cUkraine 400 Imports under HS Code 3917 from Poland

Ukraine 400 Imports under HS Code 3917 from Poland

Lookup Ukraine 400 imports under HS code 3917 from Poland. Search 400 import data under HS code 3917 from Poland.

Date HS Code Product Description Origin Country Quantity Net Weight [KGS] Total Value [USD] Importer Name
28/Apr/2017 3917400090 "1.FITYNHY of plastic pipes, new: Coupling sewer. 200zovn PP., Art.701253300 - 10pcs .; clutch sewer. PP315zovn., Art.701293300 - 3pc .; Kolinokanaliz. PP 110 / 45zovn., Art.710203360- 100 pieces .; knee sewer. PP160 / 45zovn., art.710233360 - 30sht., Knee sewer. PP 200 / 15zovn., art.710253330 - 10pcs .; knee sewer. PP200 / 30zovn., art.710253350 - 10pcs .; Knee sewer. PP 315 / 45zovn., art.710293360 - 5pcs .; knee sewer. PP 315 / 87,5zovn., art.710293390 - 3pc., Tee sewer. ext. 200/160/45 PP, art.720183360 - 5pcs ., Tee kanaliz.zovn. PP 200 / 160h87,5, art.720183390 - 5pcs .; Reduction sewer. ext. 200/160 PE, art.730183300 - 10pcs .; Reduction sewer. ext. PP 200-250 and t.730233300 - 5pcs .; koruhovanoyi pipe coupling PE 200 K2-KAN, art.1001253000 - 20pcs., tube coupling koruhovanoyi PP 250 K2-KAN, art.1001273000 - 10pcs .; knee trubykoruhovanoyi PE 200h45 K2-KAN, art.1012253450 - 10pcs .; Elbow pipe 200h90 koruhovanoyiPP K2-KAN, art.1012253900 - 10pcs .; Elbow PE 250 pipes koruhovanoyi h45K2-KAN, art.1012273450 - 5pcs .; Coupling transitional K2-KAN 160/160 on a smooth trubuPVH, art.1039233000 - 20pcs .; Coupling transitional K2-KAN 200/200 on a smooth PVC pipe, art.1039253000 - 20pcs .; Cork (cap) PE 200 pipes koruhovanoyi K2-Kanuniversalnyy, art.1040253000 - 10pcs .; Coupling sewer. ext. PP HT 110 art.2201202100 - 36sht .; Knee sewer. ext. PE NT 50h30, art.2210142150 - 100 pieces., Knee sewer. ext. PE NT 50h45, art.2210142160 - 400sht .; Knee kanaliz.vnutr. PE NT 110h15, art.2210202130 - 60sht .; Knee sewer. ext. PE NT110h30, art.2210202150 - 60sht .; Knee sewer. ext. PE NT 110h45, art.2210202160 - 200sht .; Tee sewer. ext. PE NT 50 / 50h87,5, art.2220152190 -100sht .; Tee sewer. ext. PP HT 110 / 110h45, art.2220542160 - 60sht., Tee sewer. ext. PP HT 110 / 110h67,5, art.2220542180 - 24sht .; Triynykkanaliz. ext. PP HT 110 / 110h87,5, art.2220542190 - 60sht .; Cap 315 t PPA15-1,5 of the pipe carrying PVC koruhovanu 315 art.2539405090 - 20pcs., Used for water and wastewater systems. " POLAND ***** 412 1992.678517 View Importer
28/Apr/2017 3917221000 "1.Truby corrugated polypropylene for zovn.kan.v complete with humov.uschilnyuv.: 200h6000-61sht; 300h6000-76sht; 400h6000-4sht; 500h6000-4sht; 600h6000-4sht.Vsoho-mark 149sht.Torhovelna" "Plasticor" ".Vyrobn." "Plastimex Sp. z oo" ". Country of PL.." POLAND ***** 4230.75 6936.912643 View Importer
28/Apr/2017 3917400090 "1.Fitynhy (connections, elbows, couplings) for plastic plastic pipes, bells ring zuschilnyuyuchym PEHD QS 40 S12,5, art.3258924203-2sht. Tee PPrivnoprohid. Ext. .; d32h32 channel / kut45, art.3061430804 -20sht. Disqualification W / PVC; d50 / angle 30 art.3060341231-80sht. Funnel drain, d100 / 75; white art.3060242305-28sht. Revision of the VT / PVC, d75, art.3060481805-30sht. Disqualification PPvnutrishnoyi sewerage ; d32 / kut45, art.3061330845-360sht. Disqualification of PP vnutrishnoyikanalizatsiyi; d32 / kut67, art.3061330855-40sht. nasuvna Socket class N; d110, art.3062662426-25sht. Disqualification W / PVC; d50 / 45 angle, art .3060341241-1100sht. KolinoROSA d90hkut 67 brown art.3060102254-60sht. Disqualification dvoroztr ubnyy; d90 / kut67; Ćorić, art.3060112254-306sht. Disqualification dvoroztrubnyy, d90 / kut67, white, art.3060112255-240sht. Disqualification dvoroztrubnyy, d110 / kut67, white, art.3060112455-20sht. Tee tees, d90h90 / kut67 ; Ćorić, art.3060172205-6sht. Plug inside, 100 left, brown art.3060202374-4sht. Plug foreign law, d130, Ćorić, art.30 60202604-200sht.Zahlushka outer left, d130, Ćorić, art.3060202694- 300sht. Cap zovnishnyaprava / left d160 (with glue); Brown, art.3060203414-20sht. ROSA pipe clamp d90korychnevyy, art.3060232240-50sht. Funnel drain d100 / 75; Brown, art.3060242304-28sht. Funnel drain, d130 / 90; Ćorić, art.3060242604-108sht.Liyka drain, d130 / 90; white art.3060242605-96sht. Funnel drain d160 / 110, brown art.3060243404-15sht. Disqualification with one bell, d90 / kut67, Ćorić, art.3060252254-300sht. Disqualification with one bell, d90 / kut67, white, art.3060252255-60sht. Disqualification with one bell, d110 / kut67, white, art.3060252455-20sht. Elbow external gutter, d130 / kut90; Ćorić, art.3060262624-40sht. Internal gutter angle, d130 / kut90, brown, art.3060262634-10sht. Internal gutter angle; d130 / kut135, brown, art.3060262657-4sht. Coupling pipe; d110, brown, art.3060302404-24sht. Muftazholoba of the insert (set), d130 Ćorić, art.3060302614-108sht. Coupling zholobaiz liner (set), d130, white, art.3060302615-120sht. Coupling izvkladyshem trough; d160 white art.3060303415-15sht. Disqualification W / PVC; d50 / angle 30 art.3060341231-100sht. Disqualification W / PVC; d50 / angle 88 art.3060341281-100sht. VidvidVT / PVC; d110 / angle 30 art.3060342431-50sht. Disqualification W / PVC; d110 / angle 45 art.3060342441-225sht. Disqualification W / PVC; d110 / angle 88 art.3060342481-20sht. Kutnykzholoba external d130 / kut90, graphite, art.3060352609-2sht. Tee W / PVC; d50x50 / kut45, art.3060421204-150sht. Tee W / PVC; d50x50 / kut88, art.3060421208-50sht. Tee W / PVC; d110x110 / kut88, art.3060422408-210sht.Triynyk W / PVC; d110x50 / kut45, art.3060422424-40sht. Revision of the VT / PVC; d110, art.3060482405-60sht. Go W / PVC; d110xd50, art.3060542425-50sht. Coupling PVHnasuvna ext. sewer. d110 siryy.VT, art.3060662421-25sht. Disqualification PPvnutrishnoyi drain; d32 / kut88,5, art.3061330885-320sht. Tee PPrivnoprohid. ext. channel.; d32h32 / kut45, art.3061430804-20sht. Disqualification W / PVC; d50 / angle 45 art.3060341241-400sht.Krayina production - PLTorhovelna brand - " POLAND ***** 981.69 3301.742846 View Importer
27/Apr/2017 3917400090 "1.Fitynhy for vnutrishn.ta zovn.kanaliz.z plastm.PP complete with rubber sealers.: Cap vnutr.kan.: KO75-20sht.Kolino: vnutr.kan.: K110 / 45-300sht; K110 / 90- 500sht; zovn.kan.: K160 / 90-100sht; K160 / 45-40sht.Mufta vnutr.kan.: mobile: M50-600sht; compensations.: KRGK110 / 250-600sht.Reviziya vnutr.kan.: REW110-800sht. Reduction vnutr.kan.: RPP110 / 50-400sht.Triynyk vnutr.kan. :: T50 / 50 / 45-510sht, T50 / 50 / 90-3000sht, T110 / 110 / 90-170sht, T110 / 50 / 90-250sht .Kryshka to hofrov.truby PP: polypropylene PPR DEK425-5sht.Fitynhy: Knee: PPR K32 / 45-40sht; PPR K32 / K40 90-60sht.PPR / 90-36sht.Mufta, with BP: PPR ZGW5064-10sht; of CL: PPR ZGZ321-35sht; PPR ZGZ4054-15sht.Vsoho-mark 7491sht.Torhovelna "" AQUER "". brand "" AQUER "". Countries Production PL.. " POLAND ***** 1161.46 3095.674672 View Importer
19/Apr/2017 3917231000 "1.Bezshovni, cut into segments dovzhyny3,048m.dlya cold water: PVC pipes (SCH-40) 10fut.: 400005-1 / 2 '' - 60 units; 400007-3 / 4 '' - 36sht; 400010-1 "" -20sht.Truby PVC (PN-15) 10fut.: 400107-3 / 4 '' - 36sht; 400 110-1 " '- 70sht.Vsoho: 222sht.Torhovelna brand: NIBCO.Krayina production: PL. Manufacturer: NIBCO Sp.z oo. " POLAND ***** 189.69 455.9183719 View Importer
18/Apr/2017 3917400090 "1.Fitynhy for vnutrishn.ta zovn.kanaliz.z plastm.PP complete with rubber sealers.: Cap: vnutr.kan.: KO32-2000sht; KO50-1000sht; zovn.kan.: KO160-450sht.Kolino: ext .kan.: K32 / 45-400sht, K32 / 90-400sht, K50 / 15-400sht, K50 / 45-5000sht, K50 / 90-2000sht; K110 / 15-210sht; K110 / 45-900sht; K110 / 90- 1000pcs; zovn.kan.: K160 / 45-60sht; K160 / 90-40sht; K110 / 90-100sht; K110 / 45-510sht.Reduktsiya: vnutr.kan.: RPP50 / 32-400sht; RPP110 / 50-1000sht; corner: RPP50 / 32 90-1000sht; zovn.kan.: RPP160 / 110-100sht.Reviziya vnutr.kan.: REW110-400sht.Mufta: vnutr.kan., compensation.: KRGK110 / 250-402sht; Perez.: M110 -210sht; peres.zovn.kan.: M160-60sht.Perehid vnutr.kan.: TPG110-204sht.Triynyk: vnutr.kan.: T50 / 50 / 45-1800sht, T50 / 50 / 90-2100sht, T110 / 50 /90-800sht;zovn.kan.:T110/110/90 -100sht.Vsoho-mark 23046sht.Torhovelna "" AQUER "". Brand "" AQUER "". Country of PL.. " POLAND ***** 2329.83 5569.961097 View Importer
13/Apr/2017 3917231000 "1.Bezshovni, cut into segments dovzhyny3,048m.dlya cold, hot vodoposta Channa and heating, PVC pipes (SCH-40) 10fut.: 400005-1 / 2 '' - 60sht; 400007-3 / 4 '' - 18sht ; 400012-11 / 4 '' - 10sht.Truby PVC (PN-15) 10fut.: 400105-1 / 2 '' - 60sht; 400107-3 / 4 '' - 90sht; 400 110-1 " '- 20pcs. CPVC pipes (CTS) TUBE 10fut .: 4700N005-1 / 2 '' - 50sht; 4700N007-3 / 4 '' - 25sht; 4700N020-2 "" - 12sht.Vsoho: 345sht.Torhove flax brand: NIBCO.Krayina production: PL. Brand: NIBCO Sp.z oo. " POLAND ***** 279.45 889.0702673 View Importer
12/Apr/2017 3917400090 "1.Fitynhy (connections, elbows, couplings) for plastic plastic pipes: Kutnykzholoba appearance; d160 / kut90, white, art.3060263425-6sht. Coupling pipes, d110, white, art.3060302405-72sht. Elbow external gutter d130 / kut90, graphite, art.3060352609-10sht. Corner trough domestic 130/90, graphite, art.3060352619-4sht. Tee W / PVC; d110x110 / kut67, art.3060422405-30sht. TriynykVT / PVC; d110x50 / kut67 , art.3060422425-40sht. Disqualification class N; d160xkut30, art.3062323432-8sht. Disqualification class N; d200 / kut45, art.3064323842-6sht. cover PE class A15, d315, art.4049102-6sht. Disqualification dvoroztrubnyy; d75 / ?, kut67 white art.3060111855-40sht. Disqualification dvoroztrubnyy; d90 / kut67; Ćorić, art .3060112254-300sht. Disqualification dvoroztrubnyy, d90 / kut67, white, art.3060112255-120sht. Disqualification dvoroztrubnyy, d110 / kut67, white, art.3060112455-40sht. Plug foreign law with glue, d130, white, art.3060202605- 100 pieces. Plug an external left (pair) with glue, d130, white, art.3060202695-100sht. funnel drain, d130 / 90; Ćorić, art.3060242604-84sht.L iyka drain, d130 / 90; white art.3060242605- 24sht. Funnel drain, d160 / 110; White, art.3060243405-15sht. Disqualification with one bell, d90 / kut67, Ćorić, art.3060252254-60sht. Disqualification with one bell, d90 / kut67, white, art.3060252255-30sht. Disqualification with one bell, d110 / kut67, white, art.3060252455-20sht. Elbow external ROSA d125 / kut90 brown art.3060262024-15sht. Coupling pipe, d90, Ćorić, art.3060302204-60sht. Coupling pipe; d90; White, art.3060302205-60sht. Coupling the groove of the insert (complete) d130korych, art.3060302614-120sht. Coupling the groove of the insert (set), d130, white, art.3060302615-120sht. Coupling the groove of the insert; d160 white art.3060303415-60sht. Disqualification W / PVC; d50 / angle 15 art.3060341211-100sht. VidvidVT / PVC; d50 / angle 88 art.3060341281-300sht. Disqualification W / PVC; d110 / angle 15 art.3060342411-30sht. Disqualification W / PVC; d110 / angle 30 art.3060342431-100sht. VidvidVT / PVC; d110 / angle 45 art.3060342441-250sht. Disqualification W / PVC; d110 / angle 88 art.3060342481-20sht. Tee W / PVC; d50x50 / kut45, art.3060421204-400sht.Triynyk W / PVC; d50x50 / kut88, art.3060421208-250sht. Tee W / PVC; d110x110 / kut88, art.3060422408-270sht. Tee W / PVC; d110x50 / kut45, art.3060422424-200sht. Tee W / PVC; d110x50 / kut88, art.3060422428-120sht.Zahlushka W / PVC; d50, art.3060501211-180sht. Pidyednannya coupling. chavun.trub, cuffed; d110, art.3060532441-40sht. Go W / PVC; d110xd50, art.3060542425-200sht. Coupling PVC nasuvna ext. sewer. d110 siryy.VT, art.3060662421-100sht. Disqualification class N; d160hkut15, art.3062323412-4sht. Disqualification class N; d160 / kut45, art.3062323442-16sht. Disqualification W / PVC; d50 / angle 30 art.3060341231-20sht.Krayina production - PLTorhovelna mark - WavinVyrobnyk - Wavin Polska SA " POLAND ***** 1019.58 2941.940303 View Importer
07/Apr/2017 3917231000 "1.Beach, cut into lengths of 3,048m for cold and hot water supply: PVC pipes (SCH-40) 10foot: 400020-2" "- 10pcs. PVC pipes (PN-15) 10foot: 400105-1 /2"-60pcs; 400110-1"" 30-30pcs. CTS Tubes 10fut: 4700N007-3 / 4 "" - 25pcs. Total: 125pcs. Brand: NIBCO. Country of manufacture: PL. Producer: NIBCO Sp.z oo. " POLAND ***** 105.86 296.653627 View Importer
07/Apr/2017 3917231000 "1.Truby Polyvinyl chloride plastic (PVC) complete with rubber prokladkamydo sewage: Art. S3015 PVC pipe 110h2,2 h1000 gray 400 pieces, Art. S3016 Truba110h2,2h2000 PVC gray 900sht; Art. S3017 gray PVC pipe 110h2,2h3000 300 pc; art.6601032 white PVC pipe 32h1,8h1000 700sht, art. 6602032 pipe 32h1,8h2000 Visitor Messages Hbila 200sht; art. 250 6603032 PVC pipe 32h1,8h white 990 pieces, art. 6,605,032 Truba32h1,8h500 1297sht.Krayina white PVC production - PL.Torhovelna brand: Plastimex.Vyrobnyk: Plastimex Sp zoo. " POLAND ***** 4101.85 5080.883898 View Importer
07/Apr/2017 3917400090 "1. plastic fittings to sanitation complete with rubber gaskets, art.S0001 / 45 50/45 PE knee gray 1000 pcs, Art. S0001 / 90 50/90 PE knee sire1500sht; Art. S0003 / 45 PP gray knee 110/45 1500sht; art. S0003 / 67 Elbow 110 / 67PP gray 200sht; art. S0003 / 90 Knee 110/90 PP gray 1000pcs, art. S1001 / gray PE 45Triynyk 50/50/45 800sht; art. S1001 / 67 50/50 Tee / 67 PP gray 100 pieces, art. S1001 / 90 50/50/90 Tee gray 1000pcs PE, art. S1003 / 45 Tee 110/50 / 45PP gray 200 pieces, art. S1003 / 90 PP gray Tee 110/50/90 400sht; art. S1004 / gray PE 67Triynyk 110/110/67 105sht; art.S1004 / 90 Tee 110/110/90 siryy1005sht PE, art. S2002 Reduction 1500sht 110/50 PE, art. SCZ003 Revision 110 PE 210sht Art. 50 SK001 Cap PE 2000sht; art. 110 PP Cap SK003 1200sht, art. SN001Mufta nasuvna 50 PE 500 pieces, Art. nasuvna SN003 Socket 110 PP 200 pcs, Art. 5003110Hrestovyna 110/110/110/90 PP 150sht, art . 5203032 Knee 32/45 PE bi le 800sht, art. 5205032 Knee 32/90 PE 2000sht white, art. 6,402,050 Reduction 50/32 PP bila1200sht; Art. 6403050 Reduction 50/32/90 PP white 1200sht; Art. 7501032 Triy nyk32 / 32/45 PP white 300sht.Krayina production - PL.Torhovelna Brand: Plastimex.Vyrobnyk: Plastimex Sp zoo " POLAND ***** 1901.75 6514.767018 View Importer
06/Apr/2017 3917400090 "1.Fitynhy for vnutrishn.kanaliz.z plastm.PP complete with rubber sealers.: Cap: KO32-800sht; KO50-3000sht; KO110-2000sht.Kolino: K32 / 45-400sht, K32 / 90-400sht, K50 / 15-400sht, K50 / 30-400sht, K50 / 45-2000sht, K50 / 90-1000sht; K110 / 15-210sht; K110 / 30-210sht; K110 / 45-540sht; K110 / 90-600sht.Reviziya vnutr.kan .: REW110-420sht.Reduktsiya: RPP50 / 32-400sht.Triynyk: T110 / 110 / 45-420sht, T110 / 110 / 90-1000sht, T110 / 50 / 45-600sht, T110 / 50 / 90-1000sht.Fitynhy of polypropylene PPR: Knee: from CL: PPR KGZ2012-40sht, with BP mount: PPR KGWW2012-400sht.Mufta, with BP: PPR ZGW2012-200sht, with OR: PPR ZGZ2012-200sht; ZGZ321-20sht PPR, PPR ZGZ4054-15sht .Triynyk reductions.: PPR TR402040-20sht; PPR TR402540-20sht.Vsoho-mark 16715sht.Torhovelna "" AQUER "". brand "" AQUER "". Country pro ment PL.. " POLAND ***** 2104.07 4672.26748 View Importer
06/Apr/2017 3917221000 "1.Truby internal kanalizats.z plastm.PP in kompl.z humov.uschilnyuv.: R32 / 250-400sht; R32 / 500-400sht; R32 / 1000-400sht; R40 / 250-200sht; R40 / 500-600sht; R40 / 1000-600sht; R40 / 2000-200sht; R50 / 250-800sht; R50 / 500-1440sht; R110 / 250-375sht; R110 / 500-720sht; R110 / 1000-600sht; R110 / 2000-600sht.Truby of polypropylene PPR PN20: PPR R2034 20-1000m; PPR R2542 20-300m.Truby PPR PN20 polypropylene reinforced with fiberglass Stabi Glass: PPR RG2028 20-1000m; PPR RG3244 20-420m; PPR RG4055 20-160m; PPR RG5069 20-100m. Whole-7335sht.-mark 2980m.Torhovelna "" AQUER "" .Vyrobn. "" AQUER "". Country of PL.. " POLAND ***** 3276.2 6219.326289 View Importer
04/Apr/2017 3917231000 "1.Washed, cut into length lengths 3,048 m. For cold water supply: PVC pipes (SCH-40) 10fut: 400010-1" "- 30pcs; 400012-11 / 4" "- 15pcs. PVC pipes (PN-15 ) 10fut: 400105-1 / 2 "" - 450pcs; 400107-3 / 4 "" - 36pc Total: 531pcs. Trademark: NIBCO. Country of production: PL.Producer: NIBCO Sp.z oo. " POLAND ***** 322.55 784.0311946 View Importer
04/Apr/2017 3917400090 "1.Santechnical products, plastic fittings with a limiter for the fitting of the pipe: PVC Tee kv / sq.: 401005-1 / 2" "- 100 pcs. 90 plywood PVC sq. M: 406005-1 / 2" "- 400 pcs; 406007-3 / 4 "" -100 pcs. PVC connecting sleeve: sq. Square: 429005-1 / 2 "" - 500 pcs. PVC / square meter / external thread: 436007-3 / 4 "" - 100 pcs. CPU hinge connector: 4701010- 1 "" - 20pcs; 4701020-2 "" - 20pcs. Total: 1240pcs. Trademark: NIBCO. Country of manufacture: PL.Producer: NIBCO Sp.z oo. " POLAND ***** 23.92 188.7318458 View Importer

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