cUkraine Ma 100 Imports under HS Code 87 from Poland
Lookup Ukraine ma 100 imports under HS code 87 from Poland. Search ma 100 import data under HS code 87 from Poland.
Date | HS Code | Product Description | Origin Country | Quantity | Net Weight [KGS] | Total Value [USD] | Importer Name |
28/Apr/2017 | 8708309998 | "1.Two-way valve / valve with two main lines Purpose - for pneumatic system of the vehicle performs funktsyiyu pressure control Compressed air pneumatic art.434 208 050 0 - 1 pc; Foot brake valve / brake valve Purpose - for pneumatic system of the vehicle; funktsyiyu creation takes compressed air pressure in the brake system art.461 318 009 0 - 1 pc; charging valve -Q / charger valve single purpose - for pneumatic system of the vehicle performs funktsyiyu maintain the pressure in the pneumatic art.434 100 125 0 - 1 pc ; Relay v alve / valve pryskoryuchyy purpose - for pneumatic system of the vehicle performs acceleration funktsyiyu supply of compressed air in the chamber halmini art.973 011 203 0 - 1 pc; Single chamber air dryer / dehumidifier filter air brake system Purpose - for pneumatic system of the vehicle; funktsyiyu performs allocation condensate from compressed air art.432 410 104 0 - 1 pc; pressure limiting valve / pressure limiting valve Purpose - for pneumatic system of the vehicle performs funktsyiyu prevention of pneumatic perevan tazhennya overpressure art.475 010 311 0 - 1 pc; Automatic drain valve / drain valve for automatic condensate purpose - for pneumatic system of the vehicle performs funktsyiyu clean compressed air moisture and oil art.934 301 005 0 - 1 pc; Solenoid valve / Purpose Solenoid valve - for pneumatic system of the vehicle performs funktsyiyu pressure control compressed air brake system art.472 880 060 0 - 1 pc; Double check valve / valve with two main lines Purpose - for pneumatic system of the vehicle performs funktsyiyu control the pressure of compressed air in pneumatic art.434 208 029 0 - 2 pcs; 3/2 solenoid valve / 3/2 solenoid valve Purpose - for pneumatic system of the vehicle performs funktsyiyu pressure control Compressed air pneumatic art.472 170,606 0 - 1 pc; Quadruple protection valve / safety valve chetyrohkonturnyy purpose - for pneumatic system of the vehicle performs funktsyiyu division compressed air coming from the compressor, two major and one extra circuits: automatic shutdown of one of the ontur in violation of its tightness and preservation of compressed air tight contours art.934 714 110 0 - 1 pc; Relay valve / valve pryskoryuchyy purpose - for pneumatic system of the vehicle performs acceleration funktsyiyu supply of compressed air in the chamber halmini art.973 011,000 0 - 1 pc; 3/2 way valve / 3/2 way valve Purpose - for pneumatic system of the vehicle performs funktsyiyu perenapralennya flow of compressed air art.463 036 024 0 - 1 pc; 3/2 solenoid valve / 3/2 solenoid valve Purpose - for pneumatic brake systems We vehicle; funktsyiyu performs pressure regulation century " | POLAND | ***** | 17.332 | 870.4702526 | View Importer |
28/Apr/2017 | 8703211000 | "1.Transportnyy dvyhunomvnutrishnoho means of combustion (with iskrovymzapalyuvannyam) Motovsyudyhid SPORTSMANXP Touring 1000 EPS Black Pearl Tractor [T3b] -1sht, Brand: SPORTSMAN XP Touring 1000 EPSBlack Pearl Tractor [T3b]; Model: A17SYS95CK; Chassis Number: TAPSYS953HJ018415; Identification nom., TAPSYS953HJ018415, engine Type: gasoline, engine number: 0120548401350; engine volume, cm3: 952; number of beds: 2; calendar year: 2017, model year: 2017; Purpose: leisure (off road public) brand Polaris Industries Inc .; trade mark Polaris, Country of PL. " | POLAND | 1 | 403 | 8696.203933 | View Importer |
28/Apr/2017 | 8703211000 | "1.Transport vehicle with internal combustion engine (with spark ignition); Multipurpose SPORTSMANXP Touring 1000 EPS; Black Pearl Tractor [T3b] -1; Mark: SPORTSMAN XP Touring 1000; EPSBlack Pearl Tractor [T3b]; Model: A17SYS95CK; Chassis Number: TAPSYS956HJ018411; Identification No.: TAPSYS956HJ018411; Engine Type: Gasoline Engine Number: 0120548401410; Engine Capacity, cm3: 952; Number of Seats: 2; Calendar Year of Manufacture: 2017; Model Year of Manufacturing: 2017; Purpose: For Active Rest (Not For Roads) General use); Polaris Industries Inc.; Polaris; Country of Production PL. " | POLAND | 1 | 403 | 8696.203933 | View Importer |
28/Apr/2017 | 8703211000 | "1.Transport vehicle with internal combustion engine (spark ignition), RZR 64" XP1000 EPS Matte Titanium EU-1; Type: RZR 64 "XP 1000 EPS Matte TitaniumEU; Model: Z17VDE99FM; Chassis number: TAPVDE995HK002286; Identification Nom. : TAPVDE995HK002286; Engine type: Gasoline; Engine number: 0120549200535; Engine volume, cm3: 999; Number of seats: 2; Calendar year of manufacture: 2017; Model year of manufacture: 2017; Purpose: for active recreation (not for public roads) ; Polaris Industries Inc.; Polaris; Country of Production PL. " | POLAND | 1 | 621 | 12949.77868 | View Importer |
28/Apr/2017 | 8703211000 | "1.Transportnyy dvyhunomvnutrishnoho means of combustion (with iskrovymzapalyuvannyam) Motovsyudyhid SCRAMBLER 1000 EPS Titanium Matte Metallic EU-1pc, Brand: SCRAMBLER 1000 EPS Titanium MatteMetallic EU; Model: A17SVE95FM; Nomershasi: TAPSVE956HJ018306; Identyfikatsiynyynom.: TAPSVE956HJ018306; Typdvyhuna: petrol; engine number: 0120548401596; engine volume, cm3: 952; number of beds: 2; calendar year: 2017, model year: 2017; Purpose: leisure (non-public roads) Brand Polaris Industries Inc .; Trade mark Polaris; Country of PL. " | POLAND | 1 | 338 | 8575.722391 | View Importer |
26/Apr/2017 | 8708309998 | 1. Spare parts for cars: brake parts, brake mount cheeks (t-install brake cheeks), Art.: 4199 1002 00 - 6 sht.Torhovelna mark SAFVyrobnyk SAF-production HOLLANDKrayina PL. | POLAND | ***** | 1.68 | 19.11171563 | View Importer |
24/Apr/2017 | 8716398000 | "1.Karton waste paper multi-layer, coated on one side with kaolin, unbleached, non-profiled, non-perforated, uncalendered, without drawing and printing, urlons .Art 44103-0210 / LIN / MM Liner.Min Liner cardboard (density210g / m2): - width A roll of 640mm-4147kg; -the width of the roll is 700mm-5953kg; -the width of the roll is 1000mm-5318kg; -the width of the roll is 1050mm-4945kg. The content of fibers obtained by mechanical means-100% of secondary waste (waste paper) .It is intended for the manufacture of packaging and forother graphic purposes. : Kolicevo Karton doo Trademark: MM KARTON. Production area: SI. " | POLAND | 1 | 6000 | 7029.999873 | View Importer |
24/Apr/2017 | 8708939098 | "1.Chastyny used in excavators, rotary switches for 24V voltage, engine speed regulator art. 2552-1004 (300661-00004A) -1sht., Manufacturer:" "Doosan" "; trademark:" "Doosan" "; Country of origin: KR;. " | POLAND | ***** | 39.7 | 5831.345262 | View Importer |
21/Apr/2017 | 8708999798 | 1.Zapasni parts for cars: maslonka finger pivot, art.: STR-M10X1 - 100 shtTorhovelna brand S-TRVyrobnyk INTER CARS SAKrayina production PL. | POLAND | ***** | 0.6 | 4.364790461 | View Importer |
19/Apr/2017 | 8708999798 | "1.Zapasni parts for tractors, parts and equipment of motor vehicles, parts suspension: -72-2203010B1 shaft gear element-100sht.Torhovelna mark -" "AGROTEX PARCZEW" "Brand -" "AGROTEX PARCZEW" "Country of origin - PL. " | POLAND | ***** | 450 | 1487.167852 | View Importer |
19/Apr/2017 | 8708299000 | "1. Details of the outside of the body of the body - 98 pcs. Arth.: KH2515 535 / Wing arch / - 1 pc .; Art.: KH2515 536 / Wing arch / - 1 pc .; Art.: KH2515 603 / Wing arch / - 1 pc Art .: KH6049 582 / Wing arches / - 1 pc .; Art.: KH8114 581 / Wing arches / - 1 pc .; Art.: KH9557 531 / Wing / - 1 pc .; Art.: KH9539 012 / Thresholds / - 5 pc. ; Art .: KH9558 531 / wing / - 1 piece; Art .: 1U0821105T EC / Wing / - 1 piece; Art.: KH1617 313 / Wing / - 1 pc .; Art.: KH5076 312 / Wing / - 1 pc; Art .: KH9522 311 / Wing / - 3 pcs .; Art.: KH9522 312 / Wing / - 1 pc .; Art.: KH9542 311 / Wing / - 1 pc .; Art.: KH9522 311 / Wing / - 1 pc .; Art .: COV 146/92 / pad / - 1 pc .; Art .: COV XF0 / 241 / pad / - 1 pc .; Art .: KH5051 200 / front panel / - 1 pc .; Art.: KH9534 9911 EC / Grille / - 1 pc ; Art .: KH2564 9900 EC / Grating / - 1 pc .; Art .: 6Y0823302A / Part of the bonnet / - 1 piece; Art .: KH9735 R520 / wing part / - 1 pc .; Art.: KH9735 R515 / Wing part / - 5 pc .; Art .: 6Y0823301A / Hood part / - 1 pc .; Art .: KH0011 1005 / part door / - 3 pieces; Art .: KHR C60639 / Pad / - 2 pcs .; Art.: KHR 45168 / Pad / - 1 pc .; Art.: KHR 45168 / Adapter / - 1 pc .; Art .: 1Z0809957T / wing part / - 1 piece; Art .: 1Z0809957T / wing part / - 1 piece; Art .: KH0014 388 / wing part / - 1 piece; Art .: KH0016 387 / part of the wing / - 1 piece; Art .: KH0061 393 / part of the wing / - 1 piece; Art.: KH0061 394 / wing part / - 1 pc .; Art.: KH0551 385 / wing part / - 1 pc .; Art.: KH2024 387 / wing part / - 1 pc .; Art .: KH2036 388 / part of the wing / - 1 piece;Art .: KH2042 390 / part of the wing / - 2 pcs; Art .: KH2532 385 / wing part / - 1 piece; Art .: KH2534 388 / part of the wings / - 2 pcs; Art .: KH3513 385 / part of the wing / - 1 piece; Art.: KH3526 548 / part of the wing / - 1 pc .; Art.: KH5051 388 / wing part / - 1 piece; Art.: KH5550 387 / wing part / - 1 pc .; Art.: KH5550 388 / wing part / - 1 pc .; Art .: KH6011 547 / part of the wing / - 1 piece; Art .: KH6062 385 / wing part / - 5 pcs; Art .: KH6062 387 / part of the wing / - 2 pcs; Art .: KH9522 548 / wing part / - 2 pcs; Art.: KH9537 547 / Wing part / - 1 pc .; Art .: KH9539 386 / wing part / - 1 pc; Art .: KH9539 386 / wing part / - 1 pc;Art .: KH9571 387 / part of the wing / - 1 piece; Art.: KH6043 388 / part of the wing / - 1 pc .; Art .: 1Z0809958T / part of the wings / - 1 piece; Art .: KH0014 386 / wing part / - 1 piece; Art .: KH0017 388 / part of the wing / - 1 piece; Art.: KH0035 387 / Wing part / - 1 pc .; Art.: KH0550 388 / part of the wings / - 1 pc .; Art.: KH0550 388 / part of the wing / - 1 piece; Art.: KH2036 387 / Wing part / - 1 pc .; Art.: KH2530 545 / part of the wing / - 1 pc .; Art.: KH3158 388 / wing part / - 1 pc .; Art .: KH9522 548 / part of the wings / - 1 piece; Art.: KH9571 388 / Wing part / - 1 pc .; Art.: KH9571 388 / Wing part / - 1 pc .; Art .: 000000081 / part of the wing / - 1 piece; Art .: 000000084 / part of the wing / - 1 pc .; Art .: 000000093 / part of the wings / - 1 pc .;Art .: KHR C10118 / pad / - 1 pc .; Art.: 000000062 Q / part of the wings / - 1 pc .;Art .: AGL 5426ASMV / molding / - 2 pcs;Art .: 000000524 / wing arch / - 1 pc; Art .: 1Z0821111 / part door / - 1 pc .; Art .: 5J1819403A / hood / - 1 pc; Art.: 3U0853516B / molding / - 1 pc .;KLOKKERHOLM trademark. Country of production PL. Manufacturer Klokkerholm Karosseridele. " | POLAND | ***** | 122.66 | 804.0559868 | View Importer |
18/Apr/2017 | 8708299000 | "1.Detali ext. Kuzova- surface 21 sht.Art .: KH3527 315 Q / Wing / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH3527 316 Q / Wing / - 1 unit; Ref .: COV XF2 / 161 / plate / - 1 pcs, Art .: COV XXL / 93 / plate / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH0054 312 / wing / - 2 units, 386 Art .: KH0551 / wing part / - 1 unit; Ref .: KHR 55130T / overlay / - 2 pcs, Art .: 71103 KHR / Overlay / - 2 pcs, Art .: KHR A82032 / Overlay / - 1 unit; Ref .: KHR C10077 / Overlay / - 2 units; 1005 Ref .: KH0061 / doors of / - 1 pcs, Art .: KH0062 265 / bottom part / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH2911 200 / front panel / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH3477 200 / front panel / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH3477 992 / grill / - 1 pc, 9992 Ref .: KH9571 / grill / - 1 unit; Ref .: AGL 6277ASMHT / molding / - 1 unit; trademark KLOKKERHOLM. Country of P L. Manufacturer company Klokkerholm Karosseridele.. " | POLAND | ***** | 36.83 | 372.4648813 | View Importer |
18/Apr/2017 | 8708309998 | 1.Zapasni parts for cars, brake parts, brake mount cheeks (t-install brake cheeks), Art.: 4199 1002 00-10 sht.Montazhnyy set of brake pads (metal clip) Ref.: 1151 0013 00-1-t sht.k repair. Fist brake cheeks, art.: 3 434 3639 sht.Torhovelna 00-1 mark SAFVyrobnyk SAF-production HOLLANDKrayina PL. | POLAND | ***** | 6 | 91.91424247 | View Importer |
14/Apr/2017 | 8708299000 | "1.Detali ext. 103 sht.Art surface kuzova- .: KH2023 011 / thresholds / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH2023 012 / thresholds / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH2509 332 / Thresholds / - 1 unit; Art. : KH5050 011 / thresholds / - 2 pcs, Art .: KH5050 012 / thresholds / - 2 pcs, Art .: KH6820 592 / arch fenders / - 1 unit; Art .: KH9504 002 / thresholds / - 1 unit; Art .: KH9520 220 / front panel / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH9506 311 EC / wing / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH9506 312 EC / wing / - 1 unit; Ref .: 1U0821105T EC / wing / - 2 pcs, Art. : 1U0821106T EC / wing / - 2 units, 314 Art .: KH1617 / wing / - 1 unit; Art .: KH2562 220 / front panel / - 1 unit; Art .: KH5049 312 / wing / - 2 pcs, Art .: KH5507 312 EC / wing / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH0552 993 / grill / - 1 pc; 311 Ref .: KH2023 / wing / - 1 pc; 311 Ref .: KH5050 / wing / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH3526 312 / wing / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH3526 314 / Wing / - 1 pc; 311 Ref .: KH5050 / wing / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH5051 312 / wing / - 1 pc; 311 Ref .: KH6010 / Wing / - 1 pc; 311 Ref .: KH6010 / wing / - 1 unit; Ref .: COV XF0 / 240 / plate / - 1 unit; Ref .: COV XF0 / 320 / plate / - 1 pc; 00,047 Ref .: KH5507 / molding / - 1 unit; Ref .: K H0550 991 EC / plate / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH0551 994 / grill / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH2533 9984 / grill / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH9524 990 / grill / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH9705 Q520 / wing of / - 3 pieces; Ref .: KH9705 S245 / lower part / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH9725 J515 / wing part / - 8 pieces; Ref .: 3B4839016A / lateral part / - 1 pc; Ref .: 6U0905851B / lateral part / - 1 pc; Ref .: 1U0853677 / grill / - 4 pieces; Ref .: KH0006 1005 / doors of / - 2 units; Ref .: KH9524 029 OE / Star / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH9536 1004 / lateral part / - 1 pc; Ref .: KH9536 1005 / doors of / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH9562 1002 / doors of / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH1106 547 / of the wing / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH1106 548 / of the wing / - 1 unit; Ref .: KHR C10148 / plate / - 2 units; Ref .: KHR C10150 / plate / - 2 units; Ref .: 000000061 / wing part / - 1 unit; Ref .: 000000062 / wing part / - 1 unit; Ref .: 000000073 / wing part / - 1 unit; Ref .: 000000083 / wing part / - 2 units; Ref .: KH0014 265 / bottom part / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH0014 388 / of the wing / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH0031 265 / bottom part / - 2 units; Ref .: KH0537 387 / of the wing / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH2515 388 / of the wing / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH2533 545 / of the wing / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH2534 387 / wings of / - 3 pieces; Ref .: KH2534 388 / wings of / - 3 pieces; Ref .: KH3513 385 / of the wing / - 2 units; Ref .: KH5050 548 / of the wing / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH5063 388 / of the wing / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH6011 385 / of the wing / - 2 units; Ref .: KH6032 391 / of the wing / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH8116 391 / of the wing / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH9517 385 / of the wing / - 1 unit; Ref .: KH9523 387 / wings of / - 3 pieces; Ref .: KHR 57280Z / plate / - 1 unit; Ref .: KHR C10150 / plate / - 1 unit; Ref .: KHR C40723 / plate / - 1 unit; Ref .: KHR C60635 / plate / - 1 unit; Ref .: 1U0807368C / grill / - 1 unit; Ref .: 1U0853684 / grill / - 1 unit; Trademark KLOKKERHOLM. Country of PL. Manufacturer company Klokkerholm Karosseridele. " | POLAND | ***** | 126.5 | 831.00567 | View Importer |
12/Apr/2017 | 8715001000 | "1.Kolyasky children walking dlyanemovlyat winter-summer included zispalnoyu pipe, bag and basket dlyavantazhu, raincoats. Zbavovnyanoho inner lining material zsyntetychnoho foreign material. Ramametalevi frames and inserts of plastic, riznyhkoloriv disassembled: model" "Verdi Mirage" "sht.Vsoho -100 100 pieces packed in 100 cardboard korobky.Torhova mark:" "VERDI" ". Manufacturer: FHU" "EURO-MIX" "scIreneusz Garstka, Zbigniew Zaborowski, PL.." | POLAND | 100 | 2240 | 9111.550122 | View Importer |
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