Ukraine Import Data of D W under HS Code 4901

Check Ukraine import data of d w under HS code 4901. Get import data of Ukraine for HS code 4901

Date HS Code Product Description Origin Country Quantity Net Weight [KGS] Total Value [USD] Importer Name
27/Apr/2017 4901990000 "1.Drukovana products: 59793, book" "Work Offline" "TETRIX® MAX - 1sht.Vyrobnyk: PITSCO Education, Inc.Torhivelna mark: PITSCO production Education.Krayina: US.." UNITED STATES ***** 0.272 25.12855376 View Importer
25/Apr/2017 4901100000 1.Drukovana products: art. 197197 Leaf with schematic Instruction for ISTR. RANCH 100 BASIC -1050 shtart. 197199-1 Leaf with schematic Instruction for ISTR. RANCH 120 BASIC -600 shtTorhovelna mark GRAFICHE TIPO SNC DI PRETTO GIORGIOVyrobnyk GRAFICHE TIPO SNC DI PRETTO GIORGIOKrayina production IT. ITALY ***** 11.55 811.7341214 View Importer
24/Apr/2017 4901990000 "1.Novyy of l-l" "BMW- X3 xDrive20i / F25" ", Type: gasoline, automobile, Engine: A0691618, Displacement: 1997 cm3 Body: WBAWX310100L79870, with katalizatoromTyp basket: Universal, Power: 184 hp. axle with 4 * 4 seats: 5Kalend.rik whirlpool: 2017; Modeln.rik whirlpool, 2017Krayina production - USTorhivelna mark - "" BMW "" Vyrobnyk- "" BMW Manufakturing Co. "". " FRANCE ***** 1.28 39.53722733 View Importer
24/Apr/2017 4901990000 1. Parts of weighing equipment: * ART-S Indicator / LED ART-S -2sht. * LCA-D Indicator with 2 relay and analog output / Vahoprotsesor LCA-D -1sht.Pryznacheni to share weighted platform equipped with load cells. Trademark EsitVyrobnyk Esit Elektronic Sistemler Imalat ve Ticaret LTD.STIKrayina production TR. CHINA ***** 1.3 10.0000823 View Importer
21/Apr/2017 4901990000 "1.Drukovani books that are Pharmacopoeia (pharmacological reference books) - a set of standards and regulations establishing standards a medicinal plant - medical substances, excipients, diagnostics and medicines and manufacture of these products. Not related to military goods and dual use: SKU 3400001 USP40-NF35 2017 four volume set (BOOK) - a set of four volumes; Article 3400011 USP40-NF35 supplement 1 2017 (BOOK) - add 1.Upakovano 2 cartons net weight 14.62 kh.Torhivelna mark : USP.Vyrobnyk: US Pharmacopeia.Krayin Production: US.. " UNITED STATES ***** 14.62 1112.000067 View Importer
21/Apr/2017 4901990000 1.Drukovani knyhy.Hudozhnya literaturav hard and soft politurtsi in the range -1616 ekzemplyariv.Drevnye boevыe system podhotovkyrazvedchykov East -5sht. Ystoryyavoynskyh traditions and arts ZapadnoyEvropы -5sht. Chudylenыsh IZ rozovoholesa -3sht. Tips Dedushkynы rыbolovu -10sht. Azbuka vkusa -4sht. Nauchytesyhrat for Piano urokov 10-10pc. Self games on the guitar, and Notnaya beznotnaya-learning system 5pcs. Manual work Modnыe accessories, 5pcs. Shem Clothing for Puppet -3sht. Kitchen -4sht blood group. Zdorove- forever! -5sht. Treatment solnechnыm Light -3sht. Cancer is not pryhovor! -5sht. RetseptMorytsa: You spelled Health! -5sht. Absorb the womb to pass utrom 8-3pc. Udyvytelnoe ochyschenye liver and bile bubbles -3sht. Udyvytelnoe ochyschenyepecheny -5sht. 5 Excellent indexing for Health and Physical shiny uniform -3sht. Vampropysana -5sht water. East gymnastics for the brain. Energetika health -5sht.Vы Patients do not, you zhazhda -3sht. Zaykanye: How nauchytsya kontrolyrovat -3sht. Kakdozhyt to 120 years in fields Brэhha -20sht system. Lechebnыe exercises for G-6 pieces. Moe vodolechenye -8sht. Spine - the key for health -10sht. Pravylnoesochetanye -15sht of products. Practical guidance on adaptive control RAILS -5sht.Prohramma -5sht Improvement of view. Compatibility of products for POWER 4-hruppkrovy 5pcs. Udyvytelnoe ochyschenye liver and bile bubbles -5sht. The skin-Ydealnaya Faces 3pc. The skin Velykolepnaya 14 days -3sht. Rebenok and leaving him (podarochnaya) -10sht. Rebenok and leaving him -10sht. World -3sht tomorrow. As vыrabotat uverennostv vlyyat themselves and for people vыstupaya publychno: How zavoevыvat friends and people okazыvatvlyyanye: How to Start a permutation bespokoytsya live -24sht. Kakzavoevыvat Friends and Influence people okazыvat-30sht. As zavoevыvat Friends and Influence okazыvat people in tsyfrovuyu-era 14sht. As naslazhdatsya zhyznyu Receive udovolstvye from work-20pcs. As preodolet anxiety and stress -10sht. As raspolahat for a people-20pcs. As эffektyvno obschatsya with people -10sht. Masters -3sht success. Zhyvytepolnotsennoy zhyznyu -9sht. As zdorovыm sex, and bohatыm schastlyvыm-14sht. Mahycheskaya power of reason -10sht. Manage sudboy -22sht own way. Trudnыerazhovorы -3sht. 10 laws -5sht leadership. 100 sposobov -7sht motivation. 13hlavnыh trade rules-8 pieces. 21 Quality Leader -10sht. 25 sposobov zavoeva Location of people-5pcs. 400 prostыh sekretov schastlyvoy life as Frenchwomen -3sht. Beskonechnayasyla Attraction for wealth -5sht. Any cam you want! We obtain all want something! -7sht. Dreams -5sht embodiment. Dobyvaysya success and rich, yspolzuya syluubezhdenyya -3sht. Murphy's Law-10pc. Laws Parkynsona -5sht. Gold -5sht leadership lessons. Art communication-10pc. As yzbavytsya from Strahov and ALARM VIEWER with pomoshchju podsoznanyya -10sht. Kakpoveryt in sebja -6sht. As pryvlekat Money -10sht. How to Create yourself horoshuyukarmu -3sht. Kytayskoe art by reading lytsu Syanh -5sht min. Keys for Success-3pc. Leader 360 ° -7sht. -3sht leadership. Leadership: nachny its history you a large-10pc. Personality -3sht leader. Mahycheskaya power on BELARUS ***** 543.2 2555.531628 View Importer
19/Apr/2017 4901100000 1.Drukovana products: as individual sheets: art. 983483-4 Leaf with schematic instructions for skladannyuCANILE BAITA -1000 shtart. 197185 Leaf with schematic Instruction for ISTUZIONE CAT CABINET -1000 shtart. 197194 Leaf with schematic instructions for skladannyuISTRUZIONI RANCH XXL ZOOPLUS -100 shtart. 197208-1 Leaf with schematic Instruction for SALTAGATTO TIGRE -100 shtart. 982093 Leaf with schematic Instruction for STAND -100 shtTorhovelna mark GRAFICHE TIPO SNC DI PRETTO GIORGIOVyrobnyk GRAFICHE TIPO SNC DI PRETTO GIORGIOKrayina production IT. ITALY ***** 14.37 1009.923688 View Importer
18/Apr/2017 4901990000 1. Printed Paper Products (license) is a separate A4 sheets with license to data: - Activation Key on paper, art -VX-9000-APPLNC-LIC, Nb, 1pc., Trademark ExtremeVyrobnyk Extreme Networks Inc. Country of origin US. UNITED STATES ***** 0.1 1119.190105 View Importer
14/Apr/2017 4901990000 "1. Printed booklets with tasks for the organization and provedennyatestuvannya English booklets (1 letter) circles. 240sht, booklets (6 letters) circles. 240sht, booklets (8 letters) circles. 240sht. Only for the purpose of company. not dlyarealizatsiyi.Torhova mark: CAMBRIDGE ASSESSMENT DC10 Prospect Island Country: GB. " UNITED KINGDOM ***** 17 123.0577829 View Importer
11/Apr/2017 4901990000 1.Drukovani Books: Textbooks for learning foreign languages ​​including sets for retail sale, consisting of the textbook for learning English and CD or DVD drive that contains the entry duplication of educational material from textbooks, tests, interactive tasks and other auxiliary training material: New Inside Out Intermediate Student's Book + CD-ROM- .: 9781405099677-30 art piece., New Inside Out Upper Intermediate Student's Book + CD-ROM- .: 9780230009141-30 art piece., Laser (3rd Edition) B1 + Student's Book & CD-ROM Pack- .: 9780230433670-300 art piece., Laser (3rd Edition) B2 Student's Book & CD-ROM Pack- .: 9780230433823-300 art piece., Ready for First (3rd edition) + eBook Teacher's Book Pack + CD- al .: 9781786327550-5 pcs., Straightforward 2nd Pre-intermediate SB- .: 9780230414006-60 art piece., Straightforward 2nd Pre-inter SB & WEBCODE- .: 9780230424463-20 art piece., Straightforward 2nd Intermediate SB- Art .: 9780230423244- 60 pcs., Straightforward 2nd Upper - Intermediate SB- art 780230423343-60 .: 9 pcs., Straightforward 2nd Upper SB & WEBCODE- .: 9780230424487-20 art piece., Straightforward 2nd Edition Advanced Student's Book- .: 9780230423442-30 art pieces. , Direct to FCE Teacher's Book- .: 9780230409576-2 art piece., English World 1 Teacher Book & Webcode Pack- .: 9780230467521-10 art piece., English World 2 Teacher Book & Webcode Pack- .: 9780230467538-71 art pieces ., English World 4 Teacher Book & Webcode Pack- .: 9780230467552-40 art piece., English World 5 Teacher Book & Webcode Pack- .: 9780230467569-20 art piece., English World 6 Teacher Book & Webcode Pack- art .: 9780230467576-6 pcs., Gateway 2nd Ed A1 + TB Premium Pack- .: 9780230473065-14 art pieces. , In Company 3.0 Starter Teacher's Book Premium Plus Pack- .: 9781380000354-5 art piece., In Company 3.0 Elementary Teacher's Book Premium Plus Pack- .: 9781380000361-5 art piece., In Company 3.0 Pre-Intermadiate Teacher's Book Premium Plus Pack - art .: 9781380000378-5 pcs., In Company 3.0 Intermadiate Teacher's Book Premium Plus Pack- .: 9781380000385-5 art piece., In Company 3.0 Upper IntermediateTeacher's Book Premium Plus Pack- .: 9781380000392-5 art piece., Laser A2 Teacher's Book + Test CD- .: 9780230424814-26 art piece., Laser (3rd Edition) B1 Teacher's Book Pack + CD- .: 9780230433601-10 art piece., Laser (3rd Edition) B1 + Student's Book & CD-ROM Pack- art .: 9780230433670-6 pcs., Laser (3rd Edition) B1 + Teacher's Book Pack + CD- .: 9780230433755-6 art piece., Laser (3rd Edition) B2 Student's Book & CD-ROM Pack- art .: 9780230433823-14 pcs., Straightforward 2nd Beginner Teacher's Book Pack + CD- .: 9780230423015-3 art piece., Straightforward 2nd Pre-intermediat e SB- .: 9780230414006-4 art piece., Straightforward 2nd Edition Pre Intermediate Teacher's Book Pack + CD- .: 9780230423206-4 art piece., Straightforward 2nd Upper - Intermediate SB- .: 9780230423343-4 art piece., Straightforward 2nd Edition Upper Intermediate Teacher's Book Pack + CD- .: 9780230423404-9 art piece., Straightforward 2nd Edition Advanced Student's Book- .: 9780230423442-2 art piece., Straightforward (2nd UNITED KINGDOM ***** 650.5 3406.122568 View Importer
11/Apr/2017 4901990000 1.Drukovani Books: Textbooks for learning foreign languages ​​including sets for retail sale, consisting of the textbook for learning English and CD or DVD drive that contains the entry duplication of educational material from textbooks, tests, interactive tasks and other auxiliary training material: Beyond A1 + Student's Book PK- .: 9780230461031-150 art piece., Beyond A1 + Workbook- .: 9780230460164-150 art piece., Beyond A2 Student's Book Pack- .: 9780230461123-160 art piece., Beyond A2 Workbook- art .: 9780230460171-160 pcs., Campaign 1 SB- .: 9781405009805-48 art piece., Campaign 1 WB + CD- .: 9781405028998-48 art piece., Campaign 1 TB- .: 9781405009812-1 art piece., DESTINATION B2 (new edition) Student 'S Book With Key- .: 9780230035386-60 art piece., DESTINATION C1 & C2 Student's Book Without Key- .: 9780230035416-40 art piece., Direct to FCE Student's Book & Webcode Pack With Key- Art .: 9780230414679-10 pcs., Direct to IELTS Student's Book With Key & Webcode Pack- .: 9780230439931-10 art piece., Direc t to TOEFL ibt Student's Book & Webcode Pack- .: 9780230409910-10 art piece., Gateway A2 Workbook- art .: 9780230723399-200 pcs., Gateway B1 Workbook- .: 9780230723450-400 art piece., Gateway B1 + Student's Book & Webcode Pack- .: 9780230417632-30 art piece., Gateway B1 + Workbook- .: 9780230723511-80 art piece., Gateway B2 Student's Book- .: 9780230723566-200 art piece., Gateway B2 Workbook- .: 9780230723573-150 art piece., Gateway 2nd Ed A2 SB Prem Pk- .: 9780230473102-5 art piece., Gateway 2nd Ed B1 SB Prem Pk - art .: 9780230473119-100 pcs., Gateway 2nd Ed B2 SB Prem Pk- .: 9780230473171-100 art piece., Gateway 2nd Ed B1 + SB Prem Pk- art 9780230473157-100 w .: ie., Gateway 2nd Ed B2 + SB Prem Pk- .: 9780230473201-100 art piece., Gateway 2nd Ed A1 + SB Prem Pk- .: 9780230473072-5 art piece., Gateway 2nd Ed A2 SB Pack- Art .: 9780230473096-210 pcs., Gateway 2nd Ed B2 SB Pack- .: 9780230473188-150 art piece., Gateway 2nd Ed B1 + SB Pack- .: 9780230473140-105 art piece., Gateway 2nd Ed A1 + SB Pack- .: 9780230473058-210 art pieces. , Gateway 2nd Ed A2 WB- .: 9780230470880-210 art piece., Gateway 2nd Ed B2 WB- .: 9780230470972-150 art piece., Gateway 2nd Ed B1 + WB- .: 9780230470941-105 art piece., Grammar Goals Level 3 Pupil's Book Pack + CD- .: 9780230445833-50 art piece., Grammar Goals Level 4 Pupil's Book Pack + CD- .: 9780230445901-50 art piece., Hot Spot 1 AB- .: 9780230533714-150 art piece., Hot Spot 2 Student's Book + CD- .: 9780230723757-250 art piece., Hot Spot 2 AB- .: 9780230533752-200 art piece., Hot Spot 5 art Student's Book- .: 9780230408777-30 pcs., Hot Spot 5 Activity Book- art .: 9780230408784-30 pcs., IELTS Found ation New Edition Teacher's Book- .: 9780230425804-2 art piece., IELTS Graduation TB- .: 9781405080798-1 art piece., IELTS Graduation Stady Skills Pk + CD- .: 9781405080781-2 art piece., In Company 3.0 Starter Student's Book Pack- .: 9780230458826-30 art piece., In Company 3.0 Elementary Student's Book Pack- .: 9780230455009-160 art piece., In Company 3.0 Pre-Intermediate Student's Book Pack- .: 9780230455115-100 art piece., In Company 3.0 Intermediate Student's Book P THAILAND ***** 3741.98 14775.15944 View Importer
11/Apr/2017 4901990000 1.Drukovani Books: Textbooks for learning foreign languages ​​including sets for retail sale, consisting of the textbook for learning English and CD or DVD drive that contains the entry duplication of educational material from textbooks, tests, interactive tasks and other auxiliary training material: Open Mind Upper - Intermediate Workbook with key & CD Pack- .: 9780230458406-15 art piece., Open Mind Advanced Workbook with key & CD Pack- .: 9780230458413-15 art piece., Hello Jack Teacher's Notes- art .: 9780230404533-3 pcs., Open Mind Upper-intermediate Teacher's Book Pack + CD- .: 9780230469525-1 art piece., Open Mind Advanced - Teacher's Book Pack + CD- .: 9780230469556-1 art pieces. Manufacturer: Macmi llan DistributionTorhovelna brand ES MacmillanKrayina production for Macmillan Distribution. SPAIN ***** 7.5 38.88280657 View Importer
11/Apr/2017 4901990000 1.Drukovani Books: Textbooks for learning foreign languages ​​including sets for retail sale, consisting of the textbook for learning English and CD or DVD drive that contains the entry duplication of educational material from textbooks, tests, interactive tasks and other auxiliary training material: English World 1 9780230024779-3000 .: WB- art piece., English World 1 Grammar Practice Book- .: 9780230032040-600 art piece., English World 2 .: Pupils Book- art pieces 9780230024601-2500., English World 2 9780230024786-591 .: WB- art piece., English World 3 Pupils Book- .: 9780230024618-1000 art piece., English World 3 WB- .: 9780230024793-500 art piece., English World 4 Pupils Book- .: 9780230024625 art -600 N. ie., English World 4 9780230024809-600 .: WB- art piece., English World 5 9780230024632-300 .: PB- art piece., English World 5 9780230024816-300 .: WB- art piece., English World 6 PB- art .: 9780230024649-100 pcs., English World 6 9780230024823-150 .: WB- art piece., English World 7 Pupil's Book- art .: 9780230 pcs 032521-100., English World 7 Workbook Pack + CD- art .: 9780230440920-100 pcs., English World 8 Pupil's Book- .: 9780230032538-100 art piece., English World 8 Workbook Pack + CD- .: 9780230441309-100 art piece., English World 9 Pupil's Book- art .: 9780230032545-50 pcs., English World 9 Workbook & CD-Rom + CD- .: 9780230441323-50 art piece., Explorers 6 Through the Looking Glass- .: 9780230469303-10 art piece., Gateway A2 Student's Book- art .: 9780230723382-250 pcs., Gateway B1 Student's Book- .: 9780230723443-600 art piece., Macmillan Primary Grammar 2 SB & Audio CD Pack (Russian) - art .: 9780230726543-30 pcs., YOU AND ME 1 Pupil's Book- art .: 9781405079440-80 pcs., YOU AND ME 1 AB- .: 9781405079457-120 art piece., YOU AND ME 2 Activity Book- .: 9781405079525-30 art piece., English World 2 .: Pupils Book- art pieces 9780230024601-166 ., English World 3 Pupils Book- .: 9780230024618-33 art piece., English World 4 Pupils Book- .: 9780230024625-40 art piece., English World 5 9780230024632-20 .: PB- art piece., English World 6 PB - art .: 9780230024649-6 pcs., English World 7 Pupil's Book- .: 9780230032521-6 art piece., English World 7 Teacher's Book- .: 9780230032569-6 art piece., English World 8 Pupil's Book- .: 9780230032538 art -6 pcs., 8 World English Teacher's Book- art .: 9780230032576-6 pcs., English World 9 Pupil's Book- .: 9780230032545-3 art pieces. 9 World English Teacher's Book- .: 9780230032583-3 art pieces. Gateway A2 Student's Book- .: 9780230723382-14 art piece., Gateway B1 Student's Book- .: 9780230723443-26 art pieces. Manufacturer: Macmillan DistributionTorhovelna mark MacmillanKrayina production for MY Macmillan Distribution MALAYSIA ***** 3445.45 14282.5533 View Importer
11/Apr/2017 4901990000 1.Drukovani Books: Textbooks for learning foreign languages ​​including sets for retail sale, consisting of the textbook for learning English and CD or DVD drive that contains the entry duplication of educational material from textbooks, tests, interactive tasks and other auxiliary training material: Next Move 1 Workbook- .: 9780230466326-60 art piece., Ready for Advanced 3rd Edition Student's Book with Key & MPO (+ SB audio) Pack- .: 9780230463677-10 art piece., Ready for FCE (3rd edition) Student's Book & MPO & Audio CD Pack with Key- .: 9780230440029-40 art piece., Straightforward 2nd Elementary Student's Book & Webcode- .: 9780230424456-20 art pieces. Manufacturer: Macmillan DistributionTorhovel Marc LB MacmillanKrayina production for Macmillan Distribution. LEBANON ***** 60.8 271.3780343 View Importer
11/Apr/2017 4901990000 1.Drukovani Books: Textbooks for learning foreign languages ​​including sets for retail sale, consisting of the textbook for the study of French language and CD or DVD drive that contains the entry duplication of educational material from textbooks, tests, interactive tasks and other auxiliary training material: Alter Ego +: Niveau 2 Cahier dactivites + CD audio- .: 9782011558138-50 art piece., Alter Ego +: Niveau 1 Cahier dactivites + CD audio- .: 9782011558114-200 art piece., Alter Ego +: Niveau 1 Guide pedagogique- .: 9782011558169-10 art piece., Alter Ego +: Niveau 1 Livre de leleve + DVD-ROM- .: 9782011558107-200 art piece., Alter Ego +: Niveau 2 Livre de leleve + DVD-ROM- art .: 9782011558121-50 pcs., Alter E go +: Niveau 2 Guide pedagogique- .: 9782011558176-10 art piece., Alter Ego +: Niveau 3 Cahier dactivites + CD audio- .: 9782011558152-50 art piece., Alter Ego +: Niveau 3 Guide pedagogique- Art .: 9782011558183-10 pcs., Alter Ego +: Niveau 3 Livre de leleve + CD-ROM + Parcours digital- and Hg .: 9782011558145-60 pcs., Alter Ego +: Niveau 4 Cahier dactivites + CD audio- art .: 9782014015515- 20 pcs., Alter Ego +: Niveau 4 Livre de leleve + DVD-ROM- .: 9782014015508-20 art piece., Cosmopolite Niveau 1: Cahier dactivites + CD audio- .: 9782014015980-30 art piece., Cosmopolite Niveau 1: Livre de leleve + DVD-ROM- .: 9782014015973-30 art piece., Le Nouveau Taxi: Niveau 3 / Livre + CD-ROM- .: 9782011555588-20 art piece., Objectif Express NE: Niveau 2 / Cahier dactivites- art .: 9782014015768-15 pcs., Objectif Express NE: Niveau 2 / Guide pedagogique- .: 9782014015775-5 art piece., Objectif Express NE: Niveau 2 / Livre de leleve + CD-ROM- art 9782014015751-10 w .: ., Adomania: Niveau 1 Cahier dactivites + CD audio + Parcours digital- .: 9782014015249-60 art piece., Adomania: Niveau 1 Livre de leleve + CD-ROM- .: 9782014015225-60 art piece., Adomania: Niveau 2 Guide pedagogique- .: 9782014015270-10 art piece., Adomania: Niveau 2 Livre de leleve + DVD-ROM- .: 9782014015232-20 art piece., Adomania: Niveau 2 Cahier dactivites + CD audio + Parcours digital- art .: 9782014015256- 30 pcs., Adomania: Niveau 3 Livre de leleve + DVD-ROM- .: 9782014015423-50 art piece., Adosphere: Niveau 1 / Livre de leleve + CD- .: 9782011557087-110 art piece., Adosphere: Niveau 1 / Cahier dactivites + CD-ROM- .: 9782011557094-100 art piece., Adosphere: Niveau 2 / Cahier dactivites + CD-ROM- .: 9782011557179-200 art piece., Adosphere: Niveau 2 / Livre de leleve + CD- art. : 9782011557155-220 pcs., Adosphere: Niveau 3 / Cahier dactivites + CD-ROM- .: 9782011557131-50 art piece., Adosphere: Niveau 3 / Livre de leleve + CD- art 9782011557117-100 w .: ., Adosphere: Niveau 4 / Cahier dactivites + CD-ROM- .: 9782011558732-25 art piece., Adosphere: Niveau 4 / Livre de leleve + CD- .: 9782011558718-25 art piece., Adosphere: Niveau 2 / Guide pedagogique - art .: 9782011558817-10 pcs., Grenadine: Niveau 1 / Cahier dactivites- .: 9782011552235-20 art piece., Grenadine: Niveau 1 / Livre- .: 9782011554697-20 art piece., Le Kiosque: Niveau 2 / Livre - art .: 9782011555342-75 pieces. FRANCE ***** 805.19 5736.011867 View Importer

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