cUkraine 100 Fo Imports under HS Code 3002 from Germany

Ukraine 100 Fo Imports under HS Code 3002 from Germany

Lookup Ukraine 100 fo imports under HS code 3002 from Germany. Search 100 fo import data under HS code 3002 from Germany.

Date HS Code Product Description Origin Country Quantity Net Weight [KGS] Total Value [USD] Importer Name
26/Apr/2017 3002109900 1. Biochemical tests in the form of strips impregnated with a reagent for rapid analysis. Art. HCG-S20, hCG test (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) Pregnancy Test), single-dose pregnancy test - 20 units Producer - Diagnostik Nord, Germany. Trademark - HCG-S20.Art. 11379208.191, Combur 10 Test M, Test strips Combur 10 Test M - test strips for visual and instrumental urine analysis - 100 units. Producer - Sysmex, Germany. Trade mark - Combur 10 Test.It is a diagnostic reagent based on immunological preparations, on the substrate. Used to assess physical, biological or biochemical processes and the state of the human body and their effects are based on the observation of changes occurring in immunobiological substances contained in this reagent.Available within the clinical study of the medicinal product with the code of the study CanUTI-7 in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health No. 347 dated April 12, 2016 as concomitant materials / drugs. The country of production is DE. GERMANY ***** 5.5 152.7585485 View Importer
26/Apr/2017 3002109500 1.Reahenty diagnostic or laboratory test system for cobas e vyznachennyavitaminu in 12 Test system for determining total in vitamins D Vitamin D totalElecsys cobas e 100 cobas test system is to determine folate Roche Diagnostics. GERMANY ***** 0.602 551.0848822 View Importer
26/Apr/2017 3002109100 1.Reahenty diagnostic or laboratory test system for determining ACTH ACTHElecsys cobas e 100 Test system for determination of pancreatic amylase AMYL-P, 200 tests, cobas c, Integra Test system for the detection of antibodies to tsytrulinuAnti-CCP Elecsys cobas e 100 a test system for the detection of antibodies to yadernohoantyhenu hepatitis B Anti-HBc Elecsys cobas e 100 Test system for vyznachennyaantytil to thyroid peroxidase Anti-TPO Elecsys cobas e 100 V3 test system determine the apolipoprotein A1 APOAT, 100 tests, cobas c, Integra Test systemadlya definition antistreptolizina About ASO, 100 tests, cobas Integra Test systemadlya determined tions of C-peptide C-Peptide Elecsys cobas e 100 Test system determine the CA 19-9 CA 19-9 Elecsys cobas e 100 Test system for vyznachennyakortyzolu Cortisol Elecsys cobas e 100 Test system for determination of C-reaktyvnohoproteyinu CRP LX, 300 tests , cobas c, Integra Test system for vyznachennyavilnoyi beta subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin free HCGbeta Elecsys cobas e100 Tes t system to determine the free PSA free PSA Elecsys cobas e 100 V2Test system for the determination of free triiodothyronine FT3 3 generation Elecsys G3cobas e 200 a test system to determine haptoglobin HAPT hen.2 100 tests, cobas c, Integra Test system for determining Ch kozylovanoho hemoglobin HbA1cTQ hen.2,150T, cobas c, Integra Test system for determining surface antyhenuhepatytu in hen.2 HBsAg G2 Elecsys cobas e 100 Test system for vyznachennyahorionichnoho plus gonadotropin beta subunit HCG + beta Elecsys cobas e 100 V2Test system for determining HIV combi PT HIV combi PT Elecsys cobas e 100Test system for determining IgA IGA, 100 tests, cobas Integra Test system for determine immunoglobulin e hen.2 IgE G2 Elecsys cobas e 100 Test system determine the IgG IGG, 100 tests, cobas Integra Test system for determining IgMIGM, 100 tests, cobas Integra Test system for determining insulin InsulinElecsys c obas e 100 Test system for determining associated with pregnancy bilkuA plasma PAPP-A Elecsys cobas e 100 Test system for determination of parathyroid hormone PTHElecsys cobas e 100 Test system for determination of rheumatoid factor II RFII, 100 tests, cobas c, Integra Test System to determine testosteronuTestosterone G2 Elecsys cobas e 100 cobas test system is to control vyznachennyatyreohlobulinu AMH Elecsys test system for determining transferrin TRSFhen.2 100 tests, cobas c, Integra Test system for determining TSH TSH Elecsyscobas e 200 Test system for determining glycated hemoglobin HbA1c TQhen.3 150 tests, cobas c 501 T art system to determine kreatynkynazyMV-fraction CKMBL, 100 tests, cobas c, Integra Roche Diagnostics GERMANY ***** 10.2 9040.401351 View Importer
25/Apr/2017 3002109900 1.1. Medical products, intended by the manufacturer for use for in vitro studies in the laboratory to obtain information concerning a physiological or pathological condition, sophisticated laboratory reagents combined immunological origin, produced using biotechnological processes: Reagents complex (analytical) intended to carry out blood tests using imuno- enzyme analyzer Cobas E411: Test system for determination in vitamins D General notes with Vitamin D total Elecsys cobase 100 lot: 21176902 - 1. . GERMANY ***** 0.199 414.9792209 View Importer
21/Apr/2017 3002109900 1. Medical products intended by the manufacturer for use for in vitro studies in the laboratory to obtain information concerning a physiological or pathological condition, sophisticated laboratory reagents combined immunological origin, produced using biotechnological processes: Reagents complex (analytical) intended to carry out blood tests using enzyme immuno-analyzer Cobas E411: Test system for determination of hepatitis B surface antigen hen.2 HBsAg G2Elecsys cobas e 100 lot: 20640103 - 30 pcs. Test system for determining c filisucobas e 100 Lot: 21203403 - 30 pcs., Rear Ol Syphilis Lot: 21204101 - 2 pcs., Kalibo rator CA 72-4 Lot: 24309301 - 1 pc., Kali brator IgE Lot: 16847201 - 2 pcs. . GERMANY ***** 11.466 8832.347027 View Importer
21/Apr/2017 3002109500 1. Medical products designed vyrobnykomdlya use for in vitro studies in the laboratory to produce informatsiyistosovno physiological or pathological condition, sophisticated laboratory reagents combined immunological origin obtained using biotehnolohichnyhprotsesiv: Reagents complex (analytical) intended for analysis kroviz using enzyme immuno-analyzer Cobas E411: Control of Anti-HCV lot: 18914702 - 1 pc., Control of HIV lot: 21365501 - 2 pcs. Test system for determining HIV combi PT HIV combi PT Elecsys cobas e 100 lot: 20633801 - 30 pcs., K Varia ntrol Lot: 21033005- 1 pc. . GERMANY ***** 9.403 5650.172401 View Importer
21/Apr/2017 3002109900 1. Medical products intended by the manufacturer for use for in vitro studies in the laboratory to obtain information concerning a physiological or pathological condition, sophisticated laboratory reagents combined immunological origin, produced using biotechnological processes: Reagents complex (analytical) intended to carry out blood tests using enzyme immuno-analyzer Cobas E411: Test system for determination in vitamins D General notes with Vitamin D total Elecsys cobase 100 lot: 21176902 - 1. . GERMANY ***** 0.199 411.0393294 View Importer
19/Apr/2017 3002109900 1. Biochemical tests in the form of strips impregnated with reagents for rapid analizu.Art. HCG-S20, hCG test (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) Pregnancy Test), disposable pregnancy test - 60 shtukVyrobnyk - Diagnostik Nord, Germany. Trademark - HCG-S20.Art. 11379208.191, Combur 10 Test M, stripes Combur Test 10 Test M - test stripes for visual instrumentation and urine - 100 shtuk.Vyrobnyk - Sysmex, Germany. Trademark - Combur 10 Test.Yavlyayut a diagnostic reagents based on immunological drugs on the substrate. Used to assess physical, biological or biochemical processes and state of the human body and their action is based on the observation of changes taking place in immunological substances contained in this reagent. Delivered within clinical trial drug research code CanUTI-7 according to the Ministry of Health order № 347 from 12.04.2016 g. As auxiliary medical materials (concomitant materials / medications) .Krayin and production - DE. GERMANY ***** 9.24 214.2949818 View Importer
14/Apr/2017 3002101000 1. DRUGS, immunological prod ucts, not retailers, not vaerozolniy packaging for medical staff clinical trials chnyh code doslidzhennyaGO29437: MPDL3280A 1200mh / 20 mL vial №1, con tsentrat dlyavnutrishnovennyh solution for infusion - 100 packages. Series N0067. Packing 1154103. series. GERMANY ***** 4.2 66860.83257 View Importer
13/Apr/2017 3002109900 "1.Nezareyestrovani in Ukraine drugs for people listed as finished dosage forms and imported solely for the purpose provedennyaklinichnyh testing protocol SB8-G31-NSCLC: -Promarkovani boxes containing SB8 and / or Avastin (Bevacizumab) 100 mg vial (25 mg / ml 4 ml) concentrate for solution for infusion - 60 flakoniv.Seriynyy number: 2404-104, B7213. Packing series: E01-009.Termin date: 31 March 2018r .. -Promarkovani boxes containing SB8 and / or Avastin (Bevacizumab) 400 mg vial (25 mg / ml, 16 ml) concentrate for solution dlyainfuziy - 600 vials. Serial numbers: 2416-103, B72 35. Packing series: E01-012. Expiration date: April 30 2018r..Vyrobnyky: SB8 - Cangene bioPharma (dba Emergent BioSolutions), USA; Avastin - Roche Pharma AG, Germany. Pryparaty not contain alcohol, vitamins, infected and / or biologically hazardous components, drugs and / or psychotropic substances, precursors or other substances turnover spetskontrolem under the Ministry of Health. not for about dazhu / resale / implementation. " GERMANY ***** 55.8 584372.3894 View Importer
13/Apr/2017 3002109900 1.1. Medical products, intended by the manufacturer for use for in vitro studies in the laboratory to obtain information concerning a physiological or pathological condition, sophisticated laboratory reagents combined immunological origin, produced using biotechnological processes: Reagents complex (analytical) intended to carry out blood tests using imuno- enzyme analyzer Cobas E411: Test system for determining CA 15-3 CA 15-3 G2 Elecsys cobas e 100 lot: 2099000 1- 1 pc., CA 15-3 Calibrator lot: 18 536 601 - 1 pcs. Test systems for vyznachennyaprola ktynu Prolactin G2 Elecsys cobas e 100 V2.1 Lot: 17223703 - 2 pcs. Test system for determination of free PSA free PS A Elecsys cobas e 100 V2 Lot: 20987702 -8 pcs., free PSA Calibrator Lot: 1 pc 18280401- ., cobas test system is defined for total PSA spare lot: 19942203 - 18 pcs. Test system for determining surface antigen of hepatitis B Volyn NGO hen.2 HBsAg G2Elecsys cobas e 100 lot: 20640103 - 3 pcs. Test systems for tions determined hen.2 immunoglobulin e IgE G2 Elecsys cobas e 10 0 lot: 17305402 - 4 pcs. Test system for determining prokaltsytoninu PCT Brahms (Roche) Elecsys cobas e 100 lot: 21201001 - 7 pcs. Test system for determining t roponynu I STAT Troponin I STAT Elecsyscobas e 100 lot: 18649301 - 2 w ., Hepato um C, II generation 100 Tests Lot: 21868902 - 3 pcs. Test system for determination of free triiodothyronine FT3 3 heneratsiyaElecsys G3 cobas e 200 Lot: 20310203 - 1 0 pcs. Test system for determining free thyroxine FT4 2 generation G2 Elecsy s cobas e 200 lot: 21545503 - 9 pcs. Test system for determining calcitonin / C alcitonin lot: 21413001 - 1 pc., Test system for determination of thyroglobulin / Tg II lot: 20930101 - 2 pcs. Test to determine cortisol II / cortisol II lot: 206 08801 - 1 pc., Test system for determination of triiodothyronine T3 Elecsys cobas e 200 lot: 19829702 - 3 pcs. Test system determine the TSH TSH Elecsys cobas e 200 lot: 22084101 - 23 pcs. Test for cancer antigen 125 II / CA 125 II Lot: 18748901 - 1 pc., Service set SAP, Elecsys, cobas e Lot: 21414501 - 1. Calibrators Cortisol Lot: 20666201 - 1pc., Test system for determining paratho rmonu PTH Elecsys cobas e 100 lot: 18500003 - 6 pcs. Test system for determining insulin insulin Elecsys cobas e 100lot: 21587101 - 1 pc., Test system for EID nachennya thyroxine T4 Elecsys cobas e200 V2 lot: 19428103 - 3 pieces ., test devices, etc. to determine c-reactive proteyinuCRP LX, 300 tests, cobas c, Integra lot: 21 624 101 - 1. Calibrators DHEASlot 18 753 601 - 1 pcs. Test systems for CA 15-3 Define ting CA 15-3 G2 Elecsyscobas e 100 lot: 20990001 - 2 pcs. Test system fo determination of C-peptyduC-Peptide Elec sys cobas e 100 Lot: 17397601 - 1 pc., T ESW system determine the free PSA free PSA Elecsys cobas e 100 V2 lot: 209 87702 - 1 pc., Test system for determination tion of Testosterone Testosterone G2 Elecsys cobas e 100lot: 19105302 - 1 pc., Kalibo rator HE4 lot: 21377901 - 1 pc., Test sy tems determine the antibodies to hepatitis GERMANY ***** 20.381 18366.44934 View Importer
13/Apr/2017 3002109500 1. Medical products designed vyrobnykomdlya use for in vitro studies in the laboratory to produce informatsiyistosovno physiological or pathological condition, sophisticated laboratory reagents combined immunological origin obtained using biotehnolohichnyhprotsesiv: Reagents complex (analytical) intended for analysis kroviz using enzyme immuno-analyzer Cobas E411: Test system for determination of hemoglobin HbA1c hlikozylova tion TQ hen.2,150T, co basc, Integra lot: 12802301 - 1 pc., Rear Ol HBsAg lot: 19205201 - 1 pc., Test sy s theme for the determination of free beta-human chorionic subodyn ytsi honadotropinuFree HCGb eta Elecsys cobas e 100 Lot: 17983101 - 4 pcs. Test system determine the vanoho associate with pregnancy plasma protein A PAPP- A Elecsys cobas e100 Lot: 18279901 - 4 w t. , Test system for determination of D-dimers D-Dimer hen.2,100Test, cobas c, Integra lot: 21612201 - 1 pc., Control l here ThyroAB: 22061701 -2 pcs. Universal Control lot: 16023302 - 4 pcs. Control Tumormark erlot: 21355501 - 4 pcs., automatic calibrator 3x1 ml of lipids lot: 15464301 - 1 pcs. Test to Determine ting system glycosylated hemoglobin HbA1cT Q hen.2,150T, cobas c, Integra 13807/2014 12,802,301 - 5 pcs. Control Toxo IgGlot: 18915301 - 1 pc., Control of Rubella IgM l as: 20871901 - 1 pc., Test systemadlya you value IgG antibodies to CMV CMV IgG Elecsys cobas e 100lot: 17447303- 2 pcs. Test system for determining HIV noyi beta -subodynytsi horionichnohohonadotropinu Free HCGbeta Elecsys cobas e 100 lot: 17983101 - 1 pc., Test system for determining pregnancy associated protein S A plasma PAPP-AElecsys cobas e 100 lot: 18279901 - 2 pcs., Mater nal Care Control lot: 13929702 -1 pieces. ThyroAB Control lot: 22061701 - 1 pc., Control Multimarker lot: 20038501- 2 pcs., Rear eh PreciControl ClinChem Multi 1, 4x5 mL lot: 14451401 - 2 pcs. Control PreciCont rol ClinChem Multi 2, 4x5 ml lot: 1445270 1 - 1 pieces. KontrolTumorm arker lot: 2135 5501 - 1 pc., Test System for Identification numbers 21-1 Cyfra21-1 Elecsys cobas e 100 Lot: 21374201 - 1 pc., for avtomatychnyhsystem lipids Calibrator 3x1 ml Lot 15 464 301 - 1. GERMANY ***** 5.469 5307.038846 View Importer
13/Apr/2017 3002109900 1.1. Medical products, intended by the manufacturer for use for in vitro studies in the laboratory to obtain information concerning a physiological or pathological condition, sophisticated laboratory reagents combined immunological origin, produced using biotechnological processes: Reagents complex (analytical) intended to carry out blood tests using imuno- enzyme analyzer Cobas E411: Test system for determining total in vitamins D Vitamin D total Elecsys cobase 100 lot: 21176901 - 1. . GERMANY ***** 0.199 405.6836386 View Importer
13/Apr/2017 3002109900 1.Reahenty for use in medical practice. Reagents to laboratory analyzers Cobas series. Modular system f I Cobas 8000 (for in vitrodiahnostyky). Free of drugs, substances psyhotro pnyh iprekusoriv: -art.04388780190 test system for the detection of antibodies to the TSH receptor Anti-TSHRElecsys cobas e 100 2up. art.06437281190-test system for the determination of free thyroxine FT4 2 heneratsiyaG2 Elecsys cobas e 200 25up .-art.11731459122 Test system for determining TSH TSH Elecsys cobas e 200 40up. art.06437206190-test system for the determination of free triiodothyronine FT3 3heneratsiya Elecsys G3 cobas e 200 10up. art.12017709122-test system for the determination of thyroxine T4 Elecsys cobas e 200 V22up. art.11731360122-test system for the determination of triiodothyronine T3 Elecsys cobas e200 2up.-art.11731629322 the test cobas e system for determining RЭA 6up.-art.04687787190 Test system for determining surface antigen of hepatitis Vhen.2 HBsAg G2 Elecsys cobas e 100 1up.-art.06368921190 Hepatitis C, II generation 100 Tests 7up.-art.05390095190 the test system for determining HIV combi PT HIV combi PT Elecsyscobas e-art.03000087122 2up. 100 Test system for determining DHEAS DHEA-S Elecsys cobas e-1005up. art.12145383122 test system for the determination of progesterone progesterone G2Elecsys cobas e 100 10up.- art.03203093190 Test system for determination of prolactin prolactin G2 Elecsyscobas e-100 V2.1 15up. art.11775863122 Test system for determining FSH FSH Elecsys cobas e 100 4up.-art.04481798190 Test system cobas e for determination of alpha-fetoprotein 100testiv 6up. art.04827031190-test system for the determination of immunoglobulin E hen.2 IgE G2Elecsys cobas e 100 6up.-art.04745736190 Test system for determining vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 Elecsyscobas e 100 V2 2up.- art.03737551190 system cobas test is to determine the ferritin-2up. art.04476433190 test system to determine folate folate G3 Elecsys cobas e100 2up.-art.06331076190 Test system for determining antymyullerovoho hormone AMH Elecsyscobas e 100 1up. art. 03052001190 Test system for determining binding globulin statevihormony SHBG Elecsys cobas e 100 1up. art.11930427122-IgE calibrator 1up.-art.04874072190 Kalibo Folate rator hen.3 1up.-art.06368603190 Calibrator Anti-Tg-1up. art.06437290190 FT4 Calibrator hen.2 1up.-art.11776215122 CA 19-9 Calibrator 1up.-art.04738551190 TSH Calibrator 1up. art. Vitamin B12 Calibrator 04572459190 1up.-art.11731416190 Control Universal 2up.-art.03038866322 Test system for determining LDL LDL-C hen.2 175 tests, cobasc, Integra 11up.-art.20764930322 Test system for determining C- reactive protein CRP LX, 300testiv, cobas c, Integra 2up.-art.05336163190 Test system for determining glycosylated hemoglobin HbA1cTQ hen.3 150 tests, cobas c 501 16up.-art.20764574322 Test system for determination of rheumatoid factor II RFII , 100testiv, cobas c, Integra 2up.-art.04489403190 Test system for determining antistreptolizina O ASLO TQ, 150testiv, cobas c 4up. art.20764949322-test system for a GERMANY ***** 20 11838.11746 View Importer
12/Apr/2017 3002109900 1.Imunofermentni medical tests and test kits, reagents kit 31002-SI HemoStat thromboplastin for determination of prothrombin time (6h2ml agent, buffer solution 6h2ml) -100upak., 31003 Set thromboplastin reagents HemoStat-SI to determine the prothrombin time (6h10ml agent, buffer solution 6h10ml) -20upak., 32002 HemoStat fibrinogen reagent kit for the determination of fibrinogen (5h2ml agent, buffer solution 1h100ml Calibrators 2h1ml) -50upak., 33002 set APTT reagents HemoStat - EC to determine the activated partial thromboplastin time (6h4ml reagent, a subsidiary of REA ent 6h4ml) -20upak., 34002 HemoStat set of reagents for determining thrombin time thrombin time (reagent 3h3ml) -50upak., 40040 latex reagent for the determination of C-reactive protein (100 tests: Water 1h4,5ml) -50upak., 40043 Full a set of tests for C-reactive protein (100 tests: reagent 1h4,5ml control P 1h1ml control 1h1ml H, dies at positions 6) -30 packing., 40050 latex reagent for determining revm atoyidnoho factor (100 tests: Water 1X4 , 5 ml) -25upak., 40060 latex reagent for determining antistreptolysin Au (100 tests: Water 1h4,5ml) -70upak., 40063 full set of tests for you value antistreptolysin Au (100 tests: reagent 1h4,5ml control P 1h1ml control 1h1ml H, dies at positions 6) -20 upak.Vyrobnyk: Human Gesellschaft fur Biochemica und Diagnostica mbH.Torhivelna mark - Human. Country of origin - DE. GERMANY ***** 60 13004.06916 View Importer

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