Ukraine Import Data of D W under HS Code 4408

Check Ukraine import data of d w under HS code 4408. Get import data of Ukraine for HS code 4408

Date HS Code Product Description Origin Country Quantity Net Weight [KGS] Total Value [USD] Importer Name
29/Apr/2017 4408908500 "1.Vyroby of wood veneer non-planed, brushed thickness of 0.5 mm., Has end connections designed for facing: TABU NB-BRZOZA-27.053, kilk.-120,484m2; TABU NB-JESION SREBRNY-26.053, kilk.-37,55m2; Total: 0.079017 m3.Vyrobnyk TABU SpA; Trademark TABU, Country of IT;. " ITALY 79017 60 1238.026409 View Importer
29/Apr/2017 4408908500 "1.Vyroby of wood veneer non-planed, brushed thickness of 0.5 mm., Has end connections designed for facing: LAMINWOODS-ALPINE WALNUT 2500x640-PS-O517.kilk.-20sht.LAMINWOODS-CARPATHIAN BEECH 2500x640- PW-380.kilk.-20sht.LAMINWOODS-WENGE 14L 2500x640-PS-W519.kilk.-250sht.LAMINWOODS-WENGE AZZURRO 2500x640-PW-308.kilk.-120sht.LAMINWOODS-WENGE LOANGO 2500x640-PW-W330.kilk .-20sht.LAMINWOODS-WENGE CHOCO 2800x640-PW-W307.kilk.-100sht.LAMINWOODS-CHERRY ROYAL 2500x640 3F-C196M.kilk.-50sht.LAMINWOODS-DAB BIELONY PREMIUM 2500x640-PS-D523.kilk.-200sht.LAMINWOODS -DAB ROYAL 2500x640-PS-D65.kilk.-80sht.LAMINWOODS-DAB NATURAL F 2500x640-3F-D137.kilk.-50sht.LAMINWOODS-ZEBRA SERENGETI 2500x640-FA-831.kilk.-30sht.LAMINWOODS-KLON F 2800x640 -2F-K121.kilk.-100sht.LAMINWOODS-MACASSAR MARRONE 2800x640-PS-M535.kilk .-20sht.LAMINWOODS-MULTICO ZAMBEZI 2500x640-PW-MC365.kilk.-60sht.LAMINWOODS-ORZECH AMERYKANSKI 2500x640-2F-O190M.kilk.-50sht.LAMINWOODS-ORZECH AMERYKANSKI 2800x640-2F-O190M.kil K-150sht. LAMINWOODS-CANALETTO 2500x640-PS-O513.kilk.-120sht.LAMINWOODS-PALISANDER 2500x640-PS-P525.kilk.-80sht.LAMINWOODS-SREBRNE SANDALOWE 2500x640-PW-S304.kilk.-100sht.LAMINWOODS-TEAK 29L 2500x640 PW- T380.kilk.-80sht.LAMINWOODS-JESION 2800x640-PW-J311.kilk.-20sht.LAMINWOODS-JESION 2500x640-PW-J311.kilk.-20sht.LAMINWOODS-WENGE 14L 2500x640-PS-W519.kilk.-150sht. Total: 1.68 m3.Vyrobnyk LAMINWOODS; Trademark LAMINWOODS; Country of origin CN; " CHINA 168 1514 8188.869739 View Importer
27/Apr/2017 4408908500 1.Lysty for facing have no connection face thickness not exceeding 1 mm, Veneer, not polished: - American walnut veneer AB grade, thickness 0,55mm-TM 3972,79M2Vyrobnyk no data no data. Country of USA. UNITED STATES 21850345 1192 12052.58583 View Importer
26/Apr/2017 4408901500 "1. Wood single layer, cut, such that no socket connections," "Natural veneer", "semi-finished wood flooring (floor) BARLINEK boards, boards for the upper layer (lamella): Oak Wood: LAM-DBE-1- AXP-140-030-B00: 1-way, talking. 3mm x 140mm x 738mm -1635,96m2.LAM-DBE-1-KXP-140-030-B00: 1-way, talking. 3mm x 140mm x 1107mm - 537,781m2.LAM-DBE-1-KXP-140-030-B10: 1-way, talking. 3mm x 140mm x 1107mm -2453,94m2.LAM-DBE-1-PXP-140-030-E00: 1-way , swing. 3mm x 140mm x 1408mm -1093,60m2.LAM-DBE-1-DXP-140-030-B00: 1-way, talking. 3mm x 140mm x 2215mm -443,443m2.LAM-DBE-1 DXP- 140-030-E00: 1-way, talking. 3mm x 140mm x 2215mm -2455,05m2.Vsoho: 8619.77m2 / 25.859m3; Producer: SC BARLINEK ROMANIA SA Country production: RO.Torhivelna mark: BARLINEK.. " ROMANIA 25859 20400 101162.73 View Importer
21/Apr/2017 4408908500 1. Lines for lining, planed, not polished, not having end connections for hardwood species. Sheets of veneer are not more than 1 mm. From wood-nylon rocks. Single-layered shingles, planed from wood-like ash rock. A smooth structure, without color change, humidity 12 +/- 2%, width of a veneer from 110 mm, a width of 100 mm is allowed. Not more than 3% and width 80 mm., Thickness 0,55-0,6 mm, length from 2,80 m. Up to 3.30 m.Packing number DUDA170307 -4900,97m2 Packing numberDUDA170305 -4943,31m2 Packing number DUDA170306 -5094,33m2 Packing number DUDA170308-5122,57m2 Total: 20061,18m2Manufacturer: CZ.Producer: Danzer Bohemia Dyharna sro. CZECH REPUBLIC 1053 6375 22078.97085 View Importer
20/Apr/2017 4408398500 1. cut as thin sheets of wood thickness of 0.5 mm, derevynytropichnoyi breed Amazakque (Guibourtia ehie): - Amazaquia veneer art.2823002 in an amount of 192 letters, 102,72m2 - 0.05 m3Torhovelna Brand: KOCHKrayina production: GHVyrobnyk: KOCH GMBH. GHANA 5 75 554.6050145 View Importer
19/Apr/2017 4408901500 "1. Wood single layer, cut, such that no socket connections," "Natural veneer", "semi-finished wood flooring (floor) BARLINEK boards, boards for the upper layer (lamella, formatka): Natural Oak Wood, Class B: LAM-DBE-1-AXP-140-030-B00, 1-way, talking. 3.0mm x 140mm x 738mm -818.664m2, natural Oak Wood, class C3: FOR-DBE-3-DXP-211-030-C30 3-way, talking. 211.5mm x 3.0mm x 2215mm -805.82m2, natural Oak Wood, class B: LAM-DBE-1-AXP-140-030-B00, 1-way, talking. x 140mm x 3.0mm 738mm -7367.448m2, wood ash, class C: LAM-JES-1-DXP-140-030-C00, 1-way, talking. 3.0mm x 140mm x 2215mm -818.668m2; Total: 9810.60m2 / 29.432 m3.Vyrobnyk : "" BARLINE K INWESTYCJE SPOLKA ZOO "". Country of origin: PL.Torhivelna mark: BARLINEK.. " POLAND 29432 19759.48 52492.97494 View Importer
15/Apr/2017 4408901500 "1.Vyroby wood, planed, those that do not have end joints, veneer zderevyny different types: ALPILIGNUM Art.:2E375/00/XV -100,768 sq. M .; ALPILIGNUMArt.:10.19 ALPI WAVY AM.WALNU T -201.663 sq.m .; ALPILIGNUM Art.:10.96 ALPIPLANKED OAK - 51,187 sq.m .; ALPILIGNUM Art.:10.96 ALPI PLANKED OAK-51,187 sq.m .; ALPILIGNUM Art.:11.11 ALPI DARK GREY LAT I -53,613 square meters. m.; ALPILIGNUM Art.:10.66 ALPI BALANCER GREY OAK -51,408 m .; ALPILIGNUMArt.:10.82 ALPI ICECOOL OAK - 306,999 sq.m .; ALPILIGNUM Art.:10.42 ALPI AMMARAEBONY-201,600 sq.m .; ALPILIGNUM Art. : 10.06 ALPI CALIFORNIA BU RL -50,250 sqm; Total: 0.584 kub.m.Torhivelna brand: ALPIKrayina production: Italy ITVyrobnyk: ALPI SPA. " ITALY 584 385 6443.619092 View Importer
13/Apr/2017 4408901500 1. Wood single layer, cut, without socket connections to the semi-finished products of flooring (floor) boards - oak lamella: LAM-DBE-1-DXP-186-030-F00, size: 2215 mm x 186 mm x 3 mm - 776.62 m2 / 2.33 m3.Vyrobnyk: SC BARLINEK ROMANIA SAKrayina production: RO.Torhovelna mark: BARLINEK. . ROMANIA 233 1700 7577.166352 View Importer
13/Apr/2017 4408901500 "1.Derevyna single layer, cut, such that no end connections," "Natural veneer", "semi-finished wood flooring (floor) BARLINEK boards, boards for the upper layer (lamella): Oak Wood: LAM-DBE-1- DXP-186-030-S00: 1-way, talking. 3mm x 186mm x 2215mm -7766,20m2.LAM-DBE-1-DXP-186-030-E00: 1-way, talking. 3mm x 186mm x 2215mm - 1316,34m2.Vsoho: 9082.54m2 / 27.248m3; Producer: SC BARLINEK ROMANIA SA Country of origin: RO.Torhivelna mark: BARLINEK.. " ROMANIA 27248 21500 114188.4249 View Importer
10/Apr/2017 4408901500 "1. Wood single layer, cut, such that no socket connections," "Natural veneer", "semi-finished wood flooring (floor) BARLINEK boards, boards for the upper layer (formatka): Natural Oak Wood, Class C3: FOR- DBE-3-DXP-211-038-C30, 3-way, talking. 211.5mm x 3.8mm x 2215mm -646.53m2, natural Oak Wood, class C3: FOR-DBE-3-DXP-211-030-C30, 3-way, talking. 211.5mm x 3.0mm x 2215mm -2417.46m2, natural Oak Wood, class C3: FOR-DBE-3-DXP-211-030-C30, 3-way, talking. x 211.5mm x 3.0mm 2215mm -805.82m2, natural Oak Wood, class C3: FOR-DBE-3-DXP-211-038-C30, 3-way, talking. 211.5mm x 3.8mm x 2215mm -1293.06m2; Total: 5162.87m2 / 17.040 m3 .Vyrob nickname: "" BARLINEK INWESTYCJE SPOLKA ZOO "". Country of origin: PL.Torhivelna mark: BARLINEK.. " POLAND 1704 11773.31 24551.03554 View Importer
07/Apr/2017 4408901500 "1. Wood single layer, cut, such that no socket connections," "Natural veneer", "semi-finished wood flooring (floor) BARLINEK boards, boards for the upper layer (lamella): Oak Wood: LAM-DBE-1- AXP-140-030-B00: 1-way, talking. 3mm x 140mm x 738mm -2453,94m2.LAM-DBE-1-KXP-140-030-B10: 1-way, talking. 3mm x 140mm x 1107mm - 3271,92m2.LAM-DBE-1-PXP-140-030-E00: 1-way, talking. 3mm x 140mm x 1408mm -546,80m2.LAM-DBE-1-DXP-140-030-B10: 1- Way, swing. 3mm x 140mm x 2215mm -1636,70m2.LAM-DBE-1-DXP-186-030-B00: 1-way, talking. 3mm x 186mm x 2215mm -519,12m2.LAM-DBE-1- DXP-186-030-F00: 1-way, talking. 3mm x 186mm x 2215mm -599,46m2.Vsoho: 9027.94m2 / 27.084m3; Producer: SC BARLINEK ROMANIA SA Country in yrobnytstva: RO.Torhivelna mark: BARLINEK.. " ROMANIA 27084 21400 109257.8547 View Importer
06/Apr/2017 4408392100 "1.Derevyna single layer of wood sawmills, Sliced ​​such that no socket connections," "Natural veneer", "semi-finished wood flooring (floor) BARLINEK boards, boards for the upper layer (formatka): sapella wood, 3-way . Botanical name: Entandrofrahma tsylindrichna.Klas B FOR-SPL-3-DXP-211-038-B00: size 3,8mm x 2215mm x 211,5mm -1293,06m2.Vsoho: 1293,06m2. / 4,914m3.Vyrobnyk: "" BARLINEK INWESTYCJE SPOLKA ZOO "" Polscha.Krayina production: Poland (PL) .Torhivelna mark: BARLINEK.. " POLAND 4914 2998.809 8222.705969 View Importer
06/Apr/2017 4408901500 "1. Wood single layer, cut, such that no socket connections," "Natural veneer", "semi-finished wood flooring (floor) BARLINEK boards, boards for the upper layer (lamella, formatka): Natural Oak Wood, Class C3: FOR-DBE-3-DXP-211-038-C30, 3-way, talking. 211.5mm x 3.8mm x 2215mm -646.53m2, natural wood ash, class B: LAM-JES-1-DXP-140-030- B00, 1-way, talking. 3.0mm x 140mm x 2215mm -831.99m2, natural wood ash, class B: LAM-JES-1-KXP-140-030-B00, 1-way, talking. x 140mm x 3.0mm 1107mm -948.774m2, natural wood ash, class A: LAM-JES-1-DXP-140-030-A00, 1-way, talking. 3.0mm x 140mm x 2215mm -167.45m2, Ash Wood nature avail, Class B: LAM-JES-1-DXP-140-030-B00, 1-way, talking. 3.0mm x 140mm x 2215mm -71.01m2, natural wood ash, Class A: LAM-JES-1 KXP- 140-030-A00, 1-way, talking. 3.0mm x 140mm x 1107mm -602.036m2, natural wood ash, class B: LAM-JES-1-KXP-140-030-B00, 1-way, talking. 3.0 mm x 140mm x 1107mm -521.53m2, natural Oak Wood, class B1: LAM-DBE-1-DXZ-140-030-B10, 1-way, talking. 3.0mm x 140mm x 2215mm -818.35m2, natural wood ash, Class A: LAM-JES-1-DXZ-140-030-A00, 1-way, talking. 3.0mm x 140mm x 2215mm -651.215m2, natural wood ash, Class B: LAM-JES-1-DXZ-140-030-B00, 1-way, talking. 3.0mm x 140mm x 2215mm -1566.319m2, natural wood ash, Class A: LAM-JES-1-KXZ-140-030-A00, 1-way, talking. 3.0mm x 140mm x 1107mm -216.97m2, natural wood ash, Class B: LAM-JES-1-KXZ-140-030-B00, 1-way, talking. 3.0mm x 140mm x 1107mm -991.876m2; Total: 8034.05m2 / 24.619 m3.Vyrobnyk: "" BARLINEK INWESTYCJE SPOLKA ZOO "". Country of origin: PL.Torhivelna mark: BARLINEK. " POLAND 24619 17430.831 69727.68209 View Importer

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