cUkraine Ma 100 Imports under HS Code 4011 from China
Lookup Ukraine ma 100 imports under HS code 4011 from China. Search ma 100 import data under HS code 4011 from China.
Date | HS Code | Product Description | Origin Country | Quantity | Net Weight [KGS] | Total Value [USD] | Importer Name |
27/Apr/2017 | 4011209000 | "1.Shyny pneumatic rubber, new van for tazhnyh cars with indeksomnavantazhe ting more than 121 215 / 75R17.5-16 HF111-1sht; 315 / 70R22.5-20 HF660-3sht; 385 / 65R22.5-20 ST022-84sht; 9.00R20-16 VI-702-34sht; 9.00R20-16 HF702-20sht; 9.00R20-16 HF313-20sht; 9.00R20-16 HF313-30sht; 11R22.5-16 HF702-40sht; 11R22.5 -16HH308A-20pcs, 315 / 70R22.5-20 HF660-40sht; 315 / 70R22.5-20 HF638-100sht; 315 / 80R22.5-20 HF638-100sht; 385 / 65R22.5-20 ST022-192sht, Country production CN.Torhivelna mark SUNFULL, HIFLY, OVATION, FESITE, GREEN DRAGON.Vyrobnyk SHANDONG HENGFENG RUBBER AND PL ASTIC CO., LTD.. " | CHINA | 684 | 44970 | 71703.00016 | View Importer |
25/Apr/2017 | 4011209000 | 1. Tires and rubber pneumatic tires for new trucks with load index exceeding 121: 7.50R16LT-14PR BESTRICH BSR78 -40 pieces, specifications, load index-122/118, symbol rate-L, type tread (pattern) - BSR78 , boarding diameter-16 category vykorystannya- vsesezonna.315 / 80R22.5-20PR BESTRICH BSR717 -40 pieces, specifications, load index-156/150, symbol rate-M, type tread (pattern) - BSR717, boarding diametr- 22.5, category vykorystannya- vsesezonna.315 / 70R22.5-18PR BESTRICH BSR717 -100 pieces, specifications, load index-152/148 symbol of speed-M, type tread (pattern) - BSR717, boarding-diameter 22.5, category vykorystannya- vsesezonna.235 / 75R17.5-18PR BESTRICH ECOMASTER100 -100 pieces, specifications, load index-132/130, symbol rate-J type tread (pattern) - ECOMASTER100, boarding diameter 17.5-category vykorystannya- vsesezonna.235 / 75R17.5-18PR BESTRICH BSR717 -100 pieces so ehnichni feature: load index-132/130, symbol rate-M, type tread (model) - BSR717, boarding diameter 17.5-category vykorystannya- vsesezonna.11R22.5-16PR BESTRICH BSR636 -12 pieces specifications: loading, index TION-146/143, symbol rate-M, type tread (pattern) - BSR636, boarding diameter 22.5-category vykorystannya- vsesezonna.11R22.5-16PR BESTRICH BSR717 -21 pieces, specifications, load index-146/143, symbol of speed-M, type tread (pattern) - BSR717, boarding diameter 22.5-category vykorystannya- vsesezonna.Vyrobnyk: SHANDONG TRANSTONE TYRE CO., LTD. Tohova mark: BESTRICH. Origin: China | CHINA | 413 | 17649.86 | 39202.17284 | View Importer |
25/Apr/2017 | 4011209000 | 1. Tires and rubber pneumatic tires for new trucks with load index exceeding 121: 295 / 80R22.5-18PR KINGRUN TT608 -40 pieces, specifications, load index-152/149, symbol rate-M, type tread (model ) - TT608, boarding diameter 22.5-category vykorystannya- vsesezonna.295 / 80R22.5-18PR KINGRUN TT698 -20 pieces, specifications, load index-152/149, symbol rate-M, type tread (pattern) - TT698, diameter 22.5-boarding, category vykorystannya- vsesezonna.12R22.5-18PR KINGRUN TT608 -10 pieces, specifications, load index-152/149, sim Wall Speed-L, type tread (pattern) - TT608, boarding diameter 22.5-category vykorystannya- vsesezonna.12R22.5-18PR KINGRUN TT698 -12 pieces, specifications, load index-152/149, symbol rate-M, type tread (pattern) - TT698, boarding diameter 22.5-category vykorystannya- vsesezonna.10.00R20-18PR KINGRUN TT78 -40 pieces, specifications index nave ntazhennya-149/146, symbol rate-L, type tread (pattern) - TT78 , landing diameter 20, category vykorystannya- vsesezonna.9.00R20-16PR KINGRUN TT78 -100 pieces, specifications, load index-144/142, symbol quick start bone-L, type tread (pattern) - TT78, landing diameter 20, Category vykorystannya- vsesezonna.Vyrobnyk: SHANDONG TRANSTONE TYRE CO., LTD. Tohova mark: KINGRUN. Origin: China | CHINA | 222 | 11993.14 | 26384.90795 | View Importer |
18/Apr/2017 | 4011209000 | "1. New pneumatic rubber tires for trucks, Protector '' universal '' 315 / 80R22.5-20 SF-042 (lid) - 100 pcs., Load index 156 index rate L. landing diameter - 22.5.295 /80R22.5-18 SF-042 (tire) - 50 pcs., load index 152 index M. speed landing diameter - 22.5.295 / 80R22.5-18 SD-064 (tire) - 56 pcs., load index 152 speed index M. landing diameter - 22.5.215 / 75R17.5-16 SF-042 (lid) - 106 pcs., load index 135 index J. speed landing diameter - 17.5.Sezon: vsesezonna.Torhovelna mark: SATOYA .Vyrobnyk: SHANDONG HENGFENG RUBBER AND PLASTIC CO., LTD., China.. " | CHINA | 312 | 15345 | 29110.01983 | View Importer |
18/Apr/2017 | 4011209000 | 1.Shyny pneumatic rubber TYRE 385 / 65R22.5 TL (TUBELESS TYRE) 160 K (tubeless) like ECOSMART66 load index speed index of 160 K, Maks.skorost 110km / h, landing diameter 571.5 mm zahalnosezonna. Number 42sht.Shyny-pneumatic rubber TYRE 215 / 75R17.5 TL (TUBELESS TYRE) 135/133 J (tubeless) like ECOSMART12 load index speed index 135/133 J, Maks.skorost 100km / h, landing diameter 444.5 mm , zahalnosezonna. Number 48sht.Shyny-pneumatic rubber TYRE 265 / 70R19.5 TL (TUBELESS TYRE) 140/138 M (tubeless) like ECOSMART12 load index speed index 140/138 M, Maks.skorost 130km / h, landing diameter 571.5 mm , zahalnosezonna. Number 22sht.Shyny-pneumatic rubber TYRE 385 / 55R22.5 TL (TUBELESS TYRE) 160 K (tubeless) like ECOSMART66 load index speed index of 160 K, Maks.skorost 110km / h, landing diameter 571.5 mm zahalnosezonna. Number 19sht.Shyny-pneumatic rubber TYRE 215 / 75R17.5 TL (TUBELESS TYRE) 126/1 24 M (tubeless) like ECOSMART78 load index speed index 126/124 M, Maks.skorost 130km / h, landing diameter 444.5 mm zahalnosezonna. Number-136sht.Vyrobnyk: SHANDONG KAIXUAN RUBBER CO., LTD. Trademark CONSTANCY Country of-CN | CHINA | 267 | 10345 | 22029.30003 | View Importer |
14/Apr/2017 | 4011209000 | "1.Shyny pneumatic rubber, new van for tazhnyh cars with indeksomnavantazhe ting more than 121 215 / 75R17.5-16 HF628-70sht; 315 / 70R22.5-20HF638-70sht; 315 / 80R22.5-20 HO308A -2sht; 10.00R20-18 HF702-100sht; 215 / 75R17.5-16HF628-40sht; 235 / 75R17.5-16 ST022-31sht; 385 / 65R22.5-20 ST022-14sht; 10.00R20-18HF702-20sht; 12.00R20-18 HH301-70sht; 12.00R20-18 HH701-25sht; 12.00R20-18HH301-40sht; 315 / 80R22.5-20 VI-660-87sht; 385 / 65R22.5-20 ST022-10sht, 315 / 70R22 .5-20 HF660-60sht; 315 / 80R22.5-20 HO308A-10pc; 315 / 80R22.5-20HF768-110sht; 315 / 80R22.5-20 ST011-60sht; 315 / 80R22.5-20 HF121-80sht ; 9.00R20-16VI-313-100sht; 315 / 80R22.5-20 HO308A-48sht; 385 / 65R22.5-20 ST022-30sht, Country of CN.Torhivelna mark SUNFULL, CHANGFENG, FESI TE, OVATION, ONYX, HIFLY .Vyrobnyk SHANDONG HENGFENG RUBBER AND PL ASTIC CO., LTD.. " | CHINA | 1077 | 66850 | 102128.6489 | View Importer |
11/Apr/2017 | 4011100090 | 1.Shyny to general purpose. Pneumatic rubber dlyalehkovyh new cars, not for industrial assembly of motor transportnyhzasobiv season -litnya: 155 / 65R13 GREEN-MAX ET 73T (HB) -40sht (typprotektora-road, load-73 index, the index speed-T, posadochnyydiametr-13dyuym) 195 / 65R15 GREEN-Max HP010 91H (HB) -200sht (typprotektora-road, load-91 index, the index speed-H, posadochnyydiametr-15dyuym), 215 / 60R16 GREEN-Max HP010 95H (HB) -10sht (typprotektora-road index load-95, speed index-H, posadochnyydiametr-16dyuym) 185 / 75R16C 8PR R666 104 / 102R (HB) -70sht (type tread off-road, the load index-104/102, etc. Dax speed-R, boarding-diameter 16dyuym), 185R14C 8PR R666 102 / 100R (HB) -40sht (type tread off-road, indeksnavantazhennya-102/100, the index speed-R, boarding-14dyuym diameter) 185 / 60R14GREEN-Max HP010 82H (HB) -100sht (type tread off-road, load-82 index, the index speed-H, boarding-diameter 14dyuym), 225 / 70R16 GREEN- Max HP010 103H (HB) -12sht (type off-road tread pattern, load index -103 index speed-H, boarding-16dyuym diameter) 225 / 75R16C 10PR GREEN-Max Van 121 / 120R (HB) -15sht (typprotektora-road, load index-121/120, the index speed-R, posadochnyydiametr-16dyuym ) 215 / 55R16 GREEN-Max 97W XL (HB) -60sht (type of Hector-road, load-97 index, the index speed-W, boarding-diameter 16dyuym) Trademark - LINGLONGVyrobnyk - Shandong Linglong Tyre Co., Ltd. | CHINA | 547 | 4998.994 | 11065.05469 | View Importer |
11/Apr/2017 | 4011100090 | "1.Shyny rubber pneumatic new passenger car: 225 / 45R17 94WXLmod.VI-388-20sht, 235 / 45R17 97WXL mod.VI-388-16sht, 235 / 45R18 98WXLmod.VI-388-8sht, 245 / 45R18 100WXL mod.VI-388-16sht, 195 / 55R16 91VXLmod.VI-388-8sht, 205 / 55R16 94WXL mod.VI-388-48sht, 215 / 55R17 98WXLmod.VI-388-44sht, 225 / 55R17 101WXL mod.VI- 388-20sht, 175 / 55R15 77Tmod.VI-682-20sht, 195 / 60R15 88V mod.VI-682-20sht, 205 / 60R16 92V mod.VI-682-48sht, 215 / 60R16 95V mod.VI-682-32sht ; 225 / 60R16 102VXL mod.VI-682-4sht, 155 / 65R13 73Tmod.VI-682-20sht, 195 / 65R15 91V mod.VI-682-48sht, 205 / 65R15 94V mod.VI-682-20sht; 215 / 65R15 96H mod.VI-682-8sht, 155 / 70R13 75T-mod.VI 682-40sht, 175 / 70R13 82Tmod.VI-682-32sht, 175 / 70R14 84T-mod.VI 682-8sht, 175 / 80R14 88T events .VI-682-8sht; 225 / 60R17 99H mod.VI-286HT-16sht, 225 / 65R17 102H mod.VI-286HT-12p, 215 / 70R16100H mod.VI-286HT-28sht, 245 / 70R16 111HXL od.VI-286HT-20pcs, 255 / 70R16 111Tmod.VI-286HT-4 pieces; LT225 / 75R16-10PR 115 / 112S mod.VI-286HT-8 pieces, 265 / 65R17 112Tmod.VI-286AT-8 pieces; 185R14C-8PR 102 / 100R-mod.V 02-40sht; 195R14 C-8PR 106 / 104Rmod.V-02-40sht; 205R14C-8PR 109 / 107Q mod.V-02-16sht; 195 / 65R16C-8PR 104 / 102Tmod.V-02-12sht; 225 / 55R18 98V mod.VI-386HP-8 pieces; 255 / 55R18 109WXLmod.VI-386HP-16sht; 31X10.50R15LT-6PR 109Q mod.VI-186MT-4 pieces; 205 / 65R16C-8PR107 / 105T-mod.V 02-32sht; 215 / 65R16C-8PR 109 / 107T mod.V-02-60sht; 195 / 70R15C-8PR104 / 102R-02 mod.V -100sht; 185 / 75R16C-8PR 104 / 102R mod.V-02-48sht; 215 / 75R16C-10PR116 / 114R-mod.V 02-60sht; 225 / 75R16C-12PR 121 / 120R mod.V-02-16sht; 235 / 65R16C-8PR115 / 113T mod.V-07 AS-12p; 195 / 75R16C-8PR 107 / 105R mod.V-07 AS-8sht.Krayina production - CNTorhovelna mark - Ovation, EcovisionVyrobnyk - Shandong Yongfeng Tyres Co., Ltd. " | CHINA | 1056 | 11119.96 | 30023.89018 | View Importer |
10/Apr/2017 | 4011930000 | 1. Tires (tires) Pneumatic rubber, new, for use on construction or industrial handling vehicles and machines with boarding rim diameter not exceeding 61cm, code rate K, tubeless -100sht. . | CHINA | 100 | 6540 | 14518.00002 | View Importer |
10/Apr/2017 | 4011610000 | "1.Shyny pneumatic rubber, new, dlyaekspluatatsiyi on lisohospodarskyhtransportnyh means snihobolotohidah type protector '' tree '': tire PINE 1750x720 32" "protektora- height 20 mm, outer diameter - 1720mm, width beznavantazhennya - 720mm, load index and katehoriyashvydkosti E108 maximum speed -70km / h, the maximum load nashynu - 1000kg range robochoyitemperatury - 40S_ + 50C, the maximum pressure - 1,0khs / cm2 - 4sht.Torhivelna mark - PINE.Krayina production - CN.Vyrobnyk - Weifang Lutong Rubber Co. , Ltd.. " | CHINA | 4 | 512.6 | 3039.999822 | View Importer |
06/Apr/2017 | 4011209000 | "1.Shyny pneumatic rubber, new van for tazhnyh cars with indeksomnavantazhe ting more than 121 215 / 75R17.5-16 HF111-50sht; 235 / 75R17.5-16 ST022-4sht; 235 / 75R17.5-16 ST022-18sht; 235 / 75R17.5-16 ST022-78sht; 385 / 65R22.5-20 ST022-88sht; 9.00R20-16 VI-702-100sht; 315 / 70R22.5-20 HF660-4sht, 315 / 70R22 .5-20 HF660-13sht; 315 / 70R22.5-20 HF121-1sht; 315 / 70R22.5-20 HF638-40sht; 315 / 80R22.5-20 HF660-40sht; 315 / 80R22.5-20 HF768- 60sht; 315 / 80R22.5-20 ST011-50sht; 385 / 65R22.5-20 ST022-22sht; 9.00R20-16 VI-313-60sht; 265 / 70R19.5-18 SAR518-40sht; 315 / 80R22.5 -20 HF121-40sht; 385 / 65R22.5-20 ST022-102sht; 8.25R16-16 HF702-7sht, Country of CN.Torhivelna mark SUNFULL, RUIFULAI, CHANG FENG, FESITE, OVATION.Vyrobnyk SHANDONG HENGFENG RUBBER AND PL ASTIC CO ., LTD.. " | CHINA | 817 | 46570 | 74606.3994 | View Importer |
03/Apr/2017 | 4011209000 | 1.Shyny new pneumatic rubber for bus and trucks with more than 121 indeksomnavantazhennya: set: tires: 385 / 65R22.5 20PR LLA18 160J (HB) -88sht (type off-road tread pattern, load index 160 index speed-J , boarding 22,5dyuym-diameter, all-weather season), 385 / 65R22.5 20PR LTL863 160J (158L) (HB) -100sht (type off-road tread pattern, load index 160 index speed-J, boarding diameter-22 5dyuym season, all season), 385 / 65R22.5 20PR LLA18 160J (HB) -3sht (type off-road tread pattern, load index 160 index speed-J, boarding 22,5dyuym-diameter, all-weather season) Trading ma ca - LINGLONGVyrobnyk - Shandong Linglong Tyre Co., Ltd. . | CHINA | 193 | 14710.62 | 30994.86995 | View Importer |
03/Apr/2017 | 4011400000 | 1.SHYNY NEW PNEUMATIC RUBBER Motorbike shyna120 / 70-12bezkamernyy type mod.FT-127-150sht.Mototsykletna shyna120 / 70-12bezkamernyy type mod.FT-133-150sht.Mototsykletna shyna130 / 60-13bezkamernyy type mod.FT -127-240sht.Mototsykletna tire 250-17 chamber type fashion. FT-112 - 200 sht.Mototsykletna tire 250-17 chamber type fashion. ST-408 - 250 sht.Mototsykletna tire 275-17 chamber type fashion. FT-126 - 250 sht.Mototsykletna tire 275-17 chamber type fashion. ST-101 - 250 sht.Mototsykletna tire 275-17 chamber type fashion. FT-145 - 350 sht.Mototsykletna tire 300-10 chamber type fashion. FT-105 - 330 sht.Mototsykletna tire 300-10 chamber type fashion. ST-119 - 190 sht.Mototsykletna tire 300-10 chamber type fashion. FT-162 - 1300 sht.Mototsykletna tire 300-10 chamber type fashion. FT-188 - 1000 sht.Mototsykletna bus 300-8 tubeless type mod.ST-416 - 200 sht.Mototsykletna tubeless tire 350-10 type mod.ST-119 - 90 sht.Mototsykletna tubeless tire 350-10 type events .FT-sht.Torhova 212 -185 brand: DOUBLE CAMELVyrobnyk: QINGDAO FU DONG TYRE CO., LTD .Krayina manufacture CN | CHINA | 5135 | 10843 | 24431.25157 | View Importer |
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