cUkraine G G Imports under HS Code 3304 from Canada

Ukraine G G Imports under HS Code 3304 from Canada

Lookup Ukraine g g imports under HS code 3304 from Canada. Search g g import data under HS code 3304 from Canada.

Date HS Code Product Description Origin Country Quantity Net Weight [KGS] Total Value [USD] Importer Name
26/Apr/2017 3304100000 1.Kosmetychni make-up not vaerozolnyy package. Trade markaL'Oreal Paris.Infelibl Peint Lip Laquer, lip gloss, tint 101, 8.4 hart.A8970500-108sht. Infelibl PeintLaker Lip, lip gloss, tint 102 art.A8986400-324sht 8.4h. Infelibl PeintLaker Lip, lip gloss, tint 105, 8.4h art.A8986700-108sht.Ne mistytnarkotychnyh, psychotropic drugs taprekursoriv. Does not contain ozone-depleting rechovyn.Vyrobnyk factory L'Oreal SA L'Oreal Saipo Industriale SpA Country of CA. CANADA ***** 9.504 855.7119023 View Importer
20/Apr/2017 3304100000 1.Zasoby makeup lips: Color Drama, reticulation for Trace Contour Lip, 4 g art.B2868700 -288 sht.Ne containing narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors. Not in aerosol packaging. Does not contain ozone-depleting substances. Trademark MaybellineVyrobnyk factory L'Oreal SA L'Oreal Saipo Industriale SpAKrayina production CA. CANADA ***** 21.312 874.1354356 View Importer
20/Apr/2017 3304100000 1.Zasoby makeup lips: Lip Infelibl Peint Laquer, lip gloss, tint 101, 8.4 g art.A8970500 -324 sht.Infelibl Peint Lip Laquer, lip gloss, tint 102, 8.4 g art.A8986400 -1296 sht.Infelibl lip Laquer Peint, lip gloss, tint 105, 8.4 g art.A8986700 -432 sht.Ne containing narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors. Not in aerosol packaging. Does not contain ozone-depleting rechovyn.Torhovelna ParisVyrobnyk brand L'Oreal L'Oreal L'Oreal SA plant Saipo Industriale SpAKrayina production CA. CANADA ***** 36.115 3186.397702 View Importer
18/Apr/2017 3304990000 "1.Kosmetychni drugs or agents for oils and preparations kiyazhu zashkiroyu not care drugs (not ayerozolniy packaging drugs are not substances mistyatnarkotychn s) care about lychcha skin (creams, gels, masks, peels): 422599 peeling body and bath salts from AP -6sht.Torhovelna mark: "" DR.BABOR "" Manufacturer: "" DR. BABOR GMBH & CO.KG "". Country of origin: CA. " CANADA ***** 16.83 109.2258565 View Importer
14/Apr/2017 3304100000 1.Zasoby makeup lips: Lip Infelibl Peint Laquer, lip gloss, tint 102, 8.4 g art.A8986400 -432 sht.Ne containing ozone-depleting aerosol rechovyn.Ne in upakovtsi.Ne containing narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors. Trademark ParisVyrobnyk L'Oreal L'Oreal L'Oreal SA plant Saipo Industriale SpAKrayina production CA. CANADA ***** 7.603 670.8252605 View Importer
11/Apr/2017 3304910000 1.Kosmetychni make-up: -pudry: Bright Aydia, drain-haylayter face 01 6 g art.K2127400 -5 sht.Brayt Aydia, drain-haylayter face 02 6 g art.K2127500 -5 sht.Brayt Aydia , flow-haylayter face 03 6 g art.K2127600 -5 sht.Brayt Aydia, drain-haylayter face 04 6 g art.K2127700 -5 sht.Brayt Aydia, drain-haylayter face 05 6 g art. K2127800 -5 sht.Brayt Aydia, drain-haylayter face 06 6 g art.K2127900 -5 sht.Brayt Aydia, drain-haylayter face 07 6 g art.K2128000 -5 sht.Brayt Aydia, drain-to haylayter face 08 6 g art.K2128100 -5 sht.Brayt Aydia, drain-haylayter face 09 6 g art.K2128200 -5 sht.Brayt Aydia, drain-haylayter face 10 6 g art.K2128300 -5 sht.Brayt Aydia, drain-haylayter face 11 6 g art.K2128400 -5 sht.Brayt Aydia, stik- haylayter face 12 6 g art.K2128500 -5 sht.Brayt Aydia, drain-haylayter face 01 6 g art.K2127400 -12 sht.Brayt Aydia, drain-haylayter face 05 -69 6 g art.K2127800 sht.Brayt Aydia, drain-haylayter face 06 6 g art.K2127900 -24 sht.Brayt Aydia, drain-haylayter face 07 6 g art.K2128000 -15 sht.Brayt Aydia, drain-haylayter face 01 6 g art.K2127400 -14 sht.Brayt Aydia, drain-face haylayter CANADA ***** 7.224 403.6565818 View Importer
07/Apr/2017 3304100000 1.Zasoby makeup lips: Lip Infelibl Peint Laquer, lip gloss, tint 102, 8.4 g art.A8986400 -432 sht.Ne containing narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors. Not in aerosol packaging. Does not contain ozone-depleting rechovyn.Torhovelna ParisVyrobnyk brand L'Oreal L'Oreal L'Oreal SA plant Saipo Industriale SpAKrayina production CA. CANADA ***** 7.603 786.8709771 View Importer
05/Apr/2017 3304990000 1. Means for skin care and other cosmetic preparations, not aerozolniyupakovtsi, not containing precursors: Base Compact Makeup PREP + PRIME, art.MHFK010000 - 12p, Base Compact Makeup PREP + PRIME, art. MHFK010000- 1pc, Base Compact Makeup PREP + PRIME, art. MHFK010000 - 1am, HELZVOLOZHUYUCHYY, enriched with minerals 50 ml, Art. MKXR010000 - 15sht, HELZVOLOZHUYUCHYY, enriched with minerals 50 ml, Art. MKXR010000 - 6 pieces, HELZVOLOZHUYUCHYY, enriched with minerals 50 ml, Art. MKXR010000 - 1am, HELZVOLOZHUYUCHYY, enriched with minerals 50 ml, Art. MKXR010000 - 1am, HELZVOLOZHUYUCHYY, enriched with minerals 50 ml, Art. MKXR010000 - 1am, EMULSIYAMATUYUCHA PREP + PRIME 30 ml, Art. M7LA010000 - 12p, emulsions matting PREP + PRIME 30 ml, Art. M7LA010000 - 3pc, emulsions matting PREP + PRIME 30 ml art.M7LA010000 - 1am, means for removing eye makeup 30 ml, Art. MJWE010000 - 12p, means for removing eye makeup 30 ml, Art. MJWE010000 - 1am, OBLYCHCHYAZVOLOZHUYUCHYY AGENT FOR MIXED WITH STP 30, 50 ml, Art. MWG0010000 - 3pc, ZASIBDLYA HUMIDIFYING FACE MIXED WITH STP 30, 50 ml, Art. MWG0010000 -1sht, means matting MAC Matte 25 ml, Art. M57N010000 - 3pc, means matting M AC Matte 25 ml, Art. M57N010000 - 1am, moisturizing face cream SPF 15, 50 ml, Art. M6HH010000 - 12p moisturizing face cream SPF 15 50 ml art.M6HH010000 - 8 pieces, moisturizing face cream SPF 15, 50 ml, Art. M6HH010000 -1sht correctors NC15 7 g, Art. M450180000 - 9sht correctors NC15 7 g art.M450180000 - 9sht correctors NC20 10 ml, Art. M021210000 - 9sht correctors NC20 10ml, Art. M021210000 - 1pc correctors NC20 7 g, Art. M450260000 - 21sht, KOREKTORNC20 7 g, Art. M450260000 - 9sht correctors NC20 7 g, Art. M450260000 - 3pc correctors NC20 7 g, Art. M450260000 - 2 pcs correctors NC20 7 g, Art. M450260000 -1sht correctors NC25, 7 g, Art. M450470000- 9sht correctors NC25, 7 g, Art. M450470000 - 3pc correctors NC30 10 ml art.M021030000 - 6 pieces correctors NC30 10 ml, Art. M021030000 - 3pc correctors NC30 7 g, Art. M450190000 - 9sht correctors NC30 7 g, Art. M450190000 - 1pc correctors NC3510 ml, Art. M021230000 - 6 pieces correctors NC35 7 g, Art. M450200000- 9sht correctors NC35 7 g, Art. M450200000 - 1pc correctors NC42 10 ml art.M021130000 - 4 pieces correctors NC42 7 g, Art. M450300000 - 1pc correctors NC45 7 g, Art. M450290000 - 1pc correctors NW10, 7 g, Art. M450450000 - 4 pieces correctors NW1510 ml, Art. M021050000 - 9sht correctors NW15 7 g, Art. M450270000- 9sht correctors NW15 7 g, Art. M450270000 - 3pc correctors NW20 10 ml art.M021060000 - 9sht correctors NW20 10 ml, Art. M021060000 - 9sht correctors NW20 7 g, Art. M450130000 - 18sht correctors NW20 7 g, Art. M450130000 - 12p correctors NW207 g, Art. M450130000 - 12p correctors NW20 7 g, Art. M450130000- 1pc correctors NW25 10 ml, Art. M021070000 - 9sht correctors NW25 7 g art.M450140000 - 9sht correctors NW30 10 ml, Art. M021080000 - 6 pieces correctors NW30 7 g, Art. M450150000 - 6 pieces correctors NW35 7 g, Art. M450310000 - 6 pieces correctors NW45 7 g, Art. M450170000 - 3pc correctors CANADA ***** 98.003 3764.429991 View Importer
05/Apr/2017 3304200000 1. Means eye makeup, not containing precursors, not aerosol packaging: Bases for Mascara 4.8 g, Art. 6CLW010000 - 3pc, Bases for ink, testers art.6CLW010490 - 3pc, Country of production - CATorhovelna mark - CliniqueVyrobnyk - Estee Lauder Cosmetics LTD. CANADA ***** 0.112 8.971216551 View Importer
05/Apr/2017 3304200000 "1. Means eye makeup, not containing precursors, not aerosol packaging: GEL for fixing eyebrows TRANSPARENT TESTER 1.7 g, Art. R8KH010D90 - 6 pieces, ink DLYABRIV BROU the NAU Black 1.7 g, Art. R8JN050000 - 6 pieces, mascara brow BROU the NAU Brunette1,7 D, art. R8JN030000 - 15sht, mascara eyebrow BROU the NAU Brunette, testers art.R8JN030D90 - 9sht, mascara eyebrow BROU the NAU Light Brunette 1,7 g, art. R8JN020000 -9sht, ink lash SAMCHES INFINET DERINH "" volume + length "" BLACK 6 ml, art.Y6PH010000 - 12p, Country of production - CATorhovelna brand - Estee LauderVyrobnyk - Estee Lauder Cosmetics LTD. " CANADA ***** 0.882 145.1932897 View Importer
05/Apr/2017 3304100000 1. make-up lips, not containing precursors not in aerosol package: lipstick, lip balm moisturizing, BABY TINT TONE 01 TESTER 2.4 g, art.Z4CF010D90 - 3pc, Country of production - CATorhovelna mark - CliniqueVyrobnyk - Estee Lauder Cosmetics LTD. CANADA ***** 0.054 5.034855144 View Importer
05/Apr/2017 3304910000 1. Powder, including compact, not containing precursors: Powder loose ExtraLight 9.5 g, Art. ML9T110000 - 6 pieces, loose powder Extra Light 9,5 g art.ML9T110000 - 3pc, Loose Powder Extra Light 9,5 g, Art. ML9T110000 - 1am, loose powder Light Medium 9,5 g, Art. ML9T020000 - 6 pieces, powder ROZSYPChASTALight Medium 9.5 g, Art. ML9T020000 - 3pc, loose powder Light Medium 9,5 g, Art. ML9T020000 - 1am, loose powder Light Medium 9,5 g, Art. ML9T020000 -1sht, Loose Powder Medium 9.5 g, Art. ML9T030000 - 9sht, powder ROZSYPChASTAMedium 9.5 g, Art. ML9T030000 - 3pc, Loose Powder Medium 9.5 g art.ML9T030000 - 3pc, Loose Powder Medium 9.5 g, Art. ML9T030000 - 1am, PUDRAROZSYPCHASTA Medium Dark 9,5 g, Art. ML9T050000 - 3pc, loose powder MediumDark 9.5 g, Art. ML9T050000 - 3pc, Loose Powder Medium Deep 9,5 g art.ML9T100000 - 6 pieces, loose powder Medium Deep 9,5 g, Art. ML9T100000 - 1am, Loose Powder Medium Plus 9,5 g, Art. ML9T040000 - 6 pieces, powder ROZSYPCH ASTAMedium Plus 9.5 g, Art. ML9T040000 - 3pc, Loose Powder Medium Plus 9,5 g, Art. ML9T040000 - 1am, blush FACE Burnt Pepper 6 g, Art. M2205J0000 -9sht, blush FACE Burnt Pepper 6 g, Art. M2205J0000 - 1am, blush DLYAOBLYCHCHYA Format (F) 6 g, Art. M220490000 - 6 pieces, blush FACE Format (F) 6 g, Art. M220490000 - 1am, blush FACE Frankly Scarlet (M) 6 g, 6 pieces art.M220140000-, blush FACE Frankly Scarlet (M) 6 g, Art. M220140000 - 1am, blush FACE Full Fuchsia 6g, art. M2206L0000 - 6 pieces, blush FOR OBLYCHCHYADLYA pallets Devil 6 g, Art. M0PC5L0000 - 1am, Country of production - CATorhovelna mark - MACVyrobnyk - Estee Lauder Cosmetics LTD CANADA ***** 6.852 303.9671185 View Importer
05/Apr/2017 3304200000 1. Means eye makeup, not containing precursors, not aerosol packaging: GEL Eyebrow STEADY Blonde 1,8 g, Art. EE86010000 - 3pc gel eyebrow STIYKYYBlonde 1.8 g, Art. EE86010000 - 1pc gel eyebrow STEADY Brown 1,8 g art.EE86080000 - 2 pcs gel eyebrow STEADY Brown 1,8 g, Art. EE86080000 - 1am, HELDLYA eyebrows STEADY Espresso 1,8 g, Art. EE86050000 - 4 pieces, eyebrow STIYKYYEspresso GEL 1.8 g, Art. EE86050000 - 2 pcs gel eyebrow STEADY Grey 1,8 g art.EE86030000 - 3pc gel eyebrow STEADY Grey 1,8 g, Art. EE86030000 - 1am, HELDLYA eyebrows STEADY Grey 1,8 g, Art. EE86030000 - 1pc gel eyebrow STIYKYYMahogany 1.8 g, Art. EE86020000 - 5pcs gel eyebrow STEADY Mahogany 1,8 g, Art. EE86020000 - 2 pcs gel eyebrow STEADY Saddle 1,8 g, Art. EE86070000 -3sht gel eyebrow STEADY Saddle 1,8 g, Art. EE86070000 - 1am, GEL BRIVSTIYKYY Taupe 1,8 g, Art. EE86060000 - 1pc gel eyebrow STEADY Taupe 1,8 g, Art. EE86060000 - 1pc gel eyebrow STEADY Wheat 1,8 g, Art. EE86040000 - 1am, eyeshadow resistant cream Ballet Pink 3,5 g, Art. E3XW030000 - 2 pcs, shadows DLYAPOVIK resistant cream Ballet Pink 3,5 g, Art. E3XW030000 - 1am, Eye Cream POVIKSTIYKI Ballet Pink 3,5 g, Art. E3XW030000 - 1am, eyeshadow STIYKIKREMOVI Beach Honey 3,5 g, Art. E3XW140000 - 2 pcs, eyeshadow resistant KREMOVIBone 3.5 g, Art. E3XW010000 - 3pc, eyeshadow resistant cream Bone 3.5 g, Art. E3XW010000 - 3pc, eyeshadow resistant cream Bone 3.5 g, Art. E3XW010000- 1pc, eyeshadow cream resistant Cement 3.5 g, Art. E3XW190000 - 2 pcs, TINIDLYA eyelid cream resistant Cement 3.5 g, Art. E3XW190000 - 1am, Eye Cream POVIKSTIYKI Cement 3.5 g, Art. E3XW190000 - 1am, eyeshadow STIYKIKREMOVI Heather 3.5 g, Art. E3XW300000 - 2 pcs, eyeshadow resistant KREMOVIHeather 3.5 g, Art. E3XW300000 - 2 pcs, eyeshadow sustainable Cream Pink Rose3,5 g, Art. E3XW380000 - 2 pcs, eyeshadow sustainable Cream Pink Rose 3,5 g, Art. E3XW380000 - 1am, eyeshadow resistant cream Sand Dollar 3,5 g art.E3XW150000 - 2 pcs, eyeshadow resistant cream Sand Dollar 3,5 g art.E3XW150000 - 2 pcs, eyeshadow resistant cream Sand Dollar 3,5 g art.E3XW150000 - 1am, eyeshadow resistant cream Sand Dollar 3,5 g art.E3XW150000 - 1am, eyeshadow resistant cream Sandy Gold 3.5 g art.E3XW040000 - 3pc, eyeshadow resistant cream Sandy Gold 3,5 g art.E3XW040000 - 2 pcs, eyeshadow resistant cream Shore 3.5 g, art. E3XW350000 -2sht, eyeshadow resistant cream Shore 3.5 g, Art. E3XW350000 - 2 pcs, shadows DLYAPOVIK sustainable Cream Slate 3.5 g, Art. E3XW250000 - 2 pcs, eyeshadow STIYKIKREMOVI Stone 3.5 g, Art. E3XW240000 - 2 pcs, eyeshadow resistant cream Stone3,5 g, Art. E3XW240000 - 2 pcs, Eyeshadow Cream Suede Rack 3.5 g art.E3XW100000 - 2 pcs, Eyeshadow Cream Suede Rack 3.5 g, Art. E3XW100000 -2sht, eyeshadow resistant cream Velvet Plum 3,5 g, Art. E3XW370000 - 2 pcs, eyeshadow resistant cream Velvet Plum 3,5 g, Art. E3XW370000 - 2 pcs, ink DLYABRIV Auburn 4,2 CANADA ***** 4.718 455.7425207 View Importer
05/Apr/2017 3304100000 1. make-up lips, not containing precursors not in aerosol package: lipstick, lip balm moisturizing BABY TINT TONE 01, 2.4 g, Art. Z4CF010000 -6sht, lipstick, lip balm moisturizing BABY TINT TONE 02, 2.4 g, Art. Z4CF020000- 3pc, lipstick, lip balm moisturizing saturated colors TON 01 testers art.7THM010D90 - 6 pieces, lipstick, lip balm moisturizing saturated colors TON 04 testers art. 7THM040D90 - 6 pieces, lipstick, lip balm moisturizing, BABY TINT TON03, 2.4 g, Art. Z4CF030000 - 12p, lipstick, lip balm moisturizing, BABY TINTTON 03 TESTER 2.4 g, Art. Z4CF030D90 - 6 pieces, lipstick, lip balm, Moisturizing TON 09 3 D, art. 749K090000- 9sht, lipstick, lip balm, Moisturizing TON 10 3 D, art. 749K100000- 12p, lipstick, lip balm, Moisturizing TON 10 moisturizing 3 g art.749K100D90 - 3pc, lipstick, lip balm, Moisturizing TON 12 moisturizing 3 g, Art. 749K120D90 - 3pc, lipstick, lip balm moisturizer, tone 14, 3 H, 6 pcs art.749K140000-, lipstick, lip liner, March 7 TON D, art. 749K070000 - 12p, Country of production - CATorhovelna mark - CliniqueVyrobnyk - Estee Lauder Cosmetics LTD CANADA ***** 1.478 183.6077521 View Importer
05/Apr/2017 3304100000 1. make-up lips, not containing precursors not in aerosol packaging: Lip Balm 15 g STP 15, art. E1FN010000 - 6 pieces, Lip Balm 15 g STP 15, art. E1FN010000 - 3pc, Lip Balm 15 g STP 15, art. E1FN010000 - 3pc, Lip Balm 15 g STP 15, art. E1FN010000 - 1am, Lip Balm 15 g STP 15, art. E1FN010000 - 1am, Lip Balm 15 g STP 15, art. E1FN010000 - 1am, BLYSKDLYA Bare Sparkle Gloss 7 ml, Art. E6X4150000 - 2 pcs, lip gloss Bare Sparkle 7 ml, Art. E6X4150000 - 2 pcs, lip gloss Bellini 7 ml, Art. E6X4140000 - 3pc, lip gloss Bellini 7 ml, Art. E6X4140000 - 2 pcs, lip gloss Bellini 7 ml, Art. E6X4140000 - 2 pcs, lip gloss Bellini 7 ml, Art. E6X4140000 - 1am, BLYSKDLYA lips Bellini 7 ml, Art. E6X4140000 - 1am, Citrus Lip Gloss 7 ml art.E6X4040000 - 3pc, Citrus Lip Gloss 7 ml, Art. E6X4040000 - 2 pcs, shine DLYAHUB Electric Violet 7 ml, Art. E6X4110000 - 2 pcs, lip gloss Electric Violet 7 ml, Art. E6X4110000 - 1pc, Hot Lip Gloss 7 ml, Art. E6X4060000 - 2 pcs, BLYSKDLYA Hot lips 7 ml, Art. E6X4060000 - 1pc, Hot Lip Gloss 7 ml, Art. E6X4060000- 1pc, Hot Lip Gloss 7 ml, Art. E6X4060000- 1pc, Lip Gloss Plum Naked 7 ml, Art. E6X4070000 - 2 pcs, lip gloss NakedPlum 7 ml, Art. E6X4070000 - 2 pcs, Lip Gloss Plum Naked 7 ml, Art. E6X4070000- 1pc, lip gloss Pastel 7 ml, Art. E6X4120000 - 4 pieces, lip gloss Pastel 7 ml, Art. E6X4120000 - 3pc, lip gloss Pastel 7 ml, Art. E6X4120000 - 2 pcs, lip gloss Pastel 7 ml, Art. E6X4120000 - 1am, lip gloss Pastel 7 ml, Art. E6X4120000 - 1am, lip gloss Pink Sequin 7 ml, Art. E6X4130000 - 3pc, lip gloss Pink Sequin 7 ml, Art. E6X4130000 - 2 pcs, lip gloss Pink Tulle7 ml, Art. E6X4020000 - 4 pieces, lip gloss Pink Tulle 7 ml, Art. E6X4020000 -3sht, lip gloss Pink Tulle 7 ml, Art. E6X4020000- 2 pcs, lip gloss Pink Tulle 7 ml, Art. E6X4020000 - 1am, Country of production - CATorhovelna Brand - Bobbi BrownVyrobnyk - Estee Lauder Cosmetics LTD CANADA ***** 1.538 201.5826348 View Importer

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