cUkraine D W Imports under HS Code 4011 from Germany

Ukraine D W Imports under HS Code 4011 from Germany

Lookup Ukraine d w imports under HS code 4011 from Germany. Search d w import data under HS code 4011 from Germany.

Date HS Code Product Description Origin Country Quantity Net Weight [KGS] Total Value [USD] Importer Name
28/Apr/2017 4011209000 "1.Shyny new pneumatic rubber dlyaavtobusiv and truck loading zindeksom more yak121: 315 / 80R22.5 OMN MSD II 156 / 150K M + S (load index 156/150, indeksshvydkosti K, maximum speed 110 Type of tread pattern SYMM NENAPR, boarding diameter 22.5 sezonVsesezonna) art.568449-1sht; 315 / 80R22.5OMN MSD II 156 / 150K M + S (156/150 load index, speed index K, maximum speed 110, the type of picture n rotektor SYMM NENAPR, boarding diameter All-weather season 22.5) art.56844 9-5sht; 315 / 80R22.5 OMN MSD II 156 / 150K M + S (156/150 load index, speed index K, maximum speed 110, type tread SYMM NENAPR, posa dochno diameter 22.5 All-weather season) art.568449-8sht, trade mark: GOODYEAR; Manufacturer: GOODYEAR DUNLOP EUROPE BV; Country of origin: DE. " GERMANY 14 996.8 3578.164253 View Importer
28/Apr/2017 4011209000 "1.Shyny new pneumatic rubber dlyaavtobusiv and truck loading zindeksom more yak121: 275 / 70R22.5 SP344 148 / 145M M + S (load index 148/145, indeksshvydkosti M, maximum speed 130 type tread SYMM NENAPR, boarding diameter 22.5, sezonVsesezonna) art.570425-1sht; 275 / 70R22.5SP344 148 / 145M M + S (code navantazhennya148 / 145 speed index M, the maximum speed of 130 type tread SI MM NENAPR, boarding diameter 22.5, All-weather season) art.570425-2sht, 275 / 70R 22.5 SP344 148 / 145M M + S (148/145 load index, speed index M, the maximum speed of 130 type SYMM NENAPR tread, landing diameter 22.5 in May, the season All-weather) art. 570425-1sht; 275 / 70R22.5 SP344 148 / 145M M + S (148/145 load index, speed index M, the maximum speed of 130 type tread SYMM NENAPR, boarding diameter 22.5, the season and all seasons) art.570425-1sht; 275 / 70R22.5 SP344 148 / 145M M + S (5 148/14 load index, speed index M, ksymalna speed of 130 mA, the type of picture SI MM NENAPR tread, diameter 22.5 boarding season All-weather) art.570425-3sht; Trademark: DUNLOP; Manufacturer: GOODYEAR DUNLOP EUROPE BV; Country of origin: DE " GERMANY 8 408 1546.703678 View Importer
27/Apr/2017 4011100090 1.Shyny rubber pneumatic, new, for use on cars poshoseynym roads, type of road tread - the index most dopustymoyishvydkosti over R. 205/65 R16 95V TL ENERGY SAV, art. 151096 - 12p. -indeksshvydkosti - V, load index - 95, 215/55 R17 98W EXTRA LOAD TL PRIMACY 3GRNX MI, art. 378668 - 20pcs. -indeks speed - W, load index - 98.215 / 50 ZR17 (95Y) XL TL PILO, art. 658683 - 4sht. index speed - Y, load index - 95, Country of origin - NimechchynaKrayina production - DETorhovelna mark - MichelinVyrobnyk - Michelin Reifenwerke KGaA. GERMANY 36 339.82 2629.776452 View Importer
27/Apr/2017 4011100090 1.Shyny rubber pneumatic, new, for use on cars poshoseynym roads, type of road tread - the index most dopustymoyishvydkosti over R. 215/55 R17 98W EXTRA LOAD TL PRIMACY 3 GRNX MI, art.378668 - 4 pieces. -indeks speed - W, load index - 98, 225/55 R16 95V TLPRIMACY 3 GRNX MI, art. 934 357 - 4 pieces. -indeks speed - V, code navantazhennya- 95 Origin - NimechchynaKrayina production - DETorhovelna mark - MichelinVyrobnyk - Michelin Reifenwerke KGaA. GERMANY 8 78.32 637.4105472 View Importer
27/Apr/2017 4011100090 1. Pneumatic rubber tires, new, for use on passenger cars on off-road roads, type of tread road - the index of the maximum allowable speed more than R. art. 118655 - 285 / 60R18 120V EXTRA LOAD TL - 8pcs. -index speed -V, load - 120, art.378668 - 215/55 R17 98W EXTRA LOAD TLPRIMACY 3 GRNX MI-20pcs. -index speed -W, load - 98, country of origin - GermanyManufacturer of the market - DEmarking trademark - MICHELIN manufacturer - Michelin Reifenwerke KGaA. GERMANY 28 343.08 2520.501055 View Importer
26/Apr/2017 4011209000 "1.Shyny new pneumatic rubber dlyaavtobusiv and truck loading zindeksom more yak121: 385 / 65R22.5 SP246 HL 164K158L M + S (load index 160/158, indeksshvydkosti L, maximum speed 120 type tread ASYMM, 22.5 posadochnyydiametr season All-weather) art.571791-24sht, trade mark: DUNLOP; Manufacturer: GOODYEAR DUNLOP EUROPE BV; Country of origin: DE. " GERMANY 24 1835.064 6222.362397 View Importer
26/Apr/2017 4011209000 "1.Shyny new pneumatic rubber dlyaavtobusiv and truck loading zindeksom more yak121: 295 / 80R22.5 SP346 HL 154 / 149M 3PSF (load index 154/149, indeksshvydkosti M, maximum speed 130 type tread SYMM NENAPR, landing diameter 22 5, sezonVsesezonna) art.568884-3sht; 295 / 80R22.5SP346 HL 154 / 149M 3PSF (154/149 load index, speed category M, maximum speed 130, the type of picture n rotektora SYMM NENAPR, boarding diameter 22.5, season All-weather) art.5688 84-3sht, trade mark: DUNLOP; Manufacturer: GOODYEAR DUNLOP EUROPE BV; Country of origin: DE. " GERMANY 6 363.6 1370.112653 View Importer
25/Apr/2017 4011209000 "1.Chastyny ​​to piston engines with spark ignition for a / m Lada: Prystriydlya preparing fuel mixture (carburettor) art.21080110701000 - 2 pcs. Prystriydlya preparing fuel mixture (carburettor) art.21080110701000 - 53sht. Prystriydlya preparing fuel mixture (carburettor ) art.21080110701000 - 60sht.Krayina production - RUTorhovelna mark - LADAVyrobnyk - "" za "" g Dimitrovgrad company. " GERMANY 3 70.7 391.0286602 View Importer
25/Apr/2017 4011100090 1. Sheet metal installation of windows and turning swivel-hinged sash: MK.U.700-1 block KT art.5015908-800 pieces. OS1.U.1050-1 tire KT art.5015898-400 pieces. SK.U.1.20-13 LS bracket art.4992361-1440 pcs., DL.HT.18-13-12 LS bracket art.4990049-20 pcs., EKU1 angle art.4987427-3600 pcs., DL.K. ET 20-13 LS swivel bracket art.4986909-400 pcs., KE SL art.4982891-200 extension piece., SK2.PA 20-13 LS bracket art.4966426-5 pcs., SK1.PA 20-13 LS bracket art.4966424-5 pcs., ZV-FT SL art.4965238-2000 press a piece., OS2.PA 1025-1 tire art.4965082-5 pcs., DML.K 20-13 art.5016272-700 press a middle piece ., SK.U.1 20-13 RS bracket art.4992360-1440 pcs., GASM 1800-2 bolt shtulpovyy art.4933700-40 pcs., GVM.U.1200-3 zasu ZN.KT art.5015884-960 pcs., ALS WSK 60 KT hitch art.5032587-913 pcs., GM.UN1750-2.KT bolt art.5035793-1200 pc., GM.UN1100-1.KT bolt art. 5035791-960 pieces. ALS WSK 60 KT hitch art.5032587-87 pieces. ALS.FSS.U LS mechanism art.5032555-500 pieces. SK.SE.205 RS kronshte Jn art.4932601-3 pieces. SK.SE.152 RS bracket art.4931884-40 pcs., TFE element art.4931450-500 three functional units., GAVM 920-3 bolt art.4927941-900 pc., GASM 800 bar shtulpovyy art.4927112-20 pcs., DL.K 21-13 LS swivel bracket art.4926283-50 pcs., GAM 800 bar art.4926267-1800 pcs., GAK 465 bar art.4926221-100 pcs., OS2 1250-1 tire art.2848291 -200 pcs., ZV SL art.1791131-20 press a piece., DFE-TFE hitch ZN art.4937821-8000 pcs., SK.SE.161 RS bracket art.4932611-7 pcs., OS.SE.800 bus art.4934244-20 pcs., G AM 2300-3 D25 bolt art.4938167-20 pieces. DL.KU20-13 RS swivel bracket art.4938562-300 pcs., MK 750-1 blockade art.4940653-1000 additional pieces. Country of PLVyrobnyk Aug.Winkhaus GmbH & Co.KGTorhovelna mark Winkhaus GERMANY 208 2252.514 10987.17662 View Importer
25/Apr/2017 4011209000 1.Ohorozhi metal, welded in mistsyahperetynu, with steel wire diametrom6mm., Frameless, galvanized: mobile elements ohorodzhennyaart.5412298322383 / 7027934C2 CROWD BARRIER 2500h1100mm size. . GERMANY 2 61.5 388.3728604 View Importer
23/Apr/2017 4011209000 1. industrial equipment with electric heating for the treatment of materials by changing the temperature used, incomplete, unassembled, cabinet camera - 1 pc. Designed for proofing dough and bakery products, maintains constant humidity and temperature. . GERMANY 3 159.12 626.7738058 View Importer
22/Apr/2017 4011100090 1.Shyny rubber pneumatic, new, for use on cars poshoseynym roads, type of road tread - the index most dopustymoyishvydkosti over R. 285 / 50R20 112V TL LATITUDE T, art. 574 132 - 4 pieces. -indeksshvydkosti - V, load index - 112, 215/55 R17 98W EXTRA LOAD TL PRIMACY 3GRNX MI, art. 378 668 - 4 pieces. -indeks speed - W, load index - 98.225 / 55 R18 98V TL PRIMACY 3 GRNX MI, art. 589 024 - 4 pieces. -indeks speed - V, load index - 98, 245/45 R18 100W EXTRA LOAD TL PRIMACY 3 GRNX MI, art.648090 - 4 pieces. -indeks speed - W, load index - 100, 195/65 R15 95VXL TL CROSSCL, art. 694 822 - 4 pieces. -indeks speed - V, load index -95, Origin - NimechchynaKrayina production - DETorhovelna mark - MichelinVyrobnyk - Michelin Reifenwerke KGaA. GERMANY 20 230.93 2005.357605 View Importer
22/Apr/2017 4011100090 1.Shyny rubber pneumatic, new, for use on cars poshoseynym roads, type of road tread - the index most dopustymoyishvydkosti over R. art. 694 822 - 195/65 R15 95V XL TL CROSSCL - 4 pieces. -indeksshvydkosti -V, load - 95, art. 774 107 - 205/55 R16 91H TL PRIMACY 3 GRNXMI - 19sht. index rate -H, load - 91, art. 413756 - 225/45 ZR18 (95Y) EXTRALOAD - 3pc. -Y -indeks speed, load - 95, art. 378668 - 215/55 R1798W EXTRA LOAD TL PRIMACY 3 GRNX MI- 12p. -W -indeks speed, load - 98, art. 648 090 - 245/45 R18 100WEXTRA LOAD TL PRIMACY 3 GRNX MI- 5pcs. -W -indeks speed, load - 100, Origin - NimechchynaKrayina production - DETorhovelna mark - MICHELINVyrobnyk - Michelin Reifenwerke KGaA. GERMANY 43 401.04 2693.955473 View Importer
20/Apr/2017 4011100090 1.Shyny rubber pneumatic, new, for use on cars poshoseynym roads, type of road tread - the index most dopustymoyishvydkosti over R. art. 694 822 - 195/65 R15 95V XL TL CROSSCL - 8 pieces. -indeksshvydkosti -V, load - 95, art. 774 107 - 205/55 R16 91H TL PRIMACY 3 GRNXMI - 4sht. index rate -H, load - 91, art. 378 668 - 215/55 R17 98W EXTRA LOADTL PRIMACY 3 GRNX MI - 8 pieces. -W -indeks speed, load - 98, art. 151096- 205/65 R16 95V TL ENERGY SAV - 4 pieces. -indeks speed -V, navantazhennya- 95, art. 694 822 - 195/65 R15 95V XL TL CROSSCL - 4 pieces. -indeks speed -V, load - 95, Country of origin - NimechchynaKrayina production - DETorhovelna mark - MICHELINVyrobnyk - Michelin Reifenwerke KGaA. GERMANY 28 244.32 1544.16334 View Importer
20/Apr/2017 4011100090 1.Shyny rubber pneumatic, new, for use on cars poshoseynym roads, type of road tread - the index most dopustymoyishvydkosti over R. 215/55 R17 98W EXTRA LOAD TL PRIMACY 3 GRNX MI, art.378668 - 20pcs. -indeks speed - W, load index - 98, Country of origin - NimechchynaKrayina production - DETorhovelna mark - MichelinVyrobnyk - Michelin Reifenwerke KGaA. GERMANY 20 197.9 1647.88871 View Importer

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