cUkraine Ma 100 Imports under HS Code 8209 from Sweden
Lookup Ukraine ma 100 imports under HS code 8209 from Sweden. Search ma 100 import data under HS code 8209 from Sweden.
Date | HS Code | Product Description | Origin Country | Quantity | Net Weight [KGS] | Total Value [USD] | Importer Name |
27/Apr/2017 | 8209002000 | 1.Plastyny carbide variables working- choyu part of the metal-to-turner-cutters are TNMA 16 April 04 3225 -10sht.-KR-09 CCMT T3-04 KF-3225 -1sht. CCMT 2 June 4315 08-PM -10sht. -N123T3-0318-0000-GS-CCMT -2sht. 1125 09 04 T3-PF -1sht. 4325-R245-12 T3 M-PM 4240 -10sht.-N123M1-1000-0008-GM-CCMT 4325 -10sht. 12 4 April 4325 -20sht.-PM-CCMT 12 April 4315 04-PF -40sht.-266RG-16VW01A001M 1135 -20sht.-266LL-16VM01A002M 1125 -20sht.-266RG-16VM01A001M 1125 -10sht.-266RL-16VM01A001M 1125 -10sht .-DCMT 07 8 February 4325 -20sht.-PM-R390-11 T3 08M-PL 1025 -10sht.-266RL-16MM01A100M 1125 -3sht.-390R-2 July 1130 04M-PM-DNMG -10sht. 11 April 04- PM 4325 -20sht.-R390-11 T3 08M-PL 1130 -30sht.-R390-11 T3 08M-PL 1130 -10sht.-266RL-16MM01A100M -2sht.-SNMG 1125 12 April 4325 12-PR-VBMT -560sht. 16 April 1125 08-MF-341.G.580-127 -140sht. 4030 -120sht.-DCMT 11 T3 12-PM-4325 -60sht. 341.G.580-119 4030 -60sht.-SNMG 12 April 08- PR 4325 -30sht.-WNMG 4 August 4325 08-PM-DCMT -30sht. 11 T3 04-MM-WNMG 2035 -2sht. 4 August 2220 08-MM-DCMT -2sht. 7 February 1125 04-MF-L123G -10sht. 2 -0300-0502-CM-1145 -10sht. WNMG 4 August 2035 12-MR-880-04 03 -2sht. W07H-P-MS -5sht. 2044-R390-11 T3 08M-PL-1130 -10sht. CNMG 12 8 April 1125 -10sht.-MM-N123U3-0100-0000-CS-TCMT -10sht. 1125 11 February 2015 04-UM-CCMT -5sht. 09 T3 04-MF-2015 -10sht. CCMT 09 04 T3 4325-PM -10sht.-CNMG 12 April 08-PM-4325 -10sht. 880-04 03 W07H-P-LM-4324 -1sht. SNMG 12 April 1125 08-MM--10sht. CCMT 09 T3 08-PM -10sht 4325. -880-05 03 05H-C-GM 1044 -5sht.-N123J2-0500-0008-TM-SPEX 1125 -20sht. March 12 ED R-1 HM-VNMG -20sht. 16 April 4325 12-PM -50sht.- N123J2-0600-RM 1125 -20sht.-N123J2-0500-0004-TM-RNMG -20sht. 1125 3 September 4325 00 -10sht.-R166.39G-24RD03-100 4125 -90sht.-R166.39L-24RD04-100 -90sht.-SNMM 4125 25 July 4325 24-QR -100sht.-RG123H1-0300-0002-GS 1115 -10sht.-LG123H1-0300-0002-GS-1115 -10sht. TNMG 16 April 2035 04R-K -10sht. -DNMG 15 June 2025 08-MM-SNMG -20sht. 12 April 2025 08-MM -20sht.-N123H2-0400-0004-TF 2135 -10sht.-R245-12 T3 K-MM-VBMT -20sht. 2030 16 April 2025 08-MM -20sht.-R390-11 T3 08M -MM 1040 -20sht.-266RL-16WH01A110M 1125 -10sht.-DCMT 07 2 April 2025 -10sht.-MM-R245-12 T3 K-MM-DNMG -20sht. 2040 11 April 1125 04-MF-R390 -10sht. -11 T3 12E-MM-CNMG -10sht. 2030 12 April 2025 08-MM -20sht.Torhovelna brand: SANDVIKKrayina production: SEVyrobnyk: SANDVIK COROMANT | SWEDEN | ***** | 22.852 | 14946.54005 | View Importer |
26/Apr/2017 | 8209002000 | "1.Plastyny removable tool, not stanovleni them with metal ceramics, industrial, variable plate XNEX040308TR-M08, F40M, artykul02766022-20sht; removable plate XNEX040308TR-M08, F40M, 02766022-3sht article, removable plate XNEX040308TR-M08 , F40M, 02766022-8sht article; zminniXNEX040308TR plate-M08, F40M, 02766022-6sht article; zminniSSMT060204 plate-F1, TH1000, 02825858-10sht article; zminniXNEX040308TR plate-M08, F40M, 02766022-13sht article; zminniXNEX040308TR plate-M08, F40M , article 02766022-4sht; zminniXNEX040308TR plate-M08, F40M, 02766022-10sht article; zminniXNEX040308TR plate-M08, F40M, 02766022-2sht article; zminniXNEX040308TR plate-M08, F40M, and rtykul 02766022-10sht; zminniXNEX040308TR plate-M08, F40M, 02766022-5sht article; zminniLPHW060310TR plate-D06, MH1000, 02789566-10sht article; zminniXOMX090308TR plate-M08, F40M, 00005762-10sht article; zminniMM10-10010 plate-B90S-E04, F30M, 74069356-6sht article; zminniSPGX0703 plate-C1, T400D, article 74 077372-2sht, lining plate GX16-99, artykul74025022-2sht; plate lining VNMG160404-FF2, CP500, 02787054-10sht article, removable plate SSMT09T302-MF2, CP500, 02754807-20sht article; zminniDNMG150404 plate-M3, TP2501, 02959937-10sht article; zminniCNMG120404 plate-MF1, CP500, 00096863-5sht article; zminniDNMG150608 plate-M6, TP1501, 02959891-2sht article; removable plate VBMT110308-F1, CP500, 02620532-20sht article; removable plate DNMG150604-MF1, TH1000, artykul02730817-10sht; removable plate VBMT160404-M3, TP2501, 02960917-90sht article, removable plate VBMT160408-M3, TP2501, 02960918-100sht article; zminniVBMT160412 plate-M3, TP2501, 02960914-100sht article; zminniDNMG150408 plate-MF5, TP1501, 02960714-20sht article; zminniCNMG120408 plate-M5, TP2501, 02960485-50sht article; zminniCNMG120412 plate-M5, TP2501, 02960488-50sht article; zminniSSMT060204 plate-F1, TH1000, 02825858-10sht article; zminniSSMT060208 plate-MF2, CP500, 02754802-10sht article; removable plate SPGX0602-C1, T400D, 74077371-2sht article; removable plate SCGX060204-P1, DP3000, artykul02807362-2sht; removable plate WNMG080408-M3, TP2501, 02959933-2sht article, removable plate CNMG120404-MF1, TH1000, 02730806-5sht article; zminniLCGN1303M00300S01025LF plate, CBN010, 02937687-2sht article; zminniDCMT11T304 plate-F1, CP500, 00096871-1sht article; removable plate 22ERN60, CP500, 00068403-2sht article; removable plate 22ERN60, CP500, 00068403-1sht article, removable plate SSMT09T304-F1, TH1000, 02731806-5sht article; zminniVBMT160404 plate-F1, TH1000, article 02825907-5sht, Country of origin - SETorhovelna mark - SecoVyrobnyk - Seco Tools " | SWEDEN | ***** | 4.431 | 3529.936281 | View Importer |
21/Apr/2017 | 8209002000 | "1.Plastyny removable tool, not stanovleni them with metal ceramics, industrial, variable plate SCMT09T304-F1, CP500, artykul00099707-10sht; removable plate RPKT2006M0T-M20, MP2500, 02652253-200sht article, removable plate XNEX080612TR-M13 , MP2500, 02719287-150sht article; zminniAPMX160408TR plate-M14, MP2500, 02566511-20sht article; zminniXOMX180608TR plate-M14, MP2500, 02566687-20sht article; zminniSONX120508TR plate-ME08, F40M, 00094815-10sht article, lining plate GX16-2, 74025018-2sht article, removable plate XOMX060204R-M05, F40M, artykul00035416-60sht; removable plate XOMX060204R-M05, MP3000, 02656119-10sht article, removable plate DCMT11T304-F2, TP40, AR tykul 74018660-5sht; zminniDNMG150404 plate-M3, TP2501, 02959937-10sht article; zminniCNMG160612 plate-MR7, TP2501, 02960469-20sht article, plates zminni218.21-230TR-06-M15, MS2050, 02949691-20sht article, plates zminniXNEX080608R- M08, MS2050, article 02899465-40sht; zminniXOMX10T308TR plate-ME07, MP2050, art ykul 03113829-2sht; plate zminni16ER2.0ISO-A, CP500, 02444883-2sht article; removable plate 16ER2.5ISO-A, CP500, 02444884-2sht article; removable plate 16NR2.0TR, CP500, 00026586-4sht article, removable plate SSMT060202-F1, TP1020, 02754786-10sht article; zminniSSMT09T302 plate-F1, TP1030, 02754806-10sht article; zminniLOHT060310TR plate-ME06, T350M, 02828513-10sht article; plate lining GX16-1, 74025017-6sht article; plate lining NX22-1, 74025032-6sht article; plastynyzminni DCMT070202-F1, TS2000, 02615879-10sht article; zminniDCMT070204 plate-F1, TS2000, 02615880-10sht article; removable plate SPGX0703-C1, T400D, 74077372-2sht article; removable plate LOEX080408TR-M08, MS2050, artykul02955705-20sht; removable plate DNMG150612-M5, TP1501, article 02960563-100sht, Country of origin - SETorhovelna mark - SecoVyrobnyk - Seco Tools " | SWEDEN | ***** | 8.952 | 4731.840216 | View Importer |
14/Apr/2017 | 8209002000 | 1.Plastyny carbide variables working- choyu part of the metal-to-turner-cutters are RCMX 16 June 4315 00 -2sht. SNMM 12-April 12 -4sht. 4315-PR-266RG-16VM01A002M 1125 -10sht. DCMT 07-April 2 -KF 3225 -5sht.-490R-140408M-PM -50sht. 4230-R245-12 T3 M-PM 4230 -20sht.-N123J2-0500-0004-CR-3115 -5sht. TNMG 33-HM 24 September 2025 -1sht .-266RG-22VM01A001M 1020 -10sht.-266RG-16MM01A200M 1125 -4sht.-266RL-16MM01A200M 1125 -3sht.-266RG-16WH01A140M 1125 -3sht.-266RG-22V401A0503E 1125 -10sht.-266RG-22V381A0403E 1125 -10sht.- DCMT11 T3 12-PM-SNMM -10sht. 4325 12 April 4325 12-PR -4sht.-R166.39L-24RD04-100 -40sht.-TCMT 4125 11 March 2025 04-MM-N123J2-0500-0002- -2sht. CM 1125 -10sht.-266RG-16VM01A002M -20sht. 1125-R390-11 T3 08M-PL -60sht. 1025-QD-NG-0300-0002-CM 4325 -5sht.-266LG-16VM01A002M 1125 -20sht. 08-WNMG 8 April 2220 -1sht.-MM-DCMT 07 2 April 2025 -1sht.-MM-495-09 T3 M-PM 1130 -5sht.-N123F2-0250-0002-CM 2135 -1 0sht.-390R-2 July 1130 04M-PM -10sht.-L123G2-0300-0502-CM-1145 -10sht. DCMT 11 T3 04-KF H13A -20sht.Torhovelna Brand: SANDVIKKrayin and production: SEVyrobnyk: SANDVIK COROMANT | SWEDEN | ***** | 2.604 | 3297.130022 | View Importer |
12/Apr/2017 | 8209002000 | "1.Plastyny removable tool, not stanovleni them with metal ceramics, industrial, variable plate XNEX080612TR-M13, MP2500, artykul02719287-7sht; removable plate XNEX080612TR-MD15, MP2500, 02719295-1sht article, removable plate XNEX080612TR-ME09 , MM4500, 02743973-1sht article; zminniXNEX080612TR plate-MD15, MP1500, 02719294-4sht article, removable plate 27ER6.0TR, CP500, 00077337-1sht article, removable plate DCMT070208-F1, CP500, artykul02430350-10sht; removable plate CNMG120408-M6 , TP2501, 02959848-50sht article, removable plate SCGX120408-P2, DP2000, 02590858-5sht article; zminniCNMG120412 plate-MF5, TH1000, 02730816-3sht article; zminniSSMT060204 plate-F1, TH1000, and rtykul 02825858-3sht; zminniXOMX060204R plate-M05, F40M, 00035416-7sht article; zminniROHT10T3M0 plate-M09, MS2500, 02732535-50sht article, plates zminni150.10-3N-12, CP500, 02743128-20sht article, removable plate 22NR5.0TR , CP500, 00072791-4sht article, removable plate 22NR5.0TR, CP500, 00072791-1sht article, layers of variable us LCMF160604-0600-FT, CP500, 00091351-5sht article; zminniSPGX0703 plate-C1, T400D, 74077372-2sht article; removable plate RDHW06T1M0-MD02, MP3000, 02656034-30sht article; plate variable PAD-L20R25, 02727125-20sht article, removable plate XNEX080608TR-ME09, F40M, 02623226-10sht article; zminniXNEX080608ZZR plate-M11, F40M, 02788631-1sht article; zminniSCGX09T308 plate-P2, DP2000, 02590857-2sht article; zminniXOMX10T308TR plate-ME07, T350M, 02768560-20sht article; zminniSSMT09T304 plate-F1, TH1000, 02731806-10sht article; zminniAPMX160408TR plate-M14, MP2500, 02566511-500sht article; zminniRPKT2006M0T plate-M20, MP2500, 02652253-800sht article; zminni335.18-1606T plate-M12, MP2500, 02566500-80sht article; zminni335.18-1005T plate-M10, MP2500, 02566498-70sht article; zminni335.19-1205T plate-MD09, MP2500, 02600375-70sht article; zminniXOMX10T308TR plate-M09, MP2500, 02768592-80sht article; zminniSEAN1203ZZTN plate-MD15, MP1500, 02598775-10sht article; zminniRDHW10T3M0T plate-MD06, F40M, 00004816-30sht article; zminni335.19-1203T plate-MD09, F40M, 02680140-30sht article; zminniSNHQ120531EL2 plate-M07, F40M, 02509346-5sht article; zminniSNHQ120531ER2 plate-M07, F40M, 02509345-5sht article; zminniXOMX120408TR plate-ME08, MP2500, 02566670-20sht article; zminniXOMX120408TR plate-ME08, F40M, 00005973-20sht article; zminniLOHT060310TR plate-ME06, MS2050, 02952606-20sht article; zminniCNMG120404 plate-MF1, TH1000, 02730806-20sht article; zminniCNMG120408 plate-MF5, TH1000, 02730814-20sht article; zminniDNMG150608 plate-MF5, TH1000, article 02730821-1sht, Country of origin - SETorhovelna mark - SecoVyrobnyk - Seco Tools " | SWEDEN | ***** | 25.82 | 12531.4555 | View Importer |
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