Ukraine Import Data of G G under HS Code 8539311000

Check Ukraine import data of g g under HS code 8539311000. Get import data of Ukraine for HS code 8539311000

Date HS Code Product Description Origin Country Quantity Net Weight [KGS] Total Value [USD] Importer Name
28/Apr/2017 8539311000 "1.Lampy discharge, fluorescent, ztermokatodom, dvotsokolni, dlyazahalnoho lighting (household not yevybuhonebezpechnymy new): lampatrubchasta, tube diameter 16mm, napruha230V, 6 W power, light potik270Lm, cap G5, enerhospozhyvannya7kWh / 1000h: L 6W / 640 25X1 OSRAM art.A14652A1579, EAN: 4050300008899 - 200sht .; lamp tube diameter 16mm tube type cap G5, 230V voltage, power 39Vt, luminous flux 2850Lm, 6500K light t emperatura energy consumption 42kWh / 1000h, enerhospozh class A, light efficiency 75Lm / W: HO 39W / 865 20X1 OSRAM art.A27516C1079, EAN: 4050300591681 - 20 pcs .; lamp tube diameter pipes and 16mm type cap G5, voltage 230V, 8W potuzh ness, luminous flux 385Lm, energy 9kWh / 1000h: L 8W / 640 5X1 OSRAM art.A1369533379 2, EAN: 4050300008912 - 400sht .; hundred trubcha lamp, tube diameter 16mm, Type cap G5, 230V voltage: L 8W / 765 25X1 OSRAM art.A 8334430479, EAN: 4050300035475 - 600sht .; lamp tube diameter 16mm tube, you n cap G5, voltage and 230V: L 8W / 765 25X1 OSRAM art.A8334430479, EAN: 4050300 035475 - 500sht .; Country of origin: IT; The manufacturer: LEDVANCE GmbH; Trademark: OSRAM. " ITALY 1720 60.768 1100.946152 View Importer
28/Apr/2017 8539311000 "1.Lampy discharge, fluorescent, ztermokatodom, dvotsokolni, dlyazahalnoho lighting (household not yevybuhonebezpechnymy new): lampatrubchasta, tube diameter 26 mm, typtsokolyu G13, voltage 230V, potuzhnist30Vt, luminous flux 2400Lm, 4000K svitlovatemperatura, enerhospozhyvannya36kWh / 1000h, light efficiency 80Lm / W: L30W / 840 25X1 OSRAM art.A52232D0410, EAN: 4050300518039 - 400sht .; lamp tube diameter 16mm tube type tsoko Liu G5, 230V voltage, luminous flux 4450Lm, power 54Vt light efficiency 82Lm / W, energy 60kWh / 1000h, 3000K color temperature: HO 54W / 830 20X1 OSRAM art.A4995870510, EAN: 4050300591605 - 40 T .; and lamp elements, 16mm diameter tube type cap G5, voltage 230V, 80W power consumption energy I 88kWh / 1000h, luminous flux 6150Lm, 7000K color temperature, light lo efficiency 77Lm / W: HO 80W / 830 20X1 OSRAM art .A29485B1510, EAN: 405030059182 7 - 40sht .; lamp tube diameter 16mm tube type cap G5, voltage 230V, 80W power consumption en erhiyi 88kWh / 1000h, luminous flux 5700Lm, 6500K temperature's light: HO 80W / 865 20X1 OSRAM art.A29484F1310, EAN: 4050300 591803 - 20pcs .; lamp tube, tube diameter 26 mm type cap G13, voltage 230 V, power 58Vt, luminous flux 4550Lm, 6500K: L 58W / 965 25X1 LF OSRAM art.A52520E0210, EAN: 4008321090034 - 25sht .; Country of origin: DE; The manufacturer: LEDVANCE GmbH; Trademark: OSRAM. " GERMANY 525 74.25 628.60251 View Importer
27/Apr/2017 8539311000 "1.Lampy discharge, fluorescent, ztermokatodom, dvotsokolni, dlyazahalnoho lighting (household not yevybuhonebezpechnymy new): lampatrubchasta, tube diameter 26 mm, typtsokolyu G13, 230V voltage: L 18W / 76525X1 FED OSRAM art.A73107F00G8, EAN: 4008321959669 - 24000sht .; lampatrubchasta, tube diameter 26 mm, typtsokolyu G13, 230V voltage: L 18W / 640 25X1 FED OSRAM art.A73106200G8, EAN: 4008321959652 - 3000sht .; trubch Asta lamp, tube diameter 26 mm type cap G13, 230V voltage: L 18W / 865 25X1 FED O SRAM art.A73983500G8, EAN: 4008321581273 - 300sht .; lamp tube diameter and 26 mm tube type cap G13, 230V voltage: L 36W / 765 25X1 FED OSRAM art.A73109700G8, EAN: 4008321959836 - 4500sht ., Lamp tube, tube diameter 26 mm type tsoko Liu G13, 230V voltage: L 36W / 840 25X1 OSRAM art.A73985E00G8, EAN: 400832158141 9 - 1500sht .; lamp tube, tube diameter 26 mm type cap G13, voltage 230 V: L 58W / 765 25X1 LF OSRAM art. A73567700G8, EAN: 4008321959850 - 4500sht., lamp tube diameter and 26 mm tube type cap G13, 230V voltage: L 18W / 765 25X1 FED OSRAM art.A73107F00G8, EAN: 4008321959669 - 24000sht. ; frequent lamp tubes, tube diameter 26 mm type cap G13, 230V voltage: L 18W / 865 25X1 FED O SRAM art.A73983500G8, EAN: 4008321581273 - 50sht .; lamp tube, tube diameter 26 mm type cap G13, 230V voltage: L 36W / 840 25X1 OSRAM art.A73985E00G8, EAN: 4008321581419 - 1500sht .; lamp tube, tube diameter 26 mm type tsoko Liu G13, 230V voltage: L 58W / 765 25X1 LF OSRAM art.A73567700G8, EAN: 400832195985 0 - 3375sht .; Country of origin: RU; The manufacturer Ao Ledvans; Trademark: OSRAM. " RUSSIA 66725 7460.65 18054.68385 View Importer
26/Apr/2017 8539311000 "1.Lampy with fluorescent termokatodom, dvotsokalni: G13 T8 18W / 6500K f26mm (LD18 / 54-765) -77225sht, G13 T8 36W / 6500K f26mm (LD 36 / 54-765) - 26000sht, Manufacturer: Ningbo Golden Sources Lighting Co .Torhivelna mark - NIKALIGHTKrayina production - CN. " CHINA 103225 10338 25373.52696 View Importer
20/Apr/2017 8539311000 "1.Lampy discharge, fluorescent, ztermokatodom, dvotsokolni, dlyazahalnoho lighting (household not yevybuhonebezpechnymy new): lampatrubchasta, blue color, 26 mm diametrtrubky type cap G13, napruha230V: L BLUE 18W / 71 10X1 OSRAM art.A52613F0110, EAN: 4008321710567 - 10pc., Country of origin: DE; The manufacturer: OSRAM GmbH; trade mark: OSRAM.. " GERMANY 10 0.98 33.68713322 View Importer
20/Apr/2017 8539311000 "1.Lampy discharge, fluorescent, ztermokatodom, dvotsokolni, dlyazahalnoho lighting (household not yevybuhonebezpechnymy new): lampatrubchasta, tube diameter 16mm, typtsokolyu G5, 220V voltage, power 27,9Vt, luminous flux 2600Lm, 3000K svitlovatemperatura light viddacha93Lm / W, power consumption of 31kWh / 1000h,: HE 28W / 830 20X1 OSRAM art.A4995110410, EAN: 4050300591483 - 80sht .; lamp tube, tube diameter 26 mm type tsoko Liu G13, voltage 230V, power 30W, 1300Lm light output, energy consumption 37kWh / 1000h: L 30W / 76 10X1 OSRAM art. A5261710110, EAN: 4050300010540 - 100 pieces., lamp tube, 16mm diameter tube type cap G5, 230V voltage: HO 54W / 827 20X1 OSRAM art.A4996690010, EAN: 4050300646152 - 20pcs .; Country of origin: DE; The manufacturer: LEDVANCE GmbH; trade mark: OSRAM.. " GERMANY 200 25.68 461.3936673 View Importer
19/Apr/2017 8539311000 "1. Electrical fluorescent lamps, HID type termokatodom, dvotsokolni: T8 15W / 54 G13 6500K warehouse number 10007831-4000 pcs.; T8 18W / 54 G13 6500K warehouse number 10007834-5000 pcs.; T8 30W / 54 G13 6500K warehouse number 10007837-3000 pcs.; T8 36W / 54 G13 6500K warehouse number 10007840-5000 pcs., Country of CNTorhovelna mark DELUXVyrobnyk ZHEJIANG FIRSD GROUP CO., LTD.. " CHINA 17000 1860 4690.224078 View Importer
18/Apr/2017 8539311000 1.Lampy fluorescent discharge of termokatodom, dvotsokolni: - mod.871150088873025-MASTER TL-D 90 De Luxe 58W / 965 SLV / 10 lamps Luminous. dvotsokolni 58W, number -10sht.- mod.871150088864825-MASTER TL-D 90 Graphica 36W / 950 SLV / 10 lamps Luminous. dvotsokolni 36W, number -30sht.- mod.871150070622540-MASTER TL-D Food 36W / 79 SLV / 25 lamps Luminous. dvotsokolni 36W, number -50sht.Torhovelna Brand: PHILIPSVyrobnyk: Philips Lighting BV, NiderlandyKrayina production PL. POLAND 90 12.47 201.5701294 View Importer
13/Apr/2017 8539311000 "1.Lampy discharge, fluorescent, ztermokatodom, dvotsokolni, dlyazahalnoho lighting (household not yevybuhonebezpechnymy new): lampatrubchasta, tube diameter 26 mm, typtsokolyu G13, 230V voltage: L 36W / 76 10X1OSRAM art.A50277A0310, EAN: 4050300010526 - 200sht. , Country of origin: DE; The manufacturer: LEDVANCE GmbH; trade mark: OSRAMOSRAMOSRAM.. " GERMANY 200 38 521.8481801 View Importer
13/Apr/2017 8539311000 "1.Lampy discharge, fluorescent, ztermokatodom, dvotsokolni, dlyazahalnoho lighting (household not yevybuhonebezpechnymy new): lampatrubchasta, tube diameter 26 mm, typtsokolyu G13, voltage 220V, potuzhnist15Vt, luminous flux 500Lm, 4000K svitlovatemperatura, enerhospozhyvannya20kWh / 1000h, light efficiency 33Lm / W: L15W / 76 10X1 OSRAM art.A5404170110, EAN: 4050300018287 - 50sht .; lamp tube, tube diameter 26 mm type cap G13, semi Ruga 230V, power 15Vt, luminous flux 950Lm, 4000K color temperature, power consumption 19kWh / 1000h light efficiency 63Lm / W: L 15W / 840 25X1 OSRAM al t.A5222710210, EAN: 4050300446004 - 200sh ., Lamp tube for growing bus saliva, tube diameter 26 mm type cap G13, voltage 230V, power of 18W, the world catch flux 550Lm energy consumption 23kWh / 1000h: L 18W / 77 10X1 OSRAM art. A5261570210, EAN: 4050300004235 - 200sht.; lamp tube, tube diameter 26 mm type cap G13, voltage 230V, 30W power, luminous flux 1300Lm, enerhospozh yvannya 37kWh / 1000h: L 30W / 76 10X1 OSRAM art.A5261710110, EAN: 4050300010540 - 20 0sht .; lamp tube, tube diameter 26 mm, voltage 230V, power 58Vt, 2850Lm's light flux, color temperature 3000K, base G13, enerhospo zhyvannya 69kWh / 1000h: L 58W / 76 10X1 OSRAM art.A4752510310, EAN: 405030001053 3 - 100 pieces .; Country of origin: DE; The manufacturer: LEDVANCE GmbH; Trademark: OSRAM. " GERMANY 750 86.5 1886.450016 View Importer
13/Apr/2017 8539311000 "1.Lampy discharge, fluorescent, ztermokatodom, dvotsokolni, dlyazahalnoho lighting (household not yevybuhonebezpechnymy new): lampatrubchasta, tube diameter 16mm, typtsokolyu G5, voltage 230V, potuzhnist13Vt, luminous flux 830Lm energy consumption 15kWh / 1000h: L 13W / 64025X1 OSRAM art.A14719D1979, EAN: 4050300008974 - 300sht .; lamp tube diameter 16mm tube type cap G5, 230V voltage: L 13W / 765 25X1 OSRAM art. A8346320579, EAN: 4050300035536 - 300sht., lamp tube, tube diameter 16mm, type cap G5, 220V, power 21Vt, luminous flux 1900Lm, 4000K light t emperatura energy consumption 23kWh / 1000h, light efficiency 92Lm / W: HE 21W / 840 20X1 OSRAM art.A27096E1779, EAN: 4050300591407 - 500sht .; Country of origin: IT; The manufacturer: LEDVANCE GmbH; trade mark: OSRAM.. " ITALY 1100 82.5 1021.689096 View Importer
10/Apr/2017 8539311000 1.Lampy fluorescent discharge of termokatodom, dvotsokolni: - mod.871150088864825-MASTER TL-D 90 Graphica 36W / 950 SLV / 10 lamps Luminous. dvotsokolni 36W, number -50sht.- mod.871150070623240-MASTER TL-D Food 58W / 79 SLV / 25 lamps Luminous. dvotsokolni 58W, number -100sht.- mod.871150070621840-MASTER TL-D Food 18W / 79 SLV / 25 lamps Luminous. dvotsokolni 18W, number -25sht.- mod.871150088877825-MASTER TL-D 90 Graphica 58W / 965 SLV / 10 lamps Luminous. dvotsokolni 58W, number -10sht.- mod.871150088852525-MASTER TL-D 90 Graphica 18W / 965 SLV / 10 lamps Luminous. dvotsokolni 18W, number -20sht.- mod.871150088864825-MASTER TL-D 90 Graphica 36W / 950 SLV / 10 lamps Luminous. dvotsokolni 36W, number -20sht.- mod.871150088836525-MASTER TL-D 90 Graphica 36W / 965 SLV / 10 lamps Luminous. dvotsokolni 36W, number -10sht.- mod.871150088875425-MASTER TL-D 90 Graphica 58W / 950 SLV / 10 lamps Luminous. dvotsokolni 58W, number -30sht.- mod.871150070623240-MASTER TL-D Food 58W / 79 SLV / 25 lamps Luminous. dvotsokolni 58W, number -50sht.Torhovelna Brand: PHILIPSVyrobnyk: Philips Lighting BV, NiderlandyKrayina production PL POLAND 315 48.228 743.8501416 View Importer
10/Apr/2017 8539311000 1.Elektrychni fluorescent discharge lamps dvotsokolni linear form bezvmontovanoho starting-regulating device: 40W fluorescent lamp, Total 2shtTorhovelna mark - SLVVyrobnyk - SLV GmbHKrayina production - CN China. CHINA 2 0.3 1.529992128 View Importer
06/Apr/2017 8539311000 "1.Lampy discharge, fluorescent, ztermokatodom, dvotsokolni, dlyazahalnoho lighting (household not yevybuhonebezpechnymy new): lampatrubchasta, tube diameter 16mm, typtsokolyu G5, 230V voltage: L 8W / 765 25X1OSRAM art.A8334430479, EAN: 4050300035475 - 500sht. ; lampatrubchasta, tube diameter 16mm, napruhoyu220V, power 20,6Vt, 1750Lm light output, color temperature 6500K, base G5, power consumption of 23kWh / 1000h, light efficiency 85Lm / W: HE 21W / 865 20X1 OSRAM art.A27092D1079, EAN: 405030059132 2 - 120sht .; lamp tube diameter 16mm tube type cap G5, 230V voltage, power 39Vt, 2850Lm light output, light and the temperature of 6500K, the energy hospozhyvannya 42kWh / 1000h, enerhospozh class A, light efficiency 75Lm / W: HO 39W / 865 20X1 OSRAM art.A27516C1079, EAN: 4050300591681 - 60sht .; elements and lamp, tube diameter 16mm, voltage 230V, power 6 W , luminous flux 270Lm, n the vicinity G5, energy 7kWh / 1000h: L 6W / 640 25X1 OSRAM art.A14652A1579, EA N: 4050300008899 - 200sht .; Country of origin: IT; The manufacturer: LEDVANCE GmbH; Trademark: OSRAM. " ITALY 880 39.92 655.9050741 View Importer
06/Apr/2017 8539311000 "1.Lampy discharge, fluorescent, ztermokatodom, dvotsokolni, dlyazahalnoho lighting (household not yevybuhonebezpechnymy new): lampatrubchasta tube diameter 26 mm, 36Vt power, voltage 230V, power consumption 43kWh / 1000h, luminous flux 3100Lm, base G13: L36W / 830 -1 25X1 OSRAM art.A73120E0110, EAN: 4008321959058 - 25sht .; lamp tube diameter 16mm tube type cap G5, 220V voltage, power 27,9Vt, second light flux 2600Lm, 4000K color temperature, base G5, power consumption of 31kWh / 1000h light efficiency 93Lm / W: HE 28W / 840 20X1 OSRAM art.A4995050510, EAN: 4050300591421 - 400sht .; lamp tube diameter tubes 2 6 mm, voltage 230V, power 15Vt, luminous flux 400Lm, socket G13, energy 20k Wh / 1000h (class B), the light efficiency 27Lm / W: L 15W / 77 10X1 OSRAM art.A52610A 0110, EAN: 4050300003214 - 20pcs lamp .; tubular, tube diameter 26 mm type tsoko Liu G13, voltage 230V, power 15Vt, luminous flux 900Lm, 6500K light o cheers, energy consumption 19kWh / 100 0h, light efficiency 60Lm / W: L 15W / 865 25X1 O SRAM art.A53543C0110, EAN : 4050300446189 - 50sht .; tubular lamps for growing p asses, tube diameter 26 mm type cap G13, voltage 230V, 18W power, the world catch flux 550Lm energy consumption 23kWh / 1000h: L 18W / 77 10X1 OSRAM art. A5261570210, EAN: 4050300004235 - 500sht. ; lamp tube, tube diameter 26 mm type cap G13, voltage 230V, 30W power, luminous flux 100Lm, enerhospozhy tion 38kWh / 1000h: L 30W / 77 10X1 OSRAM art.A52618C0210, EAN: 4050300003238 - 50 pcs .; lamp tube, tube diameter 26 mm type cap G13, voltage 230V, sweat zhnist 30W, 2400Lm light output, color temperature 3000K, enerhospozhyv Reference 36kWh / 1000h, light efficiency 80Lm / W: L 30W / 830 25X1 OSRAM art.A5357610210, EAN: 4050300518053 - 100 pieces .; lamp tube, tube diameter 26 mm type tsoko Liu G13, voltage 230V, power 30W, 2400Lm light output, light temperature 4000K round energy consumption 36kWh / 1000h, light efficiency 80Lm / W: L 3 0W / 840 25X1 OSRAM art.A52232D0410, EAN : 4050300518039 - 500sht .; Lamp trubcha hundred, tube diameter 26 mm type cap G13, voltage 230V, power of 30W, the world catch flux 2350Lm, light temperature 6500K, base G13, power consumption 36kW h / 1000h, light efficiency 78Lm / W: L 30W / 865 25X1 OSRAM art. A53577C0110, EAN: 4050300518015 - 50sht .; Country of origin: DE; The manufacturer: LEDVANCE GmbH; Trademark: OSRAM. " GERMANY 1695 202.96 2886.079244 View Importer

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