cUkraine 120 Imports under HS Code 4009310000 from Russia
Lookup Ukraine 120 imports under HS code 4009310000 from Russia. Search 120 import data under HS code 4009310000 from Russia.
Date | HS Code | Product Description | Origin Country | Quantity | Net Weight [KGS] | Total Value [USD] | Importer Name |
28/Apr/2017 | 4009310000 | 1.Rukava of vulcanized, rubber nezatverdiloyi without fittings, combined only with textile materials, new: art.Rbx00028120 18h25,5-1,0 Sleeve T-60M TU 38 605162-90 (without lead) -360poh.m. (6zvyazok ) is a rubber pressure hoses with thread a skeleton lengthy navyvnym lightweight, inner diameter. 18mm outer diameter. 25,5mm, working pressure 1,0MPa (10khs / cm2) for use as a flexible connection pipes for supplying pressurized air, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and other inert Sleeve B (I) -10 -38-51 10M GOST 18698-79 -120poh.m. (12zvyazok) art.Rbx00001607 Sleeve B (I) -6,3-75-89 10M GOST 18698-79 -130poh.m. (13zvyazok) art.Rbx00001628 Sleeve In (II) -10-25-38 10M GOST 18698-79 -220poh.m. (22zvyazky) art.Rbx00001632 sleeves (II) -10-31,5-43 10M GOST 18698-79 -220poh.m. ( 22zvyazky) art.Rbx00001636 sleeves (II) -10-38-51 10M GOST 18698-79 -160poh.m. (16zvyazok) art.Rbx00001723 sleeves (II) -6,3-100-115 8M GOST 18698-79 -248poh.m. (31zvyazka) is a sleeve and pressure Rubber with textile skeleton, internal dia. 25-100mm, outer dia. 38-115mm, working pressure 0,63-1,0MPa (6,3-10khs / cm2) for use as flexible pipelines for supplying pressurized gasoline, kerosene, mineral oil, petroleum-based - Class B (I) water technology, solutions of acids and alkalis 20% (except nitric acid solution) - for type B (II) .art.Rbx00003072 Sleeve PAR-2 (X) 38 605157-90 -18-30-1,0 TU -99poh .m. (3zvyazky) art.Rbx00003074 Sleeve PAR-2 (X) 38 605157-90 -25-40-0,8 TU (20m) -60poh.m. (3zvyazky) art.Rbx00003077 Sleeve PAR-2 (X) -31,5-47-0,8 TU 38 605157-90 (20m) -20poh.m. (1zvyazka) is a rubber pressure hoses with textile paroprovodni frame, internal di m. 18-31,5mm, external diameter. 30-47mm, working pressure 0,8-1,0MPa (8-10khs / cm2) for use as flexible pipelines for supplying pressure saturated steam without shock. | RUSSIA | ***** | 2019.223 | 5361.687739 | View Importer |
20/Apr/2017 | 4009310000 | "1.SHLANHY NEZATVERDILOYI of vulcanized rubber, reinforced with textile materials, WITHOUT fittings, parts for cars: art. 1111-1104025R HOSE fuel tank and bending TRUBKYPALYVOPROVODA (OKA) -200sht. Art. 1118-8101200-10R HOSE -100sht. Art. 1119- 1303010R HOSE VIDVODYASCHYYRADIATORA -30sht. art. 2101-1104090R bending HOSE FROM fuel pump carburetor K-1400sht. art. 2101-1303010R SLEEVE VIDVODYASCHYY radiator -100sht. art.2101-1303025R lead-SLEEVE radiator -120sht. art. 2101-1303090R RUKAVPEREPUSKNOY thermostat - 150sht. art. 2103-3510050-01R vacuum hoses USYLITELYAHALMIV -700sht. art. 21073-1303025R lead-radiator HOSE -50sht. Art.2108-1303092R Electrotechnical connectors THERMOSTAT -600sht. Art. 21082-1303025R SHLANHPIDVODYASCHYY radiator -100sht. Art. 2109-1303093-01R HOSE connecting 2110-1104126R HOSE carburetors and check valve -300sht. art.2110-1164086R absorber HOSE AND PIPE VPUSKNOY -600sht. art. 2110-1303010R SHLANHVIDVODYASCHYY radiator -90sht. art. 2110-1303080R HOSE Dispenser systems EMYOHOLODZHENNYA -100sht. Art. 2111-1303080R HOSE COOLING SYSTEM Filling-120sht. Art. 2121-1164083R bending HOSE FROM fuel pump carburetor K 2121-3505125R HOSE bending master cylinder tank -300sht. art.2121-3510050R vacuum hoses for the brakes USYLITELYA -80sht. Art. 21213-1303025RSHLANH lead--60sht radiator. Art. 2123-1303025R SLEEVE lead-Radiator 50sht. Art. 3302-1109192-30R hose (GAZELLE) -50sht.Torhovelna Brand: OAO "" Balakovorezynotehnyka "" Country of origin: RUVyrobnyk: OAO "" Balakovorezynotehnyka "" " | RUSSIA | ***** | 849.05 | 7430.835339 | View Importer |
19/Apr/2017 | 4009310000 | 1. hoses, Vulcanite, nezatverdiloyi rubber, textile reinforced, without fittings: 6h14-1,6 sleeve bezdornovyy-250p.m., 8h15,0-0,98 sleeve bezdornovyy-500p.m. 8 h15,5- 1.0-sleeve 947,2p.m., 8h15,5-1,0 sleeve bezdornovyy-700p.m., 10 x 0.63 17,5- sleeve-1396,2p.m., 10h17,5-0 63 bezdornovyy-sleeve 600p.m., 12 x 20-0,63-sleeve 1512,6p.m., 12h20-0,63 sleeve bezdornovyy-200p.m., 14 x 22- sleeve 0,63-712, 8p.m., 14h22-0,63 sleeve bezdornovyy-350p.m., 16 x 24-0,63-sleeve 3902,8p.m., 16h24-0,63 sleeve bezdornovyy-1150p.m., 18 x 26 - 0.63-sleeve 3129,8p.m., 18h26-0,63 sleeve bezdornovyy-350p.m., 20th 28,5- 0,63-sleeve 1071,5p.m., 20h28,5-0,63 bezdornovyy-sleeve 200p.m., 22h30,5-0,62 sleeve bezdornovyy-189 0p.m., 34- 25 x 0.63-sleeve 1072,3p.m., 32 x 0.63 41,5- sleeve-386,3p.m., 38 x 0.63 rukav- 47,5- 61,5p.m., 49- 38 x 1.6-sleeve 40p.m., 50 x 60 0,63-sleeve 100,1p.m., lll-6,3-2,0-300P sleeve. m., lll-9-2,0-sleeve 250p.m., 2246-139 / lead-2121-1303025 hose (top) -280sht., 2246-138 / 2121-1303010 otvodyaschyy hose (lower) -50sht. 2 246-147A / 2121-1303090 bypass hose (avg) -60sht., 2246-150A / 2105-1303092 clutch water pump (barrel) -20sht., 2246-235 / 21213-1303025 lead-pipe-30sht., 2246-181A / 21213-1303010 hose vidvodyaschyy-30sht., 2246-321 / 21213-1303090 bypass hose-30sht., 2246-183 / 21213-1303092 clutch water pump (barrel) -30sht., 2246-143 / 2101-1303090 hose thermostat (avg ) -200sht., 2246-154 / hose lead-2105-1303025 second (upper) -400sht., 2246-155 / 2105-1303010 vidvodyaschyy hose (lower) -200sht., 2246-150A / 2105-1303092 clutch water pump (barrel) -300sht., 2246-188 / 2105-1303025-10 lead-pipe-440sht., 2246-189 / 2105-1303010-10 hose vidvodyaschyy-200sht., 2246-145 / lead-2108-1303025 hose (top) -150sht., 2246-144 / 2108-1303010 vidvodyaschyy hose (bottom) - 200sht., 2246-194 / 21082-1303025 lead-pipe-50sht., 2246-325 / 21082-1303010 hose vidvodyaschyy-50sht., Clutch patrubkov system oholozhdenyya engine for avtomobylya21082 (4 pieces) -20sht., 2246-157 / 2110-1303025 lead-hose (top) -120sht., 2246-158 / 2110-1303010 vidvodyaschyy hose (lower) -80sht., 2246-149B / 2108-1303092 hose connection (Direct) -100sht ., 2246-052 / 412-1303010-10 hose vidvodyascheho Upper 50sht., 2246-185 / 412-1303025-20 hose (lower) -100sht., 2246-051 / 412-1303096-10 Hose (average) -250sht ., 2246-155A / 412-1303030-10 hose lead-barrel, 100 pieces., Clutch manifold system for the car engine oholozhdenyya 2141 (4 pieces) -140sht., 2246-336 / 2141-1303071 hose-200sht., 2246-049 / 412 -1303010 hose vidvodyaschyy Upper 120sht., 2246-050 / 412-1303025-11 hose lead-lower-120sht., 2246-224 / 412-1303030 hose, the average lead-180sht., 2246-184A / 1102-1303025 hose lead-verhnyy- 300sht., 2246-164 / 1102-1303010 hose vidvodyaschyy lower-300sht., Clutch patrubkov system oholozhdenyya motor car for 1102 (5pcs) -220 ie., 2246-354 / TF69YO-96351823-hose 30sht., Clutch manifold system for the car engine oholozhdenyya Ouse (3pc) -40sht., Clutch manifold system for the car engine oholozhdenyya Ouse Passenger 100l / s (3pc) -20sht., 2246 -041 / 4021- | RUSSIA | ***** | 9726.3 | 35227.16015 | View Importer |
18/Apr/2017 | 4009310000 | "1. Vulcanite nezatverdiloyihumy, hoses reinforced nylon fabric and thread, without fittings, hose B (I) -6,3-65-79 to 10m GOST 18698-79-20m. 10H18,5-1,6 GOST Sleeve 10362-76 (D / D) -1400m. 12H20-1,6 Sleeve GOST 10362-76 (H / D, Rubicon-3) -1200m. 14H23-1,6 Sleeve GOST 10362-76 -400m. 16H25-1 Sleeve 6 GOST 10362-76 -600m. 18H27-1,6 Sleeve GOST 10362-76 -400m. 20H29-1,6 Sleeve GOST 10362-76 -400m. 22H32-1,47 Sleeve GOST 10362-76 -100m. Sleeve 25H35 -1,6 GOST 10362-76 -900m. 27H36,5-0,49 Sleeve GOST 10362-76 -50m. 32H43-1,6 Sleeve GOST 10362-76 -300m. 38H49-1,6 Sleeve GOST 10362-76 - 100m. to GOST 10362-76 Sleeve 40H51,5-1,6 -100m. 42H52-0,29 Sleeve GOST 10362-76 -100m. 50H61,5-1,6 Sleeve GOST 10362-76 -100m. 6H14-1 sleeve, 6 guests 1 0362-76 (H / D, Rubicon-3) -600m. 8H16,5-1,6 Sleeve GOST 10362-76 (D / D) -1400m.Rozfasovano and packaged for retail and wholesale torhivli.Vyrobnyk OAO "" Saransk plant REZINOTEKhNIKA "" Trademark "," SR "" Country of RU. " | RUSSIA | ***** | 3141.08 | 12027.36545 | View Importer |
03/Apr/2017 | 4009310000 | "1.Shlanhy to avtomobiliv.Z nezatverdiloyi nonporous vulcanized rubber armovanilyshe textile materials, without fittings to the a / m purpose: 1111-1104025R flexible hose the fuel tank and tubes, 200sht; 1118-1303008-01R Connection sleeve-15sht, 1118- 1303025R-30sht pidvodyachyyradiatora hose, hose 1118-1303093R "" yednuvalnyy thermostat and vodyanohonasosa-60sht; 1119-1303008R hose-15sht; 2101-1104090R flexible hose to the carburetor vidbenzonasosa-200sht; 2101-1303010R sleeve vidvodyachyyradiatora-200sht; 2101-1303025R sleeve Summing radiator 200sht; 2101-1303090Rrukav bypass thermal st and-150sht; 2103-3510050-01R brake hose vakuumnohopidsylyuvacha-100 pieces, placing the radiator hose 2105-1303010-10R-100 pieces, placing the radiator hose 2105-1303010R, 100 pieces; 2105-1303025-10R shlanhpidvodyachyy-90sht radiator, hose sum 2105-1303025R radiator 60sht, placing the radiator hose 2108-1303010R-50sht; 2108-1303025R pidvodyachyyradiatora-50sht hose, hose 21082-1303010R placing radiatora- 150sht; Summing 21082-1303025Rshlanh Radiator 150sht; 2110-1104126R hose and carburetor zvorotnohoklapana-300sht; 2110-1164086R absorber pipe and inlet pipe-200sht, placing the radiator hose 2110-1303010R-30sht; 2110-1303025R shlanhpidvodyachyy-40sht; 2112-1303010R sleeve diverting Radiator 80sht; Summing 2112-1303025Rshlanh Radiator 40sht; 2121-1164083R flexible hose from the fuel pump dokarbyuratora-1100sht; 2121-1303010R sleeve-placing 40sht radiator; Summing 2121-1303025Rshlanh Radiator 30sht; 2121-3505125R flexible hose, tank holovnohotsylindra 100 pieces; 2121-3510050R vakumnoho brake booster hose-80sht; 21213-1303025R radiator hose Summing-90sht; 21213-1303090R hose-perepusknyytermostata 100 pieces; 21213-3505125R flexible hose from the tank to holovnohotsylindra-250sht; 2123-1303010R sleeve-placing 50sht radiator; Summing 2123-1303025Rrukav Radiator 50sht; 2170-1303010-10R hose-50sht; Summing 2170-1303025-10Rshlanh Radiator 50sht; Filling hose 2170-1303080R systemyoholodzhennya-50sht; 3110-1303010-10R radiator hose sum, 100 pieces; radiator hose 33021-1303010-01R 40sht-raising; 33021-1303026-01R shlanhradiatora-diverting 100 pieces; Summing 412-1303030R hose water pump 80sht; 412-1303096-10R thermostat bypass hose cooling-70sht; 96 182268RY radiator hose upper (DAEWOO) LANOS-20pcs; 96304 316RY hose obihrivuzvorotniy SHEVROLET (DAEWOO) LANOS-130sht; 96 350 lower radiator hose 692RY (DAEWOO) LANOS-20pcs; 96351 822RY hose casing Get reverse throttle. (DAEWOO) LANOS-20pcs; 96351 radiator hose 848RY rozshyr.bochka (DAEWOO) LANOS-60sht, repair kits 117RSH to GAZ cooling system hoses 24.10 (shlanhyradiatora) -15sht; Repair kits 118RSH to 3110 GAZ cooling system hoses, 15sht, repair kits to 120RSH GAZELLE engin. 402 cooling system hoses, 100 pieces; repair kits to 121RSH GAZELLE engin. 406 cooling system hoses (shlanhyradiatora, coupling with a "" yednuvaln.) - 200sht; Repair kits 180RSH to WHA 2105-04,2107shlanhy cooling system (radiator hoses) - " | RUSSIA | ***** | 1441.47 | 10600.39276 | View Importer |
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