Check Ukraine import data of 400 under HS code 302853000. Get import data of Ukraine for HS code 302853000
Date | HS Code | Product Description | Origin Country | Quantity | Net Weight [KGS] | Total Value [USD] | Importer Name |
29/Apr/2017 | 302853000 | "1.Ryba chilled (aquaculture), dorado" "carp sea" "(Sparus aurata), and gills withheads not patrana no immediate packaging: art. 192 597 Net Dimensional ryad300-400 g net weight of 462 kg. Date catching 25 / 04/17 p. prydatnosti09 term / 05 / '17 art. 192599 Dimensional series 600-800 g net net weight 114 kg. Datavylovu 4/25/17 p. p Expiry date 09.05.17. art. 192594 Dimensional net ryad200-300 g net weight of 66 kg. Date 04/25/17 fishing district. The term prydatnosti09 / 05 / '17 art. 192598 Dimensional series 400-600 g net net weight 156 kg. Datavylovu 25/04/17 g. Expiration 09/05/17 p. art. 232783 Dimensional ryad300-400 g Net Islands a net 714 kg. 04/25/17 Date of capture g. The term prydatnosti09 / 05 / '17 Art. 232784 Dimensional series 400-600 g Net net weight 228 kg. Datavylovu 25.04.17 g. Shelf life 09 / 05/17 p. art. 232782 Dimensional Clear ryad200-300 g net weight 90 kg. Date 25/04/17 fishing district. The term prydatnosti09 / 05 / '17 art. 232785 Dimensional series 600-800 g net weight net 120 kg. Datavylovu 04.25.17 g. Shelf life r.Vyrobnyk 09/05/17 Laguna SNC Di FaccioM.E Sgubin C.,. (CE-IT-F4957) .Krayina manufacturing-IT. " | ITALY | ***** | 1950 | 11416.08823 | View Importer |
21/Apr/2017 | 302853000 | "1.Ryba chilled (aquaculture), dorado" "carp sea" "(Sparus aurata), and gills withheads not patrana no immediate packaging: art. 192 597 Net Dimensional ryad300-400 g net weight of 456 kg. Date catching 18 / 04/17 p. prydatnosti02 term / 05 / '17 art. 192599 Dimensional series 600-800 g net net weight 114 kg. Datavylovu 4/18/17 p. p Expiry date 02.05.17. art. 192594 Dimensional net ryad200-300 g net weight of 84 kg. Date 18/04/17 fishing district. The term prydatnosti02 / 05 / '17 art. 192598 Dimensional series 400-600 g net net weight 132 kg. Datavylovu 18/04/17 g. Expiration 05/02/17 p. art. 232783 Dimensional ryad300-400 g Net Islands a net 480 kg. 18/04/17 Date of capture g. The term prydatnosti02 / 05 / '17 Art. 232784 Dimensional series 400-600 g Net net weight of 144 kg. Datavylovu 18.04.17 g. Shelf life 02 / 05/17 p. art. 232782 Dimensional Clear ryad200-300 g net weight 48 kg. Date 18/04/17 fishing district. The term prydatnosti02 / 05 / '17 art. 232785 Dimensional series 600-800 g net weight net 96 kg. D atavylovu 18.04.17 g. Shelf life r.Vyrobnyk 05/02/17 Laguna SNC Di FaccioM.E Sgubin C.,. (CE-IT-F4957) .Krayina manufacturing-IT. " | ITALY | ***** | 1554 | 9168.849232 | View Importer |
18/Apr/2017 | 302853000 | 1.Ryba chilled: Dorado / aurata / (Sea Bream / Sparus aurata), wholly nepatrana composition: fish, without food additives without spices, cooking without heat, not canned transported in boxes with foam-filled with ice, dimensional number 400-600h - 2220khVyrobnyk: GUMUSDOGA SU URUNLERI URETIMIHRACAAT VE ITHALAT AS (TR 48-0040) Country of origin: TR. | TURKEY | ***** | 2220 | 10661.04661 | View Importer |
18/Apr/2017 | 302853000 | "1.DORADA (AURATA) Chilled (FRESH SEABREAM), whole, head, with gills, tail, PATRANA NOT WITHOUT food additives and seasonings, type:" "SPARUS AURATA" ", dimensional number: 201-300HR / pc -37 Chest; 301-400HR / VT-301 Chest; 401-600HR / VT-214 Chest; 601-800HR / VT-101 Chest; 801-1000HR / VT-5 Chest, total net Net Weight: 3968 KG, manufacturer: KILIC GIDA URUNLERI ITHALAT IHRACAT VE TIC. AS (TR48-0044), Country of origin: TURKEY, Brand: KILIC GIDA URUNLERI ITHALAT IHRACAT VE TIC. AS, Date of manufacture: April 2017 R. LABELING: NAME, producer, net weight, dimensional number, date of manufacture, shelf life, storage temperature, importers TER, Styrofoam box with ice on a pallet of wood.. " | TURKEY | ***** | 3968 | 18549.75623 | View Importer |
17/Apr/2017 | 302853000 | 1.Ryba Dorado / Aurata (Sparus aurata), (Sea Bream), not patrana, head, chilled on ice, Size: 200-300hr. / Unit - weighing 6kg, 300-400hr. / Item - vahoyu1068kh 400 -600hr. / unit - weighing 864kh, 600-800hr. / unit - weighing 330kh, 800-1000hr. / unit - weighing 110kh. Does not contain food additives, preservatives, beztermichnoyi treatment without primary packaging, the product aquaculture total weight -2378kh., Date of manufacture - 13.04.2017r shelf life - 14 days. . | TURKEY | ***** | 2378 | 10718.31186 | View Importer |
17/Apr/2017 | 302853000 | "1. Fish: Dorado / aurata / (Sparus aurata), the whole size 400/600 g / pc, net 10 kg Does not contain food additives, spices, preservatives, beztermichnoyi processing and individual packaging, translated by ice bezpervynnoyi packaging. Date production: 13/04/2017 g., deadline: 14 days (at t 0- + 2) .Torhivelna brand: Demarne.Vyrobnyk: (FR94065203CE) "" Demarne Freres "". Packaging: box with foam.. " | FRANCE | ***** | 10 | 107.8330652 | View Importer |
14/Apr/2017 | 302853000 | "1.Ryba chilled (aquaculture), dorado" "carp sea" "(Sparus aurata), and gills withheads not patrana no immediate packaging: art. 192 597 Net Dimensional ryad300-400 g net weight of 312 kg. Date catching 11 / 04/17 p. prydatnosti25 term / 04 / '17 art. 192599 Dimensional series 600-800 g net weight 96 kg net. Datavylovu 4/11/17 p. p Expiry date 04.25.17. art. 192594 Dimensional net ryad200-300 g net weight of 42 kg. Date 04/11/17 fishing district. The term prydatnosti25 / 04 / '17 art. 192598 Dimensional series 400-600 g net net weight 108 kg. Datavylovu 04/11/17 g. Expiration 25/04/17 p. art. 232783 Dimensional ryad300-400 g Net wt a net 612 kg. 11/04/17 Date of capture g. The term prydatnosti25 / 04 / '17 Art. 232784 Dimensional series 400-600 g Net net weight 192 kg. Datavylovu 11.04.17 g. Shelf life 25 / 04/17 p. art. 232782 Dimensional Clear ryad200-300 g net weight 102 kg. 04/11/17 Date of capture g. The term prydatnosti25 / 04 / '17 art. 232785 Dimensional series 600-800 g net weight net 102 kg. Datavylovu 04.11.17 g. Shelf life r.Vyrobnyk 25/04/17 Laguna SNC Di FaccioM.E Sgubin C.,. (CE-IT-F4957) .Krayina manufacturing-IT. " | ITALY | ***** | 1566 | 8914.422531 | View Importer |
11/Apr/2017 | 302853000 | 1.Ryba chilled: Dorado / aurata / (Sea Bream / Sparus aurata), wholly nepatrana composition: fish, without food additives without spices, cooking without heat, not canned transported in boxes with foam-filled with ice, dimensional number 400-600h - 2220khVyrobnyk: GUMUSDOGA SU URUNLERI URETIMIHRACAAT VE ITHALAT AS (TR 48-0040) Country of origin: TR. | TURKEY | ***** | 2220 | 10759.38986 | View Importer |
10/Apr/2017 | 302853000 | "1. Fish: Dorado / aurata / (Sparus aurata), the whole size 400/600 g / pc, net 5 kg Does not contain food additives, spices, preservatives, without heatprocessing and individual packaging, ice translated without pervynnoyiupakovky. Date production: 06/04/2017 g., deadline: 14 days (at t0- + 2) .Torhivelna brand: Demarne.Vyrobnyk: (FR94065203CE) "" Demarne Freres "". Packaging: box with foam.. " | FRANCE | ***** | 5 | 53.88226698 | View Importer |
10/Apr/2017 | 302853000 | 1.Ryba Dorado / Aurata (Sparus aurata), (Sea Bream), not patrana, head, chilled on ice, Size: 200-300hr. / Unit - weighing 12kg, 300-400hr. / Item - vahoyu1140kh 400 -600hr. / unit - weighing 924kh, 600-800hr. / unit - weighing 336kh, 800-1000hr. / unit - weighing 140kh. Does not contain food additives, preservatives, beztermichnoyi treatment without primary packaging, the product aquaculture total weight -2552kh., Date of manufacture - 06.04.2017r shelf life - 14 days. . | TURKEY | ***** | 2552 | 11424.88793 | View Importer |
10/Apr/2017 | 302853000 | "1.DORADA (AURATA) Chilled (FRESH SEABREAM), whole, head, with gills, tail, PATRANA NOT WITHOUT food additives and seasonings, type:" "SPARUS AURATA" ", dimensional number: 201-300HR / pc -32 Chest; 301-400HR / VT-320 Chest; 401-600HR / VT-256 Chest; 601-800HR / VT-107 Chest; 801-1000HR / PCS-4 Chest, total net Net Weight: 4330 KG, manufacturer: KILIC GIDA URUNLERI ITHALAT IHRACAT VE TIC. AS (TR48-0044), Country of origin: TURKEY, Brand: KILIC GIDA URUNLERI ITHALAT IHRACAT VE TIC. AS, Date of manufacture: April 2017 R. LABELING: NAME, producer, net weight, dimensional number, date of manufacture, shelf life, storage temperature, UTI ORTER, styrofoam boxes with ice on a pallet of wood.. " | TURKEY | ***** | 4330 | 20016.60303 | View Importer |
07/Apr/2017 | 302853000 | "1.Ryba chilled (aquaculture), dorado" "carp sea" "(Sparus aurata), and gills withheads not patrana no immediate packaging: art. 192 597 Net Dimensional ryad300-400 g net weight of 330 kg. Date catching 04 / 04/17 p. prydatnosti18 term / 04 / '17 art. 192599 Dimensional series 600-800 g net weight 78 kg net. Datavylovu 04.04.17 g. Expiration 04/18/17 p. art. 192594 Dimensional net ryad200-300 g net weight of 60 kg. Date 04/04/17 fishing district. The term prydatnosti18 / 04 / '17 art. 192598 Dimensional series 400-600 g net net weight 108 kg. Datavylovu 04/04/17 g. Expiration 18/04/17 p. art. 232783 Dimensional ryad300-400 g Net wt a net 636 kg. 04/04/17 Date of capture g. The term prydatnosti18 / 04 / '17 Art. 232784 Dimensional series 400-600 g Net net weight 246 kg. Datavylovu 04.04.17 g. Shelf life 18 / 04/17 p. art. 232782 Dimensional Clear ryad200-300 g net weight 102 kg. 04/04/17 Date of capture g. The term prydatnosti18 / 04 / '17 art. 232785 Dimensional series 600-800 g net weight net 114 kg. Datavylovu 04.04.17 g. Shelf life r.Vyrobnyk 18/04/17 Laguna SNC Di FaccioM.E Sgubin C.,. (CE-IT-F4957) .Krayina manufacturing-IT. " | ITALY | ***** | 1674 | 9165.9152 | View Importer |
05/Apr/2017 | 302853000 | 1.Ryba chilled: Dorado / aurata / (Sea Bream / Sparus aurata), wholly nepatrana composition: fish, without food additives without spices, cooking without heat, not canned transported in boxes with foam-filled with ice, dimensional number 400-600h - 2220khVyrobnyk: GUMUSDOGA SU URUNLERI URETIMIHRACAAT VE ITHALAT AS (TR 48-0040) Country of origin: TR. | TURKEY | ***** | 2220 | 10841.46722 | View Importer |
03/Apr/2017 | 302853000 | 1.Ryba Dorado / Aurata (Sparus aurata), (Sea Bream), not patrana, head, chilled on ice, Size: 300-400hr. / Unit - weighing 1140kh, 400-600hr. / Pcs -Weight 990kh, 600-800hr. / unit - weighing 228kh. Does not contain food additives and preservatives, without heat treatment without primary packaging produktakvakultury total weight - 2358kh., Date of manufacture - 30.03.2017r, terminprydatnosti - 14 days. . | TURKEY | ***** | 2358 | 10499.12506 | View Importer |
03/Apr/2017 | 302853000 | "1. Fish: Dorado / aurata / (Sparus aurata), the whole size 400/600 g / pc, net 10 kg Does not contain food additives, spices, preservatives, beztermichnoyi processing and individual packaging, translated by ice bezpervynnoyi packaging. Date production: 30/03/2017 g., deadline: 14 days (at t 0- + 2) .Torhivelna brand: Demarne.Vyrobnyk: (FR94065203CE) "" Demarne Freres "". Packaging: box with foam.. " | FRANCE | ***** | 10 | 108.2539266 | View Importer |
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