cUkraine Ltd Imports under HS Code 8421 from China

Ukraine Ltd Imports under HS Code 8421 from China

Lookup Ukraine ltd imports under HS code 8421 from China. Search ltd import data under HS code 8421 from China.

Date HS Code Product Description Origin Country Quantity Net Weight [KGS] Total Value [USD] Importer Name
29/Apr/2017 8421210000 "1. Equipment for water filtration, sand filters filter elementomdlya swimming tank filtration piskomz valve side (flange) SF-1200art. 040 312 - 2 kit, sand filtration tank with side valve (flange) SF-1 400 Art. 040 314 - 7 kit, sand filtration tank with side valve S400-16 "" art. 040 216 - 5 pcs, sand filtration tank with overhead valve T400-16 "" art. 040 116 - 20 pieces, sand filtration tank with side valve S500- 21 "" art. 040 221 - 2 pieces, sand filtration tank with overhead valve T500-21 "" art. 040 121 - 5 pcs, sand filtration tank top with veins ylem T700-28 "" Art. 040 128 - 5 pcs, sand filtration tank with side valve S800-33 "" Art. 040 233 - 2 pieces, sand filtration tank with side valve S900-36 "" Art. 040 236 - 4 pieces , trademarks JAZZI. Country of origin CN. Manufacturer: JAZZY POOL AND SPA PRODUCTS CO., LTD.. " CHINA ***** 1901 15303.05592 View Importer
28/Apr/2017 8421310000 1.Chastyny ​​loader - filters air intake for combustion dvyhunivvnutrishnoho: Air filters, art.29350010501, -10sht, filtrpovitryanyy, art.29350010491, -10sht, air filters, art.4110001592001 / 612600110539, -5sht.Torhivelna Brand: SDLG.Vyrobnyk : SHANDONG LINGONG CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY CO., LTDKrayina production: CN. . CHINA ***** 4.5 379.9205352 View Importer
28/Apr/2017 8421210000 "1.Y-sediment filter with metal mesh for water in heating, district heating and industrial water supply, iron -flantsevyy: art.1GH025-16 / 032 (DN32, PN16) -5sht, art.1GH025-16 / 040 (DN40 , PN16) -6sht, art.1GH025-16 / 050 (DN50, PN16) -10sht, art.1GH025-16 / 065 (DN65, PN16) -5sht, art.1GH025-16 / 080 (DN80, PN16) -20sht , art.1GH025-16 / 125 (DN125, PN16) -4sht-muftovyy brass: art.1TJ18212 1/2 "" -200shtTorhivelna Marco VITECHVyrobnyk - "" Qingdao Evergreat Machinery Co., Ltd "" Country of-CN. " CHINA ***** 497.97 1919.26295 View Importer
28/Apr/2017 8421230090 "1. Spare parts for cars" "Bogdan", "equipment for filtering lubricants or fuel in internal combustion engines, fuel filter art.13240023; kilk.3435 pieces. Filters art.8-97148270-1; kilk.3432 items ., Filters art.A079-202; kilk.1200 pieces. art.A079-304 fuel filter; kilk.2213 sht.Vyrobnyk Wenzhou Nova Filters Co., LtdTorhova mark Wenzhou Nova Filters Country of CN. " CHINA ***** 5621.6 14041.79628 View Importer
28/Apr/2017 8421210000 "1.Filtry for water with a metal mesh prefilter:" "HIDRA" "D = 3/4", "code 40FA4592-120sht; Manufacturer TAIZHOU RIDA VALVE CO LTD; trade mark TAIZHOU RIDA VALVE CO LTD; production Country CN;. " CHINA ***** 26.88 242.1445636 View Importer
27/Apr/2017 8421392000 "1.Chastyny ​​to exhaust domestic cabinets: -Filter charcoal WH (1pc) / Charcoal filters WH (-1 per pack pcs.) -3,800 pieces, Brand -" "PYRAMIDA" "; Producer -" "QINGDAO XINGBANG ELECTRONIC APPLIANCES CO ., LTD ""; Country of origin - "" CN "".. " CHINA ***** 905 3495.999981 View Importer
27/Apr/2017 8421230090 1. Spare parts for trucks, filtering equipmentfor fuel or oil combustion in dvyhunahvnutrishnoho: art. 01-02-00-1024 FUEL FILTER (separators) VO.FH12 / SC.4 kpl z podgrzew. = 1 sht.Torhovelna mark FONHOVyrobnyk Zhejiang FONHO Automotive Co., LtdKrayina production of CN. CHINA ***** 1.5 31.25630433 View Importer
27/Apr/2017 8421290000 1.Chastyny ​​loader-region adnannya dlyafiltruvannya hidravlichnoyirid yny oil and PPC: Hydraulic Filter, art .28110002321 -3sht, Filtrpryvodu, art. 28020005531 -4sht, filter drive art.2935 0,010,501 -50sht, Filtrnasosu Hydraulic art.4120001954001 -50sht, hydraulic pump filter, art.4110001952007 -20sht, Phi ltr Hydraulic art.29350010491 -50sht, hydraulic pump filter, art. 29100004 061 -70sht, Filter nasosuhidravlichnyy, art .4110001948041 -100sht, hydraulic pump filter, art.4120004037 -3sht, Filter osuhidravlichnyy us, art.4110002247100, -20sht, hydraulic pump filter, art.4110000909074 -32sht, hydraulic filter pump, and rt.4110000909074 -28sht, Filter nasosuhid ravlichnyy, art.29100001051 -20sht, Mr. asosuhidravlichnyy filter, art.4120004037001 -10 units, hydraulic pump filter, art.4110000507007 -100sht.Torhivelna brand: SDLG.Vyrobnyk: SHANDONG LINGONG CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY CO. , LTDKrayina production: CN. . CHINA ***** 324.3 6711.434887 View Importer
27/Apr/2017 8421230090 1..Obladnannya filtering lubricants or fuel in diesel engines frontalnyhnavantazhuvachiv: Oil Filter art.41100 00054305 -306sht, MaslyanyyFiltr, art.4110 000054305 -144sht, oil filters, art.411 0000076368-20sht, fuel filter, art.720 0002385 -72sht, fuel filter, art.720000 2385-36sht, fuel filter, art.41100005 89,001 -350sht, fuel filter, art.7200002385, -342sht, fuel filter, art.41100005 89,001 -100sht.Torhivelna brand: SDLG.Vyrobnyk: SHANDONG LINGONG CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY CO., LTDKrayina production: CN. . CHINA ***** 595 4736.516504 View Importer
27/Apr/2017 8421310000 1.Chastyny ​​loader - filters air intake for combustion dvyhunivvnutrishnoho: art.4110000991027 -96sht Air Filter, Air Filter, art.4110000991027 -96sht, Air Phil tr, art.4110000991027 -28sht, PovitryanyyF iltr, art.4110001592001 -12sht, Air Filter art.4110001592001-4sht, air filters, art.4110001592001 -4sht, PovitryanyyFiltr, art.4110000589016 -24sht, air and filter art.4110000589016-4sht, airy second filter art.4110000589016 -64sht air filter yanyy, art .4110000589016 -64sht, Stand itryanyy filter art.4110000589016, -64sht.Torhivelna brand: SDLG.Vyrobnyk: SHANDONG LINGONG CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY CO., manufacture LTDKrayina ers: CN. . CHINA ***** 2640 9951.999851 View Importer
27/Apr/2017 8421230090 1.Filtry udvyhunah fuel filters for internal combustion dlyaremontu tractors and s / g technology: 240-1105010 treatment Fyltrhruboy -162 sht.Krayina production CNTorhovelna mark ANSHAN ANZAVyrobnyk ANSHAN ANZA ELECTRONIC POWER CO., LTD. CHINA ***** 194.4 739.8627907 View Importer
26/Apr/2017 8421310000 "1.Filtry air intake for the engine of internal combustion: Air filters ADN12285 - 1am; ADT32290 - 2 pcs; ADH22284 - 6 pieces; ADT322119 - 40sht; ADS72207 - 4 pieces; ADT32294 - 5pcs; ADT322111 - 4 pieces; ADT32290 - 6 pieces; ADK82245 - 4 pieces; ADN12237 - 3pc; ADV182205 - 2 pcs; ADC42250 - 30sht; ADC42249 - 20pcs; ADC42250 - 30sht; ADC42249 - 10pc; ADT322106 - 20pcs; ADT32297 - 10pc; ADT322116 - 5pcs; ADS72207 - 4 pieces; ADT32290 - 3pc; ADT32258 - 4 pieces; ADH22266 - 1pc; ADH22258 - 4 pieces; ADC42247 - 2 pcs; ADG02291 - 4 pieces; ADN12249 - 2 pcs; ADK82242 - 3pc; ADG02224 - 3pc; ADN12277 - 2 pcs; ADL142211 - 1am; ADT32297 - 10pc; ADC42238 - 10pc; ADT322106 - 10pc; ADC42259 - 5pcs; ADG02293 - 4 pieces; ADT32297 - 10pc; ADC42250 - 10pc; ADK82240 - 4 pieces; ADM52265 - 1am, Fuel filters ADN12315 - 1am; ADM52342 - 10pc; trademark: Blue PrintVyrobnyk: Ferd inand Bilstein UK Ltd.Krayina production: CN. " CHINA ***** 143.254 1270.826956 View Importer
26/Apr/2017 8421392000 "1.Obladnannya filtering or cleaning Air FILTER cabin ADT32549 - 2 pcs; FILTER cabin ADV182512 - 3pc; ADV182521 - 2 pcs; ADV182513 - 3pc; ADV182522 - 2 pcs; ADG02587 - 2 pcs; ADN12523 - 2 pcs; ADC42511 - 10pc; ADK82504 - 4 pieces; ADG02563 - 2 pcs; ADH22505 - 3pc; ADT32542 - 6 pieces; ADT32543 - 30sht; ADG02533 - 20pcs; ADH22507 - 8 pieces; FILTER cabin (2 pieces in a computer) ADG02520 - 6komp, FILTER cabin ADG02578 - 2 pcs; ADS72503 - 4 pieces; ADC42507 - 20pcs; ADG02578 - 2 pcs; FILTER cabin (2 pieces in a computer) ADM52508 - 2komp, FILTER cabin ADV182511 - 3pc, ADN12530 - 2 pcs; ADT32526 - 30sht; ADC42507 - 10pc; ADH22507 - 10pc; ADG02508 - 4 pieces; FILTER cabin (2 pieces in a computer) ADG02520 - 4komp , FILTER cabin ADG02555 - 2 pcs; ADT32536 - 2 pcs; ADN12523 - 4 pieces; ADN12506 - 10pc; ADN12526 - 6sh ; ADT32504 - 5pcs; ADN12527 - 1am, FILTER cabin (2 pieces in a computer) ADP152506 - 2komp; ADP152506 - 1komp, FILTER cabin ADN12539 - 1am; ADN12539 - 1am, trademark: Blue PrintVyrobnyk: Ferdinand Bilstein UK Ltd.Krayina production: CN. " CHINA ***** 48.068 795.6471038 View Importer
26/Apr/2017 8421230090 "1.Obladnannya filtering lubricants or fuel in internal combustion engines: Fuel filters ADT32395 - 14sht; ADH22344 - 10pc; ADH22348 - 2 pcs; ADH22345 - 2 pcs; ADH22335C - 2 pcs; ADH22348 - 1am; ADS72311 - 2 pcs; ADS72312 - 6 pieces; ADS72311 - 2 pcs; ADS72311 - 4 pieces; ADG02382 - 4 pieces; ADH22343 - 2 pcs; ADG02382 - 5pcs, Filters ADT32112 - 5pcs; ADG02143 - 2 pcs; ADH22114 - 5pcs; ADT32115 - 3pc; ADT32111 - 15sht; ADH22114 - 10pc; ADN12110 - 5pcs, Fuel filters ADT32380 - 6 pieces; ADC42351 - 3pc; ADT32380 - 14sht; ADG02388 - 2 pcs; ADT32389 - 6 pieces; ADT32373 - 1am; ADT32357 - 2 pcs; ADT32357 - 1am; ADT32360 - 2 pcs; ADT32389 - 6 pieces; ADA102324 - 1am; ADM52333 - 7sht; ADM52349 - 4 pieces; ADM52349 - 2 pcs; ADG02386 - 6 pieces; ADT32396 - 3pc; ADC42369 - 5pcs, trademark: Blue PrintVyrobnyk: Ferdinand Bilstein UK Ltd .Krayina production: CN. " CHINA ***** 67.735 1253.332854 View Importer
26/Apr/2017 8421230090 "1.Zapasni car parts: filters for fuel and lubricants for internal combustion engines fitted body (frame) with kombinovanyhmaterialiv depending on the modification (metal, plastic, rubber) -29sht. (12.04kh). Type: WF8209, WF8107, WF8232, WF8445, 58843, 58934. The trade mark "" WIX Filters "". brand "" Dongguan Hengyi Filter Co., Ltd "". " CHINA ***** 12.04 229.2204306 View Importer

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