Ukraine Import Data of 400 under HS Code 8448

Check Ukraine import data of 400 under HS code 8448. Get import data of Ukraine for HS code 8448

Date HS Code Product Description Origin Country Quantity Net Weight [KGS] Total Value [USD] Importer Name
27/Apr/2017 8448511000 "1.Elementy to knitting in" "yazalno-broaching machines used to form loops, sutures, stitches, weaves, PlatynySNK-OL 48.30-20 G16 art.292011-4000sht.; SNK 37.17 G3 art.291391-1000sht .; SNK 37.17 G4 art.291501-1000sht., manufacturer Groz-Beckert KGKrayina production VNTorhovelna mark GROZ BECKERT®. " VIETNAM, DEMOCRATIC REP. OF ***** 3.107 1244.834494 View Importer
25/Apr/2017 8448519000 1.Pryladdya for knitting equipment: push for knitting machine for knitting hosiery: 400432 pushers LINKS 36.70 G015-2000sht.Krayina production Czech Republic / CZTorhivelna mark: GROZ-BECKERTFirma manufacturer GROZ-BECKERT. CZECH REPUBLIC ***** 0.56 292.9503923 View Importer
21/Apr/2017 8448590000 1.Chastyny ​​special form designed exclusively for v`yazalnyh machines brand Lonato: -art.D4080060 SAMOZUPYNYUVACH 14sht-trimming (trimming controls) -art.D4470240 wedge-4 pieces-art.D3071990 NYTEVOD-20pcs-art.D3071890 NYTEVOD -45sht-art.D4070215 NYTEVOD-6 pieces, art.U6070420 NYTEVOD-15sht-art.D4070204 NYTEVOD-30sht-art.G1920662 NYTEVOD-5pcs-art.G1920663 NYTEVOD-5pcs-art.D2070410 NYTEVOD-10pc-art.D5900286 SAMOZUPYNYUVACH- 9sht-art.D5920017 SAMOZUPYNYUVACH-50sht-art.D5900107R SAMOZUPYNYUVACH-6 pieces, art.D5920053 SAMOZUPYNYUVACH-10pc-10pc-art.D4080168 SAMOZUPYNYUVACH-art.D4920147 SAMOZUPYNYUVACH-10pc-art.D4080060 SAMOZUPYNYUVACH-6 pieces SLIDE-art.D5920177 P 45sht (adjusts thread tension) .- art.D5550176 plate-10pc-art.D5550210 PLATE GUID.C.1-2 LA02MJ-4 pieces-art.D5550186 PLATE CAD.1-3-4sht art.D4550574-plate-5pcs -art.D4550573 plate-7sht art.D4550562-plate-5pcs-plate-art.D4550294 6 pieces art.D4550194-plate-16sht art.D4550159-plate-20pcs-art.D5550190 PLATE CAD.1 MC.LA04MJ-JS-6 pieces -art.D5550189 PLATE CAD.2-3-4 MC.LA04JS-8 pieces, press a art.D5550148-10pcs-20pcs-press a art.D4550559 (designed for the holding threads in shell) -art.D3140010 plate-170sht-art.D4140021 20pcs-plate-plate-5pcs art.D4140054 art.D5140007-plate-90sht-art.D5350063 US 400-1sht chuck-chuck art.D5920150 400 N-1 piece (s rotating disk, etc. Under orezyamy vyazalnыe hooks, is the sostavnoy chastyu vyazalnoho tsylyndra.-BOX art.513452 TOVAROPRYEM. (RIF.8-C) -10sht (plastic, transparent insertion slot with the middle hole) -art.D5560237 PROTECT-4 pieces (plastic cover, transparent, flat glass figured form) -art.D5920009 KLAPONOVIDKRYVACH-10pc (special metal tube forms for the valve needles) -art.D5170007 pusher -10sht (designed to travel knife) -art.D4910714R tensioner in the collection, 1pc (designed to RAVNOMIRNOYI SUBMISSION THREAD IN nEEDLE) -art.D4920315 SAMOZUPYNYUVACH-15sht-art.D4070011 Kliushke-10pc (intended for REHULYUVAANYA west corner threads in shell) -art.D4520020 Lever-8 pieces (transmit motion from the piston to kulyrnyy Clean) -art.D4220329 pusher-9sht-art.D44403 06 SELEKTORNOE Ring 1pc (pyatok is guiding selectors) -art.401425 SAMOZUPYNYUVACH-15sht art.D4380149-plate-5pcs art.D4440267-RING-SELEKTOROV 2 pcs art.D4170093-pusher-20pcs art.D4440324-RING-SELEKTOROV 1pc art .D4220247 pusher-30sht art.D4140018-plate-20pcs-art.D4380263 BUILDING Forceps-10pc-10pc-art.D4170105 pusher-plate-art.D3140050 10pcs art.D3541880-plate-2 pcs art.D4540431-plate-5pcs art .D4540430 plate-5pcs art.D3542330-plate-holder art.G2380051 10pc-10pc-ache (used to uderzhuvannya yarn) -art.G2920365 plate-20pcs-20pcs art.D4921588 plate-art.G2540087-plate-5pcs art. D4920070 TOVAROPRYEMN K-2 pcs art.D4760003 TOVAROPRYEMNYKA-NET-2 pcs 2 pcs art.D4510151 lid-lid 2pcs art.D4510152-art.D5520012 Lever booming chuck-20pcs-10pcs art.D5380097 SAMOZUPYNYUVACH-BACK-art.D5920176 C. SAMOZUPYNYUVACH- 10pc-10pc-PLATE art.G2550143-art.D5080017 YHLOVIDKRYVACH-3pc-art.D4220027 pusher-2pcs-art.D4550368-opener 1pc (Spetsmetaleva layers ITALY ***** 18.332 11680.60384 View Importer
07/Apr/2017 8448519000 "1.Elementy for circular knitting machines of different models, schovykorystovuyutsya to form loops, sutures, stitches, weaves: Needle 71.75S017 -1-40000 pieces; Needle 71.75S017 -2-42000 pieces; 71.75S017 -3-30000 needle pieces, Needle 71.75 S017 -4-12000 pieces; 71.70S05-2-30000 needle pieces, needle 71.70S05-4-30000 pieces; Rypshayba 120 pcs needles 3-1, article number A45-7; Rypshayba 108 pcs needles 3-1, article number A45 -7; upper crown 108 pcs needles 3-1, article number A46-8, crown top 120 pcs needles 3,5-2 marking A46-8 number, crown top 132 pcs needles 3,5-2 marking number A46- 8, the upper crown 144 pcs needles 3,5-2 marking A46-8 number, crown top 156 pcs needles 3,5-2 marking A46-8 number, crown top 120 Oloka 3,75-2 pc; A46-8 article number, crown top 132 needles 3,75-2 pc, SKU number A46-8, crown top 144 needles 3,75-2 pc, SKU number A46-8, upper crown 156 pcs needles 3,75-2 marking A46-8 number, crown top 168 needles 3,75-2 pc, SKU number A46-8, crown bottom 108 pcs needles 3-1; A46-12 article number, the lower crown 144 needles w 3,5-2 t; A46-12 article number, the lower crown needles 3,5-2 156 pieces; Model number A46-12, the lower crown needles 3,5-2 108 pieces; Model number A46-12, Crown lower needles 120 3,75-2 pc; Model number A46-12, Crown lower needles 132 3,75-2 pc; Model number A46-12, Crown lower needles 144 3,75-2 pc; Model number A46-12, Crown lower needles 156 3,75-2 pc; Model number A46-12, caps expanse 3-1 pieces collected; Model number A-47 caps expanse 3,5-2 assembled pieces; Model number A-47 caps expanse collected 3,75-2 pc; Model number A-47 compensator heel-7 units. " CHINA ***** 150.4 6442.586705 View Importer
03/Apr/2017 8448420000 "1.Chastyny ​​to kruhlotkatskyh machines (EIT tsyfichni details): upper remiznyyremin (UPPER HEDDLE BE LT 230X98X12), art. N40245007 - 800sht, Mr. yzhniy remiznyyremin (LOWER HEDDLE BELT 485X98X12), art. N40245019 - 800sht, by Remy (HEILDWIRE) , art. N40245010 - 15000sh t; verzhniy harness strap (UPPER HEDDLE BELT230X122X12), art. FS4070607 - 400sht, the lower harness strap (lOWER HEDDLE B ELT472X122X12), art. FS4070619 - 400sht; Remiza (HEILD WIRE), art. FS4070610 - 10000sht ; trade mark No Information manufacturer: M / S MOHINDRA SALER, AMRITSAKrayina production: IN.. " INDIA ***** 173 3152.092139 View Importer
03/Apr/2017 8448490000 "1.Chastyny ​​to kruhlotkatskyh machines HDN- 4, LSFS-4, LSL-6 (EIT tsyfichni details): commercial copier (CAM ROLLER (BRG.6001)), ar t. N4060004 - 1100sht; lever (SWINGINGLE VER (10 MM PIN)), art. N4060016 -200sht; pulley (BELT pULLEY), art.N4060012- 800sht; axis (SHAFT), art. N4060020 -400sht; yn arable lever (JOCKEYLEVER), art. N406002 2 - 30sht, the shuttle assembly (COMPLETE SHUTT LE BODY) - 16sht, the lower curve (BRAKE ARM), art. N4090110 - 60sht, arc shuttle (top tion) (SHUTTLEBRACKET), art. N4090108- 50 pieces a cover (cOVER), art. N4091508 -60sht; shpulderzhatel front (BOBBIN hOLDER (BRG.6000)), art. N4091502 - 200sht, sheaves holder back (BOBBIN hOLDER (BRG.600 0)), art. N4091512 -200sht; axle (aXLE), art. N4091507 - 50sht; axis (back) (AXLE (FIXED END)), art.N4091513 -40sh t; Conch yidnyy roller (CHONCHOID ROLLER), Art. N40 90,406 - 200sht; rolykchovnyka (SHUTTLE WH EEL (BRG.6001), art. N4090408 - 300sht; t ulka (SPACER), art.N4090418 - 50sht, Olt eccentric (EXCENTER BOLT) -element circle lotkatskohostanka designed fo I regulated wording of movie clip to the frame, art. N4090415 -200sht; Gal MA holder spring (SPRING STRETCHER), art. N4090911 - 20 0sht, bearing socket (BEARING OUSING), and Hg. N40231005 - 300sht; upper pulley (DEFLECTING PULLEY), art. N40245006 - 300sht; Copier (eccentric) (EXCENTER), art.N402 411001 - 16sht; funnel TRUMPET), art.N41 80120 - 10pc; ompensator (COMPENSATOR WI RE), art. N4110008 - 20000sht; MDP holder zhyny ompensatora (SPRING HOLDER), art. N 4110014 - 20000sht; konhoyidnyy Olyka (CHONC HOID ROLLER (BRG.609)), art. FS4090308 - 300sht; stopping lever JOCKEY LEVER), art .FS4060016- 60sht; alyy harness pulley (D EFLECTING PULLEY SMALL), art. FS4070624- 300sht; bandage (BANDAGE (BRG.609)), art. FS4080111 - 200sht; guide (FOLLOW ER GUIDE), art. L202412027 - 100 pieces; G K for thread (THREAD EYE), art.L202412016-2000sht; lever (LEVER), art. L202412019- 200sht; clamp (CLAMP ELEMENT), art. LE NO2241410 - 100 pieces; cholnyka body (SHUTTLE BODY), art. LSL6992218 -12sht; pol deviating pulley (DEFLECTING PULLEY), art.LSL6 071606 - 200sht; This holder inserting piles (INSERTION FINGER HOLDER), art.LSL69 92601- 400sht; Trademark: N manufacturer: M / S MOHINDRA SALER, AMRITSAKrayina production: IN. " INDIA ***** 1585.386 17581.01744 View Importer

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