cUkraine D W Imports under HS Code 3002 from Germany
Lookup Ukraine d w imports under HS code 3002 from Germany. Search d w import data under HS code 3002 from Germany.
Date | HS Code | Product Description | Origin Country | Quantity | Net Weight [KGS] | Total Value [USD] | Importer Name |
26/Apr/2017 | 3002109900 | "1. The modified immunological products, whose operation is based on reaktsiyiantyhen antibody, kits for immuno enzyme analysis, complete with the necessary reagents designed to deter tions in the laboratory yakostiprodu ktiv food and feed pets: R1211, RIDASCREEN Aflatoxin B130 / 15 - for the quantitative determination of the appropriate amount of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2 iaflatoksynu B in cereals, feed and nuts; R1121, RIDASCREENAflatoxin M1 30/15 - to quantify the amount aflatoksynivB1 respectively, B2, G1, G2 and B aflato ksynu for a grain lturah mixed, fodder and nuts x; R5304, RIDA QUICK T-2 / HT-2 Toxin - for rapid quantitative determination of T-2 toxin in cereals and feed; R5505, RIDASCREEN FAST Zearalenon CS GIPSA / FGIS validiert -for rapid quantitative determination zearalenone in grain vyhkulturah, feed, beer, meat, jetty these and urine; R5905, RIDASCREEN FAST DON SCGIPSA / FGIS validiert - for the quantitative determination of dezoksynivalenolu in ernovyhkulturah, malt and feed; R5402, RIDASCREEN FAST Ochratoxin A - A rapid determination lyakilkisnoho ohrato ksynu A in cereals and feed; R2499, Ridatestosteron Dotierl osung 500 ng / ml- test kit for EID nachennya testosteronuu milk, honey, Kre branches, fishmeal, meat and eggs; R5906, RIDASCREENDON- for rapid quantitative determination of dezoksynivalenolu in varnishes, malt, feed, beer and medicinal herbs; R1401, RIDASCREEN Zearalenon keel kisnohoekspres -to-definition zearalenone in cereals and feed; R3301, RIDASCREENZeranol - for several snoho zeranolu determination in urine; R1511, RidascreenChloramphenicol - to determine the concentration of residual micro levomitsetynuv this milk, dry milk, honey, shrimp, fish meal, meat and eggs; R3505, RIDASCREEN Tetracyclin-for the quantitative determination of tetracycline in meat, honey, shrimp; R5904, RIDASquick DON- test strips for rapid quantitative determination dezoksyni valenolu vzlakah, malt, feed, beer and medicinal herbs; N0803 RIDAS quick Clostridiumdifficele Toxin A / B Test strips for rapid quantitative determination; " | GERMANY | ***** | 10.9 | 7429.010892 | View Importer |
26/Apr/2017 | 3002109900 | 1. Biochemical tests in the form of strips impregnated with a reagent for rapid analysis. Art. HCG-S20, hCG test (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) Pregnancy Test), single-dose pregnancy test - 20 units. Are diagnostic reagents based on immunological preparations on the substrate. Used to assess physical, biological or biochemical processes and the state of the human body and their effects are based on the observation of changes occurring in immunobiological substances contained in this reagent. Available within the clinical study of a medicinal product with the CanUTI-7 study code in accordance with the MoZA Order No. 347 dated April 12, 2016 as concomitant materials / medications. Producer - Diagnostik Nord, Germany. Trademark - HCG-S20. Country of production - DE. . | GERMANY | ***** | 1.6 | 34.13546616 | View Importer |
26/Apr/2017 | 3002109900 | 1. Biochemical tests in the form of strips impregnated with a reagent for rapid analysis. Art. HCG-S20, hCG test (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) Pregnancy Test), single-dose pregnancy test - 20 units Producer - Diagnostik Nord, Germany. Trademark - HCG-S20.Art. 11379208.191, Combur 10 Test M, Test strips Combur 10 Test M - test strips for visual and instrumental urine analysis - 100 units. Producer - Sysmex, Germany. Trade mark - Combur 10 Test.It is a diagnostic reagent based on immunological preparations, on the substrate. Used to assess physical, biological or biochemical processes and the state of the human body and their effects are based on the observation of changes occurring in immunobiological substances contained in this reagent.Available within the clinical study of the medicinal product with the code of the study CanUTI-7 in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health No. 347 dated April 12, 2016 as concomitant materials / drugs. The country of production is DE. | GERMANY | ***** | 5.5 | 152.7585485 | View Importer |
26/Apr/2017 | 3002109100 | 1.Reahenty diagnostic or laboratory test system for determining ACTH ACTHElecsys cobas e 100 Test system for determination of pancreatic amylase AMYL-P, 200 tests, cobas c, Integra Test system for the detection of antibodies to tsytrulinuAnti-CCP Elecsys cobas e 100 a test system for the detection of antibodies to yadernohoantyhenu hepatitis B Anti-HBc Elecsys cobas e 100 Test system for vyznachennyaantytil to thyroid peroxidase Anti-TPO Elecsys cobas e 100 V3 test system determine the apolipoprotein A1 APOAT, 100 tests, cobas c, Integra Test systemadlya definition antistreptolizina About ASO, 100 tests, cobas Integra Test systemadlya determined tions of C-peptide C-Peptide Elecsys cobas e 100 Test system determine the CA 19-9 CA 19-9 Elecsys cobas e 100 Test system for vyznachennyakortyzolu Cortisol Elecsys cobas e 100 Test system for determination of C-reaktyvnohoproteyinu CRP LX, 300 tests , cobas c, Integra Test system for vyznachennyavilnoyi beta subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin free HCGbeta Elecsys cobas e100 Tes t system to determine the free PSA free PSA Elecsys cobas e 100 V2Test system for the determination of free triiodothyronine FT3 3 generation Elecsys G3cobas e 200 a test system to determine haptoglobin HAPT hen.2 100 tests, cobas c, Integra Test system for determining Ch kozylovanoho hemoglobin HbA1cTQ hen.2,150T, cobas c, Integra Test system for determining surface antyhenuhepatytu in hen.2 HBsAg G2 Elecsys cobas e 100 Test system for vyznachennyahorionichnoho plus gonadotropin beta subunit HCG + beta Elecsys cobas e 100 V2Test system for determining HIV combi PT HIV combi PT Elecsys cobas e 100Test system for determining IgA IGA, 100 tests, cobas Integra Test system for determine immunoglobulin e hen.2 IgE G2 Elecsys cobas e 100 Test system determine the IgG IGG, 100 tests, cobas Integra Test system for determining IgMIGM, 100 tests, cobas Integra Test system for determining insulin InsulinElecsys c obas e 100 Test system for determining associated with pregnancy bilkuA plasma PAPP-A Elecsys cobas e 100 Test system for determination of parathyroid hormone PTHElecsys cobas e 100 Test system for determination of rheumatoid factor II RFII, 100 tests, cobas c, Integra Test System to determine testosteronuTestosterone G2 Elecsys cobas e 100 cobas test system is to control vyznachennyatyreohlobulinu AMH Elecsys test system for determining transferrin TRSFhen.2 100 tests, cobas c, Integra Test system for determining TSH TSH Elecsyscobas e 200 Test system for determining glycated hemoglobin HbA1c TQhen.3 150 tests, cobas c 501 T art system to determine kreatynkynazyMV-fraction CKMBL, 100 tests, cobas c, Integra Roche Diagnostics | GERMANY | ***** | 10.2 | 9040.401351 | View Importer |
25/Apr/2017 | 3002109900 | 1.1. Medical products, intended by the manufacturer for use for in vitro studies in the laboratory to obtain information concerning a physiological or pathological condition, sophisticated laboratory reagents combined immunological origin, produced using biotechnological processes: Reagents complex (analytical) intended to carry out blood tests using imuno- enzyme analyzer Cobas E411: Test system for determination in vitamins D General notes with Vitamin D total Elecsys cobase 100 lot: 21176902 - 1. . | GERMANY | ***** | 0.199 | 414.9792209 | View Importer |
24/Apr/2017 | 3002905000 | 1. The car is new, cargo, dyzelnyy.Toyota HILUX 2.755LA / T Pick-Up Body identification number - MR0HA3CD300708146, Cylinder capacity - 2755sm3, power - 130kVt, engine number - 1GD0265905, wheel formula - 4x4, color - silver, body type - pickup, a dual closed cabin with two rows of seats and an open platform for cargo with side boards and folding tailgate. The length of the wheelbase is 3085 mm, the maximum length of the floor inside the part intended for cargo, is 1555 mm. (Is 50.41% of the length of the wheelbase). The length of the cargo compartment floor no technological performances. Load capacity - 0.750 tons of weight in the case of maximum load - 2.910 tonnes. The cargo compartment no security devices installed permanently no seating passengers, their attachment to devices installed signs of comfort and interior decoration. Category N1G.Kalendarnyy year - 2017, model year - 2017, the total number of seats - 5, the purpose - to transport people and vantazhiv.Vyrobnyk - Toyota Motor Thailand Co., Ltd.Krayina production - TH. Trademark -Toyota. | GERMANY | ***** | 7.2 | 1253.72595 | View Importer |
24/Apr/2017 | 3002905000 | "1. pulleys of drive belts for passenger cars made of composite materials, articles, VKM70000-2sht; VKM11073-1sht. Pulley tensioner for passenger cars zkompozytsiynyh materials used to adjust the tension pryvidnyhpasiv, articles, VKM64002-5sht; VKM62002-4sht; VKM11332- 2 pcs; VKM34110-1sht; VKM11106-1sht; VKM15216-1sht. packaged for wholesale and retail torhivli.Krayina production - CA.Torhovelna brand - SKF. The company manufacturer - SKF Eurotrade AB.Krayina origin - CA.. " | GERMANY | ***** | 200 | 31918.6063 | View Importer |
21/Apr/2017 | 3002109900 | 1. Medical products intended by the manufacturer for use for in vitro studies in the laboratory to obtain information concerning a physiological or pathological condition, sophisticated laboratory reagents combined immunological origin, produced using biotechnological processes: Reagents complex (analytical) intended to carry out blood tests using enzyme immuno-analyzer Cobas E411: Test system for determination in vitamins D General notes with Vitamin D total Elecsys cobase 100 lot: 21176902 - 1. . | GERMANY | ***** | 0.199 | 411.0393294 | View Importer |
20/Apr/2017 | 3002109900 | "1. The modified immunological products, whose operation is based on reaktsiyiantyhen antibody, kits for immuno enzyme analysis, complete with the necessary reagents designed to deter tions in the laboratory yakostiprodu ktiv food and feed pets: R9002, RIDASCREEN FASTAflatoxin SC GIPS a / FGIS - for quantitative rapid Identify ting amount aflatoksynivB1, B2, G1 and G2 in se rnovyh crops, Fodder and nuts; R5205, RIDA QUICKAflatoxin RQS-test strips for immuno-chromatographic analysis, complete with the necessary reagents purpose EID nachennya afla toxin in cereals, spices ihorihah; R1211, RIDASCREEN Aflatoxin B1 30/15 - vyznachennyavidpovidno to quantify the amount of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2 and aflatoxin B in cereals, feed and nuts; R5505, RIDASCREEN FAST Zearalenon CS GIP SA / FGISvalidiert -for rapid quantitative determination of zearalenone in corn-term crops, feed, beer, meat, jetty these and urine; R5905, RIDASCREEN FAST DON SC GIPSA / FGISvalidiert - to quantify the dezoksynivalenolu in cereals, malt and feed; R7001, RIDASCREEN Gliadin - test strips dlyaimunohromatolohichnyy analysis to determine gliadin in food catering ting; R7006, Coctail- extraction solution heat-treated samples dlyaproduktiv eating food; R3505, RIDASCREEN Tetracyclin-for the quantitative determination of tetracycline in meat, honey, shrimp; R3004, RIDASCREEN Sulfonamide-sulfonamini to quantify in m'yaci, honey, shrimp; R5901, RIDASCREEN FAST DON AOAC RI & GIP SA / FGIS validiert - to quantify ekspresvyznachennya dezoksynivalenolu in cereals, malt, feed; 5151ERY, ErythromycinELISA - for the quantitative determination of erythromycin; 5111GEN, Gentamicin - dlyakilkisnoho determining gentamicin; 5151COL, Colistin - for kilkisnohovyznachennya kolistsynu; 5151LIN, Lintomycun -to quantify vyznachennyalintomitsynu; " | GERMANY | ***** | 45.3 | 24300.82903 | View Importer |
19/Apr/2017 | 3002109900 | 1. Biochemical tests in the form of strips impregnated with reagents for rapid analizu.Art. HCG-S20, hCG test (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) Pregnancy Test), disposable pregnancy test - 60 shtukVyrobnyk - Diagnostik Nord, Germany. Trademark - HCG-S20.Art. 11379208.191, Combur 10 Test M, stripes Combur Test 10 Test M - test stripes for visual instrumentation and urine - 100 shtuk.Vyrobnyk - Sysmex, Germany. Trademark - Combur 10 Test.Yavlyayut a diagnostic reagents based on immunological drugs on the substrate. Used to assess physical, biological or biochemical processes and state of the human body and their action is based on the observation of changes taking place in immunological substances contained in this reagent. Delivered within clinical trial drug research code CanUTI-7 according to the Ministry of Health order № 347 from 12.04.2016 g. As auxiliary medical materials (concomitant materials / medications) .Krayin and production - DE. | GERMANY | ***** | 9.24 | 214.2949818 | View Importer |
19/Apr/2017 | 3002109900 | "1.Test system allergological and autoimun not Polycheck, screening for the detection of IgG IgEta: Inhalation art.05012002 I-20, -10 and 24 sets of tests; art.05012003, paedi atric I-20 -5 to 24 sets of tests, art. 05012001, Food 20-I po24testy -2 sets; art. 05012005, Polycheck Korea I - Stand ard -15naboriv on 24testy; art.05012007, Polycheck Korea III -Food -3 sets of 24 tests; art.05012085, Atopic 30-I -1 24 sets of tests; art.05012090, Atopic 30-II -3nabory of 24 tests; art.05012019, Atopic 20-I -15 and 24 sets of tests. Testypryznacheni for in vitro diagnostic use and, the principle of which is based on reaktsiyiantyhen- antibody only laboratory vykorystannya.Torhova marka- Biochesk. Fir and Production: "" BioCheck GmbH "" DE.. " | GERMANY | ***** | 17 | 11280.19193 | View Importer |
19/Apr/2017 | 3002109900 | "1. Diagnostic sets reagent in its composition contains antibodies of animal and human origin, calibrators and CONTROL SUBSTANCE. MANUFACTURER INTENDED FOR USE IN VITRO DIAGNOSTIC In the study of blood samples MAN. WORKING PRINCIPLE sets based on the method ELISA on microplates and reaction ANTIGEN -ANTYTILO: ORG 200, ANA DETECT - SET FOR DETERMINING antinuclear antibodies SHT. 2; ORG 206, ENASCREEN - NUCLEAR EKSTRAHUYUCHI antibody screening (antigen: SS-A, SS-B, SM, RNP / SM, SCL-70 , JO-1) -1SHT; ORG 215M, ANTI-CARDIOLIPIN IGM - IGM antibodies TO KARDIOLIP IHD, SHT. 1; ORG 216, AMA-M2 - MITOCHONDRIA antibodies to M2, SHT. 1; ORG 240G, ANTI-TISSUE-TRANSGLUTAMINASE IGG - IGG antibodies to tissue TRANSHLUTMINAZY, SHT. 1; ORG 248, ANTI- MCV - antibodies to citrullinated vimentin MODIFIED (MCV), SHT.-8, ORG 310, POSITIVE CONTROL - positive control SHT.-1 ORG 311, NEGATIVE CONTROL - NEGATIVE CONTROL, SHT.-1. " | GERMANY | ***** | 3.7 | 1461.78506 | View Importer |
19/Apr/2017 | 3002109900 | "1. Diagnostic sets reagent in the composition of antibodies containing both animal and human origin, calibrators and CONTROL SUBSTANCE. MANUFACTURER INTENDED FOR USE IN VITRO DIAGNOSTIC In the study of blood samples MAN. WORKING PRINCIPLE sets based on the method ELISA on microplates and reactions antigen-antibody: EIA-3265, ANDROSTENEDIONE ELISA - SET reagents ANDROSTENEDIONU in serum or human plasma SHT.-7; EIA-1562, DHEA-S ELISA - SET reagents DHEA-S (DEHIDROEPIANDROSTE Ron sulfate) Human serum, SHT. 4; EIA-1292, 17OH-PROGESTERON ELISA - SET reagents for the quantitative determination of progesterone in serum HUMAN SHT.-12; EIA-1291, PROLACTIN ELISA - SET reagents prolactin Human serum, SHT. 1; EIA-2693, eSTRADIOL ELISA - SET reagents estradiol serum or human plasma SHT.-6; EIA-1468, AFP ELISA - REAGENTS SET FOR DETERMINING Dr. AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) Human serum, SHT.-6; EIA-1612, FREE ESTRIOL ELISA - SET reagent for quantitatively determining the concentration of estriol in serum HUMAN SHT.-3; EIA-1911, B-HCG ELISA - SET reagents for the quantitative determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (BETA) Human serum, SHT.-1; EIA-4718, FREE B-HCG ELISA - reagents SET B-HCG (human chorionic HODATOTROPINU HUMAN-BETA) free serum HUMAN SHT.-2; EIA-1283 HPL ELISA - SET reagents placental lactogen (PL) in serum HUMAN SHT. 10; EIA-1293 C-PEPTIDE ELISA - SET reagents of C-peptide serum HUMAN SHT.-4; EIA-2395, LEPTIN SANDWICH ELISA - SET reagents leptin in serum or human plasma SHT.-4; EIA-3415, DHEA ELISA - SET reagents for quantitative determination of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in serum or plasma. , SHT.-1; EIA-3369, TSH RECEPTOR AB ELISA - SET reagents receptor TSG (TIREOTROPNOHO stimulating hormone) serum HUMAN SHT.-2; EIA-2924, FREE TESTOSTERONE ELISA - SET reagent for quantitatively determining the concentration of free testosterone in serum or blood plasma, SHT.-2; EIA-5298, ALDOSTERONE ELISA - SET reagents serum aldosterone RIGHTS. , SHT.-1; EIA-3499, MYCOPLASMA PNEUMONIAE IGG ELISA - SET reagents MYCOPLASMA PNEUMONIAE IGG in serum HUMAN SHT.-8; EIA-3500, MYCOPLASMA PNEUMONIAE IGM ELISA - SET reagents for detection of antibodies to the infection IGM Class MYCOPLASMA PNEUMONIAE serum HUMAN SHT.-1; EIA-3645 RTN INTACT ELISA - react Consumer Care SET FOR DETERMINATION OF COUPLE TIREOYIDNOHO intact hormone (PTH) in serum HUMAN SHT.-1 " | GERMANY | ***** | 33 | 7455.279779 | View Importer |
14/Apr/2017 | 3002905000 | 1. Starter culture of microorganisms dlyam'yasopererobnoyi industry (bezvmistu animal products): 108,683 Classic Plus BIOBAK art. 6875- 800sht.Krayina production - DETorhivelna mark - WIBERGVyrobnyk - FRUTAROM GmbH. | GERMANY | ***** | 40 | 2020.720208 | View Importer |
14/Apr/2017 | 3002109500 | "1.Likarski immunological products permitted for use within clinical trials for people with no content of vitamins, alkaloids, not for sale or resale, not in aerosol packaging, not infected, not infected, non-animal origin do not contain banned substances, not for use in veterinary medicine, are not narcotic or psychotropic components contain spyrtu.Tilky for use in a clinical trial GSL689_2001 code: -nabir comprising: Recombinant factor VIIa-FP (rVIIa-FP), 20 mg - 1 vial of 20 mg of recombinant factor VIIa- F P - 1 vial with 2 ml of water for injections - 1 unit for filtering Mix2VialLot: 00880711V. Closing date: 21 October 2017 150sht.Vyrobnyk: CSL Behring GmbH, trade mark: CSL, Country of origin: Germany; ". | GERMANY | ***** | 10 | 18222.47735 | View Importer |
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