Check Ukraine import data of d 260 under HS code 4011100090. Get import data of Ukraine for HS code 4011100090
Date | HS Code | Product Description | Origin Country | Quantity | Net Weight [KGS] | Total Value [USD] | Importer Name |
27/Apr/2017 | 4011100090 | 1.Shyny rubber pneumatic, new, for use on cars poshoseynym roads, type of road tread - the index most dopustymoyishvydkosti over R. art. 134 281 - 255/50 R19 107W XL TL SUV SU - 4 pieces. -indeksshvydkosti -W, load - 107, Art. 140935 - 225 / 60R17 99H TL SUV SUMMER -4sht. index rate -H, load - 99, art. 226 260 - 255/55 R18 109W EXTRALOAD T - 4 pieces. -W -indeks speed, load - 109, Art. 621314 - 235/55 R17103V EXTRA LOAD T - 4 pieces. -indeks speed -V, load - 103, Art. 753001 -185/65 R15 88H TL SIGURA TG - 4 pieces. -indeks speed -H, navantazhennya- 88, art. 920 091 - 185/65 R14 86H TL SIGURA TG - 4 pieces. -indeks speed -H, load - 86, art. 930214 - 225/50 ZR17 98W EXTRA LOAD TL SYNERIS TG - 2sht. index -W speed, load - 98, art. 369 868 - 215/60 R16 99V EXTRA LOADTL - 7sht. -indeks speed -V, load - 99, art. 721 927 - 195/60 R15 88HTL PRIMA TG - 8 pieces. -indeks speed -H, load - 88, art. 795471 - 215 / 65R16 102H EXTRA LOAD T - 8 pieces. -indeks speed -H, navantazhennya- 102, art. 920 091 - 185/65 R14 86H TL SIGURA TG - 8 pieces. -indeks speed -H, load - 86, art. 716541 - 185/75 R 16C 104 / 102R TL CARGO SPEED TG - 6sht. index Speed -R, load - 104/102, Art. 27,280 - 175/70 R14 84T TLSIGURA TG - 8 pieces. -indeks speed -T, load - 84, art. 74316 - 225 / 65R17 106H EXTRA LOAD T - 8 pieces. -indeks speed -H, load - 106, art.142910 - 235 / 60R16 100H TL SUV SUMMER - 8 pieces. -indeks speed -H, navantazhennya- 100, art. 337 849 - 215/55 R16 93V TL SYNERIS TG - 4 pieces. -indeks speed -V, load - 93, art. 369 868 - 215/60 R16 99V EXTRA LOAD TL - 2 pcs. -indeksshvydkosti -V, load - 99, art. 385 736 - 175/70 R13 82T TL SIGURA TG -60sht. -indeks speed -T, navantazhennya- 82, art. 439 023 - 235/60 R18 107W EXTRA LOAD T - 4 pieces. -indeks speed-W, load - 107, Art. 441 158 - 205/65 R15 94H TL PRIMA TG - 24sht. index rate -H, load - 94, art. 539 713 - 225/60 R16 98V TL PRIMATG- 1am. -indeks speed -V, load - 98, art. 572485 - 215 / 70R16 100H TLSUV SUMMER - 4sht. index rate -H, load - 100, Art. 621 314 - 235/55 R17 103V EXTRALOAD T - 4 pieces. -indeks speed -V, load - 103, Art. 654453 - 205/60 R1696V EXTRA LOAD TL SYNERIS TG - 7sht. index rate -V, load - 96, art. 721 927 - 195/60 R15 88H TL PRIMATG- 8 pieces. -indeks speed -H, load - 88, art. 753 001 - 185/65 R15 88H TLSIGURA TG - 20pcs. -indeks speed -H, load - 88, art. 920091 - 185 / 65R14 86H TL SIGURA TG - 40sht. -indeks speed -H, navantazhennya- 86, art. 934 406 - 225/55 R16 95V TL PRIMA TG - 7sht. -indeks speed -V, load - 95, art. 50,008 - 215/65 R 16C 109 / 107R TL CARGO SPEED TG - 1sht. index Speed -R, load - 109/107, Art. 526005 - 215/75 R 16C113 / 111R TL CARGO SPEED TG - 3sht. index Speed -R, load - 113/111, Art. 875077 - 195/70 R 15C104 / 102R TL CARGO SPEED TG - 8sht. index rate | SERBIA | 284 | 2442.73 | 7970.459526 | View Importer |
22/Apr/2017 | 4011100090 | 1.Shyny rubber pneumatic, new, for use on cars poshoseynym roads, type of road tread - the index most dopustymoyishvydkosti over R. art. 5582 - 215/65 R15 100V EXTRA LOAD T- 10pc. -indeks speed -V, load - 100, Art. 17,291 - 255/60 R18 112WEXTRA LOAD T - 12p. -W -indeks speed, load - 112, Art. 74316 -225/65 R17 106H EXTRA LOAD T - 20pcs. -indeks speed -H, navantazhennya- 106, art. 101 818 - 215/60 R17 96V TL SUV SUMMER - 4 pieces. -indeks speed -V, load - 96, art. 195280 - 215/50 ZR17 95W EXTRA LOAD TL SYNERIS TG -40sht. -indeks speed -W, navantazhennya- 95, art. 226 260 - 255/55 R18 109W EXTRA LOAD T - 4 pieces. -indeks speed-W, load - 109, Art. 249 160 - 215/45 R16 90V EXTRA LOAD TL - 2sht. index rate -V, load - 90, art. 279 956 - 215/55 R18 99V EXTRA LOADTL - 15sht. -indeks speed -V, load - 99, art. 539 713 - 225/60 R16 98VTL PRIMA TG - 2 pcs. -indeks speed -V, load - 98, art. 5 58333 - 195 / 50R15 82H TL PRIMA TG - 20pcs. -indeks speed -H, navantazhennya- 82, art. 572485 - 215 / 70R16 100H TL SUV SUMMER - 2 pcs. -indeks speed -H, load - 100, Art. 617 937 - 195/55 R15 85H TL PRIMA TG - 20pcs. -indeksshvydkosti -H, load - 85, art. 621 314 - 235/55 R17 103V EXTRA LOAD T -20sht. -indeks speed -V, navantazhennya- 103, art. 654 453 - 205/60 R16 96V EXTRA LOAD TL SYNERIS TG - 34sht. -indeksshvydkosti -V, load - 96, art. 674878 - 225 / 70R16 103H TL SUV SUMMER -5sht. -indeks speed -H, navantazhennya- 103, art. 711129 - 205 / 70R15 96H TL SUV SUMMER - 16sht. -indeks speed -H, load - 96, art. 722 816 - 225/75 R16 108H EXTRA LOAD T - 4 pieces. -indeksshvydkosti -H, load - 108, Art. 753 001 - 185/65 R15 88H TL SIGURA TG -100sht. -indeks speed -H, load - 88, art. 765881 - 225/55 ZR17 101WEXTRA LOAD TL SYNERIS TG - 41sht. -indeks speed -W, navantazhennya- 101, art. 825967 - 225/45 ZR18 95W EXTRA LOAD TL SYNERIS TG - 16sht. -indeksshvydkosti -W, load - 95, art. 873927 - 225/50 ZR16 92W TL SYNERIS TG -2sht. -indeks speed -W, navantazhennya- 92, art. 934 406 - 225/55 R16 95V TL PRIMA TG - 20pcs. -indeks speed -V, load - 95, art. 257068 - 215/70 R 15C 109 / 107S TL CARGO SPEED TG - 2sht. index rate -S, load - 109/107, Art. 526005 - 215/75 R 16C113 / 111R TL CARGO SPEED TG - 47sht. index Speed -R, load - 113/111, Origin - SerbiyaKrayina production - RSTorhovelna mark - TIGARVyrobnyk - TIGAR AD | SERBIA | 458 | 4486.51 | 14654.16407 | View Importer |
12/Apr/2017 | 4011100090 | 1.Shyny rubber pneumatic, new, for use on cars poshoseynym roads, type of road tread - the index most dopustymoyishvydkosti over R. 215/65 R15 100V EXTRA LOAD T, art. 5582- 4 pieces. -indeks speed - V, load index - 100, 205/65 R 16C 107 / 105TTL CAR, art. 25048 - 22sht. index speed - T, load index - 107/105, 175/70 R14 84T TL SIGURATG, art. 27280 - 28sht. -indeks speed - T, load index - 84, 215/65 R16C 109 / 107R TL CARGO SPEED TG, art. 50,008 - 20pcs. -indeks speed - R, indeksnavantazhennya - 109/107, 225/65 R17 106H EXTRA LOAD T, art. 74316 - 22sht. index speed - H, load index - 106, 195/60 R 16C 99 / 97H TL CARGO, art. 131 820 - 4 pieces. -indeks speed - H, load index - 99/97, 185 / 60R14 82H TL SIGURA TG, art. 158352 - 28sht. -indeks speed - H, indeksnavantazhennya - 82, 235/55 R18 100V TL SUV SUMME, art. 216303 - 16sht. index rate - V, load index - 100, 255/55 R18 109W EXTRA LOA DT, art. 226260 - 8sht. index speed - W, load index - 109, 215/45 R16 90V EXTRA LOAD TL, art. 249 160 - 4 pieces. -indeks speed - V, load index - 90, 235/55 R19105W XL TL SUV SU, art. 260 345 - 8 pieces. -indeks speed - W, indeksnavantazhennya - 105, 235/65 R17 108V EXTRA LOAD T, art. 284315 - 8sht. index rate - V, load index - 108, 165/70 R14 81T TL SIGURA TG, art. 285944 - 2 pcs. -indeks speed - T, load index - 81, 185/60 R1584H TL SIGURA TG, art. 315537- 8 pieces. -indeks speed - H, load index - 84, 235 / 50R18 97V TL SUVSUMMER, art. 358 559 - 4 pieces. -indeks speed - V, load index - 97.195 / 65 R 16C 104 / 102R TL CARGO SPEED TG, art. 360880 - 12p. -indeks speed -R, load index - 104/102, 205/50 ZR17 93W EXTRA LOAD TL SYNERIS TG, art.415817 - 4 pieces. -indeks speed - W, load index - 93, 235/60 R18 107WEXTRA LOAD T, art. 439023 - 28sht. index speed - W, load index - 107, 225/55 R18 98V TL SUV SUMMER, art. 463983 - 20pcs. -indeks speed - V, load index - 98, 195/55 R1687V TL SYNERIS TG, art. 552 121 - 4 pieces. -indeks speed - V, code navantazhennya- 87, 195/50 R15 82H TL PRIMA TG, art. 558 333 - 4 pieces. -indeks speed - H, load index - 82, 195/55 R15 85H TL PRIMA TG, art. 617937- 16sht. -indeks speed - H, load index - 85, 235/55 R17 103V EXTRALOAD T, art. 621314 - 16sht. -indeks speed - V, load index - 103.205 / 55 ZR17 95W EXTRA LOAD T, art. 673684 - 12p. -indeks speed - W, indeksnavantazhennya - 95, 185/75 R 16C 104 / 102R TL CARGO SPEED TG, art. 716541- 16sht. -indeks speed - R, load index - 104/102, 225/75 R16 108HEXTRA LOAD T, art. 722816 - 4sht. index speed - H, load index - 108, 185/65 R15 88H TL SIGURA TG, art. 753001 - 40sht. -indeks speed - H, load index - 88, 215/55 ZR1798W EXTRA LOAD TL SYNERIS TG, art. 811367 - 3pc. -indeks speed- W, load index - 98, 175/65 R14 82H TL SIGU | SERBIA | 445 | 4453.56 | 15015.58483 | View Importer |
12/Apr/2017 | 4011100090 | 1.Shyny rubber pneumatic, new, for use on cars poshoseynym roads, type of road tread - the index most dopustymoyishvydkosti over R. 215/65 R15 100V EXTRA LOAD T, art. 5582- 4 pieces. -indeks speed - V, load index - 100, 195 R 14C 106 / 104R TLCARGO SPEED TG, art. 9261 - 4sht. speed index - R, load index - 106/104, 205/65 R 16C 107 / 105T TLCAR, art. 25048 - 24sht. index speed - T, load index - 107/105, 175/70 R14 84T TL SIGURATG, art. 27280 - 40sht. -indeks speed - T, load index - 84, 215/65 R16C 109 / 107R TL CARGO SPEED TG, art. 50,008 - 20pcs. -indeks speed - R, indeksnavantazhennya - 109/107, 225/65 R17 106H EXTRA LOAD T, art. 74316 - 24sht. index speed - H, load index - 106, 225 / 60R17 99H TL SUV SUMMER, art. 140 935 - 4 pieces. -indeks speed - H, load index - 99, 235 / 60R16100H TL SUV SUMMER, art. 142 910 - 8 pieces. -indeks speed - H, indeksnavantazhennya - 100, 185/60 R14 82H TL SIG URA TG, art. 158352 - 60sht. index speed - H, load index - 82, 235/55 R18 100V TL SUV SUMME, art. 216 303 - 8 pieces. -indeks speed - V, load index - 100, 255/55 R18109W EXTRA LOAD T, art. 226 260 - 4 pieces. -indeks speed - W, indeksnavantazhennya - 109, 165/65 R14 79T TL SIGURA TG, art. 278116 - 4sht. index speed - T, load index - 79, 165/70 R14 81T TL SIGURA TG, art. 285944 - 28sht. -indeks speed - T, load index - 81, 235/65 R16C 115 / 113R TL CARGO SPEED TG, art. 326594 - 16sht. -indeks speed - R, load index - 115/113, 195/65 R 16C 104 / 102R TL CARGO SPEED TG, art.360880 - 6 pieces. -indeks speed - R, load index - 104/102, 175/70 R1382T TL SIGURA TG, art. 385736 - 80sht. -indeks speed - T, index navantazhennya- 82, 235/60 R18 107W EXTRA LOAD T, art. 439023 - 24sht. -indeks speed - W, load index - 107, 205/65 R15 94H TL PRIMA TG, art. 441158 - 32sht. index speed - H, load index - 94, 225/55 R18 98V TL SUV SUMMER, art. 463983 - 12sht. index rate - V, load index - 98, 225/45 ZR17 94Y EXTRA LOAD TLSYNERIS TG, art. 466151 - 1sht. index speed - Y, load index - 94, 195/55 R16 87V TL SYNERIS TG, art. 552 121 - 4 pieces. -indeks speed - V, load index - 87, 195/50 R1582H TL PRIMA TG, art. 558333- 4 pieces. -indeks speed - H, load index - 82, 215 / 70R16 100H TL SUVSUMMER, art. 572 485 - 8 pieces. -indeks speed - H, load index - 100.195 / 60 R16 89V TL PRIMA TG, art. 605 483 - 4 pieces. -indeks speed - V, indeksnavantazhennya - 89, 195/55 R15 85H TL PRIMA TG, art. 617 937 - 4 pieces. -indeksshvydkosti - H, load index - 85, 235/55 R17 103V EXTRA LOAD T, art.621314 - 4 pieces. -indeks speed - V, load index - 103, 205/60 R16 96VEXTRA LOAD TL SYNERIS TG, art. 654453 - 16sht. -indeks speed - V, indeksnavantazhennya - 96, 205 / 70R15 96H TL SUV SUMMER, art. 711129 - 8sht. index speed - H, load index - 96, 185/75 R 16C 104 / 102R TL | SERBIA | 627 | 5620.89 | 17849.64742 | View Importer |
11/Apr/2017 | 4011100090 | 1.Shyny rubber pneumatic, new, for use on cars poshoseynym roads, type of road tread - the index most dopustymoyishvydkosti over R. art. 795 471 - 215/65 R16 102H EXTRA LOAD T - 28sht. -indeksshvydkosti -H, load - 102, Art. 965 399 - 205/60 R15 91H TL PRIMA TG -10sht. -indeks speed -H, load - 91, art. 875077 - 195/70 R 15C104 / 102R TL CARGO SPEED TG - 1am. -indeks speed -R, load - 104/102, art. 27,280 - 175/70 R14 84T TL SIGURA TG - 20sht. speed index -T, load - 84, art. 385 736 - 175/70 R13 82T TL SIGURATG - 40sht. -indeks speed -T, load - 82, art. 950 102 - 155/65 R14 75TTL SIGURA TG - 8 pieces. -indeks speed -T, load - 75, art. 12336 - 195 / 50R16 88V EXTRA LOAD TL SYNERIS TG - 2 pcs. -indeks speed -V, load - 88, art. 260 345 - 235/55 R19 105W XL TL SUV SU - 4 pieces. -W -indeks speed, load - 105, Art. 508531 - 235/45 ZR18 98W EXTRA LOAD TL SYNERIS TG -4sht. -indeks speed -W, at loading - 98, art. 825967 - 225/45 ZR18 95WEXTRA LOAD TL SYNERIS TG - 24sht. -indeks speed -W, navantazhennya- 95, art. 453077 - 255/45 ZR18 103Y EXTRA LOAD - 6 pieces. -Y -indeks speed, load - 103, Art. 791448 - 225/40 ZR18 92Y EXTRA LOAD TL SYNERIS TG -4sht. -Y-speed rating, load - 92, Country of origin - SerbiyaKrayina production - RSTorhovelna mark - TIGARVyrobnyk - TIGAR AD | SERBIA | 151 | 1285.85 | 4161.694094 | View Importer |
06/Apr/2017 | 4011100090 | 1.Shyny rubber pneumatic, new, for use on cars poshoseynym roads, type of road tread - the index most dopustymoyishvydkosti over R. art. 12,336 - 195/50 R16 88V EXTRA LOAD TL SYNERIS TG -3sht. -indeks speed-V, load - 88, art. 27,280 - 175/70 R14 84T TL SIGURA TG - 51sht. speed index -T, load - 84, art. 140935 - 225 / 60R17 99H TL SUVSUMMER - 3pc. -indeks speed -H, load - 99, art. 249160 - 215/45 R1690V EXTRA LOAD TL - 2 pcs. -indeks speed -V, load - 90, art. 260345 -235/55 R19 105W XL TL SUV SU - 12p. -indeks speed -W, navantazhennya- 105, art. 337 849 - 215/55 R16 93V TL SYNERIS TG - 56sht. -indeks speed -V, load - 93, art. 399685 - 205/45 ZR17 88W EXTRA LOAD TL SYNERIS TG - 4sht. index -W speed, load - 88, art. 414 012 - 195/65 R15 91T TL SIGURATG - 100 pieces. -indeks speed -T, load - 91, art. 441158 - 205/65 R1594H TL PRIMA TG - 12p. -indeks speed -H, load - 94, art. 453077 -255/45 ZR18 103Y EXTRA LOAD - 8 pieces. -indeks speed -Y, navantazhennya- 103, art. 605 483 - 195/60 R16 89V TL PRIMA TG - 4 pieces. -indeks speed -V, load - 89, art. 641 267 - 205/50 R16 87V TL SYNERIS TG - 9sht. -indeksshvydkosti -V, load - 87, art. 671 479 - 205/50 R15 86V TL PRIMA TG - 6sht. index rate -V, navantazhennya- 86, art. 823 212 - 185/55 R16 87V EXTRA LOAD TL - 27sht. -indeks speed -V, load - 87, art. 873927 - 225/50 ZR16 92W TL SYNERIS TG - 9sht. -indeksshvydkosti -W, load - 92, art. 979118 - 205/45 ZR16 87W EXTRA LOAD TLSYNERIS TG - 10pc. -W -indeks speed, load - 87, art. 25048 - 205 / 65R 16C 107 / 105T TL CAR - 1am. -indeks speed -T, load - 107/105, art.360880 - 195/65 R 16C 104 / 102R TL CARGO SPEED TG - 28sht. -indeks speed-R, load - 104/102, Origin - SerbiyaKrayina production - RSTorhovelna mark - TIGARVyrobnyk - TIGAR AD | SERBIA | 345 | 2943.37 | 10260.82291 | View Importer |
03/Apr/2017 | 4011100090 | 1.Shyny rubber pneumatic, new, for use on cars poshoseynym roads, type of road tread - the index most dopustymoyishvydkosti over R. 255/50 R 19 107W SUV SUMMER EL, Art. 134 281 - 4 pieces. -indeksshvydkosti - W, load index - 107, 255 / 55R18 109W XLTL SUV SUMMER TG, art. 226 260 - 4 pieces. -indeks speed - W, load index - 109, 195/65 R1595H EXTRA LOAD TL PRIMA, art. 242258 - 8sht. index speed - H, load index - 95, 235 / 65R17 108V XLTL SUV SUMMERTG, art. 284315 - 4sht. index rate - V, load index - 108, 215 / 60R16 99V XLTL SYNERIS TG, art. 369868 - 39sht. -indeks speed - V, load index - 99, 235 / 60R18107W XLTL SUV SUMMER TG, art. 439 023 - 8 pieces. -indeks speed - W, indeksnavantazhennya - 107, 195/55 R15 85H TL PRIMA TG, art. 617937 - 12sht. index speed - H, load index - 85, 205/60 R16 96V EXTRA LOAD TLSYNERIS, art. 654453 - 38sht. index rate - V, load index - 96, 225 / 75R16 108H XLTL SUV SUMMERTG, art. 722816 - 4sht. index speed - H, load index - 108 Origin - SerbiyaKrayina production - RSTorhovelna mark - TigarVyrobnyk - TIGAR AD | SERBIA | 121 | 1156.04 | 3972.025123 | View Importer |
01/Apr/2017 | 4011100090 | 1.Shyny rubber pneumatic, new, for use on cars poshoseynym roads, type of road tread - the index most dopustymoyishvydkosti over R. 255/55 R18 109W EXTRA LOAD T, art. 226 260 - 4 pieces. -indeksshvydkosti - W, load index - 109, 195/65 R15 95H EXTRA LOAD TL, art.242258 - 4sht. index speed - H, load index - 95, 205/55 R16 94V EXTRA LOAD TLSYNERIS TG , art.837171 - 4sht. index rate - V, load index - 94, 225/55 R16 95V TL PRIMA TG, art. 934 406 - 4 pieces. -indeks speed - V, load index - 95, Country of origin - SerbiyaKrayina production - RSTorhovelna mark - TIGARVyrobnyk - TIGAR AD. | SERBIA | 16 | 161.48 | 519.3976081 | View Importer |
01/Apr/2017 | 4011100090 | 1.Shyny rubber pneumatic, new, for use on cars poshoseynym roads, type of road tread - the index most dopustymoyishvydkosti over R. art. 158 352 - 185/60 R14 82H TL SIGURA TG - 8 pieces. -indeksshvydkosti -H, load - 82, art. 226 260 - 255/55 R18 109W EXTRA LOAD T -3sht. -W -indeks speed, load - 109, Art. 242 258 - 195/65 R15 95HEXTRA LOAD TL - 48sht. -indeks speed -H, navantazhennya- 95, art. 385 736 - 175/70 R13 82T TL SIGURA TG - 32sht. -indeks speed -T, load - 82, art. 439 023 - 235/60 R18 107W EXTRA LOAD T - 8 pieces. -indeksshvydkosti -W, load - 107, Art. 654 453 - 205/60 R16 96V EXTRA LOAD TLSYNERIS TG - 18sht. -indeks speed -V, load - 96, art. 655109 - 185 / 55R15 82V TL PRIMA TG - 1am. -indeks speed -V, load - 82, art. 711129- 205 / 70R15 96H TL SUV SUMMER - 8 pieces. -indeks speed -H, navantazhennya- 96, art. 385 736 - 175/70 R13 82T TL SIGURA TG - 12p. -indeks speed -T, load - 82 Country poho INSTITUTING - SerbiyaKrayina production - RSTorhovelna mark - TIGARVyrobnyk - TIGAR AD | SERBIA | 138 | 1121.81 | 3517.132488 | View Importer |
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