Aluminum Techno "" Country of BY " BELARUS ***** 10346.45 47688.0789 View Importer
20/Apr/2017 7604210000 1.Profil from 6005 T6 aluminum alloy hollow shaped, U-shaped, dovzh.2500 mm cross section 75h112 mm, with drilled holes for mounting onsurface used in balustrades, art.00709010RAIL - 1 sht.Torhovelna mark SABCO.Vyrobnyk SADEV Batiment (SBI) .Krayina production FR. . FRANCE ***** 16.212 185.5651915 View Importer
19/Apr/2017 7604210000 1. Aluminum hollow. Profiles extruded: Catalog. № AP050-000-096 - 80,2 kh.katalozhn. AC050-000-096 number - 102 kh.katalozhn. № AP050-000-910 - 1022,2 kh.katalozhn. AC050-000-910 number - 812 kh.katalozhn. № AP050-000-000 - 642,6 kh.katalozhn. № AP044-000-000 - 504,2 kh.katalozhn. № AP010-000-910 - 256,8 kh.katalozhn. № AP026-000-910 - 588,4 kh.katalozhn. AP035-000-910 number - 240 kh.katalozhn. № AP043-000-910 - 123,6 kh.katalozhn. № AP048-000-910 - 26,4 kh.katalozhn. № AP052-000-910 - 930,8 kh.katalozhn. AP062-000-910 number - 114 kh.katalozhn. № AP050-000-814 - 182,8 kh.katalozhn. № AP026-000-096 - 125,2 kh.katalozhn. № AP035-000-096 - 270,6 kh.katalozhn. № AP052-000-096 - 700,6 kh.katalozhn. № AP010-000-096 - 95,4 kh.katalozhn. AP043-000-096 number - 152 kh.katalozhn. № AP050-000-096 - 76,4 kh.katalozhn. № AP044-000-096 - 382,4 kh.katalozhn. № AP026-000-910 - 263,8 kh.katalozhn. № AP043-000-910 - 52,8 kh.katalozhn. AP052-000-910 number - 343 kh.katalozhn. № AP026-000-814 - 1564,4 kh.katalozhn. № AP035-000-814 - 51,4 kh.ka talozhn. № AP052-000-814 - 690,4 kh.katalozhn. № AP010-000-814 - 35,8 kh.katalozhn. № AP043-000-814 - 143,2 kh.katalozhn. AP010-000-020 number - 12 kh.katalozhn. № AP035-000-020 - 44,8 kg. Catalog. № AP052-000-020 - 14,2 kh.katalozhn. AP010-000-910 number - 48 kh.katalozhn. № AP045-100-814 - 49,6 kh.katalozhn. №AP050-000-814 - 12,8 kg. Manufacturer: PROFILCO SAKrayina production: HretsiyaTorhovelna mark: PROFILCO GREECE ***** 10754.8 39380.98881 View Importer
12/Apr/2017 7604210000 "1. The aluminum profiles with Alloy 6082 T6, with tolerances on the dimensions according to the standard EN 755-9 manufactured according DRAWINGS ANZ55263 = 2047KH. (25 pcs.) Aluminum profiles with Alloy 6082 T6, with tolerances on the dimensions according to the standard EN 755-9 is made BY DRAWING ANZ55265 = 3093KH. (59 pcs.) hollow profiles, extruded seamless extruded, steel cross-section. used to manufacture the pump body SHESTERENCHASTYH USED in hydraulic systems of various C / machines. DIMENSIONS CROSS SECTION PROFILE manufactured according DRAWINGS ANZ55263: 130.00 +/- 1.5MM. AT 111.00 +/- 1.5MM., Profile length: 3320MM-23SHT., 2700MM.-2 pcs. CHEMICAL alloy composition: Si = 1,030-1,100%, Fe = 0,287-0,316%, Cu = 0,061-0,070%, Mn = 0,457-0,490%, Mg = 0,714-0,769%, Cr = 0,092-0,108%, Zn = 0,030-0,084%, Ti = 0,023-0,029%, Pb = 0-0,002%, Zr = 0,0020-0, 0045%, Bi = 0,0016-0,0027%, Sn = 0,0013-0,0018%, Ni = 0,004-0,0059%, Al-balance. strength in tension - FROM 322 TO 378 N / mm2 (MPA). melting NUMBER: 6407/17, 6419/17, 6447/17, 6450 / 17.ROZMIRY cross section manufactured according PROFILE DRAWING ANZ55265: 102.00 +/- 1.0MM. AT 89.00 +/- 1.0MM., Profile length: 3300MM-56SHT., 3000MM.-3pc. Chemical composition of the alloy: Si = 1,041-1,131%, Fe = 0,267-0,299%, Cu = 0,058-0,075%, Mn = 0,453-0,461%, Mg = 0,705-0,782%, Cr = 0,097-0,105%, Zn = 0,034- 0,043%, Ti = 0,026-0,027%, Pb = 0,001-0,002%, Zr = 0,0032-0,0043%, Bi = 0,0022-0,0023%, Sn = 0,0014-0,0018%, ni = 0,0052-0,006%, Al-balance. Strength in tension - from 360 to 401 N / mm2 (MPA). Melting NUMBER: 5909-1 / 16 and 6496 / 17.MARKUVANNYA about the availability of trademarks for goods missing. Country of origin: DE. MANUFACTURER: COMPANY "" ALUMINIUMWERK UNNA AG "". INFORMATION trademarks are missing. " GERMANY ***** 5140 19464.00107 View Importer
10/Apr/2017 7604210000 1. Prophylaxes of aluminum hollow AMh6L alloys used in casement furniture: -perforated guiding profile of sliding doors system - 921710900 - TOPLINE22, length 2562 mm, used for wardrobes - 100 pieces. . GERMANY ***** 229 663.3118305 View Importer
06/Apr/2017 7604299000 "1. Aluminum: no holes and fastening technology: Duct zahysnyyRB16501 white RB16501-240p / m. Duct protective RB16502 brown RB16502-120p / m. Duct protective RB18001 white RB18001-240p / m. Napravlyayuchyyprofil RG53MS02 brush with brown, RG53MS02-504p / m. Guiding profile zschitkoyu RG65MS01 white RG65MS01-216p / m. RH45N01 profile white RH45N01-9600p / m.Profil RH45N02 brown RH45N02-7680p / m. profile RH5 8N02 brown RH58N02-1008p / m. profile b RH77M02 brown (4000), RH77M02-480 p / m. ProfilRH77M03 gray RH77M03-420p / m. RH77M03 Profile gray (6000), RH77M0 3-360p / m.Profil RHE45M02 brown, R HE45M02-2520p / m. decorative profile KR 45M 01bilyy, KR45M01-60p / m. Ovyy profile locks RH41KN, RH41KN-300P / m. Profile finite evyyRA45EN01 white RA45EN01-600p / m. Pr ofil perforated RH45PN01 white RH45PN01-2400p / m.Krayina production - RU by trade mark - DOORHANVyrobnyk - the company "" StorHan "". " RUSSIA ***** 3943.84 14937.06468 View Importer
06/Apr/2017 7604210000 1.Profili hollow aluminum were owed driving (brand AlMgO, 7Si 6063, aluminum alloy for the production of sectional doors and shutters, tovsch.do2mm): Profiles extruded aluminum, extruded aluminum art.AYPC.111.0103-297,6 mProfil art.AYPC.111.0106- 49.6 mProfil extruded aluminum, extruded aluminum art.AYPC.111.0107-49,6 mProfil art.AYPC.W72.0204-13 mProfil extruded aluminum, extruded aluminum art.AYPC.111.0103-142,6 mProfil art.AYPC.W72.0101- 13 mProfil extruded aluminum, extruded aluminum art.AYPC.W72.0101-1137,5 mProfil art.AYPC.W72.0102-253,5 mProfil alu niyevyy extruded aluminum extruded art.AYPC.W72.0102-13 mProfil art.AYPC.W72.0202-26 mProfil extruded aluminum, extruded aluminum art.AYPC.W72.0202-1040 mProfil art.AYPC.W72.0302-26 extruded aluminum mProfil art.AYPC.W72.0801-6,5 mProfil extruded aluminum, extruded aluminum art.AYPC.W72.0203-13 mProfil art.AYPC.W72.0203-260 mProfil b extruded aluminum art.AYPC.W72.0305-136,5 mProfil extruded aluminum, extruded aluminum art.AYPC.W72.0501-26 mProfil art.AYPC.W72.0501-13 mprofil art.AYPC.C48.0302-39 mprofil impost impost art.AYPC.W62.0301- 13 mprofil impost art.AYPC.W62.0302-26 mprofil final art.ES9x45 / eco-end 30 mprofil art.ES9x45 / eco-end 30 mprofil art.ES9x45 / eco-end 12 mprofil art.ES9x45 / eco-end 18 mprofil art.ES9x45 / eco-6 mprofil final art.ES9x45R / eco-end 1470 mprofil art.ES9x45R / eco-end 660 mprofil art.ES9x45R / eco-end 30 mprofil art.ESL9x50I / eco-end 150 mprofil art.ESL9x50I / eco -60 mProfil ultimate purpose art.ESU / 77-21 mProfil ultimate purpose art.ESU9x35I-360 mProfil ultimate purpose art.ESU9x35I 30 mprofil frame art.AYPC.C48.0110-78 mprofil frame art.AYPC.115.0006-6,2 mprofil frame art.AYPC.W62 .0102-26 mprofil frame art.AYPC.W62.0104-32,5 mprofil art.AYPC.F50.0204-27,2 mprofil crossbar crossbar crossbar art.AYPC.F50.0204-571,2 mprofil art.AYPC.F50 .0206-27,2 mprofil pins art.AYPC.F50.0209-13,6 mProfil Rolling extruded art.AER44 / S-480 Rolling mProfil extruded art.AER55m / S-180 Rolling mProfil extruded art.AER55m / S-600 mProfil Rolling extruded art.AER55m / S-120 Rolling mProfil extruded art.AER44m / S-672 Rolling mProfil extruded art.AER44m / S-96 mprofil casement sash art.AYPC.C48.0202-104 mprofil art.AYPC.W62.0202- 26 mprofil casement sash art.AYPC.W62.0203-52 mprofil art.AYPC.W62.0203-104 mprofi l leaf art.AYPC.W62.0204-32,5 mprofil art.AYPC.F50.0104-285,6 mprofil rack rack rack art.AYPC.F50.0103-27,2 mprofil art.AYPC.F50.0104-476 mprofil reinforcing art.AYPC.F50.0306-27,2 mreyka shlahbaumna art.RBN7-5-42,4 mreyka shlahbaumna art.RBN7-4-17,2 mshyna guide art.GR53x22I / eco-6 mshyna guide art.GR60x21 / SI-30 mshyna guide art.GR53x60IE-24 mshyna guide art.GRM66x27IE-72 mshyna guide art.GRM66x27IE-36 and guide mshyna BELARUS ***** 14177.507 59257.87041 View Importer
05/Apr/2017 7604210000 "1.Profili shaped hollow zalyuminiyevyh alloy grade GB / T 14846-93na based AI-SI, cross peretynvid 32mm-207mm, wall thickness of 5mm 3mmdo length from 1000mm to 6000mm, color silver anodirovanyy, beztehnolohichnyh holes on the entire length used for subsequent production of bumpers for refrigerating showcases: mod.CKUA_0010 L = 3750mm, 10pcs. / 96.71kh, mod.CKUA_0012 L = 3900mm-56sht. / 259,672kh, mod.CKUA_0006 L = 3900mm-40sht. / 185,16kh, mod.CKUA_0006 L = 5300mm, 20pcs. / 121.66kh.Vyrobnyk - "" JMA (HK) COMPANY LIMITED "" Country of origin - CNTorhovelna mark - no data. " CHINA ***** 663.202 2173.463334 View Importer
03/Apr/2017 7604210000 1. hollow profiles of aluminum alloys (AlMgO.7Si6063) for windows, verandas, terraces with frameless glass design, not elements fencingstructures: Panel profile (anodized aluminum) KCS February 10 - 72 m Nyzhniynapravlyayuchyy profile (anodized aluminum) SCS L 01 A - 20 m Nyzhniynapravlyayuchyy profile (anodized aluminum) SCS L 01 A - 25 m, Nyzhniynapravlyayuchyy profile (anodized aluminum) SCS L 01 B - 30 m.Krayina production - TRTorhovelna mark - VizyonVyrobnyk - AKDENIZ SER.VE RAF.SIS. ITH.IHR.TIC.LTD.STI. TURKEY ***** 327 1881.645319 View Importer
03/Apr/2017 7604299000 "1. The profiles of aluminum alloys, not hollow. The aluminum U-profile, DIN 1748/9713 EN AW-6060 (AlMgSi0,5), EN 573-3, Zustand T66: - size: 40h30h3h6000mm - 1254kh / 276sht - size: 50h30h3h6000mm - 1182kh / 236sht - size: 30h30h3h6000mm - 104kh / 25sht - size: 80h30h3h6000mm - 179kh / 28sht; aluminum L-profile, DIN1748 EN AW-6060 EN573-3, Zustand T66: - size: 50h30h3h6000mm - 193kh / 50sht; - size: 50h30h4h6000mm - 100kg / 20pcs - size: 50h25h3h6000mm - 459kh / 125sht - size: 40h20h3h6000mm - 343kh / 120sht - size: 30h30h3h6000mm - 256kh / 90sht - size: 25h25h3h6000mm - 192kh / 85sht - size: 30h20h3h6000mm - 118kh / 50sht, trade mark: LCK.METALL. Country of origin: DE. Whirlpool bnyk: LCK.METALL Zwiegniederlassung der AMARI Metall GmbH.. " GERMANY ***** 4380 13055.55692 View Importer
03/Apr/2017 7604210000 "1.Alyuminiyevyy profile (an alloy of aluminum uw AD31T1), hollow, shaped, painted, the circumcircle diameter greater than 2 0mm: 1301 * 2620 AM-U4-1 RAL 9005 (mat.) - 264sht 1302 * 1885 AM-U5 RAL 9005 (mat.) - 744sht 1302 * 2060 AM-U5 RAL 9005 (mat.) - 2544sht 1302 * 1900 AM-U5 RAL 9005 (mat.) - 100 pieces in 1303 * 2000 AM-UR RAL 9005 (mat.) - 880sht 1303 * 1840 AM-UR RAL 9005 (mat.) - 100 pieces 910 * 1870 AM-UD RAL 9005 (mat.) - 664sht910 * 1870 AM-UD RAL 9005 (mat.) - 2 pcs 910 * 2580 AM-UD RAL 9005 (mat .) - 650shtVykorystovuyetsya in manufacturing indus Volyn NGO refrigeration as elementykorpusa.Torhivelna brand: OOO "" BC-ALPROF "" Manufacturer: OOO "" BC-ALPROF "" Country of origin: RU.. " RUSSIA ***** 8861 27795.41921 View Importer
03/Apr/2017 7604299000 "1.Profili shaped aluminum: -ramnyy profile KA1066 / 7 / RAL / 6 66 RETRO code KA1066 / 7 / RAL / 6, the number 13,524m.p. - frame profile KA1066D / 7 / RAL / 6 66 RETRO code KA1066D / 7 / RAL / 6, the number 1,734m.p. - frame profile KA1086 / 7 / RAL / 6 RETRO code KA1086 86/7 / RAL / 6, the number 355,48m.p. - frame profile KA1086D / 7 / RAL / 6 86 RETRO code KA1086D / 7 / RAL / 6, the number 108,661m.p. - a profile on leaf KA2041 / 7 / RAL / 6 code KA2041 / 7 / RAL / 6, the number 265,977m.p . - a profile on leaf KA2080 / 7 / RAL / 6 80mm RETRO code KA2080 / 7 / RAL / 6, the number 6,674m.p. - profile on horbylok (shprosa) KA3080 / 7 / RAL / 6 80mm RETRO code KA3080 / 7 / RAL / 6, the number 35,72m.p. - profile on vertical impost KA3100 / 7 / RAL / 6 100mm RETRO code KA3100 / 7 / RAL / 6, in quantities 19,849m.p. - Profile on vertical impost KA3118 / 7 / RAL / 6 118mm RETRO code KA3118 / 7 / RAL / 6, the number 10,205m.p. - Profile on shtulp KA4066 / 28 / RAL / 6 code KA4066 / 28 / RAL / 6, the number 42,258m.p. - profile on horizontal impost KA5100 / 7 / RAL / 100mm code KA5100 6/7 / RAL / 6, number 3, 216m.p. - connection H-profile KA6020 / 1 / RAL / 6 code KA6020 / 1 / RAL / 6, the number 51,169m.p. - to insert profile KA6085 / 7 / RAL / 6 code KA6085 / 7 / RAL / 6, the number 8.382 Stamp. - kapelnyka profile for KA7020 / RAL / 6 code KA7020 / RAL / 6, the number 4,498m.p. - to insert profile KA7041 / 7 / RAL / 6 code KA7041 / 7 / RAL / 6, number 5,459m.p. - vodovilyvnyy profile APZ 20/6 code C34 APZ20 / C34 / 6, the number 84m.p. - vodovilyvnyy etc. ofil ATWB 25/21/25/6 C34 code ATWB252125 / C34 / 6, a number 30m.p..Yavlyayut shaped profiles of aluminum, for window appointment ram.Torhovelna mark ALURON.Vyrobnyk ALURON Sp. z ooKrayina production Poland - PL. " POLAND ***** 535.4 21945.42025 View Importer

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