Check Ukraine export data of w d under HS code 4901990000. Get export data of Ukraine for HS code 4901990000
Date | HS Code | Product Description | Destination Country | Quantity | Net Weight [KGS] | Total Value [USD] | Exporter Name |
27/Apr/2017 | 4901990000 | "1. Printed printing products. It is a fiction to doroslyhta children. Stitched, printed in Russian: - Products Knyzhnaya" "Neobыknovennoe adventure Signoret Droplet" "- 5000sht. Knyzhnaya Products," "Alpha weather in Luba" "-3000sht. Publisher : OOO '' Career-Press "" - Knyzhnaya Products S.Hlomova, E.Hlomova "" Owl, ft asleep? "" - 3000sht.-Knyzhnaya Products "" In trydevyatom kingdom tales n "" - 3000sht. Publisher: Publishing "" Redkaya birds "" - Knyzhnaya Products Koval Yuri "" You want how many crocodile "" - 3000sht.Vydavnytstvo: ID '' Scooter '' not are souvenir goods and kulturnohopryznachennya.Torhovelna Brand: No danyhKrayina production: UAVyrobnyk LLC "" Factor-Druk "" " | RUSSIA | ***** | 4200 | 10606.38008 | View Exporter |
27/Apr/2017 | 4901990000 | "1. Printed books, stitched, framed artistically designed book, printed reading material illustrated children's book is not intended dlyarozvah children or not razforbuvannya advertising material: Title:" "Fleur de ville- Une belette tres chouette" "- 2000 pcs .; weight: 366.3 kg. / 340 kg., 1 mistse.Vydavnytstvo: Imago Publishing Ltd, United Brytaniya.Vyrobnyk LLC "" HKF YUNISOFT "" Ukrayina.Torhova brand: Fleur de Ville.Krayina production: UA ". | FRANCE | ***** | 340 | 1851.810024 | View Exporter |
27/Apr/2017 | 4901990000 | "1. Printed books, stitched, literary works, printed material forreading illustrated is not intended for children or entertainment razforbuvannya not yereklamnym material:" "Loves and Scandals / Lasky a skandaly v nasichpanovnickych rodoch" "SK- 7000 pcs., 14 pallets ; "" Soups / Polevky "" CZ - 4500 pcs. 6 pallets; "" Poultry / Drubez "" CZ -3750 units. 6 pallets; "" Schnitzels / Rizky "" CZ - 3320 pcs. 7 pallets; weight: 20429, 5 kg / 19,439.5 kg, 33 seats. Publisher: OTTOVO NAKLADATELSTVI, sro, Chehiya.Vyrobnyk PE "" Yunisoft "" Ukriyina.Torhova mark: OTTOVO NAKLADATELSTVI.Krayina production: UA. " | CZECH REPUBLIC | ***** | 19439.5 | 31449.43124 | View Exporter |
25/Apr/2017 | 4901990000 | "1. Printed: Album" "Kyyiv.TOR10" "/ kytay.Kyrkevych 2013 W. R. art.1109648 5 shtFotoalbom" "Kyyiv.TOR10" "/ anhl.Kyrkevych 2013 W. R. art. 1109642 30 shtFotoalbom "" Kyyiv.TOR10 "" / Ital. art.1109646 10 shtFotoalbom "" Kyyiv.TOR10 "" / Nam. art.1109643 10 shtFotoalbom "" Kyyiv.TOR10 "" / fr. art.1109644 10 shtFotoalbom "" Kyyiv.TOR10 "" / Spanish. art.1109647 10 shtFotoalbom "" Kyiv "," history, architecture and traditions. Olga Druh, Yulija Ferentseva art.1109780 10 shtFotoalbom "" Ukraine "," Pechersk Lavra Yuri Buslenko 2013 10 shtFotoalbom "" Traditional Ukrainian cuisine "" S.Tarasov, M.Ivaschenko 2013 RV art.1109640 20 shtFotoal bom "" the most beautiful corners of Ukraine "" / eng / Ukrainian / Russian / art.1109639 " | LATVIA | ***** | 61.2 | 1058.710578 | View Exporter |
25/Apr/2017 | 4901990000 | "1. Printed books, current edition, 055 bible ZTi tsvetn seal - 10pcs .; Bible 072 ti soft cover - 10pcs .; Bible 075ti white - 4 pieces .; Bible always with me -5sht .; Bible for children - 5pcs Supersыschyk .; Calle Blyumkvyst ryskuet - 1pc .; I neboyus! - 1pc .; Scarlet Flower - 1pc., Bezhal Åæèêà on track - 1pc .; Bezhal ezhykpo track - 1pc .; Bezhin meadow - 1pc .; Veselыe history - 1pc .; Volshebnaya force art - 1pc .; Volshebnyk Yzumrudnoho city - 1pc .; Volshebnoe word - 1pc .; Where, What and When? Encyclopedia for lyuboznatelnыh - 1pc., Devochka s Earth - 1pc .; evochka D with Earth - 1pc .; Denyskynыrasskaz y - 1 pcs .; Jeep in TVs and others with klyuchenyya in orbit - 1pc .; Ezhykv tumane- 1pc .; Åæèêà ego and friends. Vesennye rabies ki - 1pc .; Zanymatelnaya book known vvoprosah and Answer - 1pc .; Notes ohotn Ica - 1pc. ; Yhrushechnыy Bunny and Myauly -1 pcs .; Tales of a gift. Tales of Charles Perrault - 1pc .; executioners in Italy - 1pc., p ryletaet Comet - 1pc .; kingdoms curves Zerka al - 1pc .; Êðîøêà NylsKarlson - 1pc. " | UNITED STATES | ***** | 249 | 1748.87 | View Exporter |
25/Apr/2017 | 4901990000 | 1.Drukovana printing products. Includes fiction, cooking, informative literature and literature for pidlitkiv.Ilyustrovana, stitched. Drukova Russian: ES -Honchar Loboyko EP Vyazanыe hats for children -50sht.-Romanova M. YU.100% -noe Vision Perhaps! AUDITED kulynarnыe recepty -400sht.-Saydakova Raysa Ivanovna Aloэ ykalanhoэ. Luchshye recepty health -150sht. M.Yu.Varenyky-Romanova, ravioli, belyashy, pasties, 50sht. Konstantinov, MA All of Treatment lukovoy sheluhoy -20sht.-Maksimov V.Zhyvaya water from -sredstvo vseh boleznej -230sht.-AA Kulakov Zashchita Sade and outfitting from pests and boleznej -50sht.-Maxim Konstantinov Alekseevych Treatment of the Main narodnыmy assets pain-200sht .-Maxim Konstantinov Alekseevych Luchshye recepty konservyrovannыh green yzakusok -100sht.-Romanova Marina Yurevna Gout, radicular pain, artroz.Proverennыe recepty ylechebnoe POWER Saving for health joints -150sht. Bulatov M-beet эlyksyr health-100sht. Marina Romanova, garlic and onion at | RUSSIA | ***** | 529.61 | 1955.034918 | View Exporter |
24/Apr/2017 | 4901990000 | "1. Printed books, current edition: Getting Married Razvod, povtornыy a lack Byblyy.Dzhey Adams - 20pcs .; age opportunities. Trypp AP - 16sht .; depression, neotstupnaya darkness. Edward T.Uэlch - 26 pcs .; Dolynavydenyya. purytanskyh collections of prayers and duhovnыh razmыshlenyy - 10pcs .; dependence: a banquet in the grave. Э.Uэlch - 20pcs .; as yzmenyayutsya people. Timothy S. Lэyn, Paul DэvydTrypp - 28sht .; When people bolshye and Bohmalenkyy. Э.Uэlch - 10pc .; Mudrыy dushepopechytel. Jay Adams - 16sht .; Nemo Christians tyanyn nakazuyuschym rod pod. TomasBruk s - 20pcs .; Opasnoe pryzvanye - 10pcs .; Or udyya grace hands Yskupytelya.P. May IPP - Guide to 50sht .; di stsyplyne of the church. Jay Adams - 20pcs., Sex and hy den. Paul Trypp - 10pcs .; Cheho vы ozhydaly? Yskuplenye realities of marriage PolDэvyd Trypp- 16sht .; vydet novыmy eyes. Paula D. dream - 20 pcs .; Vynovat Do this in the brain? -26sht .; Spiritual operations co scalpel P ysanyya. R.Harrys - 37sht .; Ynstrumentыvr acha. R.Harrys - 65sht .; Katehezys souls epopechyteley. R. Harris - 65sht., When n is " | UNITED STATES | ***** | 150 | 1906.15 | View Exporter |
24/Apr/2017 | 4901990000 | "1.Drukovani religious books current edition: Safety drills -50sht IN TIME; Blahochestyvыe pryvыchky.Putevodytel for Women tseleustremlennoy life -50sht; vydet novыmy eyes. D. Paulyson -25sht; Vozvraschaya TIME -50sht, age opportunities. P. Trypp -50sht , Vision Valley. purytanskyh collections of prayers and duhovnыh razmыshlenyy -40sht; Drahotsennыy -50sht Christ, Life in prayer "" Paul Miller -100sht; How not razbytsya in fog -50sht; Nastoyaschaya -20sht community, a Christian Almost -7sht; Razъsnytelnaya propoved "" David Helm -20sht, shower -19sht Savior; Tolkovanye Old Testament books Volume 1: Gen. - Deut. (Mэtyu Henry) -11sht; Tolkovanye Old Testament Book Volume 3: 4 I Kings - Yov (Mэtyu Henry) -11sht; Tolkovanye Old Testament books: Yezekyylya, Daniel, Osyy, Yoylya, Amos, Avdyya, ions, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Sofonyy, Haggai, Zaharyy, Malahyy -11sht; Tolkovanye Old Testament books: Yysus Nun, Judge, Ruth, 1-3 Samuel -11sht books; Tolkovanye Old Testament books: Ysayy, Yeremyy, Crying Yeremyy -11sht; Tolkovanye books Old Head " | UNITED STATES | ***** | 253 | 1721.03 | View Exporter |
21/Apr/2017 | 4901990000 | 1.Drukovani books: The Gospel of John-Mark-3sht.Yevanheliye 3pc. Matthew-3pc. Foreign-love lyrics 3pc. The world under the microscope, 3pc. Pilgrim's Way 3sht.Chervone-and-black 1pc. / Printed in 2016 /. | UNITED STATES | ***** | 2.5 | 19.8652795 | View Exporter |
21/Apr/2017 | 4901990000 | 1.Drukovani book: Carlson plays namet.Karlson bet-1am. Carlson is the first uchen.Karlson the baby sleeps, 1sht.Karlson favor of scientific Alberh.Karlson dog comes birthday, 1pc. Televizor.Dzvinok Carlson and Carlson, Carlson 1pc happy Tarara and pancakes 1am. Donald White Dim.Solovyov Tramp.Bytva for centuries. Klepikova E-3pc. / Printed in 2016-2017rr /. | UNITED STATES | ***** | 3 | 14.3859112 | View Exporter |
21/Apr/2017 | 4901990000 | 1.Drukovani book: ABC-2 pcs. Laws Winners 1am. / Printed in 2016 /. | UNITED STATES | ***** | 1.4 | 4.4400037 | View Exporter |
21/Apr/2017 | 4901990000 | "1. Printed books, stitched, framed artistically designed book, printed material to read, illustrated, is not for entertainment diteyabo razforbuvannya is not advertising material: Title: Collection" "Mon coach bienetre" "J'ameliore mon alimentation" "- 1300 pcs. weight: 300 kg. / 260 kg., 1 mistse.Vydavnytstvo: Editions Jouvence, Frantsiya.Vyrobnyk LLC "" HKF YUNISOFT "" Ukrayina.Torhova brand: Editions Jouvence.Krayina production: UA. " | FRANCE | ***** | 260 | 1089.543012 | View Exporter |
21/Apr/2017 | 4901990000 | "1. Printed books, stitched, children's books, printed material forreading illustrated is not intended for children or entertainment razforbuvannya not yereklamnym material: Product (ISBN 9788854035324) (79 / p), THOMAS EDISON - 1500sht .; article (ISBN 9788854035331 ) (79 / p), ALBERT EINSTEIN - 1500 pcs .; article (ISBN 9788854035348) (79 / p), ROBOTS - 1500 pcs .; article (ISBN99788854033092) (64 / p), DA OGGI IO LEGGO CAPPUCCETTO ROSSO- 1,500 items . marking (ISBN 9788854033108) (64 / p), DA OGGI IO LEGGO PINOCCHIO -1500 pcs .; article (ISBN 9788854033115) (64 / p), DA OGGI IO LEGGO SIRENETTA - 1500sht .; article (ISBN 9788854033122) (64 / p), DA OGGI IO LEGGO ALADINO - 1500 pcs. marking (ISBN 9788854033139) (64 / p), DA OGGI IO LEGGO BIANCANEVE - 1500 pcs. marking (ISBN 9788854033146) (64 / p), DA OGGI IO LE GGO PETER PAN - 1500 pcs. Marking (ISBN 9788854034600) (62 / P), SEARCH FIND AND COUNT! WS ITA -1800 pcs., Weight: 5794 kg / 5274 kg of 13 seats. Publisher: White Star srl, Italy. Producer: Ltd. "" HKF YUNISOFT "" Mar Ukriyina.Torhova " | ITALY | ***** | 5274 | 14801.34511 | View Exporter |
19/Apr/2017 | 4901990000 | "1.Drukovana, information products: Brochure" "Pyaterochka.Vse on pyknyk" "- 292000sht.Torhova mark" "Pyaterochka". "Brochure Oriflame" "Wellness Product Guide" "(514534) -12700sht. Brochure Oriflame" "Wellness Life + Diary "" (code 514868) - 11200sht.Torhova mark, "" ORIFLAME SWEDEN "" Producer: JSC "" Blitz-Inform "," DA "" Blitz-Print "". " | RUSSIA | ***** | 19064.1 | 27834.62363 | View Exporter |
18/Apr/2017 | 4901990000 | 1.Drukovana products, brochures depicting curtain rods and their accessories -600sht.Forma booklet: 315h430mm., Printing method, offset color printing 4 + 4, cover: cardboard 2mm, obkleyka with 2 sides, 170 coated paper, full color printing 4 + 4, matte lamination 1 + 1. Indoor Unit: 67 sheets, 170 coated paper, full color printing 4 + 4. Mounting: decorative ring. | TURKEY | ***** | 1200 | 984.6316161 | View Exporter |
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