cUkraine D W Imports under HS Code 7007212090 from Poland
Lookup Ukraine d w imports under HS code 7007212090 from Poland. Search d w import data under HS code 7007212090 from Poland.
Date | HS Code | Product Description | Origin Country | Quantity | Net Weight [KGS] | Total Value [USD] | Importer Name |
28/Apr/2017 | 7007212090 | "1. Glass laminated safety (Triplex), in the range of cars to riznyhmarok. 2443AGSGNHMV6T BMW 7SERIES 09/2003; WS G, euro code -2443AGSGNHMV6T - 4 pcs 2445AGSGNMV6TBMW 5 SERIES SAL + EST 200 EUR Code -2445AGSGNMV6T - 3 pieces, 2465AGSMV2P BMW 3SERIES 4D SAL / 5D EST 2 euro code -2465AGSMV2P - 6 pieces, 2741AGSMVZ2PCITROEN BERLINGO 2008; WS GN, code -2741AGSMVZ2P euro - 3 pieces, 3003AGNBL DAEWOO LANOS 97; WS GN BL, euro code - 3003AGNBL - 4 pcs 3743AGNHV1P FORD TOURNEO CONNECT 02-, euro code - 3743AGNHV1P - 3 pieces, 4141AGSHMV1B HYUNDAI IX35 5D SUV LHD 200 euro code - 4141AGSHMV1B - 7 units, 5174AGNW MAZDA 6 LHD 2008; WS GN HWARE, euro code - 5174AGNW - 2 pieces, 5347ABSMVW1K MERCEDES E CLASS SAL + BRK W2, euro code - 5347ABSMVW1K - 5 pcs, 5680AGNM1B MITSUBISHI OUTLANDER LHD 2007 euro code - 5680AGNM1B - 4 pieces, 5689AGNMV2B MITSUBISHI ASX 5D SUV LHD 06 eV O code - 5689AGNMV2B - 5 pcs, 6041AGSMV1B NISSAN NOTE 5D HBK 06-, Euro code - 6041AGSMV1B - 7 units, 6261AGSBLM1B VAUXHALL / OPEL OMEGA SAL + EST, Euro code - 6261AGSBLM 1B - 2 pieces, 7280AGSMV1R RENAULT MEGANE SCENIC 2009, Euro Code - 7280AGSMV1R - 5 pcs, 7816AGSHMVWZ SKODA OCTAVIA A7 III 5D HBK, euro code - 7816AGSHMVWZ - 2 pieces, 7929AGNHV SUBARU LEGACY 4D SAL / 5D EST LH, euro code - 7929AGNHV - 8 pieces, 8546AGNGNV AUDI A8 94; WS GN GN VIN, euro code - 8546AGNGNV - 2 units, total - 72 pieces. Trademark: Pilkington. Country of origin: PL. Manufacturer: Pilkington Automotive. " | POLAND | ***** | 900.21 | 4581.988037 | View Importer |
26/Apr/2017 | 7007212090 | "1.Avtosklo used in motor vehicles, multilayer, safe (triplex): Glass windshield lobove.Sklo 2443AGSGNHMV6T BMW 7 SERIES 09/2003 --1sht., Windshield glass 3743AGNHV1P FORD TOURNEO CONNECT 02- --2sht., Glass windshield 5363AGSMVZ MERCEDES R CLASS 2006- --1sht., windshield glass 5426ACL1C MERC SPRINT LOW 94-; WS CL 1C --1sht., windshield glass 5427AGNGN1P MERC SPRINT HIGH 00-; WS GNG --3sht., glass windshield NISSAN PATHFINDER 2005 6037AGSBLMVZ1B - --2sht., windshield glass 6037AGSBLVZ NISSAN PATHFINDER / NAVARRA 05- --1sht., windshield glass 6261AGNBL1B VAUX OME SAL / EST 00-; WS GNB --3sht., windshield glass 06 8836ACCBLMVZ1R VOLVO S80 / V70 07 / XC7 - -1sht., windshield glass 8836AGSMVZ1R VOLVO S80 06- --1sht., windshield glass 3577AGAHVW FORD C MAX / GRAND C MAX MPV 2010; WS GN SO --2sht., glass windshield 4635 AGN1B DAF XF 2013; SZYBA CZO? OWA ZIELONA 1B --2sht., Windshield glass 5680AGNHM1B MITSUBISHI OUTLANDER 2007- --1sht., Windshield glass 6084AGACHMVZ1C NISSAN QASHQAI 5D SUV P32S (EU) in 2014, SZ --1sht., Windshield glass 6084AGAHMVZ1C NISSAN QASHHQAI 5D SUV 20 14; SZYBA CZO? OW --2sht., Windshield glass 7811AGSAVW SKODA FABIA II 2010; WS GN SOLAR ANT VIN --1sht., Windshield glass 4 8372AGAHMW1B TOYOTA RAV 2006- --2sht., Windshield glass 8378AGABLHMV1B TOYOTA LANDCRUISER V8 LHD 2008; WS GN BL --2sht., Windshield glass 8577AGAVZ6K VW TOURAN MPV 2003 / TOURAN MPV 2011; WS G --1sht., Windshield glass 8581AGSAVZ VW CADDY LHD 10/2005; WSGN SOLAR ANT VIN --1sht., Windshield glass 8596AGAGYMVWZ1P AUDI Q5 2008; WS GN SOLAR ACO GY VIN HWAR --1sht., Windshield glass 2465AGSYDMV1P BMW 3 SERIES 4D SAL / 5D EST 2011; SZYBA C --2sht., Windshield glass 7810AGSGYVZ SKODA OCTAVIA A5 / WSGSY / 04 CUA 1 --3sht., Windshield glass 8403AGAGNMV1B TOYOTA CAMRY SAL 2011; WS GN SOLAR ACO GN --1sht .; The manufacturer Pilkington Automotive Poland Sp.z oo; trademark Pilkington; Country of PL " | POLAND | ***** | 359.64 | 3313.091266 | View Importer |
24/Apr/2017 | 7007212090 | "1. Grids from a wire of ferrous metals: -panel" "Medium" "in the sizes 2030х2500мм from a galvanized wire in diameter of 3.8мм, the size of a cell 200h60mm, not painted, Ток-М 04.4х4.2,0х2,5.110 in the amount of 875pcs; - Panel "Medium" 1680x2500mm in size from a galvanized wire with a diameter of 3.8mm, the size of a cell 200x60mm, not painted, TOK-M 04.4x4.1,7х2,5.110 in the amount of 375pcs Designed for the manufacture of fencing systems for industrial objects. " | POLAND | ***** | 684 | 3173.541248 | View Importer |
24/Apr/2017 | 7007212090 | Film polyurethane, flexible, porous, intended for use as sealing garage doors without nayavnostimalyunku, stamping and polishing. | POLAND | ***** | 43.2 | 2023.609591 | View Importer |
18/Apr/2017 | 7007212090 | 1.Sklo car windscreen, laminated safety glass, triplex (name, Eurocode) SKODA OCTAVIA 99- CT the wind art. 7807AGNGNVW1K -25sht.CITROEN BERLINGO 96- & 01- CT ZLHL the wind art. 2724AGSBL1P-25sht. SKODA ROOMSTER 06 MPV5D-CT the wind PLN + VIN + ART. 7811AGSVW -25sht. PEU BOXERSWB VA 06- CT ZLHL the wind VIN + + + Inc. amended the CD art. 6552AGSBLVZ-25sht. OPEL COMBO 2001-WS GN BLUE BAND art. 6292AGSBL -25sht. RENAULT TRAFIC2001- the wind PT PLN + VIN art. 7252AGSV-25sht. REN MIDLUM 99- WS GN SIT art. -25sht 7253AGN. MAZDA 6 08 - ST VETRZL + DD + UO art. 5174AGNMW1B -25sht. MV CL (W639) 2003- ST ZLHAM the wind / PLN ANT + art.5438AGSGNA -25sht. 2011 VW JETTA the wind PT PLN keep Zerka + + + VIN Inc. art. 8612AGSVZ6Z-10pc. T LANDCR 2003- the wind PT PLN + VIN art. 8341AGNV -5sht. REN MEGANE II / 2002-ST ZLHAM the wind art. 7260AGSMV1R-10pc. DAEWOO / CHEVR. LACETTI 2004- the wind CT art. 3016AGNBLA -10sht. FORD FOCUSHBK / UN / ST SED 2004- the wind art. 3566AGSVW1R -5sht. NIS X-TRAIL 2007- ST ZLart the wind. -5sht 6047AGN. RENAULT KANGOO II 2007 PT PLN + the wind VIN art. 7274AGSV -10sht.CITR C1 2005- ST ZLHAM the wind art. 2734AGS -10sht. VW POLO 3D + 5D HB 01-ST VETRZL Inc. + VIN + Art. 8573AGSVZ-5pcs. KIA SPORTAGE 94- CT ZLHL the wind art. 4402AGNBL -3sht. MAZDA 323 98- CT VETRZL art. -3sht 5155AGN. MV CL (W639) 2003- ST ZLHAM the wind / PLN art. 5438AGSGNAM1B-5pcs. PEUG 207 + 2006- ST ZLHAM the wind Inc. + VIN + Art. 6548AGSVZ -3sht. VW PASSAT B62006- the wind ZLHAM CT + VIN + UO art. 8584AGSVW1H -2sht. SER SED BMW 3 (E90) + UN (E91) 2005- the wind CT art. 2447AGNGNV -2sht. VW GOLFIV / VENTO97-CT BET ZLSR Inc. + + + VIN DDart. 8558AGNGYMVZ-1am. HYUND ACCENT 2006- the wind PT PLN / GL VIN + Art. 4134AGNBLV -10sht. SEATALTEA / TOLEDO 2004- ST ZLHAM the wind / GL art. 7612AGSBLVZ -2sht. VW POLO 3D + 5D HBK2001- art. 8573AGSVZ6J -3sht. SKODA OCTAVIA A5 04-PT PLN the wind DD VIN Inc. art.7810AGSMVZ1P -5sht. HONDA CIVIC 4D CT SD 96 ZLZL the wind art. 3957AGNGN -4sht.TOYOTA AVENSIS SD + CB + 02 UN / 98ST the wind art. 8305AGNBL -3sht. FORD FUSION 11/2005-ST ZLHAM the wind art. 3563AGSMVW1B -2sht. MITSUBISHI COLT 3D 05- PT PLN GL ZPart the wind. 5676AGNBL -5sht. BMW MINI 2000 PT TINT the wind W art. 2440AGSGNV -2sht.MITSUBISHI L200 CLUB CAB 06- PT PLN + the wind DD Art. 5679AGSM1B -10sht. OPEL KADETT E83-91 the wind CT ZLHL art. 6247AGNBL-5pcs. MAZDA BT50 PICK-UP 2007- the wind PT PLN art. -1sht 5172AGN. KIA PRO-CEE'D HBK2007- the wind PT PLN + VIN art. 4433AGNV -3sht. MAZDA 626 HB 92- PT PLN art.5142AGN the wind, 2 pcs. VW FOX LHD 2005- ST ZLHAM the wind ANT + + UO art. 8585AGSAW -2sht. MR CL 2006- STVETR ZLHAM DD + + + VIN Inc. art. 5363AGSMVZ -2sht. KIA PRO-CEE'D RHD 07-WS-GN + SEN-CBOSS + SP art. 4433AGNMV1P-2 pcs. CITROEN C4 5D HBK 2010- the wind PT PLN + acoustic + DD + VIN + ART. 2746AGAMVW1B-2 pcs. KIA PRO-CEE'D HB 2007- the wind PT PLN + VIN art. 4433AGNV2P -3sht. VOLKSWAGENTOUAREG 2002 the wind ZLSR + CT + DD Inc. art. 8576AGSGYMVZ2B -5sht. TOYOTA VERSO 2012- STVETR PLN + UO art. 8399AGNW -2sht. MITSUBISHI CANTER FE 6 / DOUBLE CAB 96- VETRZL CT + UO art. -2sht 5653AGN. NISSAN JUKE SUV 06 / 2010- ST the wind PLN + VIN + UO art.6069AGSV -5sht. NISSAN X-TRAIL LHD 2007- the wind PT PLN + VIN + Inc. art. 6047AGNM2B -3sht.COROLLA 4D SAL LHD 2013- the wind CT cereals Inc. + Art. 8409AGAZ6Z -5sht. TRANSIT | POLAND | ***** | 9744.5 | 24543.62064 | View Importer |
08/Apr/2017 | 7007212090 | 1.Sklo tempered exclusively for installation in passenger cars, side, art.84510-61M42-000 - glass wind-1am. art.84570-61M10-000 - GLASS DIVISION DVEREYBAHAZHNOHO-1sht.Krayina origin - PolschaKrayina production - PLTorhovelna mark - SUZUKIVyrobnyk - Suzuki Motor Corporation. . | POLAND | ***** | 14.38 | 331.2318088 | View Importer |
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