Ukraine Import Data of Silicon under HS Code 2710

Check Ukraine import data of silicon under HS code 2710. Get import data of Ukraine for HS code 2710

Date HS Code Product Description Origin Country Quantity Net Weight [KGS] Total Value [USD] Importer Name
29/Apr/2017 2710198700 1. Transmission oils containing oil and oil obtained from bituminous minerals (mixture alifatychnyhvuhlevodniv polyisobutylene, skladnoyefirni components, compounds of fatty acids), or 70% more weight in yakostiosnovnoho component free of silicones, polyglycol, graphite and molybdenum disulfidu. Purpose: dlyazmaschuvannya transmissions. Not in aerosol packaging: Transmission oils TNK Trans Gipoid 80W-90 (4 liters) - 120sht.Maslo transmission TNK Trans KP 80W-85 (4 liters) - 240sht.Maslo transmission TNK Trans TM-3-18k (20 liters) - 32sht And Reducer .Maslo TNK-T-68-D (180 kg) - TNK 1sht.Maslo Reducer CLP 68 (180 kg) - 1pc. . RUSSIA ***** 2334 2554.554736 View Importer
29/Apr/2017 2710199100 1. Lubricants plastic containing oil and oil obtained from bituminous minerals (mixture of aliphatic hydrocarbons, compounds of fatty acids), 70% by weight or more as a main component, free of silicones, polyglycol, graphite and disulfidu molibdena.Ne in aerosol packaging: Liquid lubricant ohlazhdayuschaya Rosneft Emultec 3175, 20L canister - 32sht., used for metal when turning, drilling and so on. . RUSSIA ***** 609 1276.87287 View Importer
27/Apr/2017 2710199900 1.MASTYLO plastic mixes aliphatic hydrocarbons lithium soap, free of POLIALFAOLEFINIV, complex Ether, silicone, polyglycol, molybdenum disulfide, graphite, petroleum fractions containing as a major component of more than 70%. PURPOSE: to lubricate bearings and gears. TRADEMARK 'MOBIL', Brand Factory 'Exxon Mobil Egypt SAE', Country of Egypt, EG (GOST 11110-75) MOBILUX EP 2 - 48kan.h18kh.tara not reversed. . EGYPT ***** 864 3354.162846 View Importer
26/Apr/2017 2710199300 "1. electrical insulating oil. The content of hydrocarbons, mineral otrymanyhz bytuminoznyh, 70mas.% Or more, which are the main components. Made of heavy dystylyativ.Mistyt comprehensive package of additives. Free of silicones, disulfidu molybdenum, polyglycol, hrafitu.Inhibovane transformer oil used yakizolyatsiynyy and cooling the material in high-power transformers, circuit breakers. -MOL tO 40A 50KG: 1boch.H50kh.; Trademark - MOL.Vyrobnyk - "" MOL LUB Ltd "", 2931 Almasfuzito, Fo ut21.Krayina -Uhorschyna production, HU.. " HUNGARY ***** 50 75.58736477 View Importer
26/Apr/2017 2710198700 "1 gear oils and gear. The content of hydrocarbons derived from mineral bytuminoznyh more than 70mas.%, Which are the main components. Made of vazhkyhdystylyativ. It contains a comprehensive package of additives. Bezvmistu silicones, disulfidu molybdenum, polyglycol, graphite. Transmission oils used for zmaschuvannyamehanichnyh, semi-automatic and automatic gearbox, differentials, Axles, side gears, propeller shaft joints and actuators cars avtobusiv.-MOL ATF 1L: 80kan.H1l.; - MOL ATF 3G 1L: 80kan.H1l.; - MOL Hykomol K 80W -90 10L: 20kan.H10l.; - M OL Hykomol K 80W-90 180KG: 4boch.H180kh.; - MOL Hykomol K 80W-90 1L: 120kan.H1l.; - MOL Hykomol K 80W-90 50KG: 9boch.H50kh.; - MOL Hykomol K 85W-140 50KG: 2boch.H50kh., oil for the lubrication of industrial gearboxes of any type operating in umovahvysokyh mechanical and thermal loads: -MOL Ultrans EP 220 180KG: 1boch.H180kh.; Trademark - MOL.Vyrobnyk - "" MOL LUB Ltd "", 2931 Almasfuzito, Fo ut21.Krayina -Uhorschyna production, HU.. " HUNGARY ***** 1875.6 2867.819232 View Importer
26/Apr/2017 2710198100 "1. Oil - a mixture of aliphatic hydrocarbons obtained zbituminoznyh mineral oil fractions in yakostiosnovnoho component over 70mas.%. Without content silicones, disulfidu molybdenum, polyglycol, graphite. Produced from heavy dystylyativ.Masla zmaschuvannyachotyrohtaktnyh motor designed for gasoline, diesel and dvyhunivlehkovyh freight cars, vans, mototsikliv gasoline engines and scooters, isudnovyh rail diesel dvuhuniv, piston engines litakivta heliokopteriv, gas dvyhunivVidpovidayut requirements GOST 21743-76 am, 21456419.001-95 TU, TU 00152366.125-2001.-MOL Aero 22 180KG: 6boch.H180kh.; - MOL Dynamic Garden 4T 10W-30 0,6L: 120kan.H0,6l.; - MOL Dynamic Max 10W-40 170KG: 1boch.H170kh.; - MOL Dynamic Max 10W-40 1L: 120kan.H1l.; - MOL Dynamic Max 10W-40 4L: 100kan.H4l.; - MOL Dynamic Moto 4T GP 20W-50 1L : 40kan.H1l.; - MOL Dynamic Moto 4T Racing Pro 5W-60 1L: 120kan.H1l.; - MOL Dynamic Moto 4T Scooter 10W-40 1L: 400 kan.H1l.; - MOL Dynamic Moto 4T Street 10W-40 47KG : 2boch.H47k g.; - MOL Dynamic Prima 5W-40 170KG: 1boch.H170kh.; - MOL Dynamic Prima 5W-40 47KG: 2boch.H47kh.; - MOL Dynamic Prima 5W-40 4L: 80kan.H4l. - MOL Dynamic Transit 10W-40 10L: 120kan.H10l.; - MOL Dynamic Transit 10W-40 180KG: 12boch.H180kh.; - MOL Dynamic Transit 10W-40 1L: 80kan.H1l.; - MOL Dynamic Transit 10W-40 4L: 40kan.H4l.; - MOL Dynamic Transit 10W-40 50KG: 4 boch.H50kh.; - MOL Dynamic Transit 15W-40 10L: 20 kan.H10l.; - MOL Dynamic Transit 15W-40 18 0KG: 8boch.H180kh.; - MOL Dynamic Transit 15W-40 4L: 20kan.H4l.; - MOL Dynamic Transit 15W-40 50KG: 8 boch.H50kh.; - MOL Essence 15W-40 1L: 40 kan.H1l .; -MOL Essence 15W-40 4L: 20 kan.H4l.; - MOL Super Diesel 15W-40 180KG: 1boch.H180kh.; - MOL Turbo Diesel 15W-40 10L: 20kan.H10l.; - MOL Turbo Star 20W-50 180KG : 1boch.H180kh., lubricating oils for two-stroke engines with pre-mixing system complies with TU 00152365.125-2001.-MOL Arol 2T UA 1L: 40kan.H1l., lubricating oils for two-stroke engines of garden equipment with preliminary mixing oil and contains mineral components (74%), meets TU 00152365.125-2001-MOL Dynamic Garden 2T 0,6L: 40kan.H0,6l.Maslo motor for mototsikliv lubrication two stroke engines, mopeds, scooters and malohosadovoho equipment complies with TU 00152365.101-99-MOL Dynamic Sprint 2T 1L: 400kan.H1l.; Trademark - MOL.Vyrobnyk - "" MOL LUB Ltd "", 2931 Almasfuzito, Fo ut21.Krayina -Uhorschyna production, HU. " HUNGARY ***** 9628.88 15848.72419 View Importer
26/Apr/2017 2710198300 "1. Liquids for hydraulic transmission. The content of hydrocarbons derived from mineral bytuminoznyh more than 70mas.%, Which are the main components. Made of vazhkyhdystylyativ. It contains a comprehensive package of additives. Free of silicones, disulfidu molybdenum, polyglycol, hrafitu.Hidro-transmission oil UTTO type of spetsialnymyreolohichnymy properties for gearboxes, wet brakes hidravlychnoho equipment of agricultural tractors and other mashyn.-MOL Farm JD 180KG: 1boch.H180kh., Hidravlychne oil equipment are used in zovnishnomuhidravlichnomu That operates under vysokyhtermichnyh and mechanical loads and vindustrialnyh and automotive hydraulic systemah.-MOL Hydro HM 46 180KG: 4boch.H180kh.; - MOL Hydro HM 46 50KG: 2boch.H50kh.; - MOL Hydro HME 46 180KG: 3boch .H180kh.; - MOL Hydro HME 46 50KG: 2boch.H50kh.; - MOL Hydro HME 68 180KG: 3boch.H180kh.; - MOL Hydro HVD 46 170KG: 2boch.H170kh.; Trademark - MOL.Vyrobnyk - "" MOL LUB Ltd "", 2931 Almasfuzito, Fo ut21.Krayina -Uhorschyna production, HU.. " HUNGARY ***** 2520 2791.271738 View Importer
26/Apr/2017 2710199900 "1. Further lubricants containing oil tanaftoproduktiv, a mixture of aliphatic hydrocarbons obtained from bituminous minerals, petroleum fractions inas the main component over 70mas.%. Bezvmistu silicones, polyglycols, hrafitu.Vyrobleni of heavy dystylyativ.Bohatotsilove lithium grease mistytmineralnyh components ( 90%) and contains mineralnebazove oil and lithium thickener complies with TU 00149943.535-2000 and used to zmaschuvannyapidshypnykiv: -MOL Liton LT 2EP 50KG: 1boch.H50kh., lithium grease apply grease uyetsya for lubricating heavily loaded sliding parts, connections and pivot chassis, silkohospodarskoyi and construction equipment, meets TU 23.2-00152365-182-2003. disulfidu molybdenum content - 3% .- MOL Liton 2M 8KG: 6vider.H8kh .; Trademark - MOL.Vyrobnyk - "" MOL LUB Ltd "", 2931 Almasfuzito, Fo ut21.Krayina -Uhorschyna production, HU.. " HUNGARY ***** 98 288.2404034 View Importer
25/Apr/2017 2710199900 1.Maslo - coolant containing oil and oil obtained from bituminous minerals (mixture of aliphatic hydrocarbons), 70% by weight or more as a main component, free of graphite, silicones, polyglycols and disulfidu molybdenum. Trademark Petro-CanadaVyrobnyk Petro-Canada LubricantsPryznachennya: for heat transfer in systems teploobminu.PHT15DRM PARAFLEX HT 15 205L DRUM PHT32DRM PARAFLEX HT 32 205L DRUM. CANADA ***** 1413.68 2924.746427 View Importer
25/Apr/2017 2710198300 1.Maslo hidravlychne containing oil and oil obtained from bituminous minerals (mixture of aliphatic hydrocarbons and ester components), 70% by weight or more as a main component, without free of graphite, silicones, polyglycols and disulfidu molybdenum. Purpose: use hidravlychnyh systemah.Torhovelna mark Petro-CanadaVyrobnyk Petro-Canada LubricantsDTRANDRM DURATRAN 205L DRUM DTRANP20 DURATRAN 20L PAIL HDXAW46DRM HYDREX AW 46 HYDRAULIC OIL 205L DRUM HDXAW46P20 HYDREX AW 46 HYDRAULIC OIL 20L PAIL. CANADA ***** 6191.24 16377.06802 View Importer
25/Apr/2017 2710198700 1.Masla transmission containing oil and oil obtained from bituminous minerals (mixture of aliphatic hydrocarbons poliizobutilen, ester components, compounds of fatty acids), 70% by weight or more as a main component, free of graphite, silicones, polyglycols and disulfidu molybdenum. Purpose: to lubricate transmisiy.Torhovelna mark Petro-CanadaVyrobnyk Petro-Canada LubricantsATFD3MDRM PETRO-CANADA ATF D3M 205 L DRUM ATFD3MP20 PETRO-CANADA ATF D3M 20 L PAIL ENT32DRM ENDURATEX EP 32 205 L DRUM (T) TR89P20 TRAXON 80W-90 20L PAIL. CANADA ***** 1048.06 4481.294813 View Importer
25/Apr/2017 2710198100 1.Maslo containing motor oil and oil obtained from bituminous minerals (mixture of aliphatic hydrocarbons and ester components), 70% by weight or more as a main component, free of graphite, silicones, polyglycols and disulfidu molybdenum. Trademark Petro-CanadaVyrobnyk Petro-Canada LubricantsPryznachennya: to lubricate 4-stroke gasoline and diesel dvyhuniv.DE15DRM DURON-E 15W-40 205 L DRUM DE15P20 DURON-E 15W-40 20 L PAIL DXL14DRM DURON XL 10W-40 ENGINE OIL 205L DRUM DXL14P20 DURON XL 10W-40 ENGINE OIL 20L PAIL. CANADA ***** 13643.04 32489.53567 View Importer
24/Apr/2017 2710124512 "1. Art. 336-1297-5-ND - 100 pieces. Electronic Circuits integrated monolithic, chip microcontrollers, memory -mistkist - 16Kbaytam; -tehnolohiyavyhotovlennya CMOS structure; -not programmable, contains in its skladiperedavach or receiver and transmitter .Torhovelna mark - LabsVyrobnyk Silicon - Silicon Labs. " BELARUS 156751 117250 61487.77119 View Importer
11/Apr/2017 2710199300 "1. electrical insulating oil. The content of hydrocarbons, mineral otrymanyhz bytuminoznyh, 70mas.% Or more, which are the main components. Made of heavy dystylyativ.Mistyt comprehensive package of additives. Free of silicones, disulfidu molybdenum, polyglycol, hrafitu.Inhibovane transformer oil used yakizolyatsiynyy and cooling the material in high-power transformers, circuit breakers. -MOL tO 40A 170KG: 1boch.H170kh.; Trademark - MOL.Vyrobnyk - "" MOL LUB Ltd "", 2931 Almasfuzito, Fo ut21.Krayina -Uhorschyna production, HU.. " HUNGARY ***** 170 244.7128439 View Importer
11/Apr/2017 2710198500 "1.Masla white containing oil and oil obtained from bituminous minerals (mixture of aliphatic hydrocarbons), 70% by weight or more as a main component, without free of graphite, silicones, polyglycols and disulfidu molybdenum. Purpose: to lubricate food processing industry - 108,8l: PFMFA12 PURITY FG SPRAY 12X290G AEROSOL CANS-28,8l; PFWO35P20 PURITY FG WO ​​WHITE OIL 35 20L PAIL- 40l; PFWO90P20 PURITY FG WO ​​WHITE OIL 90 20L PAIL- 40l;. " CANADA ***** 93.708 516.1376605 View Importer

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