cUkraine 120 Imports under HS Code 3822 from United States
Lookup Ukraine 120 imports under HS code 3822 from United States. Search 120 import data under HS code 3822 from United States.
Date | HS Code | Product Description | Origin Country | Quantity | Net Weight [KGS] | Total Value [USD] | Importer Name |
21/Apr/2017 | 3822000000 | "1. Medical products: Diagnostic reagents for the SI EMENS analyzers for clinical and laboratory blood tests for laboratory laboratories, including blood of humans, animals, and other blood fractions thereof, as well as modified immunological products intended for the sole purpose of diagnosing IN VITRO, Not for the sake of these, packaged in disposable bottles, in the assortment (non-animal origin): - art 4779671, T3 T80 - 1 piece; -art DC51, Special Protein Calibrator - 1 piece; -art DF103, Transferrin - 2pcs; -art DF150 , Rev. Alkaline Phosphatase - 3pcs; -art DF114, MALB Microalbumin - 2pcs; -art DF33A, DM CRE2 FLEX CARTON - 3pcs; -art DF45A, GGT - 2pcs; -art. DF54, LDI Lactic Dehyrogenase-1; -art 3624240, PEROX SHEATH KIT - 1 piece; -art DF167, TBI Total Bilirubin - 1pc; -art DF48B, REV AHDL Cholesterol - 1pc; -art 4871500, ADVIA 120 EZWASH - 2pcs; -art L2SUBM, Chemiluminescent-Substratmodul 2x 1000T - 4pcs; Brand: SiemensProducer: Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc. Country of Origin: USA (US). " | UNITED STATES | ***** | 25.48 | 1881.989409 | View Importer |
13/Apr/2017 | 3822000000 | "1. Products medical appointments, diagnostic reagents for analyzers SIEMENSdlya clinical and laboratory studies of blood for laboratory hospitals notcontains blood of humans, animals, and other blood fractions and modyfikovanyhimunolohichnyh products intended only for diagnostics IN VITRO, not napidkladtsi packaged in disposable bottles in stock (not animalorigin): - art. LSUBX, IMMULITE SUBSTRATE MODULE 1000T - 4 pieces; -art. LSUBX, IMMULITE SUBSTRATE MODULE 1000T - 1am; -art. HP1L4, HP1 - Hausstaub-Mix 40T- 1pc; -art . DC35, Enzyme 1 Calibrator - 1am; -art. DC167, Bilirubin Calibrator - 1am; -art. DC48B, rev AHDL Calibrator - 1am; -a Hg. DF125, DBI Direct Bilirubin - 2 pcs; -art. DC56, LIP Verifier - 1am; -art. DF105A, HB1C - 4 pieces; -art. 4,871,500, ADVIA 120 EZWASH - 1am; -art. E6L2, E6 - Meerschweinchenepithel 20T - 2 pcs; -art. H1L4, H1 - Greer 40T - 1am; -art. E85L2, E85 - Huhnerfedern 20T- 2 pcs; -art. E2L4, E2 - Hundepithel 40T - 1am; -art. E88L2, E88 - Mauseepithelien + Proteine 20T - 2sh t; -art. F11L2, F11 - Buchweizen 20T -1sht; -art. E86L2, E86 - Entenfedern 20T -2sht; -art. E201L2, E201 - Kanarienvogelfedern 20T - 2 pcs; -art. F8L4, F8 - Mais 40T - 1am; -art. E84L2, E84 - Hamsterepithel 20T- 2 pcs; -art. E1L4, E1 - Katzenepithel und schuppen 40T - 1am; -art. F7L2, F7 - Hafer 20T - 1am; -art. E82L4, E82 - Kaninchenepithel 40T- 1pc; -art. F5L2, F5 - Roggen 20T - 2 pcs; -art. F9L4, F9 - Reis 40T - 1am; -art. E91L2, E91 - Papageienfedern 20T- 2 pcs; -art. E3L4, E3 - Pferdschuppen 40T -1sht; -art. F41L2, F41 - Lachs 20T - 1am; -art. F83L2, F83 - Huhnerfleisch 20T- 1pc; -art. F35L2, F35 - Kartoffel 20T - 1am; -art. F95L2, F95 - Pfirsich 20T - 1am; -art. F49L4, F49 - Apfel 40T - 1am; -art. F84L2, F84 - Kiwi 20T - 1am; -art. F27L2, F27 - Rindfleisch 20T -1sht; -art. F26L2, F26 - Schweinfleisch 20T- 1pc; -art. F93L2, F93 - Kakao 20T - 1am; -art. F25L4, F25 - Tomate 40T - 1am; -art. F75L4, F75 - Eigelb 40T - 1am; -art. F48L2, F48 - Zwiebel 20T - 1am; -art. F94L2, F94 - Birne 20T - 1am; -art. F236L2, F236 - Molke 20T - 1am; -art. F219L2, F219 - Fenchelsamen 20T- 1pc; -art. F242L2, F242 - Kirsche 20T - 1am; -art. F237L2, F237 - Aprikose 20T - 1am; -art. F217L2, F217 - Rosenkohl 20T -1sht; -art. F260L2, F260 - Brokkoli 20T - 1am; -art. F255L2, F255 - Pflaume 20T - 1am; -art. F259L2, F259 - Traube 20T - 1am; -art. F216L2, F216 - Weisskohl 20T -1sht; -art. F204L2, F204 - Forelle 20T - 1am; -art. F284L2, F284 - Truthahnfleisch 20T- 1pc; -art. F291L2, F291 -Blumenkohl 20T -1sht; -art. G5L4, G5 - Lolch 40T - 1am; -art. F288L2, F288 - Blaubeere 20T -1sht; -art. G6L4, G6 - Lieschgras 40T - 1am; -art. I8L2, I8 - Motte 20T - 1am; -art. G202L2, G202 - Mais 20T - 1am; -art. M1L4, M1 - Penicillium notatum 40T- 1pc; -art. M3L4, M3 - Aspergillus fumigatus 40T - 1am; -art. D1L4, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus - 1am; -art. D2L4, D2 - Derm. farinae 40T -1sht; -art. D70L2, D70 - Acarus siro 20T -2sht; -art. I6L2, I6 - Kuchenschabe 20T - 1am; -art. T14L2, T14 - Pappel, amerik. 20T- 2 pcs; -art. T2L4, T2 - Grau-Erle 40T - 1am; -art. T16L2, T16 - K " | UNITED STATES | ***** | 9.408 | 3421.148071 | View Importer |
11/Apr/2017 | 3822000000 | "1.Vyroby medical pryznachennya.Vyroby medical diagnostic reagents pryznachennya.-lined dlyamedychnoho vykorystannya.Smuzhky diagnostic UrineRS H13-17sht; Kits of reagents for clinical biochemistry: HTI-A7526-120 alanine aminotransferase (ALT) Set Reagents: Reahent1,1h100ml + Reahent2, 1h20ml-20pcs; HTI-A7564-125 Amylase reagent set: Reahent1, 1h125ml-20pcs; HTI-A7561-120 aspartate aminotransferase (AST) kit reagents: Reahent1,1h120ml Reahent2,1h30ml-+ 35 pcs; HTI-B7538-250 direct bilirubin (semi -AVTO) set reagents: Reahent1,1x250ml Reahent2,1x25ml + + Calibrator, 1x3ml-10pc; HTI-B7576-250BilirubinZaha nyy (semi-auto) Set Reagents: + Reahent2 Reahent1,1 250ml, 1x25ml Calibrators, 1x3ml-18sht; HTI-C7529-125 Calcium Arsenazo kit reagents: Reahent1,1h125ml + Standard 1h5ml-17sht; HTI-C7506-5 Chemical multykalibrator kit reagents: 1h5ml-15sht; HTI-C7592-10 Chemical control kit reagents: Riven1,1h5ml + Riven2,1h5ml-61sht; HTI-C7501-125 chlorides kit reagents: Reahent1,125ml + Standard 1h5ml-5pcs; HTI-C513 - 250 Creatinine reagent set: Reahent1,1h125ml Reahent2,1h125ml + + Standard 1h5ml-94sht; HTI-C7522-120 Creatine (CC) kit reagents: Reahent1,1h100ml Reahent2,1h20ml-+ 2 pcs; HTI-G7571-120 Gamma hlyutamiltransferaza (GGT) H Abir reagents: Reahent1,1h100ml + Reahent2,1h20ml-30sht; HTI-G7540-80 Hlikohemohlobin kit reagents: Reahent1,1h120ml Reahent2,1h30ml + + Standard + 1h1ml serum separators, 80-2sht; HTI-G7540-CTL Hlikohemohlobin set of control: Riven1,1h1ml Riven2,1h1ml-+ 3pc; HTI-H7545-40 HDL reagent set: Reahent1,1h30ml Reahent2,1h10ml + + Calibrator, 1h3ml-14sht; HTI-H7546-40 glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) reagent kit, Reahent1,1h30ml + Reahent2,1h10ml + Lysing reagent 1h125ml-1am; HTI-H526-120 Hemoglobin reagent set: Reahent1,1x120ml + Control, 3h1,5ml + Standard 1h2ml-2 pcs; HTI-HI904-120 Iron (semi-auto) set of reagents: R eahent1,1h100ml Reahent2,1h10ml + + Standard 1h5ml-6 pieces; HTI-L7572-120 Lactate dehydrogenase reagent set: Reahent1,1h100ml Reahent2,1h20ml-+ 10pc; HTI-L7574-40 LDL reagent set: Reahent1,1h30ml Reahent2,1h10ml + + Calibrator, 1h3ml-25sht; HTI-A7516-120 alkaline phosphatase kit reagents: Reahent1,1h100ml + Reahent2, 1h20ml-15sht; HTI-P7520-125 kit reagents Potassium: Reahent1,1h125ml + Standard 1h5ml-51sht; HTI-T7528-125 Total protein reagent kit: + Reahent1,1h125ml Stadart, 1h5ml-40sht; HTI-T7532-125 Triglycerides reagent set: Reahent1, 1h125ml + Standard 1h5ml-28sht; reagent kit (calibrant A calibrant B) -58sht, mA Control erial-7sht; Producer: High Technology, Inc.US.109 Production Rd.Walpole, MA 02081, USA.Torhivelna mark HTI.Krayina production SShA.US.nayavne labeled №RP MH " | UNITED STATES | ***** | 148.77 | 15395.00018 | View Importer |
06/Apr/2017 | 3822000000 | "1. Products medical appointments, diagnostic reagents to the analyzer SI EMENSdlya clinical and laboratory lit. idzhen blood for hospital laboratories, Quinet I have the blood of humans, animals, etc. s blood fractions and modyfikovanyhimunolohichnyh products intended only for diagnosis and IN VITRO, not napidklad those packaged in disposable bottles in stock (not animalorigin): - art. H6L2, H6 - Hausstaub, japanisch 20T - 1pc - art. H6L2, H6 - Hausstaub, japanisch 20T - 1pc - art. K20L2, K20 - Wolle 20T - 1pc - art. 1,586,287, PRGE 250T - 1pc - art. DF167, TBI Total Bilirubin - 2 pcs - art. DF137, Enzymatic Carbonate - 1pc - art. DF2 6, Urine CFP - 2 pcs - art. DF85, Iron rev - 1pc - art. DF69A, REVISED TRIGLYCERIDE FLEX 480 TESTS - 2 pcs - art. DF57, Magnesium - 1pc - Art. S625, QuikLYTE Standard B - 2 pcs; - art. 497043, SET, RGT1 & 2, CP - 2 pcs - art. DF17A, Amylase - 1pc - art. DF13, Albumin - 1pc - art. DF167, TBI Total Bilirubin - 1pc - art. DF21, Blood Urea Nitrogen - 1pc - art. 3 DF14, ALTI (GPT) - 2 pcs - art. DF27, Cholesterol - 1pc - art. DF125, DBI Direct Bilirubin -1sht - art. DF105A, HB1C - 1pc - art. DF48B, REV AHDL Cholesterol -1sht - art. DF41A, GOT / AST - 2 pcs - art. DF69A, REVISED TRIGLYCERIDE FLEX 480 TESTS - 1pc - art. DF77, Uric Acid - 1pc - art. DF73, Total Protein - 1pc - art. DF33A, DM CRE2 FLEX CARTON - 1pc - art. DF54, LDI Lactic Dehyrogenase- 2 pcs - art. DF57, Magnesium - 1pc - art. DF45A, GGT - 2 pcs - art. S600, QuikLYTE IMT Cartridge- 1pc - art. D105, Salt Bridge Solution - 1pc - art. 739500, DIFF TIMEPAC - 1pc - art. 4871500, ADVIA 120 EZWASH - 1pc - art. E1L4, E1 - Katzenepithel und schuppen 40T - 1pc - art. E2L4, E2 - Hundepithel 40T - 1pc - art. H1L4, H1 - Greer 40T - 1pc - art. FP51L4, FP51 - Nahrungsmittel 51 40T - 1pc - art. MP1L4, MP1 - Schimmelpilze-Mix 1 40T - 1pc - art. WP2L4, WP2 - Krauter pollen 40T 2 - 1pc - art. WP2L4, WP2 - Krauterpollen 40T 2 - 1pc - art. F1L4, F1 - Huhnereiweiss 40T- 1pc - art. E1L4, E1 - Katzenepithel und schuppen 40T - 1pc - art. F44L2, F44 - Erdbeere 20T - 1pc - art. F105L2, F105 - Schokolade 20T- 2 pcs - art. F83L2, F83 - Huhnerfleisch 20T- 2 pcs - art. F231L2, F231 - Milch, gekocht 20T- 1pc - art. I71L2, I71 - Stechmucke 20T -1sht - art. I1L4, I1 - Bienegift 40T - 1pc - art. D2L4, D2 - Derm. farinae 40T- 1pc - art. MP1L4, MP1 - Schimmelpilze-Mix 1 40T - 1pc - art. FP51L4, FP51 - Nahrungsmittel 51 40T - 1pc - art. FP5L4, FP5 - Nahrungsmittel 5 (Screen) 40T - 1pc - art. HP1L4, HP1 - Hausstaub-Mix 40T - 2 pcs - art. WP2L4, WP2 - Krauterpollen 2 40T- 3pc - art. DC19, Enzyme Verifer - 1pc - art. DF143, ALTI (GPT) - 1pc - art. E1L4, E1 - Katzenepithel und schuppen 40T - 8 pieces - art. E3L4, E3 - Pferdschuppen 40T- 1pc - art. E5L4, E5 - Hundeschuppen 40T- 3pc - art. E6L2, E6 - Meerschweinchenepithel 20T - 1pc - art. E71L2, E71 - Mauseepithel 20T- 1pc - art. E81L2, E81 - Schafepithel 20T- 1pc - art. E91L2, E91 - Papageienfedern 20T- 1pc - art. F1L4, F1 - Huhnereiweiss 40T- 2 pcs - art. F10L2, F10 - Sesamsamen 20 " | UNITED STATES | ***** | 32.002 | 8157.682608 | View Importer |
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