Ukraine Import Data of Mic under HS Code 60

Check Ukraine import data of mic under HS code 60. Get import data of Ukraine for HS code 60

Date HS Code Product Description Origin Country Quantity Net Weight [KGS] Total Value [USD] Importer Name
28/Apr/2017 6006329090 1. Knitted fabric, Micro Fließ, 100% polyester, knitted fabric with double-sided nachisnym pile density of 135 +/- 10 g / m2, width 150 +/- 5 cm., Hladkopofarbovane color: olive 18-0426 TPX-6583.4kh.Torhivelna No brand brand SHAOXING JIAYAO KNITTING & GARMENTS CO., LTDKrayina production of CN. CHINA ***** 6583.4 24687.74986 View Importer
27/Apr/2017 603198090 "1. Cut flowers fresh from 01.11 to 31.05-cut other colors: Agapanthus / Agapanthusatlantic ocean- 60sht., Akvilehiya / Aquilegia: - 60sht., Aquilegia- 60sht., Aquilegia- 100 pieces.; Aquilegia blue lady- 80sht., Astilbe / Astilbe europa- 80sht., Bovardiya / Bouvardia en majestic hotpink- 50sht., Kampanula / Campanula medium champion lavender- 50sht., Konvalariya / Convallaria white- 100 pieces., Delphinium / Delphinium du mix- 60sht., Detsentra / Dicentra alba- 80sht. , Freesia / Freesia: du versailles- 200sht.; Freesia en mix- 100 pieces.; Fritilariya / Fritillaria: garland star- 20pcs.; Fritillaria green dreams- 24sht.; Fritillaria per ivory bells- 30sht., Gerbera / Gerbera: mix op rij - 50sht.; Germini mix op rij- 60sht., Heleborus / Helleborus: magnificent bells- 50sht.; Helleborus magnificent bells- 60sht., Hyacinth / Hyacinthus: delft blue- 100 pieces.; Hyacinthus fondant- 50sh t.; Hyacinthus purple star- 50sht., Hidranhiya / Hydrangea: green shadow- 10pc.; Hydrangea mag amethyst- 10pc.; Hydrangea mag crystal milka- 30sht.; Hydrangea mag emerald classic- 20pcs.; Hydrangea m ag opal- 10pc. ; Hydrangea marsepein- 10pc.; Hydrangea marsepein milka- 20pcs.; Hydrangea pastel light pink- 10pc.; Hydrangea rodeo purple- 10pc.; Hydrangea san tropez- 10pc.; Hydrangea schneeball- 40sht.; Hydrangea schneeball- 20pcs.; Hydrangea sibilla red- 10pc., Hydrangea verena- 10pc., Hydrangea verena- 20pcs.; Hydrangea verena blue- 20pcs., Ixia / Ixia spotlight- 100 pieces.; Latirus / Lathyrus: blue wedding- 100 pieces.; Lathyrus odor red- 100 pieces., Lathyrus winter elegance midblue- 200sht., Leukazemum / Leucanthemum vulgare- 60sht., eustoma / eustoma (Lisianthus): du alissa green- 40sht.; Lisianthus du echo champagne- 80sht.; Lisianthus du excalibur blue picotee- 100 pieces.; Lisianthus du reina champagne - 80sht.; Lisianthus du rosita white- 160sht.; Lis ianthus du rosita white- 160sht.; Lisianthus en cadence misty blue- 50sht., Matrikariya / Matrecaria victory enkel- 50sht., Matiola / Matthiola: aida white- 80sht.; Matthiola iron marine- 50sht.; Matthiola iron white- 100 pieces .; Matthiola jordyn light pink- 60sht.; Matthiola white- 100 pieces.; peony / Paeonia: alertie- 80sht.; Paeonia command performance- 120sht.; Paeonia coral charm- 50sht.; Paeonia coral sunset- 120sht., Paeonia gardenia- 80sht .; Paeonia monsieur jules elie- 160sht.; Paeonia red charm- 120sht.; Paeonia sarah bernhardt- 100 pieces.; Ranunkulusy / Ranunculus: aazur deep pink- 180sht.; Ranunculus aazur pink- 80sht.; Ranunculus aazur white- 150sht.; Ranunculus aazur white - 80sht.; Ranunculus elegance pink- 100 pieces.; Ranunculus elegance pink- 100 pieces.; Ranunculus hot pink- 60sht.; Ranunculus reinette mix- 120sht., Skimiya / Skimmia: kew green per bunch- 10pc.; Skimmia kew green per bunch- 10pcs.; Skimmia rubella per bunch- 10pc.; Skimmia rubella per bun ch- 5pcs.; Skimmia rubella per bunch- 1pc.; Skimmia rubella per bunch- 4pcs., Spereya / Spiraea grefsheim- 30sht., Sirinha / Syringa: madame florent stepman- 80sht.; Syringa michel buchner- 50sht., Trolis / Trollius orange globe- 100 pieces., Tulipa / Tulipa: du ice cream- 75sht.; Tulipa fra gudoshnik double- 40sht.; Tulp du columbus- 150sht.; Tulp du creme super- 100 pieces.; Tulp du double price- 150 " NETHERLANDS ***** 959.5 1467.857836 View Importer
24/Apr/2017 602907000 1.Chastyny ​​and accessories for automatic data processing machines, electronic modules, memory to a laptop MicroMemory 4GB DDR3 1066MHZ SO-DIMM SO-DIMM Modul, art.MMA1065 / 4096-2sht.Torhovelna mark MicroMemory, Country of DK, Brand-MicroMemory ,. NETHERLANDS ***** 521 384.5825238 View Importer
21/Apr/2017 603198090 "1. Cut flowers fresh from 01.11 to 31.05-Cut other flowers: Anthurium / Anthurium mix in box- 16sht., Akvilehiya / Aquilegia: - 60sht., Aquilegia- 60sht., Aquilegia- 60sht., Aquilegia- 60sht., Bovardiya / Bouvardia en majestic hotpink- 50sht., Hanomeles / Chaenomeles japonica- 30sht., Dicentra / Dicentra: alba- 80sht.; Dicentra spectabilis- 80sht., Freesia / Freesia: du riga- 100 pieces.; Freesia du riga- 100 pieces., Freesia du riga- 100 pieces.; Freesia du riga- 100 pieces.; Freesia du versailles- 100 pieces.; Freesia en mix- 100 pieces.; Freesia en mix- 100 pieces.; Fritilariya / Fritillaria: favorite- 12p.; Fritillaria lutea- 20pcs., Gerber / Gerber: Germini elite mix gemengd- 60sht.; Germini purple wonder- 60sht.; Germini suri- 60sht., helicons / Heliconia stricta tropical- 10pc., Heleborus / Helleborus: magnificent bells- 30sht.; Helleborus queens dark pink- 40sht .; Hippeastrum / Hippeastrum: ferrari- 12p.; Hippeastrum mont blanc- 12p., Hyacinth / Hyacinthus: china pink- 50sht.; Hyacinthus delft blue- 50sht.; Hyacinthus purple star- 50sht.; Hyacinthus top white- 50sht., Hidranh Exposure / Hydrangea: esmee purple - 10pc.; Hydrangea mag amethyst- 10pc.; Hydrangea marsepein milka- 10pc.; Hydrangea royal navy- 30sht.; Hydrangea royal navy- 10pc.; Hydrangea schneeball- 30sht.; Hydrangea schneeball- 20pcs.; Hydrangea sibilla red- 10pc. ; Hydrangea sibilla red- 20pcs., Hydrangea verena- 10pc., Hydrangea verena- 20pcs.; Hydrangea verena blue- 20pcs.; Hydrangea verena classic- 10pc., Latirus / Lathyrus: odor orange- 100 pieces.; Lathyrus winter sunshine lavender- 70sht .; Lathyrus winter sunshine mauve- 100 pieces.; Lathyrus winter sunshine pink- 140sht., eustoma / eustoma (Lisianthus): du alissa green- 40sht.; Lisianthus du corelli apricot- 120sht.; Lisianthus du excalibur blue picotee- 80sht., Lisianthus du rosita white- 200sht.; Lisianthus du rosita white- 10 t.; Lisianthus du rosita white- 120sht.; Lisianthus en cadence misty blue- 50sht.; Lisianthus en fioretti blue rim- 50sht., Matrikariya / Matrecaria single vegmo (camille) - 50sht., Matiola / Matthiola: aida apricot- 120sht. ; Matthiola debora- 60sht.; Matthiola figaro- 60sht.; Matthiola iron white- 50sht.; Matthiola lavendel- 30sht.; Matthiola white- 30sht., Nihela / Nigella damascena overig- 100 pieces.; peony / Paeonia: bowl of cream- 110sht .; Paeonia bowl of cream- 40sht.; Paeonia claire de lune- 200sht.; Paeonia coral charm- 50sht.; Paeonia festiva maxima- 100 pieces.; Paeonia mme claude tain- 90sht.; Paeonia monsieur jules elie- 80sht.; Paeonia red charm- 125sht., Papaver / Papaver somniferum seed pod- 50sht., Ranunkulusy / Ranunculus: aazur cream stripes- 120sht.; Ranunculus aazur pink- 50sht.; Ranunculus aazur white- 60sht.; Ranunculus elegance yellow- 120sht., Stsyla / Scilla blue- 100 pieces.; Sirinha / Syringa: - 20pcs., Syringa- 30sht., Syringa dark koster- 40sht.; Syringa madame florent stepman- 40sht.; Syringa michel buchner- 20pcs., Syringa romance- 40sht., Tulipa / Tulipa: du columbus- 300sht.; Tulipa en ad rem- 150sht.; Tulipa en antarctica- 700sht .; Tulipa en dynasty- 500sht.; Tulp du blue diamond- 300sht.; Tulp du columbus- 300sht.; Tulp du double price- 300sht.; Tulp du foxtrot- 400sht.; Tulp du ice cream- 50sht.; Tulp du orange p " NETHERLANDS ***** 956.2 1521.171082 View Importer
21/Apr/2017 602209000 "1. pot plants plodonosyaschi, zplodamy, decorative, room, vikomponad 2 years: Citrus / Citrofortunella: XMicrocarpa (NL) - 4pcs.; Citrofortunella X Microcarpa (NL) - 9sht.; Citrofortunella X Vulcan Lemo (NL) -2sht. ; Citrofortunella X Vulcan Lemo (NL) -18sht., Total - Net 33sht .; weight: 17kh, Country of origin: NL, Manufacturer: DE GOOIJER INTERNATIONAL BV; trade mark: no data. ". NETHERLANDS ***** 17 265.6079027 View Importer
20/Apr/2017 6002400000 "1.Bezvorsove vyhotovlenoiz elastomeric knitted fabric of synthetic fibers containing polyurethane yarn around 36% and not containing rubber yarns for hosiery production shkarpetochnoho: -8365 6,5 SCA 0015 1 narrow elastic fabric width 6,5mm- 80000 m Nylon 6- 73%, 27% elastane, stretch 190% + / - 10; dyed yarn is not ready to farbuvannya. 6,5-8365 SCA 0015 1 narrow elastic fabric width 6,5mm- 40,000 m 6-73% Nylon, 27% elastane , stretching 190% + / - 10; dyed yarn is not ready to farbuvannya.Vyrobnyk: MICHELE LETIZIA, Italiya.Torhivelna mark: MICHELE LETIZIA.. " ITALY ***** 161.8 2954.67233 View Importer
14/Apr/2017 603198090 1.Svizhi cut flowers suitable for bouquets assembly, from 1 November to 31travnya: -ALS ESTEE 080 cm -40sht.-Alstro granada 80 cm -60sht.-Anemone mona lisa blue 45 cm -50sht.-Anthurium carisma -10sht cm. -Astilbe europa 65 cm -30sht.-Chamelaucium ivory pearl 80 cm -50sht.-Eryngium orion questar 60 cm -40sht.-Euphorbia martinii 55 cm -40sht.-Freesia dbl Volante 54 cm -50sht.-Freesia du riga 50 cm - 100sht.-Freesia du versailles 70 cm -50sht.-Freesia dubb. Essence 54 cm -50sht.-Gerbera Black Box Exclusief G-45 cm 150sht.-Germini gem on row 45 cm -120sht.-Hippeastrum ferrari 75 cm -15sht.-Hyacinthus rainbow (mixbunch) 30 cm 50sht.-Hydrangea mag colourdre 60 cm -10sht.-Hydrangea mag crystal milka 20sht. 50 cm-40 cm Hydrangea schneeball -10sht.-Hypericum coco casino 50cm -100sht.-Hypericum coco diablo spray 70 cm 60sht.-Hypericum coco tango 60cm -100sht .-Hypericum coco uno 70 cm -10sht.-Hypericum Magical Lightning 70 cm 500sht.-Hypericum selva romance 60cm -100sht.-Hypericum True Romance spray 60 cm 50sht.-Hypericum true romance XXL 60 cm 100sht.-Hypericum true romance XXL 70 cm 100sht.-Limonium safora lilac 60cm -25sht.-Lisianthus dbl Arena Champagne 75 cm 40sht.-Lisianthus dbl Rosita Blue 75 cm 160sht.-Lisianthus dbl Rosita Blue 75 cm -40sht.-Lisianthus dbl Rosita Green 75 cm 20sht.-Lisianthus dbl Rosita Green 75 cm 40sht.-Lisianthus dbl Rosita White 75 cm 100 pieces. -Lisianthus du alissa blue 60cm -10sht.-Lisianthus du alissa pink 60 cm -10sht.-Lisianthus du alissa white 60cm -10sht.-Lisianthus du arena pink flash 75 cm 80sht.-Lisianthus du aube blue picotee 75 sm 100sht.-Lisianthus du aube pink picotee 75 cm 50sht.-Lisianthus en Carice Lavender 75 cm 10sht.-Lisianthus en Fioretti Lavender 75 cm 100sht.-Lisianthus pic White 75 cm -50sht.-Matthiola phantom violet 65 cm -30sht .-Nigella blue 70 cm -30sht.-Ozothamnus cooks snow white 60 cm 50sht.-Ozothamnus victoria pink 70 cm -100sht.-Paeonia festiva maxima 60 cm -10sht.-Paeonia sarah bernhardt 45 cm -20sht.-PROTEA BARB CANDIDA PROTEA BARB CANDIDA 050 cm -5sht.-PROTEA OV PER STUK Safari Groen 045 cm 5sht.-RAN AAZUR WHITE 045 cm -50sht.-Ranunculus clooney hanoi 44 cm -40sht.-Ranunculus elegance white 46 cm -50sht.-Senecio maritima 50 cm -30sht.-Senecio maritima 40 cm -80sht.-Solidago Golden Glory 80 cm -600sht.-Statice rainbow (mix bunch) -25sht. 75 cm-70 cm Syringa lavaliensis -20sht.-Syringa madame florent stepman 60 cm 10sht.-Syringa madame florent stepman 80 cm 10sht.-Syringa madame florent stepman 40sht. 90 cm-70 cm jade Trachelium -20sht.-Trachelium purple lake michigan 70 cm 50sht.-Trachelium white 80cm -200sht.-Trachelium white lake michigan 60 cm 40sht.-Tulipa en strong gold 42 cm -50sht.-Tulp du adore -100sht 36 cm. -Tulp du double princess 36 cm -100sht.-Tulp du miranda 44 cm -100sht.-Tulp du palmyra 44 cm -50sht.-Tulp du red princess 36 cm -50sht.-Tulp en candy prince 38 cm -50sht.-Tulp en dynasty 39 cm -150sht.-Tulp en rigel 38 cm -150sht.-Tulp en strong fire 40 cm -150sht.-Tulp en strong gold 42 cm -300sht.-Tulp en strong gold 41 cm -150sht.-Tulp fra gudoshnik 6 double NETHERLANDS ***** 380 370.8041432 View Importer
13/Apr/2017 603198090 "1. Cut flowers fresh from 01.11 to 31.05-Cut other flowers, astilbe / Astilbe europa- 100 pieces.; Bovardiya / Bouvardia en majestic hotpink- 50sht., Kampanula / Campanula medium mix inbucket- 60sht., Chinomelis / Chaenomeles: japonica- 30sht ., Chaenomeles japonica- 40sht., Freesia / Freesia du versailles- 100 pieces., Gerber / Gerber: Germini cafe- 60sht.; Germini mix op rij- 60sht., Hippeastrum / Hippeastrum: ferrari- 12p.; Hippeastrum mont blanc- 12p. , Hyacinth / Hyacinthus: blue passion- 50sht.; Hyacinthus delft blue- 50sht., Hidranhiya / Hydrangea: mag greenfire- 10pc., Hydrangea rodeo- 10pc., Hydrangea schneeball- 20pcs., Hydrangea verena- 10pc.; Hydrangea verena blue- 20pcs., Latirus / Lathyrus: odor red- 120sht.; Lathyrus winter sunshine lavender- 120sht.; Lathyrus winter sunshine pink- 120sht.; Lathyrus winter sunshine white- 240sht., Hiperikum / du alissa green- 50sht. ; Lisianthus du alissa white- 40sht.; Lisianthus du excalibur blue picotee- 80sht.; Lisianthus du odina- 50sht.; Lisianthus du reina champagne- 40sht.; Lisianthus du reina champa gne- 40sht.; Lisianthus du rosita white- 120sht .; Matrikariya / Matrecaria victory enkel- 50sht., Matiola / Matthiola: iron pink- 50sht.; Matthiola iron white- 50sht., peony / Paeonia: coral sunset- 40sht.; Paeonia dr alexander fleming- 90sht.; Paeonia red charm- 120sht. , Prunus / Prunus alba plena- 60sht., Ranunkulusy / Ranunculus: aazur deep pink- 100 pieces.; Ranunculus aazur pink- 80sht.; Ranunculus aazur white- 80sht.; Ranunculus aazur yellow- 60sht., Stsyla / Scilla overig- 250sht .; spirea / Spiraea grefsheim- 50sht., Strelitsyya / Strelitzia bloem- 8 pieces.; Sirinha / Syringa: andenken an ludwig spaeth- 30sht.; Syringa madame florent stepman- 40sht.; Syringa michel buchner- 20pcs., Tulipa / Tulipa: du- 150sht .; Tulp du angelique- 150sht.; Tulp du cassandra - 200sht.; Tulp du columbus- 150sht.; Tulp du columbus- 100 pieces.; Tulp du double price- 300sht.; Tulp du foxtrot- 250sht.; Tulp du menton unique- 40sht.; Tulp du orange princess- 200sht.; Tulp du pamplona- 150sht.; Tulp du world bowl- 300sht.; Tulp en dynasty- 200sht.; Tulp en furand- 100 pieces.; Tulp en laptop- 200sht.; Tulp en renegade- 200sht.; Tulp en royal virgin- 600sht .; Tulp en strong gold- 300sht.; Tulp fr cacharel- 300sht.; Tulp fr queensland- 120sht.; Tulp le white liberstar- 150sht.; Tulp pa rasta parrot- 200sht.; Tulp pa super parrot- 200sht., Zantedetsyya / Zantedeschia odessa - 40sht., Total - 7492sht .; Net weight: 421,4kh; Country of origin: NL; Manufacturer: OZ Export BV; trade mark: no data. " NETHERLANDS ***** 421.4 807.7111824 View Importer
13/Apr/2017 602904900 1.Dekoratyvni trees, shrubs and chaharnykyv hoschykah of torfohruntom or komomtorfohruntu for open ground: Maple / Acer palmatum h 60-100 cm - 4sht.Klen / Acer palmatum Koto-no-ito h 80-100sm - 1pc. Maple / Acer platanoides Globosumh 20-25 cm - 2 pcs. Maple / Acer platanoidesGlobosum P40 / 60 h 100-150 cm - 3sht.Klen / Acer rubrum Red Sunset h 140-160 sm 2 pcs. Maple / Acer rubrum Scanlon C50 h180-200 cm - 2 pcs. Birch / Betula utilisDoorenbos h 180-200 cm - 3pc. Birch / Betula utilis Dorenboos h 300-350 cm - 1sht.Hrab / Carpinus betulus h 150-200 cm - 30sht. Maple / Acer betulus h 40-50 cm - 1sht.Deren / Cornus mas C45 h 175-200 cm - 5pcs. Juniper / Juniperus pfitzeriana Gold StarC10 h 40-60 cm - 50sht. Juniper / Juniperus pfitzeriana Pfitzeriana Aurea C10 h60-80 cm - 50sht. Juniper / Juniperus squamata Blue Carpet C3 h 30-40 cm - 50sht.Kerriya / Kerria japonica Pleniflora C2 h 30-50 cm - 5pcs. Ledum / Ledum groenlandicumHelma C3 h 30-50 cm - 30sht. Litsium / Lycium barbarum C2 h 30-50 cm - 22sht.Likvidambar / Liqudambar styraciflua wlp h 4 00-500 cm - 1 pc. Magnolia / Magnolialoebneri Wildcat C20 h 80-100 cm - 2 pcs. Magnolia / Magnolia mix h 200-250 cm -2sht. Magnolia / Magnolia Susan C30 h 175-200 cm - 2 pcs. Metasekvoya / Metasequoiaglyptostroboides h 350-400 cm - 1 pc. Microbiota / Microbiota decussata JacobsenC7,5 h 40-60 cm - 1 pc. Spruce / Picea pungens Edith h 120-140 cm - 10sht.Yalyna / Picea pungens Edith C60 h 140-160 cm - 1 pc. Spruce / Picea pungens Edith h175-200 cm - 5pcs. Spruce / Picea pungens Koster h 100-120 cm - 18sht. Spruce / Piceapungens Koster h 140-160 cm - 3pc. Pine / Pinus sylvestris Watereri. h 100-125 sm 1am. Prunus / Prunus cerasifera C5 h 60-80 cm - 8 pieces. Prunus / Prunus cerasiferaCrimson Point C60 h 250-300 cm - 5pcs. Prunus / Prunus cerasifera Crimson PointC7,5 h 60-80 sm 20pcs. Prunus / Prunus cerasifera Crimson Point P 300-400 h 50 cm - 2sht.Prunus / Prunus cerasifera Nigra h 140-160 cm - 4 pieces. Prunus / Prunus eminensUmbraculifera C60 h 200-250 cm - 2 pcs. Prunus / Prunus Leonard Messel h 350-400 sm 1am. Prunus / Prunus padus Nana h 180-200 cm - 3pc. Prunus / Prunus subhirtellaAutumnalis Rosea C35 h 250-300 cm - 2 pcs. Prunus / Prunus subhirtella Pendula RubraC150 h 200-250 cm - 1 pc. Prunus / Prunus subhirtella Pendula Rubra C150 h 200-250sm - 1pc. Prunus / Prunus triloba h 200-250 cm - 2 pcs. Prunus / Prunus virginianaCanada Red h 160-180 cm - 4 pieces. Oak / Quercus rubra h 200-250 cm - 2sht.Horobyna / Sorbus Dodong C51 h 100-120 cm - 4 pieces. Rowan / Sorbus Dodong C31 h80-100 cm - 2 pcs. Rowan / Sorbus wardii White Swan C10 h 100-120 cm - 3sht.Buzok / Syringa Miss Kim C5 h 60-80 cm - 20pcs. Lilac / Syringa reticulata C5 h 60-80sm - 10pc. Lilac / Syringa vulgaris Krasawica Moskwy C5 h 60-80 cm - 8sht.Buzok / Syringa vulgaris Mm Lemoine C10 h 80-100 cm - 10pc. Thuja / Thuja occidentalish 300 cm - 5pcs. Thuja / Thuja occidentalis C3 h 40-50 cm - 109sht. Thuja / Thujaoccidentalis Mirjam C7,5 h 30-40 cm - 20pcs. Thuja / Thuja occidentalis Smaragd C10 h100-140 cm - 153sht. Lime / Tilia cordata Greenspire h 180-200 cm - 4 pieces. Lime / Tiliatomentosa Brabant h 30-35 cm - 2 pcs. Valdshteyniya / Walds POLAND ***** 16292 3534.455754 View Importer
11/Apr/2017 602400000 1. grafted roses alive for open soil in pots: -ROSE CROWN PRINCESS MARGARETA (R) CLT 5RAMPICANTE / TROYANDA CROWN Princes Margaret (R) TSLT 5 RAMPIKANTE height 80cm - 3pc., - ROSE GOLDEN CELEBRATION (R) CLT 5 RAMPICANTE / GOLDEN TROYANDA Celebration (R) TSLT 5 RAMPIKANTE height 80cm - 3pc., - ROSE THE PILGRIM (R) CLT 5 CESP. / Roses Pilgrim (R) TSLT 5 TSESP., Height 80cm - 3pc., - ROSE NOVALIS (R) CLT CESP./TROYANDA 6 Novalis (R) TSLT 6 TSESP., Height 80cm - 5pcs., - ROSE ANDRE LE NOTRE ( R) CLT 5 RAMPICANTE / TROYANDA Andre le Notre (R) TSLT 5 RAMPIKANTE height 80cm - 3pc., - ROSE ANDRE LE NOTRE (R) CLT 6 CESP. / Roses Andre le Notre (R) TSLT 6 TSESP., Height 80cm - 5pcs., - ROSE ALAIN SOUCHON (R) CLT Sushon 6 CESP./TROYANDA Allen (R) TSLT 6 TSESP., Height 80cm - 5pcs., - ROSE BOTERO (R) CLT CESP./TROYANDA 6 Botero (R) TSLT 6 TSESP., height 80cm - 10pc., - ROSE BOTERO (R) CLT 12 1/2 FUSTO / TROYANDA Botero (R) TSLT 12 1/2 Fuste height 80cm - 10pc., - ROSE JULIO IGLESIAS (R) CLT CESP./TROYANDA 6 Julio Iglesias (R) TSLT 6 TSESP., height 80cm - 5pcs., - ROSE LAETITIA CASTA (R) CLT fly Castell 6 CESP./TROYANDA (R) TSLT 6 TSESP., height 80cm - 5pcs., - ROSE MICHELANGELO (R) CLT 12 1/2 FUSTO / TROYANDA Michelangelo (R) TSLT 12 1/2 Fuste, height 80cm - 5pcs., - ROSE NEGRESCO (R ) CLT 5 CESP./TROYANDA Negresco (R) TSLT 5 TSESP., height 80cm - 3pc., - ROSE NICOLAS HULOT (R) 6 CLT CESP./TROYANDA Nicolas HULOT (R) TSLT 6 TSESP., Height 80cm - 5pcs., - ROSE POULMAN ORIENT EXPRESS (R) CLT 12 1/2 FUSTO / TROYANDA Polman Orient Express (R) TSLT 12 1/2 Fuste height 80cm - 5pcs., - ROSE AUGUSTA LUISE (R) CLT CESP./TROYANDA 6 Augusta Louise (P) TSLT 6 TSESP., height 80cm - 5pcs., - ROSE AUGUSTA LUISE (R) CLT 12 1/2 FUSTO / TROYANDA Luiz Augusto (R) TSLT Jan. 12 / 2FUSTO height 80cm - 5pcs., - ROSE CHINA GIRL (R) CLT CESP./TROYANDA 6 Tea Gerlach (R) TSLT 6 TSESP., height 80cm - 5pcs., - ROSE CHIPPENDALE (R) CLT 12 1/2 FUSTO / TROYANDA CHIPENDEYL (R) TSLT 12 1/2 Fuste, height 80cm - 5pcs., - ROSE ASTRID GRAFIN VON HARDENBERG (R) CLT Decanter 6 CESP./TROYANDA Astrid von Hardenberg (R) TSLT 6 TSESP., height 80cm - 5pcs., - ROSE HEIDI KLUM ROS E (R) CLT CESP./TROYANDA 6 Heidi Klum Rose (R) TSLT 6 TSESP., Height 80cm - 5pcs., - ROSE MARIA THERESIA (R) CLT 12 1/2 FUSTO / TROYANDA Maria Teresa (R) TSLT January 12 / 2 Fuste, height 80cm - 5pcs., - ROSE SCENTIMENTAL CLT 12 1/2 FUSTO / TROYANDA SKENTIMENTAL TSLT 12 1/2 Fuste, height 80cm - 5pcs., - ROSE DOUBLE DELIGHT CLT CESP./TROYANDA 6 DOUBLE Delight TSLT 6 TSESP ., height 80cm - 5pcs., Total: 120sht.Vyrobnyk - SOCIETA AGRICOLA GIORGIO TESI VIVAI SSTorhivelna mark - GIORGIO TESI VIVAIKrayina production - ITPakuvannya: without packaging. ITALY 120 1240 1365.090818 View Importer
11/Apr/2017 602904900 1. Ornamental plants, not intended for forestry, for open ground, with soil over the age of 2 years, ukoreneni in plastm.horschykah: -ACER PALMATUM DISS. EVER REED (NIGRUM) CLT 1000 1/2 FUSTO №1 / MAPLE PALMATUM Diss. Avery Reed (NYHRUM) TSLT 1000 1/2 Fuste №1, height 1000sm - 1pc., - BUXUS MICROPHYLLA FAULKNER CLT 15 30/40 1/4 FUSTO / BUKSUS MIKROFILLA FOULKNER TSLT 15 30/40 1/4 Fuste, height 40cm - 10pc., - BUXUS MICROPHYLLA FAULKNER CLT 30 60-70 PALLA EXTRA / BUKSUS MIKROFILLA FOULKNER TSLT 30 60-70 EXTRA Palli, height 70cm - 5pcs., - CEDRUS ATLANTICA CLT 125/150 / CEDAR Atlantic TSLT 125/150, height 150cm - 2 pcs., - CEDRUS ATLANTICA GLAUCA CLT 125/150 20 / CEDAR Atlantic glaucoma TSLT 20 125/150, height 150cm - 5pcs., - CEDRUS ATLANTICA GLAUCA ZR 50/60 / CEDAR Atlantic glaucoma CL 50/60, height 60cm - 3pc. , -CEDRUS DEODARA CLT 125/150 30/30 CEDAR DEODARA TSLT 125/150, height 150cm - 3pc., - CEDRUS DEODARA GOLDEN HORIZON CLT EXTRA 18 / CEDAR DEODARA GOLDEN HERAYZON TSLT 18 extra, height 125cm OTA - 3pc., - CEDRUS DEODARA PENDULA CLT 125/150 / CEDAR DEODARA PENDULA TSLT 125/150, height 150cm - 5pcs., - CEDRUS DEODARA FEELING BLUE CLT 20-25 ALTO FUSTO / CEDAR DEODARA FILIN Blue TSLT 20-25 Alto Fuste, height 150cm - 3pc., - CORNUS CONTROVERSA VARIEGATA CLT 60/80 EXTRA / KORNUS KONTROVERSA VARIEHATA TSLT EXTRA 60/80, height 80cm - 1pc., - CRATAEGUS OX.PAUL'S SCARLET CLT 300+ CESP./ KRATAEHUS ACS. POL'S Scarlet TSLT 300+ TSESP., Height 300sm - 1pc., - CUPRESSOCYPARIS LEYL.CW GOLD CLT 35160 / 40-50 3/4 FUSTO PALLA / KUPRESSOTSYPARIS LEYL.TS.V.HOLD TSLT 35160 / 40-50 3 / 4FUSTO Palli, height 160cm - 1pc., - CUPRESSUS ARIZONICA FASTIGIATA CLT 160/180 bONSAI / KUPRESSUS ARIZONIKA FASTIHIATA TSLT 160/180 bonsai, height 180cm - 4pcs., - CUPRESSUS ARIZONICA FASTIGIATA CLT bONSAI 70 / KUPRESSUS ARIZONIKA FASTIHIATA TSLT 70 bonsai height 70 cm - 2 pcs., - HYDRANGEA RENATE STEIGHER CLT 45 / HIDRANHEA Renate SHTAYER TSLT 45, height 100cm - 5pcs., - HYDRANGEA PANICULATA VANILLE FRAISE CLT 18 70 / HIDRANHEA PANIKULATA vanilla Frays TSLT 18 70 / height 90cm - 3pc., -HYDRANGEA QUERCIFOLIA CLT 45 / HIDRANHEA KERTSIFOLIA TSLT 45, height 90cm - 3pc., - HY DRANGEA MOULIER CLT 45 / HIDRANHEA MULIER TSLT 45, height 90cm - 8 pieces., - HYDRANGEA ROSITA CLT 45 / HIDRANHEA Rosita TSLT 45, height 90cm - 5pcs., - HYDRANGEA STEINEGHER CLT 120 / HIDRANHEA SHTAYNEHER TSLT 120, height 120 cm - 2 pcs., -MAGNOLIA OBOVATA PURPUREA (LILIFLORA NIGRA) CLT 150/175 / MAGNOLIA OBOVATA PURPUREA (LILIFLORA Nigra) TSLT 150/175, height 175cm - 2 pcs., - NERIUM OLEANDER (PESCO DOPPIO) CLT 125/150 CESP. EXTRA / NERIUM oleander (PESKO DOPPIO) TSLT TSESP.EKSTRA 125/150, height 150cm -2sht., - NERIUM OLEANDER (ROSA) CLT 125/150 CESP. EXTRA / NERIUM oleander (rose) TSLT TSESP.EKSTRA 125/150, height 150cm - 1pc., - NERIUM OLEANDER (BIANCO DOPPIO) CLT 125/150 CESP. EXTRA / NERIUM oleander (BIANCO DOPPIO) TSLT TSESP.EKSTRA 125/150, height 150cm - 1pc., - OLEA EUROPAEA CLT 90 20-25 1/2 FUSTO PALLA / / OLEA YEUROPAYA TSLT 90 20-25 1/2 Fuste Palli, height 90cm - 2 ITALY ***** 10760 11910.82796 View Importer
09/Apr/2017 602904500 1. Ornamental plants for open ground young, except cacti live without yistivnyyi fruit, Latin / Ukrainian name length in cm: PLANT MIX X 24 / MIC-young plants 17cm-63sht, PLANT MIX X 24 (LISIANTHUS) / MIC Young plants, 11cm-180000sht, 180063sht.Chysta Total weight is 989,68kh Country of manufacturer NL no data. NETHERLANDS ***** 1302.21 391.751376 View Importer
08/Apr/2017 602904900 "1.Dekoratyvni trees, bushes, shrubs f I open ground, roots exposed in sacking or planted in n / f pots and assortment: Buxus micr.'Faulkner '/ um Samsh small-leaved .'Faulkner' 30-35 ball - 35 pcs. ; Buxus micr.'Faulkner '/ Boxwood Dr ibnolystyy .'Faulkner' 40-45 -24sht ball.; Abies normandiana / 80-100 Yalytsyanormandiana com -20sht .; Chamaecyparis l.'Ivon ne '/ Chamaecyparis' Ivonne'80-100 pompon-20pcs .; Chamaecyparis n.'Pendula '/ bale rysovyk' Pendula '125-150 -10sht com.; Ch amaecyparis o.'Nana Grasilis' / Cypress browsing 'Nana Grasilis' 30-40 compa 25sht .; Pi cea pungens'Hopsi '/ Spruce kol.'Hopsi' 10 0-125 -30sht com .; Pinus mugo'pumilio '/ Pine mountain' pumilio 'S7,5, 30-40 -10 0sht .; Pinus mugo' Mops' / Pine mountain 'Mops' 4 0-50 -10sht com .; Pinus mugo 'Win ter Gold' / Pine hirska'Winter Gold '40-50 -10sht com .; Pinus strobus / Pine ve ymutova shtamb -5sht.; Pinus strobus / Pine Weymouth shtamb -15sht. ; Pinus strobus 'P endula' / Sosnaveymutova 'Pendula' 125- 150 -8sht com .; Pinus sylvestris / Pine zvychayna125-150 com -30sht .; Taxus bacca ta / 100-125 yew com -8sht .; Taxu sbaccata / yew bonsai -3sht .; Ta xus b.'David '/ yew' David '125-150 -20sht com .; Thuja occ. 'Smaragd' / QC zah.'Smaragd T 'shtamb -50sht .; Thujaocc. 'Smaragd' / Thuja zah.'Smaragd 'pot 9 -2 000sht .; Thuja or. 'Aurea Nana' / Thuja bottom shi 'Aurea Nana' 30-40 -230sht com .; Thuj a plicata '4ever Goldy' / Tuyaskladchata '4ever Goldy' 150+ -50sht com. " NETHERLANDS ***** 19500 10126.56711 View Importer
08/Apr/2017 603110090 1.Svizhi cut flowers suitable for bouquets assembly, from 1 November to 31travnya: -R Gr Ace Pink + / 60 cm rose -80sht.-R Gr Altavista / rose 60 cm -1440sht.-R Gr Athena / rose 80 cm -80sht .-R Gr Athena / A1 / 50 cm rose -1310sht.-R Gr Avalanche Peach / rose 40 cm 60sht.-R Gr Avalanche Pink + / rose 40 cm 50sht.-R Gr Avalanche + / 70 cm rose -80sht.- R Gr Avalanche + / 50 cm rose -100sht.-R Gr Avalanche + A2 / rose 60 cm 440sht.-R Gr Cherry-o! / rose 60cm -40sht.-R Gr Cherry-o! / -260sht rose 70 cm. -R Gr Explorer / rose 80 cm -60sht.-R GR EXPLORER / rose 60 cm -1940sht.-R Gr High & Magic / rose 80 cm -40sht.-R Gr High & Or Magic / rose 60 cm 60sht.- R Gr I2i / rose 80 cm -50sht.-R Gr I2i / rose 80 cm -10sht.-R Gr Jumilia A2 / rose 60 cm - 80sht.-R Gr Jumilia A2 / rose 60 cm -120sht.-R Gr Jumilia A2 / rose 60 cm -80sht.-R Gr Lady Margaret / rose 60 cm -60sht.-R Gr Madam Red / Rose 60 cm -40sht. -R Gr Madam Red / rose 80 cm -1250sht.-R Gr Mag Avalanche + / rose 60 cm 60sht.-R Gr Magadi + / 60 cm rose -20sht.-R Gr Nicoletta / rose 70 cm -40sht.-R Gr Red Naomi! / rose 80cm -80sht.-R Gr Red Naomi! / rose 60cm -60sht.-R Gr Red Naomi! / rose 40 cm -40sht.-R Gr Red Torch / rose 60 cm -100sht.-R Gr Red Torch / rose 60 cm -100sht.-R Gr Senorita / rose 50 cm -40sht.-R Gr Wedding Rose / Rose 50 cm -20sht.-R Kl Gem In Fust / rose 50 cm -60sht.-R Tr 4 Good Peach + / 80 cm rose -10sht.-R Tr 4 Good Peach + / 60 cm rose -30sht.-R Tr 4 Good Peach + / 60 cm rose -30sht.-R Tr Fire Flash / rose 60 cm -60sht.-R Tr Fire Flash / t oyanda 80 cm -20sht.-R Tr Fire Flash / rose 60 cm -60sht.-R Tr Fire Flash / rose 80 cm -20sht.-R Tr Gem In Fust / rose 50 cm -80sht.-R Tr Gem In Fust / rose 50 cm -40sht.-R Tr Gem In Fust / rose 80 cm -60sht.-R Tr Gem In Fust / rose 40 cm -60sht.-R Tr Mic Mac / rose 80 cm -30sht.-R Tr Mirabel / rose 40 cm -20sht.-R Tr Odilia / rose 80 cm -20sht.-R Tr Odilia / rose 80 cm -40sht.-R Tr Reflex / rose 60 cm -30sht.-R Tr Rubicon / rose 80 cm -10sht.- Rose bh Akito 5/60 cm -1020sht. Rose-Rose bh Athena 6/90 cm -660sht. Rose-Rose bh Capp / 30 cm -150sht. Rose-Rose bh Explorer 1/45 cm -50sht. Rose-Rose bh Explorer 9/80 cm rose 150sht.-Rose bh Free Spi / 75 cm -140sht. Rose-Rose bh Freedom 7/80 cm -250sht. Rose-Rose bh Lovely Ju / 80 cm -620sht. Rose-Rose bh Mem / rose 70 cm -200sht.-Rose bh Memory / 80cm -20sht. Rose-Rose bh Prima D / 50 cm -10sht. Rose-Rose mix / 40-120 cm -31145sht. Rose-Rose spray A / rose 70 cm - 200sht.-Rose spray A / rose 50 cm -200sht.-Roses spray Bombastic / rose 50 cm 30sht.-Roses spray Lenne / rose 50 cm -50sht.-Roses spray Lydia / rose 50 cm -50sht.-Roses spray Mirabel / 60 cm rose 40sht.-Roses spray Misty Bubbles / rose 50 cm 30sht.-Roses spray Piano Freiland / rose 50 cm -20sht.-Roses spray Snowflake / rose 50 cm 20sht. Ascot-Roses / rose 50 cm - 20sht.-Roses Ascot / rose 50 cm -20sht.-Roses Avalanche / rose 60 cm -20sht.-Roses Cappuccino / rose 50 cm -20sht.-Roses Cappuccino / rose 50 cm -20sht.-Roses Dancing Clouds / rose 70 cm ECUADOR 44685 3063 2585.171854 View Importer
07/Apr/2017 602209000 "1. pot plants plodonosyaschi, zplodamy, decorative, room, vikomponad 2 years: Citrus / Citrofortunella: XMicrocarpa (PT) - 18sht.; Citrofortunella X Microcarpa (PT) - 6 pcs.; Citrofortunella X Vulcan Lemo (PT) - 9sht. Total - 33sht .; Net weight: 17,6kh, Country of origin: PT; Producer: DE GOOIJER INTERNATIONAL BV; trade mark: no data. ". PORTUGAL ***** 17.6 201.9167592 View Importer

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